I vant to suck your blood
Other urls found in this thread:
if you want to suck, you’ll have to go to Chuck’s
formerly seed your blood
based bleh poster
Dont mind me, making this thread more Yea Forums related.
i thought someone bought chucks out
>my 2 favourite vampire movies not the list
Officially triggered
rec me them nigga
>no Blacula
So how many of these are actually good, how many are 'so bad it's good' and how many are just there to fill up space dispite being neither?
I said DONT mind me
>"I want to suck your blood"
>not "i vant to suck your blood"
i want to sneed your feed
Ah. Ah. Ah...
Make me not mind you, Vlad.
>no Dusk Till Dawn
would huff a cute vampire girls smelly feet that haven't been washed in centuries.
Could pic related play a good modern vampire?
Favorite variation in years
please post more spooky pepes
I'm range banned from pressing images
Lick it before you stick it.
vampire's kiss?
>Dont mind me, making this thread more Yea Forums related.
I just finished "Let the Right One In" last night
>It was slow but it was my friend's favorite film and I wanted to come off as respectful but glad I continued on.
>I liked the harsh blue flourescent lighting and pure white snow getting splashed with blood. Pottery. Pure Kino.
>Loved Eli bleeding everywhere and finding out what happens if a vamp doesn't get invited in.
>WTF was the point of showing Eli's vag? Is that why tv likes this?
>Why did the movie move onto Oskar getting ignored by his gay dad instead of continuing on with finding out she's a vampire and Virginia's transformation? Thst seemed pointless.
>How is the American remake?
But anyway. The ending was the tits.
Ayo my man, dracula. Come drink a fifth with ya homies before you sneak off to your wood box, yaheard?
Are vampires immune to STDs?
Eli doesn't have a vagina. That was where his penis once was. The book goes into Eli's past a lot more and castration was part of it.
It's there.
based and vamppilled
the steel reserve guy doesn't talk like that. he talks in plain english about kid pix and arizona
here, just take my soul instead