>ITT: we shit on the Star Wars OT
ITT: we shit on the Star Wars OT
Other urls found in this thread:
>Terrible special effects
>terrible characters
>lightsaber battles are shit (BUUH MORE DRAMATIC AND INTENS-shut up)
>Alec Guinness -- who plays Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi in the three installments of the original "Star Wars" trilogy -- was a big deal in the acting world before ever setting foot onto George Lucas' set. So, while the "Star Wars" films made him a very rich man, he grew to resent the fact that a whole generation of moviegoers seemed to associate him solely with the character of Obi-Wan. As such, he publicly bashed the franchise a lot in his later years, even telling one interviewer that he asked George Lucas to kill off his character, so he wouldn't have to go on delivering such banal dialogue.
disney has already done that more than any of us ever could
Based Alec Guinness.
the fight scene between Obi Wan and Darth Vader is gay as fuck. they do a few silly twirls and then Obi Wan decides to kill himself to make Lukes escape more difficult, its laughably bad.
The OT is shit because it gave birth to nu wars
Talking about the OT not ST
>Mark, did I ever tell you about the young boy who approached me near the end of the twentieth century? He said he had seen the Star Wars movies a hundred times. I made him and his mother cry when I mocked his enthusiasm. He was a big fan.
Oho, this is the new narrative for Disney shills now?
did they push it over with a stick?
It doesn't have Alec Guinness as Tarkin and Toshiro Mifune as Obi-Wan.
>Gary Stu main character
>Horrendous Sci-fi it has to fill holes with magic space wizards
>Rip off of Hidden Fortress
>Not even memeing
It's Dune for babies.
yes the rebels set up pole traps across the battlefield to push the AT-ATs over
Why the fuck did the Death Star try to orbit that planet to shoot the rebel base. Just blow up that fucking planet that’s in the way. It looked like a gas giant so it’s not even populated - hell you could probably shoot the base through the fucking thing.
for what purpose?
The knees should've buckled a bit. And the smoke is thunderbirds tier. It still looks fine though.
This, if they shot the gas giant the explosion would probably render the moons uninhabitable, destroy the base, and wipe out the attack squadron.
Something that didn't bother me until recently was the Second Death Star. I mean if it was between swapping the ewoks with wookies or swapping the ds2 with a throneworld set I think I'd have to throneworld.
shooting a giant laser into a gas giant you're right next to might be a bad idea
For the same reason Tarkin refused to deploy fighters or bring his navy escort. The man was a megalomaniac and a sadist. He wanted the Rebellion to feel helpless and terrified because he enjoyed hurting people.
This is why you don't put a fucking psychopath in charge of your superweapon. Not professional enough in their mass murder.
Then they shouldn't have been orbiting it.
Even better, since the death star is super fucking slow in hyperspace, send some scout ships to get fresh updates on the orbits of the moons and jump in so you get a clear shot on Yavin 4 immediately.
Watching the original triology as someone who hasn't watched anything Star Wars until adulthood was bizarre. I knew about Darth Vader and how super evil and powerful he is and about how awesome lightsabers are and how Jedi have magic powers. So I expected dramatic light saber battles but instead I got two guys slowly swinging sticks at each other. Then Obi Wan said he will become more powerful than he can imagine and he just disappeared only to become a ghost to give advice to Luke.
I also heard about Boba Fett and how awesome he is but then he gets defeated by someone blind and it's all played off for comedy.
I also heard about the super powerful Emperor who is even stronger than Darth Vader and in the end Darth Vader picks him up like a bug and throws him into a hole. Very anticlimactic.
>Inb4 ‘muh space lanes’
Obi-Wan is a lying sack of shit that was only trying to manipulate Luke into killing Vader. I guarantee if the OT was made after the PT, we’d have TLJ levels of pure outrage at how much they fucked Obi-Wan’s character. Not to mention they kill him off at the end of the second act of the movie.
Pointless spinning.
>the prequels aren't a thousand times worse at this
If we are being honest the star wars movies are some of the most overrated movies of all time along with the dark knight shit and marveltrash
then why shoot it?
C3p0 is fucking gay and annoying
At the time A New Hope was made, Anakin and Vader were actually separate characters.
This is good for 1980
Luke's uncle and Obi Wan wear the same clothes in A New Hope. Meaning Jedi Robes are something Lucas made up later
>hell you could probably shoot the base through the fucking thing
>I don't know how Gas Giants work
> t. Mouseshill
Neither does Lucas, look at Bespin and its magically breathable atmosphere, and Cloud City with its repulsor engines with nothing to push down against apart from 50,000 km of atmosphere.
>boring lightsaber fights
>distracting plot armor for every character
>Affirmative Action X-wing pilots in ROTJ
It's good for now lol
Rian Johnson's film was more kino than the OT
Sure but that doesn’t change the canon of the overall story as it stands. Even in ROTJ they had to acknowledge Obi-Wan lied to Luke and did so mainly to get him to kill Vader.
Bet you can tell us how planet-destroying death lasers work though right?
I will point out that the 50,000km of atmosphere would be heavily dense.
Also if the Gas Giant was composed of oxygen and nitrogen it might actually be breathable.
In any case it was 1980. You can't expect much planetary science in that time.
they were running low on good pilots at that point, they had to get the dregs and that's why they all died
>the prequels are worse therefore the OT is kino
dumb retard
that spinning was pointless, deal with it
Well, it obviously shoots a giant laser into the core of a planet making it unstable which then collapses.
I mean its no different than Frieza blowing up Namek in DBZ and Yea Forums apparently loves that garbage.
There's no such thing as jedi robes. There's just robes, which Jedi happen to wear.
this. Vader should've been hyped about getting revenge on Obi Wan. He could've easily wailed on the old faggot or toss him around a bit
So Jedi just happen to wear exactly the same robes as people that live in a desert planet to keep the sun off themselves?
There are some things you just shouldn't joke about user, not even for a troll. 9/11 and holocaust jokes are fine but this was just over the line desu.
Anakin grew up in the prequel trilogy, all the jedi taught him to do that shit so he does it when he's an old man too.
I'm not trolling, you just got filtered. You can't into kinography. Revenge of the Sith and The Last Jedi are the best Star Wars films.
He also says at one point “you should not have come back”. What do you mean come back? Did Vader know Obi Wan was out on the loose in the galaxy but never bothered looking for him. I thought the Emperor wanted Vader to wipe out ALL the Jedi???
>people never shat on star wars before the prequel and nu trilogies
zoomers everyone
Let me guess, you love that retarded ass redone Obi-wan vs Vader fight on youtube?
t. too young to remember 9/11 or either bush election
never seen it before till now. Thanks Mickey Mouse
That shit looks so bad but all the comments are fucking baseding out over it. Fuck nerds and nerd culture
user i was born in 1990 and I remember 9/11 clearly. I'm also a prequelkinosseur
Lucas is lucky to have a wife to edit this mess.
Awful acting.
Even Ford was overreacting in some scenes
Marks was wooden and Carry's face expressions made want to punch her
Han and Leia’s relationship is equally as dull and lifeless as Anakin and Padme’s
You're right, everyone gives it a free pass
If she didn't edit it the world would he vastly different right now
>Gary Stu
>Relies on Obi and Han
>gets beaten by Vader
>has to take years to learn the Jedi ways
>rescued by Vader, Han, and co. Several times
>Boba Fett killed easily
>Empire defeated by Ewoks
>Luke does not seem too distraught over losing his uncle and aunt
You could have have gone with any of these, but it had to be Gary Stu. Fuck you
Characters that didn't do anything at all.
What's with the golden fag robot having a silver leg? Would it kill the production team to spend another $3 on spray paint?
Mouse didn't make it.
Wait for it and star wars cock suckers will find an argument in EU
Redpill me on IG-88. Why does he hunt the bounty?
because he's trying to hack the death star, retard
Empire was ineffectual outside the first half of ANH and opening of ESB
C3PO is annoying
Han's character shift is a bit too sudden and total
ROTJ's space battle was visually unappealing and the centrepieces were silly
semi-retcons like "from a certain point of view" and Leia = sister of Luke are a bit of a stretch even if the prequels didn't make them weirder than the haziness of pre-prequels allowed them to be
It's too energetic for what that fight should have been, even if retconned to be prequelesque.
In no way was the point of their meeting to see who was a better lightsaber fighter in raw terms. It was facing off against each other on a level of force vs force, the lightsabers were there to deal the killing wound, sure, but it's more like an entire fight that's just the "sparring" of the opening of ESB's lightsaber battle all the way through until Obi-Wan gives up on purpose.
The only thing that could do with visual improvement is to increase the weightiness of the blows and the tension in the really weak stick-twiddling stunts - not the level of spectacle of the fight overall.
I liked it, though the fight makes some retarded moves
>aim for swords, that’s a good trick
>over arching swings
That's literally every lightsaber fight in Star Wars.
You fail to grasp the concept of time. It was made from 77-83, chill the fuck out and appreciate how hard and well done it is for the time. you all make me sick honestly. Alec was a bit of a bitch for his complaints, like seriously, obi wan was supposed to talk like that. Its all diliberate. Hes a character.>Not a gary, actualy developed and had hurdles
The fights were designed after old samurai movies and fighting styles, shut the fuck up.
theres allot more going on than
Is this not only accounting for the movies
I like all the lightsaber fights in the OT. But that's only really secondary for me.
I like the space battles way more.
Probably why I like the game TIE Fighter so much.
the difference is there are other things going on in the SW fights.
Wild if true
Always really liked this scene though
The escape from Jabba's palace makes no sense at all when you think about it for more than a second.
It's a series of nonsensical contrived happenstances and terminally lazy writing that brainlessly shuffles us from one cool-looking setpiece to the next and hopes the gold bikinis, monsters, and lightsabers will keep us from noticing.
because it actually is watchable.
I've seen this pose before
Yeah, like all around
The fact of the matter is that star wars would be long forgotten by now if not for lightsabers. It is literally the only thing that has ever made star wars special. We all know Lucas is a hack.
What an old insufferable faggot. Glad hes dead
>t. zoomer
Zoom zoom zoomity zoom^ *zooms into hyperspace*
Flash Gordon didn't have lightsabers and its fucking better than Star Wars.
Yes? What do you want a special badge or headband?
Obviously. If they'd killed him, they would know. This really isn't complicated.
Jabba and Yoda are the only things I like from Star Wars.
I think Jedi should dress just like anyone else.
Your entire generation is just genetic offal. We should feed you to farm animals.
Only decent scenes are the space battles
>Alec Guinness as Tarkin
Worst idea ever, well done. He's about as menacing as a cartoon cat.
It was a time before capeshit, when moviegoers didn't give a fuck about choreographed fight scenes. They're all just a form of dancing anyway.
You should check out pic related - it's probably your kind of thing.
I blame Jackie Chan for infesting films with overly done choreographed fight scenes.
cuz nerds are fags
When you heat up part of a rock, the rock will fracture due to uneven heat expansion.
Ergo, when you suddenly superheat part of a planet, the planet will also fracture - violently, since its molten core will suddenly depressurise.
Everybody point and laugh at this clueless millennial faggot.
>can't tell the difference between characters and extras
Protip: previous generations have longer memories than you zoomer retards.
the hoth battle is really lame
snowtroopers appear for like 5 seconds, cool design that gets no action whatsoever, should have had some snow trench warfare with the rebels
Not Grease? Or every Indian film?
fucking retard
Not much to rip other than Ewoks.
>watches her whole planet destroyed in front of her
>her family, home, everyone she ever knew and grew up with in childhood, all wiped out
>she is mildly distressed briefly, then forgets and never mentions her planet again
She had no time for sorrows, commander.
There is a middle ground between two old men slowly hitting each other with sticks and overchoreographed fights.
>Made incredible movies all throughout his adulthood
>Gets a part in some shitty space opera movies and that's all the kids talked about until he died without watching all the great films he worked hard on to perfect his craft
You're the faggot. Imagine finding the cure for cancer and all you're known for is a fucking cheetos commercial.
Legs are stiff but everything else looks fine.
The sequels suck ass
agreed tbqh
TDK is kino though.
If he thought Star Wars was beneath him, he should never have taken the part. He didn't need the exposure, unlike, say Harrison Ford.
Strong independent woman don’t need no Alderaan