>Gets to work on beautiful Isla Nublar
>His station is in the mega comfy control room
>Gets to see fucking DINOSAURS
>Gets daily meals of chili and sea bass served by Alejandro
>but muh money :(
Nedry was an asshole
Gets to work on beautiful Isla Nublar
Other urls found in this thread:
Why didn’t he just stick with it and ask for a raise once the park was open and mega successful?
>hisses like an aesol can
You would be an asshole too if you had to work on UNIX system day in day out for years.
>Wasn't content with being a wagie cuck so decided to take life into his own hands
He was the true hero
>debugging 2 million lines of code
fukn yikes my nigga
code monkeys are autistic
he got to look at sexy photos of women on his computer, make funny gifs, and drink all the soda he wanted. how is that not comfy?
>supposedly spare no expense
>don't pay the one guy who holds the safety and the quality of operations of the entire park in his hands a sufficient wage, especially when said employee is clearly agitated by his situation
What did Hammond mean by this?
*Clicks* :(
Maybe if he wrote it right in the first place he wouldn't have to debug it.
Fun fact he actually never saw the dinosaurs up until he got killed by one. He spent his entire time on Nublar working on getting the computer system up and running and never actually got to do the tour.
his battle station looks extremely comfy. also he's got the old school jolt cola
The first thing companies always cheap out on is personnel
whyd he go to the vending machines if he has hershey bars right there
>is Nerdy
>complaining about pay
>programmers in the 90s made the equivalent of like $90,000 a year.
>elite programmers hired for this super top secret multi billion dollar project probably made many times that
maybe he didn't like chilly Andes sheep ass?
How did you know? He hsd control of the whole system. He might have been sneaking in and fucking Triceratops at night (just like ur mom's boyfriend)
>stupid dog eventually starves to death trapped inside the jeep
Who was the real winner?
user, about Jurassic park...
Thats the thing, he got paid really handsomely but had debts because he kept spending more then he earned.
On what? Junk food?
Its been a while since i read the book but i believe that he was a reckless gambler.
Hammond cheaped out on the entire park. There are cut corners everywhere.
For disturbing images and this time it's true.
Nublarian ladyboys
so why does he say 'spared no expense'? was he just in over his head
In the book Hammond was ripping him off wasnt he?
I want a comedy movie with nedrys nerdy adventures before jp1
Not really, but even attempting to fully automate a park of that size in the 90's would've been an insane amount of work on Nedry's part.
Chilean trannies
it's been a while since i read the book but i think it was that he started working on JP believing it would be a short time gig to help out but because grandpa is short sighted and his park is garbage nerdry had to work way way more as part of his contract without any kind of benefits and losing out on other jobs.
Even if he did stick it out there is a good chance grandpa would have just told him to fuck off or gave him a meager raise
>you'll never fuck some hot tight Raptor pusy
They were both trying to rip each other off, but Hammond had better lawyers.
the point was that he spared no expense on the superficial stuff lile the cafeteria, visitors centre, fancy jeeps etc but for the actual critical systems he cheaped out on eg the cars having no locks, undwrpaying nedry, planting the poisonous west indian lilac all over the park because it looks cool. Its how he describes his past during thr flea circus monologue but with now its with dinosaurs instead.
What was Nedry's backstory? Why was he in so much debt? Why was his relationship with Hammond so fraught?
Nedry's company wasn't given specifics on the contract because it was top secret so there were a lot of ambiguities and thus pay disputes
Those rare times Nedry could get off the island he spent like a madman. Their relationship got bad because the more complicated the system got, the more bugs it had, the more debuggging it needed, the more work it was. Nedry tried to sue to get his contract renegotiated but Hammond shut it down in court.
Nedry and Hammond were trying to jew eachother in the book like Said.
IIRC Nedry underbid on the initial contract and was operating at a loss. He ran a programming team and accepted the contract thinking it would be a quick buck and he could jew Hammond out of extra money.
Hammond kept expanding the contract and requiring endless reprogramming and expansion of systems without compensating Nedry for the work, threatening him with his jew lawyers if Nedry tried to break the contract.
>Chilean Sea Bass isn't actually a bass, it's just called that so it's marketable for consumers
> Jurassic Park dinosaurs aren't actually dinosaurs, they're just called that so it's marketable for consumers
Like pottery
>(((They))) fight
>Reptilians win in the end.
What did Michael Crichton mean by this?
"Patagonian Toothfish" doesn't have the same appeal.
>Alan Grant starts in a blue shirt
>Ellie Sattler is wearing pink
>by the end of the film, Sattler is wearing blue, and Grant is wearing pink
I'm sure he got paid well, he is just greedy as we were shown in the scene with dodsen when he expected him to pay for his food despite the fact he just got an enormous amount of cash
Exactly how much damage could a corporate lawyer do if Ned said fuck it, I quit?
>spared no expense
pick one
I doubt this nigga even wrote unit tests
they serve chillean sea bass ya dip.
Neither does frog hybrid abominations
Lawsuits and lawyers? How in depth is this book? And Hammond sounds like a dick.
Says it in the book
The park would have failed anyway, do you not understand chaos theory?
whats it taste like?
The lawyer could probably invoke some contract clause forcing Nedry to compensate Hammond for breaking the contract before time and it'd go to court if Nedry had enough money to fight and claim it's illegal.
fug, this looks good
i wonder how spicy it is?
what am i looking at
Depends on how good the lawyers are, he could potentially sue Nedry into infinite poverty. Its implied that Nedry is running on extremely thin profit margins to begin with so it wouldn't take much to ruin him.
Very. Chrichton is a very detail oriented author so he usually goes very in depth in his explanations. In JP specifically there are literal chapters explaining the genetics program going into the Dinos and on Chaos Theory. He keeps the action constant enough for it to air be a good read though.
>onion rings on top
wtf Alejandro, this isn't Applebees.
Looks like a plate of cold puke
What's wrong with a fucking burger
Shit I forgot to mention the actual diagrams and charts in JP. There is also a chart for the UNIX directory running the computers at one point too iirc.
And yes, Hammond is unequivocally the antagonist of the book. The movie made him into a genial grandpa, in the book he's an aggressive businessman.
Why did he make Nedry a nigger?
in better times, we didn't have fucking burgers at restaurants.
you go to an established officially licensed restaurant? order a risotto, pasta dish, meat dish or fish
you want burgers? go to mcdonald's or burger king and so forth. real restaurants do not serve fast food items like hamburgers.
This fat nerd was a more compelling villain than anyone else or any "rawr XD" dinosaur. His fuckup is the reason we have the franchise.
Simple, you just sue for a compensation but then drag the case out for years and years, thus forcing the other party to pay insane legal fees and basically not being able to work properly because they keep having to make testimonies and what not. Even if you lose you'll still have fucked the other guy over unless you're forced to pay for the other party's expenses. Its a routine practice for big corporations to do this shit.
Wouldn't have been smarter for him to get fired?
It always amused me at how he thought he was irreplaceable. The park wasn't even known to most of the public; there'd be tech nerds BEGGING to work at that place once it picked up some steam.
Nedry wasn't an employee of JP, he was an independent contractor/consultant.
Failure to complete the contract would end in litigation, not him being "fired."
In the book, Nedry had a reason for sabotaging the park and stealing the dinosaur DNA beyond sheer greed: InGen had essentially blackmailed him into adding extensive modifications to their already-extensive computer systems for no pay.
based and ladyboypilled
He wasn't blackmailed, he signed a contract. Not Hammond's fault Nedry spared expenses with his lawyers.
In the novel, Hammond short-changed him on the project and demanded too much. In the film, Nedry, being bad with finances, bid way too low on the contract (and this came to bite him once he discovered what the project was about) and he put the blame on Hammond, despite Film-Hammond's own proclaimed philosophy of "spare no expense".
He threatened to contact Nedry's other clients and spread rumors that he was unreliable and make no one want to hire him(basically blackmail)
They misrepresented the job, and went with the lowest bidder. After he had taken the job they dumped a bunch of additional shit in his lap that he had to fix in order to do the job he was hired to do.
He was told that if he tried to quit they'd sue him into the ground for breach of contract (even if they wouldn't win, they could afford to drag it out long enough to bankrupt him) and make sure he never worked again.
Hammon legitimately jews him in the book. He also isn't a one-man show. He's got a team on the mainland who are basically working 20 hours a day on forced overtime, all of which came out of Nedry's pocket since they had burned through the money they got for the job in the first few weeks.
Why was Chrichton so anti-science?
u wot m8?
>It's a Newman steals the dinosaurs DNA for Kramer episode
>Nedry wasn't an employee of JP
I forgot about that.
Why does footage of battered women make my heart flutter?
the point of the book wasn't anti-science. It was anti-retardation. The book goes in depth about how Hammond didn't listen to the geneticists, didn't listen to Muldoon, and didn't listen to Nedry and paid for it.
The overall point is that such dangerous 'godlike' pursuits should not be in the hands of, or subject to the hubris of one man or a small handful operating without regulation. Like Chernobyl, there is a massive risk involved when it all goes wrong.
This is how Lord Emperor Trump has operated for years in dealing with contractors.
I wish someone had the balls to adapt State of Fear. That would put Greta on suicide watch.
Who would then be unable to crack the encryption Nerdy had locked it down with, and would have to start again from day one, slowing the project by months or years probably. Try telling someone like Steve Jobs that the iphone will have to wait a few months or more for release while negotiations with the help ensue.
A court order telling Nedry to release the project's IP would be no good if you can't find the guy.
you ever noticed this
if you swap the D with the R in his name he would be NERDY
whoa.. damn...
I think he's b8ing.
Crichton was a practicing doctor before he started writing, and great train robbery and eaters of the dead aside, most of his books were thrillers with sci-fi story elements.
Just don’t order the burger then retard.
Costa Rica doesn't have an airforce with napalm bombs.
He was probably well paid. But I recall that in the book he does way more than he's supposed to, also as shown in the movies with simple stuff like the cars that don't work, or bugs or whatever, they cheaped out on everything they can, it's more detailed in the book and even Muldoon had to fight to have some weapons if the dinos managed to escape.
He's an asshole in the book and he got a gruesome death in the end.
He even told the only person closest to possibly being his friend (Dodgson) that nobody cared about him. Glad he died.
>He keeps the action constant enough for it to air be a good read though.
>The whole b-plot about Genaro and Muldoon broing it up as they drive around the park trying to wrangle the dinosaurs back into their pens
My favorite part of the book, and it never made it into any of the movies.
At least the aviary eventually made it into JP3.
What kind math does Malcolm uses to calculate the chances of collapse?
The book has some great parts and goes more in depth with how much they fucked up the whole thing. But dinos are more a plot point than anything, the movie is way better in that aspect
>malcom figures out that the dinosaurs were breeding when they show him the height distribution chart of the compys in the park in the first 100 pages
>Waits until the park goes to shit to tell anyone
Looks like the rex is laughing and gesturing "stop" with his foot
I remember this, it's like they're only counting the dinos that are already here but they were so confident in their population control that not even once (except Malcolm) they thought about checking if there was more than they have.
It save processor cycles. The park is explicitly stated to be running on three Cray X-MP supercomputers. At the time, those were the best in the world, but by modern standards they're completely obsolete: compare their clockspeed of 105MHz to the iPhone 5s, which runs at about 1.2GHz. That's right: a modern phone has more processing power than a supercomputer in 1990, by a full order of magnitude.