Main character is a hooker

>main character is a hooker

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ain't that illegal in america? like making an apology of crime?

no, an entire genre of music is built around glorifying crime

>main character is a pooper

That doesn't make any sense in response to that other poster. Yes, prostitution is a crime in most of America.

Not since 1968.

why there aren't movies celebrating other illegal stuff, like racism, raping, pedophilia, etc?

There's lots of movies about rape, racism, and pedophilia.

>main character likes to boogie

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>main character is Jennifer Lawrence

not moralizing about it, but celebrating it: hollywood never shows in a positive ligth a sympathetic pedo, or an intelligent racist

Name literally one example of this.

op's mom biopic

Not all crimes and deviations are created equal. Pedos pray on children and racists think entire groups of people are inherently beneath them. There's an inherent different between those and someone who just makes money through consensual sex

The Woodsmam is about a sympathetic pedo.

um sweaty rape, racism, and pedophilia are legal under our trumpanzee in chief

>Pedos pray on children
>racists think ...
they're not wrong
also, hollywood usually celebrates psychos, and hired killers, which are objectively amoral and should be removed from any society

portrayal =/= endorsement

Sounds like you just want Hollywood to make movies that agree with you and stop making movies that disagree with you.

Humbert Humbert is vaguely sympathetic.

vigilantes, super heros, and american army soldiers are usually shown as role models. if that's not an endorsement/blatant propaganda i don't know what it is

Need more whorekino

>dude any movie that takes a stance on anything is propoganda
batman is cool but no one actually goes out to try to be batman. he's a children's character, and when he's more dark and gritty he's shown as less in the right
of course soldiers are shown as heroes, they commit violence (which is a helpful tool for excitement and narrative conflict) and still get to be supported by most of america as in the right
plus there are multiple movies that show soldiers and superheroes in a bad light

to be fair, most movies still show prostitution as some dirty, sinful thing that deserves shaming and punishment. johns are usually disfunctional or plainly evil characters

Most of the time the whore character is virtuous in spite of her occupation, not because of it.

>sympathetic pedo
American Beauty
Leon the Professional

>an intelligent racist
American History X
Literally every Spike Lee film