Is Yea Forums a brainlet board ?

Is Yea Forums a brainlet board ?

Attached: 747-take-off-conveyor-belt.jpg (600x600, 42K)


How windy is it?


what's the friction coefficient between the wheels and the runway?

what's a conveyor belt

It wouldn't, unless there's a giant fan behind it

needs wind

The plane is filled with brapping amerifats

Does the flight plan list Smee and Maimen?

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44K)

The engine generates forward movement which generates lift, so no, it just sits there very loudly doing nothing.

yes because it already has a high speed


No lift. This on the other hand,

Attached: of course it works.webm (640x480, 2.36M)

How many Americans are inside the plane?

I don't take off when I run on a treadmill, why would the plane do?

>giant fan behind it
You mean in front of it

no lel

Engine needs to be going.

missing way too much info

But how does he land?

OVER 9000! haha

Yes, if the wheels are circling very fast the plane will fly

>can the plane take off?
They expect one of us in the landing

Attached: 1488505859932.png (250x262, 82K)

What makes an airplane go up is "lift"

This is air that is bend down by the wing profile. It has nothing to do with the speed of the plane and instead with the volume of air that moves over the wings.

This conveyorbelt doesn't increase the volume of air moving over the wings and thus it doesn't generate lift and thus the plane doesn't rise.

Here's another scenario. If you have a airplane that is standing still on a conveyor belt and the conveyor belt moves just as fast as the airplane would move when lifting up then the airplane would actually lift up. Even though the engines are off. Sure it would come down immediately after getting off of the conveyor belt but it would keep bouncing on and off.

Mythbusters did it


Attached: 1514313403250.jpg (1080x1331, 135K)

thrust of the engines affects the air not the ground

STEM is literally wageslave tier

On water

if it's moving in the opposite direction that means it actually gives the aircraft more space to build speed

Nosedives into water

Yes, wheels would spin twice as fast but the jet engines is what generates forward momentum.

the wheels don't affect the lift of the plane the turbines do

but can it land

Attached: with no survivors.webm (1080x608, 2.12M)

the jet has thrusters so obviously it could

also sneed

Attached: 1564075441735.png (632x480, 263K)

>planes get lift from their wheels
absolute cringe thread topic

t. womens studies

The true redpill is realizing that all jobs are wageslave tier. You're always somebody's bitch. Even if you own the company you're the client's bitch.

Lol whys it's funny seeing people get badly hurt

with no survivors

the same way

Even being a shareholder living off of dividends you're still global economic's bitch.

We are a society. Everyone is dependent upon someone else.

Who's in the wrong?

The wheels don't move the plane, the engines on the wings do.
All the wheels do is reduce the friction between the plan and the surface.

It would move forward and lift off, no matter how fast the conveyor was moving (or the conveyor would fail)

whos dependent on me?


Will engines start up?
End of take off should be counted as altitude of raising of flaps?

What's with this obsession with being self sustaining without interaction of any kind? Get your head out of the clouds.

>without interaction of any kind
You realize this website is for isolated autists afraid of human contact that dream of being able to retreat completely from society right?