Why do capeshit fans pretend like this isn't the actually relevant ranking?

Why do capeshit fans pretend like this isn't the actually relevant ranking?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26 List of highest-grossing films - Wikipedia.png (455x372, 19K)

>anything about your post
pick one

Imagine actually caring about this shit. Kill yourself.

Pretty much everybody outside Yea Forums consider the non-adjusted for inflation ranking the more relevant one.. But both ranking have their flaws...
Like for Gone with the Wind; it was in theater for four years with way less entertainment alternative.

You'll always be #2, Avatard.

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and you'll always be #5 mcuck

Eh. If you want blockbuster type of movies contained all within themselves, you are better off watching Cecille B. DeMille films.

Both of you are faggots

Feige will never be number one at the only thing that matters

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because they're like children that cover their ears and scream so they don't hear anything but their own autism

What the fuck is an Avatar? I don't remember that movie at all

>capeshit coping mechanism

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>no accounting for foreign conversion

This is all so tiresome.

Look at that goalpost go. Hoo-wee.

when the other movies were released people didn't have internet, phones and thousands of movies a click away
avengers still takes the place and I'm no capeshit fan

Can anyone answer this?
Can anyone supply a memorable quote or character from this supposed movie?

Avatar will always be #1, cope all you want, zoomer

I don't get a cut, so I couldn't care less how much they make.


Doesn't that make more sense in reverse? The older movies became giants through sheer word of mouth and limited advertising, but Avengers has been plastered on every corner of the Earth and the internet for like the past 5 years.

God I fucking hate capeshit.

no, they had one channel on TVs back then, people went to cinema every week
it was easier to make cash cause there were no alternative

better be #5 and #1 than #2 and #2 lmao

>Can anyone supply a memorable quote or character from this supposed movie
Nope. LOL


same can be said about marvel
movies became so forgetable after 2003

>same can be said about marvel
Nice level of delusion

Also cinema tickets were as cheap as fuck, and these older films still made more money than marvel shite. I mean if we have hyperinflation in the next decade (likely) then even some bargain basement crap could earn more money than endgame in an hour. This is why we use inflation adjusted , because without it it’s like comparing apples and oranges

>Op ignores the fact that Gone With the Wind was in theatres for 4 years in a time where there was fuck all else to watch.