>scenes that still give you nightmares
Scenes that still give you nightmares
Other urls found in this thread:
>he was conscious for a good 30 seconds after getting his head sucked in
the bugs attacking them are terrifying too
that was pretty much the only part that actually got to me, the rest of the 30 minute chase scene was meh
this was actually the first time I can remember where a movie threw so much CG shit at the screen it actually got boring
I couldn't sleep for a week
What film?
King Kong 2005
King Kong, 2009 version by Peter Jackson
Traumatized me as a child, but I like it now for the nostalgia.
Other than that, there's the cartel video where they kill father and son, most noticeably they remove the son's heart with a blind knife. He was alive even when they were touching his heart with their dirty hands.
this scene was souless and lame
>scenes that fueled your vore fetish
These use to scare the shit out of me
those czech dudes cracking a skull with a hammer i can still hear the cracking
Great for this song tho but yea always freaked me out
YFW you are one of the people who saw the original 1933 bug scene before it was lost
I wouldn't say it gave me nightmares, but the CAD bugs they came up with were some of the most genuinely gruesome horrors of nature I've seen in film.
Bug holocaust when?
I shouldn't have opened that. Away, foul beast!
So someone's worst nightmare was having an orgy?
This scene was creepy as fuck.
there is something primordially terrifying about an organism that's just a mouth. At least the bugs had distinctive features.
Where this from?
Why the FUCK did you feel the need to remind me of this, user?
you gotta be shitting me
This shot in Hereditary. Doesn't lead to a jump scare and no shitty music cues or anything. It is just so unsettling. The shot of Toni Collete in the rafters in the dark is also freaky but this part bothers me so much
I saw Event Horizon in my early teens I think. I have no memories of that movie and I'm usually easily scarred by shit like that.
The Signs birthday scene gave me nightmares when I saw it in theaters. I was like 8 at the time. My sister thought the movie was hilarious
This. It looked so real and the city that it is supposedly filmed in is really close to where I live.
The scene in the Howling where she's in the medical room and Eddie the werewolf is in there with her!
Then he grabs her, lifts her up and chomps down on her neck!
I had to sleep with the bathroom light on for a couple of years!
The Fly: corrosive vomit + hand
I can watch shit like A Serbian Film or Human Centipede 2 without a flinch but spooks the hell out of me.
This scene gave me weird feels as a kid
this is literally, unironically, what gays do
I watched it when I was about 8, my Dad fell asleep with the Sci-Fi channel on and so I watched the entire thing. Genuinely fucked me up, was too scared to go upstairs by myself.
Any of The Blob 1989 killing scenes were it dissolves people
I can see that. I think I'm going to rewatch it, even though everyone says it sucked. I'm almost starting to think I watched a censored version or something.
>the eyeball scene
I opened the video and closed it right away. I don't to watch that again.
Fern Gully opening with them talking about Hexus and the Hands
Looney Tunes back in action when the wolf begs for his life and they fucking zap him
Hearing Jeff waynes' war of the worlds (if you haven't heard it, listen to it and see the art)
>Azteca novelas
>Cecilia gonzalez
Why is this video hosted in a Mexican tv soup opera network? Are they profiting with content that doesn't belong to them? That's pretty serious, user.
But wait, there's more
ayy LMAO
Well, now that we're watching vintage horror movie clips, I just remembered this one.
This guy. Oddly enough, there's also a scene like the one you posted with weird worms/caterpillars and shit.
Is this the closest we're ever gonna get to a true Doom movie?
When I was 12 I watched the first Wrong Turn movie and the moment where they are sneaking out of the hut, had me shaking in fear.
It’s a 40k movie. Directors said they were reading the books while writing it
Bit of an underwhelming answer, but yes.
The likelihood of there ever being a proper Doom movie seems minimal.
Thanks, I'm not going to sleep for a week now
Which film?
This looks like some kind of 70s-era animation, but I can't place it.
it's based on warhammer 40k warp travel
Fishburns response to the video is great.
the bathtub scene always gets me
Fire and Ice, 1983
that traumatized you?
The full thing is up on youtube.
is that even her
>this moment
Absolute kino. Dark Wolf is Batman on steroids.
>i love me some watermelon
where's the full frontal
I would give anything just to lick the sweat off that ass crack
>average porn in 2020
as it should. Metaphysical evil is way more scary than gore
Not my proudest fap.
Dude, Human Centipede 2 is literally a black comedy.
this is just porn in 6 years. The warp has overtaken us.
Gellar field failure be like
Still so freaky
jigsaw the last saw movie
i'm just watching some review about it
The fellowship of the ring fucked me up something fierce as a 7 year old. God I still remember watching bormir trying to kill frodo and it freaked me out because it was the first time I saw an adult trying to kill someone nearlyrhe same size as a child.
Also that fucking scene with the ring wraiths stabbing their swords into the beds has made me so paranoid about home invasions I keep a gun right next to my bed.
>Saurons eye
>The ring wraiths
>Bilbo turning into a demon
>The mines of moria
>The watcher in the lake
>When frodo gets stabbed by the witch king
>When borimir tries to kill frodo
manlets rise up
Mars Attacks fucked me up when I was just a wee lad
Anyone know any horror movies that are genuinely scary? Havent felt some good chills for a while.
So how was he supposed to escape that trap? Or is saw back on that bullshit of subverting le expectations by scrapping the one good gimmick
lol pure absurdity
lol me too
This was fucked up for me when I was little, because I was about the same age as the youngest kid.
Her body isn't as deformed as I expected, she must've been cutting before this
I'd fuck her
Is this some murder infused orgy or just plain murder?
Final Destination 2. My parents were watching TV and I walked in into the room and decided to look what they were watching. At that moment it was when the main cast just started the car and drove off. I decided to wait and see what the movie is about and the first log that went into the police car set me off a little, but I was more confused that anything, all I was thinking is WTF is going on but lets keep watching and see what happens next. Holy shit, that was both terrifying and kinda beautiful at the same time. Final Destination is truly gore kino.
exorcist isn't scary and a single cheap jumpscare doesn't make it so
Mythbusters tried this and it did not work. The wire couldn't even go through a single pig carcass.
Torture orgy basically
Honestly kinda tame
Fucking this. The whole movie has eerie and creepy atmosphere but this scene was really unnerving
This gave my dick nightmares from all the beatings.
The reanimation scene from The Thing
For me it was the naked man at the door. But they used clever tactics throughout the entire movie. The almost non-nonchalant nature in which certain things like Toni Collete flying around were handled was kino.
Unironically fuck Jump Scares.
Her eyeball was dangling out so the tricky part was already done. All you gotta do now is snip it off easy peasy.
post the baby
THIS is terrifing
Years...this movie fucked my sleep at night for YEARS! I actually believe these ayyys are real and that they do take people. My mom in the 80s saw a giant black triangle slowly going just above the treetops in a residential neighborhood one night. You know those fuckers are looking for targets to take. I've seen two ufos myself. One was a zigzagging ball of blue light that was below the overcast clouds so i know it wasn't a goddamn satellite. The other was several separate triangle lights that were rotating way up in the sky in broad daylight. These fuckers are real and that's what makes them so scary.
fuck off nigger
Shattner, is that you?
>My mom in the 80s saw a giant black triangle slowly going just above the treetops in a residential neighborhood one night.
I saw one over Plattsburg AFB in 96. Wasn't very large. Maybe 30ft across.
UFOs are real in the sense that you saw something unidentified flying around, but that doesn't mean ayy lmaos.
This thing is being tested right fucking now, just imagine how many UFO reports are being prompted because of it.
That girl screaming to God for help at the beginning of Jaws
Is that some Sliders?
>first childhood boners
Yea, but that thing has a JET engine. These things make no sound and are moving at snails pace and then instantly going thousands of miles an hour.
imagine spending most of the game shooting at slavs in tracksuits and then this happens
James and the giant peach
Jesus Christ, I completely forgot about this shit. Truly Lynchian.
I thought the point of later Saw movies was that his disciples were fucking retards who just wanted pointless violence instead of making actually escapable traps
Anybody got that stop-motion spider in the cave scene?
Shit is fucking creepy.
Fucking Don Bluth
Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl
you opened a deep black wound user
fuck that shit man
There's something eerie about the shitty animatronics/CGI of the early 90's that creeped me the fuck out as a kid.
Granted I was already a pretty impressionable kiddo mars attack had me sleepless for days to my parents great dismay.
Hardly. This shit right here is responsible for 99% of vore faggots.
take off his shoes, take out the shoe strings and loop them around the laser servos preventing them from moving up.
its not the jumpscare thats supposed to be scary. its how dreamlike the scene is, and the symbolism. especially his mom slowly climbing out of "hell" saying "save me" as he frantically runs towards her.
Fucking this
That was intense
I don't get nightmares from it but the scene when Bilbo spergs out still makes me really uncomfortable.
You probably did, most of the stuff from the video is cut off on theatrical and the first few home releases.
Mostly all of Society fucked me up but the scene where the rich start eating the other people got to me really bad. Couldn't find a good clip in youtube but I found the whole movie.
The scene I'm talking about starts at 1:18:18, also the scene in 1:23:52 when the protagonist encounters his parents in their bedroom although pic related makes me laugh now.
Murphy's death was fucked up
That scene in Hostel 2 where the girl is strung up in chains by her ankles and is shredded by an old hag with a scythe, I felt the last of my innocence die then. I was in my mid-teens and still had remnants of purity left, but that scene, despite being fake, took it from me. I felt it leave my body and felt the emptiness expand.
I can watch real life murder videos like Funkytown or the cartel murders where they flay people alive, and it doesn't compare to what that scene did to me. It's fucked up really.
This sucks compared to yesterday's thread.
Omg, so scary. When alien went "Boo!" from behind the bushes, I was so scared!
Me no like when thing go boo. :(
That one fucked me up as a kid.
What was marky mark doing in that movie
I regret opening that
I also remember being pretty scared of the ringwraiths' true appearance the first time I saw the movie.
this would have messed me up as a kid, for me the entire movie of pic related really got me
>zoomers are scared of a poorly lit grandma
yeeeeep nobody reacted to it the way i did
To be fair, that is about the same level of horror the original TCM had, and it's hailed as a classic.
Tone loc is still dope.
Quint's death is the part that always gets me. The screams especially.
whats going on here?
I never see this talked about, but this scene scared the FUCK out of me when I was younger. Please tell me someone else has watched this
The engineer trying to fight off the trilobite in Prometheus
Your creator just got orally impregnated by a giant brainless squid.
Philosophically frightening
more like they visted the utmost nether regions of pleasure.
gotta warn ya
fire and ice
Man giving birth, somewhere near 2024
that's not the Jungle Book
I forgot about this movie. That scene kinda messed me up too because I had 2 brothers and we were around those kids' age when I saw this movie.
Jesus fucking christ that's horrifying
I believe you. I've seen a few myself. Incredibly eerie feeling not knowing what you're looking at.
that was neat
Well played, user.
One of those rare moments where a horror movie character does exactly what the audience is shouting at them to do.
What song is that was playing?
>some town, PA
>3354 miles from cambodia
She says "filmed in the city of Passo Fundo, Brazil".
Fuck I wish the kept it
Great fucking scene.
ohhh right, my bad. it was always funny seeing that dumb text saying the name of the town and the proximity to some random place bc i live pretty close to where most of the movie was filmed. never got to meet mel unfortunately
I liked it.
maybe using the ufo thing as long as they could it was decided to use this to give winks to other countries with the storm area 51 thing?
I love the aesthetics of that movie. I don't know why. I assume most people would consider it 80s schlock. but it is god damn horrorkino.
bro you are so cool bro can i suck you dick bro im on my knees for you youre so crazy bro haha omg bro im on my knees for you bro please let me do it ill even bend over for you bro youre so cool
Looking back, this movie is awful. It was really hard to watch as a kid, but my family had it on DVD and so we watched it many times. Fucking hate my family lol.
I was a boom operator on a KC135. During an exercise over Alaska I saw a gray disk about 2k feet below us. As I was trying to figure out what it was, panels on the top opened up and two round silver balls zipped out. The disc then took off straight up out of my line of sight.
Most disturbing shit I've ever seen
Nowadays it still gives me the chills just like it did as a kid.
damn that was a bummer
im so sick of this being posted
there are 5 different ways i can think of that he can handle it better
just stop being a fucking pussy
knocking on wood jsut in case tho cuz fuck confrontation
I somehow skipped Stalker on my boomer life journey. What the fuck happens?
Saw this when I was 7 or 8. Probably not the healthiest way to see your first pair of tits.
>8:38: The last white man wakes up in Europe, 2068
KINO happens.
It's a creature that shows up near the Chernobyl power plant. The monster's capable of pulling your conscience out of your body.
Belly buttons aren't an orifice. It doesn't work that way.
Sorry, this video is a better example.
That has to be confusing as all fuck.
It's better to fight them up close at this point in the game, stabbing them do death.
Unwanted finger in the pooper
That's what's genious about it, it's the only instance where the game takes away the controls away from you - your viewpoint hurtles towards a humanoid figure at the end of the tunnel, it's the best example of 'pulling the rug' I can think of.
That's fucked up, holy shit.
this scene fucked me up for years youtube.com
I saw this. Kinda dumb, still spooky enough I wasn't bored by it.
Fuck. Forgot all about this. For good reason too.
The knife scene in saving Pvt Ryan makes me feel awful just thinking about it. Fucking Upham man...
wew lad
I find the scene more Kafkaesque myself
I miss the Arnold pasta. Haven't seen it in awhile.
Oh, I get you, user. I haven't seen Society but I know this director makes movies that fuel paranoid fears, which I've always had.
In fact, one of his movies is inspired in the Necronomicon and that's the one that fucked me really bad when I was a kid. It put me in a vigilant state for many years in which I thought everyone else was a demon that wanted to kill me. But I had mild mental problems even before that movie.
I'm fine now, and I even enjoy those kinds of movies. There's this one I also want to watch, "They Look Like People", it seems like that kind of horror.
>retards who made this movie don't know how laser works
I always thought that pets were fully justified in freaking out when you held them close to your face. Being completely at the mercy of a much larger creature and having them hold you in front of their mouths must be terrifying.
this whole movie creeps me out.
Honestly the end of that movie kind of ruined it for me. Way too over-the-top. As soon as the weird body horror started I kind of took a step back and said, "Ok, so this is just going to drag on now." Took away a lot of the impact. Don't even get me started on the hamfisted social commentary. Would have preferred it if it ended shortly after he left the hospital, so you never know if the crazy stuff was really happening or all in his head.
I saw this drunk with friends and made me never watch something like this and never get drunk again. It was disastrous, we all hated it, but I was pretending to enjoy it to make it all more bearable. Bad idea. I feel like we're not friends anymore after watching this movie.
Some dude getting a free prostate exam is as bad as the dude that ripped his own eyes out.
>agropom underground
Won’t ever forget the first bloodsucker
God this whole scene still fucks with me
schlop haha
ayo hol up, why their arms staying on
>I can watch shit like A Serbian Film or Human Centipede 2 without a flinch
oooooooh big man
you think they cged her tits? looks far to good to be real
Imagine being Gendry
they look cgi
they don't move realistically when she's fumbling with her pants so i say it's all cg.
t. someone who watches his gf dress and undress everyday.
I still say the line from time to time whenever I want to fuck off from some dumb shit going on around me. Most don't get the reference though and I'm sure I only end up sounding autistic.
>that last panic
What a weirdly specific thing to lie about.
Thank god they had that shit sussed out by the time of TNG. Horrifying.
Something about this design really spooks me out, it really does look like some inhuman machine unlike, say the B-2 bomber.
OMG -this scene as a kid...
Yeah I watched that movie with my parents when I was like 8 or 9, not knowing what I was in for. The whole latter half was pretty upsetting
Scared the living shit out of me...
I never really noticed how much detail is in this painting until now, it's so haunting.
The tear on the nose of the guy at the bottom is perfect.
I wish Kubrick made more horror kino
Fun Fact!: We were going to see the other end, but Paramount did not want an R.
>yfw this is a method in Best Korea.
That last scene scared the shit out of me. Nice
>This was fucked up for me when I was little, because I was about the same age as the youngest kid.
Me too. Watched it on TV by myself. Freaked my shit out
The whole fucking movie.
>Bilbo turning into a demon
Pretty sure everyone jumped out there skin at this one
Stanton's rape face is more terrifying than the alien abduction scene.
I'd still fuck her.
>bilbo turning into a demon
nine year old me made my mom take me home after that shit no lie. i didn't watch them til reading the books a decade later. i can't believe someone else got traumatized by that shit, my family thought it was goofy and laughed at me
>7 year old keeping a gun next to their bed
Built like a linebacker with tits
Superman III tried to warn us about big tech
Still not as bad as the zozo demon hidden in the dark.
I can never get those screams out of my head again. Thanks.
Start watching from 2:30 mark
Game over man! GAME OVER
a poorly lit grandma is basically the definition of a ghost
You'd never expect her to have a body like this. Literal 10/10
The triangles were USAF test beds and the ball of light was ball lightning
Do you fell better now?
This scared me a shit ton as a kid. The scene where the guy's eating something from a jar that turns out to be maggots gave me a phobia for life.
the saw saga makes me wonder if americans are actually pajeets
looks like a mid 00's nu-metal video
The day of the 5' 9" wire is coming
This fucking movie. I saw it in 2009 when I was a middle schooler and I was really into horror at the time.
>Young me: Made by the director of the Spiderman trilogy? Oh boy! I hope this movie is good, scary, and fun!
>the first 10 minutes of the film happens
>eventually the ending happens
The film really fucked me up back then.
anime physics
The lantern scene from Pan's Labyrinth. I though I was in for some children's fantasy/adventure movie, I wasn't expecting this level of ultraviolence. It fucked me up as a kid...
The elevator scene still unnerves me. Reading about real elevator accidents didn't help.
yeah, that was fucked up, even as a horror comedy. It always kinda bothered me that movies that depict christian elements have this absurd, extremist view on hell. Innocent people being sent to hell for eternity for ''unforgivable'' sins. Same with Constantine. Should I believe that woman went to hell forever because she commited suicide? Is it fair that Constantine himself is doomed to hell like that? Its just so implausible that it takes me out of the movie more than any supernatural element...
Final Destination series is my gilty pleasure horrorkino. Good taste, user.
>For me it was the naked man at the door.
fuck that shit. i nope'd
>Please Come visit me, dawg
The third season was truly something magical
so underrated.
Those are my favorite shots. I think the one with her in the rafters is better because it's the type of thing you could miss if you weren't paying attention
Was there vore in the jungle book?
Damn, time to dig up my old VHS's
>even as a horror comedy
Outside of some Raimi-ish elements you see in his films, how the fuck is this a "horror comedy"?
"Lol a kid and a woman went to hell for eternity for petty sins! That's funny!"
Like I know it was Raimi's intention for the film to be placed in this category, but what the hell?
>It always kinda bothered me that movies that depict christian elements have this absurd, extremist view on hell.
To Raimi's credit, unlike other Christian films and a majority of Hollywood films, he actually portrays hell and demons as fucking frightening. A majority of other films half-ass it or are too pussy to show them.
the lack of dialogue and quality of that video makes it feel like im watching a snuff film. why the fuck did they cut that shit?
i still remember the visceral feeling this scene caused in me when i was younger.
The hell is that from?
>looks like a mid 00's nu-metal video
They had mudvayne do a track for the soundtrack
Based choice
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) always freaked me out. Especially towards the end when he essentially is completely fucked as everyone is an alien and he is just hiding trying to get on the ship to get away. Characters in hopeless situations where they keep going always feel really eerie to me
did you miss all that looney tunes shit with the witch and the talking goat? its black comedy, my dude. The hell dragging scenes are the shock horror elements, but the bulk of the movie is just some absurd gross comedy...
Plague Dogs
I personally think the red circle outlining it diminished it a little.
You don't actually know what comedy is, do you? Something being absurd oesn't make it a comedy. Would it be particularly fuckin funny if the world's tallest midget raped you in your sleep tonight just because kept telling puns every other thrust?
that's why its a horror comedy. It has comedy, but it also has horror. Horror comedy.
this desu
You didn't grow up speaking English, did you? Breaking news, it's not murder if you wear a clown wig, it's just pranks bro.
maybe this specific genre just isn't for you, user. That's ok.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers is one of the few things I've watched for the first time as an adult that raped me.
Horror comedy is Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. That has elements of both comedy and horror baked right into the cinematography down to the pacing of the line everyone remembers while they're standing there coated in nubile teenage blood while explaining they've had a doozy of a day. Drag me to hell is not a horror comedy, it has literally no aspects of a comedy inside it. There are scenes when something utterly bizarre is played straight. That doesn't make it a comedy. Maybe you shouldn't talk about things just because you think you're clever. Especially because you're not.
666 confirms it's the devil's opinion that DMTH isn't comedy. Which means it's the wrong opinion.
Any death scene from this movie
Excuse me nigger, I think satan would know better than you on this one
No he didn't
To avoid an NC-17 rating.
Movie came out just before the DVD blowup, so studios weren't keeping deleted scenes for bonus features or extended cuts. If it came out just a year or two later, there'd probably be an unrated version with all the scenes kept in. The theatrical cut removed more than 30 minutes of footage, in small part to fix the pacing, but largely to minimize the violence.
The scene showing the previous crew's deaths was originally much, much longer.
>Deleted shots include a female crew member who had her mouth held open by clamps, while a crazed guy performs amateur dentistry by drilling screws into her teeth. Another unlucky chap has his legs smashed apart by steel bars and crawls away leaving parts of them behind, while another crew member had her breasts torn off. The scene also included more cannibalism and sex, with adult performers being hired to simulate the intensity of the scene.
Drag Me to Hell is a bad movie. I like Sam Raimi. I've loved just about everything else he ever made, but "Drag" is fucking lousy. It fails to be scary, it fails to be funny, it fails to be even remotely entertaining. It's poorly made. It's badly acted. It's poorly written. It's a lousy, boring, shallow, film, with precisely zero redeeming qualities.
I know this sounds like a cop out answer, but try watching it again. The first time I watched it I thought it was fucking stupid, but the second time I really enjoyed it.
Yeah i was one such person. Was visiting yellowstone in 94 and in broad daylight there was a deafening high pitch whine and huge flurry of wind but with no clouds or anything around. Then a large shadow came over me without anything seemingly casting it. I felt a huge pressure down on my head and went into a drowsy, half sleeping state. I was then inside a series of dark halls and ended in one room where a bank of dark tall figures stared at me unmoving for what felt like days. I got turned around and felt them all move right behind me. I then reappeared back where I was with no memory and continued on my trip. It was only days later that I remembered what had actually happened.
>Tucker and Dale
What a fucking movie, the best bromance horror movie there has ever been.
The Doctor Who episode Midnight (s04e10) was pretty creepy. You don't really even need to know that much about doctor who, it's pretty much self contained.
>imagine how Quentin Tarantino would do this scene
Probably like the inside-out baboon in The Fly, except with blood spraying everywhere.
jim carrey?
Right on. Look at this shit. It's fucking terrifying.
That's what makes it so off putting
I have no idea either, I missed this meme.
The fact that it killed kids and the movie theater scene made it way worse for 8 year old theater loving me, my dad can fuck right off for letting me watch it
I never understood what was remotely scary about that scene, even for a kid. It's just a guy in a costume walking past.
I was literally expecting the fucking doctor who theme to start playing after this. Has the same low quality cheesy production and plot set up from it.
troll from ernest scared stupid
This probably.
Jesus, this and fucking Signs man
anyone else get nightmares from this?
is this the jungle book prequel?
why do some people think bellybuttons are entry holes? they are for tickling till your girlfriend wets herself then you have to stay up two hours longer than you wanted to washing bedding.
How long until this meme day off?
"They drink you alive"
being watched/hunted by something so much more powerful than you can even imagine and it choosing to spare your life.
it was also hyped up for like an hour and half and it looks pretty spooky. deeply in the uncanny valley
Only made it halfway through this clip. Unironically the most disturbing shit to (almost) be in cinema. I wish they kept it in though.
? What happened. I watched the film just last year but can't remember this shit.
What line?
Literally the only scare in the film until the climax. What a piece of shit film.
America fuck yeah.