Just marathoned this.
The story wasn't the best, but damn those pokemons were really good.
Pokémon Detective Pikachu
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You can't marathon a single movie, dumbass.
welcome to Yea Forums, newfriend
it’s an op uses standard Yea Forums lingo, user pretends not to get it and another user pretends to not get that said user is also pretending episode
>Pokemon still aren't real
Get it right, Zoomer.
WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HIM, Yea Forums?!?!?!?!?!?!
Mewtwo saved him.
>Magnetize my hard drive, Tim
That scene really got me.
*Proceeds to 360 and walk away*
Saw it specifically for Ludicolo and it did not disappoint.
a bit convoluted and slightly boring. a fantastical story/universe, shit was boring and limited. like the underground battling scene was bullshit. gengar threw a couple balls slowly, blastoise didnt fucking drown everyone. all they had to do was make the udnerground scene larger and put some effort into design. and apparently mewtwo is magical.
i just hope they do a normal pokemon game adaptation next, you cant screw up an epic quest for power
She's a real sweetie
>underground battling scene was slow
were you hopped up on speed when you watched the film??
zoomers and millennia are fucking faggots who deserve all the hardships they currently have. I say this as a millennia. Fuck nostalgia, fuck stupid kids movies made for adults. This shit is gay af.
it means to watch it all in one go, no pausing or looking at your phone, it takes a lot of focus
>he's weak to rock types
>taken out by a pebble
The story of the film is FAR better than the shitty 3DS game.
>pacing in the game is x100 slower
>love interest looks like fucking Ariel from The Little Mermaid
>Pikachu doesn't awkwardly hit on human women, to no success/their disgust
>the film's antagonist is a surprise reveal and very subtle, while the game's antagonist is basically Disney villain levels of bad and even haa an evil laugh
>SLOW QTEs FOR KIDS, if you fuck up the QTE you just have to do it over again and it doesn't change the plot
>the game doesn't even have a satisfying ending because the sequel game is coming out on the Switch next year
>gay af
You're contributing to the problem, asshole.
It's a really bad movie and the actors are awful
>he's weak to rock types
Incorrect, electric is weak to ground.
You wouldn't know kino if it slapped ya across the face
what a cute rodent
The plot was fine up until this absolute madman revealed his plan and it turned out to somehow one-up the bad guys' plans from King of the Monsters in sheer what-the-fuckery. But by then the movie had gone full live-action videogame so I was willing to let even that slide and just enjoy the action.
You have to be a hardcore zoomer to believe this shitty movie is kino
Should've just been Kumite with pokeballs.
You'd have to be a boomer normalfag to hate it.
The action sucked. All of the action was just running away from 'crazy' pokemon. There was no battling that mattered to the plot, apart from the climax.
there were no evolutions that mattered to the plot either
and there was no typing that mattered to the plot, no water btfoing fire etc.
Why did mewtwo want the son?
Why didn't Bill protect his body after he transferred into MewTwo?
I got bored seeing the same 5 pokemon over and over