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Shit, now I actually wanna see it

But he literally made a movie based upon a what if story of Tate NOT being killed by the Manson family...

Is anyone still reading these articles? How can these publications possibly be profitable?

Willing to bet there is no mention of the Kill Bill series or the bride in this article, is there?

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Idiots like OP are constantly baited into clicking and sharing.


He didn't even provide a link. No one is gonna go read that shit.

The shitty clickbait titles obviously draw enough to keep them afloat

Tarantino's movies are shitty towards everybody in them they're brutal. Im positive there are more scenes of torture and murder of men than women in his filmography


Always find it funny how these type of articles are mostly written by men. What a bunch of whiteknighting cucks

I read it. Tldr they didn't get the movie and thought it was all about Tate also remember why Uma said about him

remember when white people used to use the english language?


Could you please stop posting clickbait articles? I want to not be angry for at least 24h

>nobody ever goes "huh, wonder if it's real" or "huh, wonder what their argument is for that" and looks it up

Okay that settles it, I'm going to go see it, because there's probably something else going on/ being said in the movie that limp-dicked lefty critics don't want people to see.

I think its time to hunt down those people who write these articles, i am tired of having all the fun removed from everything and all the problems in the world boiled down to racism/mysoginy/bigotry, its time for them to die and stay die.

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it's almost like the movie is from a different time

Why are these faggots always premature bald?

Sharon Tate had no reason to be in this movie. QT actually threw women a bone by including her at all

T.Straight White Privilege


sounds like my kind of movie

Um sweetie the bride was also brutally brutalized and sexually abused

those people will go extinct one way or another. Either they provoke some kind of neofascism or they import so many Somalis and Hondurans that they are overwhelmed in their faggotry by sheer barbarians. They don't even have children, there is no winning scenario for them.

that doesn’t even sound interesting. Any woman that isn’t killed turns into a whore and then gets fat

>The Left: the past was misogynistic and racist

These people are truly braindead, holy shit

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Lol no, the majority of people in America are crazy liberals. The average person you meet on the street is more likely to be an sjw than some sort of moderate or conservative

> written by a man
> shittiness

>We want socialism
>Borders are racist
Kind of why I’m sad they can vote.

>alot of men get brutally killed and humiliated
wow tarantino is so gooood
>some women get brutally killed
this is sexism

Remember that scene in Pulp Fiction where a large black man gets forcibly fucked in the ass? Me either because shittiness toward men isn't effective clickbait.

There isnt its just classic Tarantino which is naturally not PC. You’re a brainlet if you couldn’t figure that out by now.

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Leave your house a bit and stop getting your information about people from twitter screen caps. You might just find out this is completely untrue.

>twitter screencaps
These are pretty representative of the general population. Pretty much every single person has twitter or a form of social media these days. Plus liberal viewpoints are the most popular on Twitter no matter how extreme(always get the most retweets and likes)

Honestly no, the crazy sjw left is a very small and insignificant size of the population they’re just very loud and organized. If this was the the pre social media era you would never hear about them. Even on college campuses, most students don’t give a shit it’s only a small loud minority.

Doesn't matter dude, they are being overwhelmed by immigrants who don't a single shit about social justice except insofar as their race benefits from it. America will turn into Brazil.

You're also forgetting about the people who don't live in cities, millions of white republican men armed and unhappy, who make up the majority of the army and police force.

I seriously doubt the progs see out the century, one way or another.

Based. I'm actually going to go see it now. Just gotta figure out how to get past security as there will no doubt be a no singles policy.

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Twitter censors right wing people so it seems like everyone is left wing, but they're really not. About half of voting Americans are right wing, and the really far right fringe are so censored you can't see their speech anywhere except fringe sites, because all the tech companies won't allow them to exist on their platforms.

The amount of discontent boiling in the country is literally portending civil war. But even if the Left wins the civil war, they just want to bring in 100 million immigrants who dont give a fuck about social justice, so they're completely fucked either way.

Hang this brown press on meathooks above boulevards.

Will you faggots shut the fuck up and go to /pol/. You sound like a bunch of 16 year old doomer pussies. Fuck off. None of this shit exists in my city unless you go and look for it and nobody fucking cares anymore. You need to neck yourself if youre still on this trite discussion after 2016.

NGOs pay for all this shit, jsyk. Ads don't pay anything. And guess who funds the NGOs. There you go. "Shalom."

Link to this? I can't find the original article.

Why are you using this abbreviation? It makes your text incredibly ugly.

Why do you even care about what people are angry about? Move on.

Someone link the fucking article.

>No link to original article

Fake and gay. You dickwads will fall for anything.

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People like OP click on them. It's outrage click bait.

>No article link

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clickbait "article" writers will often make typos or misspell words and not even bother to proof read before submitting it because they know nobody is going to read it anyway

If you’ve actually seen the movie you realize that this headline is even stupider than it sounds

What city do you live in? This stuff is not distributed equally.

If you lived in Compton or Detroit you'd have a pretty different opinion, in your actual heart, even if you deny it consciously. If you live in a heavily white place, where the only minorities are upper class exceptions, you are kind of just lying to yourself.

The final act has to be what they're mostly referring to.

Pretty tasteless considering even a good ending "What if" doesn't change that a pregnant woman in real life got brutalized and killed by those drugged out waste of life.

Has that pedo kike Polanski commented on the movie yet?

Do they get revenue without advertisement? I only ever turn ad-block off for sites I really like and just delete script that tells me to turn off adblock

The fuck is wrong with you even in LEAFLAND isn't like that and we're more liberal than your whole country. Get outside and talk to people, holy fuck.

>its time for them to die and stay die
gave me a hearty kek

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Then move the fuck out of Detroit or Compton. Nothing wrong with self-segregation. Either way that wasn’t my main point. My main point is that I am SICK to death of seeing pseudointellectuals give their political analysis and predictions for the future when theyre always completely unoriginal and we have all heard them time after time again since 2014. Its just all so tiresome. At least leave it on the containment board. I still dont give about these issues, it doesnt affect my life and never will because I’m not stupid enough to insert myself in some shithole. I refuse to care anymore about some jewish MSM theatre and race baiting. If you fucking ignore SJW bullshit it will go away. Do you not think that they become more crazy and arrogant when you get riled up about what they say and give them the satisfaction?

I think tarantino stopped caring long time ago

hateful eight got hate too. people were saying how the character of daisy getting beaten up by men is "sexist". virtually every his movie gets some kind of controversy.

Do you not understand that every city will become Detroit or LA if present immigration trends continue? Wherever you live will eventually end up like that too.

... Is that not the fucking point that user was making?

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Of course, I’m completely against it and I’m a “minority” myself but I also have a life that doesn’t revolve around thinking about these things everyday because they hardly exist outside the internet. I plan to live rurally once I settle down anyway. Believe me, illegal immigrants and degenerates are too stupid and soulless to live outside the mental illness centers. I currently feel more comfortable where I live than being in a city with lots of blacks. I dislike immigrants because of economic reasons or weird cultures but I don’t perceive them as a criminal threat like niggers.

I loved it. It's almost magical in its goofiness. It feels veey retro and is surprisingly tame. The ending of the movie is the only part with violence, and the movie really owns the silliness of its concept. It's very non-Tarantino which makes it uniquely enjoyable.

i bet men injured and killed greatly outnumber women in tarantino films. its another dishonest article.i hate dishonesty and modern liberals and feminists reek of it

google you lazy fuck samefag

surprisingly more women die than men in this movie.
2 women
1 man
still retarded though


Shut up you aids incubator

Lemme guess. Sharon Tate's murder at the hands of Charles Manson? Yeah. That happened.

The countryside will eventually fall too user. I get you don't want to confront this because you are successful enough to have avoided it, and maybe that is a point of pride for you compared to lesser people, but it will consume everything in the end if it isn't met head on.

Immigrants are a very varied bunch, it depends where they come from, which race and culture they are. Some immigrants are wholly positive, although they do still take away opportunities from the people already living here, but that can I guess be positive in some ways, if they're just better at the jobs. But a lot of the immigrants are not that whatsoever, and will literally recreate their home countries in the place you think is your immutable unchangeable home.

You being a minority is irrelevant, you are not a gangbanger, you're presumably a normal person, and you just contribute to society, we are always just individuals. But if you import enough people of a certain country your country will start to resemble that country, whatever effect you can have on them to make them assimiliated is mitigated by their innate nature and the culture they bring.

This is unpleasant but I honestly don't see a way around this line of thought. Im not a particularly good person myself, I dont think im better than minorities or immigrants or whatever, it is just what I see when I look at the situation.

Muh pol boogie man fuck off to reddit you queer

Let go of your h8,
don't rise to the b8.

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leonardo dicaprio's wife is held at knifepoint and the two women involved in Tate's murder (and the man as well) are killed by Brad Pitt/his dog/dicaprio
i guess killing attempted murderers is wrong?

The only way for those types of websites to survive is shitty clickbait articles. How dare a film from the past accurately depict the past social system

also note in the real world those attempted murderers are real murderers lol

Neat. I was going to see it anyway, now I have one more reason. Ta user!

Nobody gives a shit about the USA, it's just a whole country of useless, irrelevant degenerates.

He's still a faggot.

it's a really fun scene and the only real action scene
don't want to ruin it but a lot of it is about leo struggling with aging and losing relevancy. it's charming and sad and sweet and works way better than it should. it also features some hilarious parts like the bruce lee fight and the fiction movies with leo in them. it's a really nice movie and the payoff of the ending is top tier.


You make some rational points and I respect that. If I ever did get into a position of power or authority I would fight back against non-assimilating immigrants and criticize them all, even if I got cancelled because I agree that they are going to ruin everything and its because of them that racial relations get worse on the internet and covert racism increases. Honestly, anyone who is a POC should hate immigrants 100x more than white Americans. Because they are all scum that are shoving us all into a corner with the way they act. Like you said some of them are fine people but a great portion of them are scum for bringing their problems and cultures with them and taking advantage of their situation while being arrogant about it. Believe me I have more resentment towards them than you might have. But for now there ain’t much you can do but take the bloomerpill until shit hits the fan and even then you might not care anymore until that point.

I don't know what the answer is user but you seem like a very mature and reasonable person, and I would aspire to be like you in that sense.

It all seems immensely broken and as if there was a way to fix it but we just can't see what it is.

women are pussi-

>rich juzwiak

oh for fuck's sake

I think the hippies are kind of stand-ins for sjw types, and they feel attacked by the movie but don't understand why
the movie genuinely and unapologetically hates hippies