>waaaah, we're going into a literal warzone and Jellico is treating our military vessel like a military vessel
>waaaah, Jellico wants another crew shift
>waaaah, Jellico wants more engine efficiency
>waaaah, Jellico wants more crew drills
>waaaah, Jellico wants Troi to wear her actual uniform when on the bridge instead of her 24th century full-body yoga pants
>waaaah, Jellico disciplined his XO after he was openly and repeatedly insubordinate
This man is a competent captain and did absolutely nothing wrong. Why am I supposed to hate him again?
Waaaah, we're going into a literal warzone and Jellico is treating our military vessel like a military vessel
youre not to
hes a pleb filter
It takes a based man to turn the love boat into a warship
Changing the shift rotation was probably the only thing he should have consulted some people over. In every other way he was an outstanding commanding officer preparing for what he had no reason to think was not going to be a war.
>Changing the shift rotation was probably the only thing he should have consulted some people over.
t. Riker
Based Jellico made us realize that Troi is just as hot in a standard uniform.
he didnt know what he was doing and his confidence was fake
That episode makes it clear Riker was in the wrong
Dont think anyone really disagrees with Jellyco
>Why am I supposed to hate him again?
You’re not. The crew was whining for no reason.
>If I dont like someone that means they are wrong
This is your brain on estrogen. Jellico is dislikable but that doesnt make him wrong. Picards methods arnt wrong either. They just have different methods.
USS Enterprise:
>crew full of way too comfy borderline obese star gazers who tend look like tourists on a vacation boat but happen to do the right things when shit gets tough
>saved the world and the literal universe countless of times
USS Cairo:
>literal who
>stronk captain
>well trained crew that history completely forgot about
Heh, nothing, personell etc etc
Look, he had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake... Now it's time to erase that mistake!
Boxwell did nothing wrong.
I'm replicating you out, Riker!
>The ship was believed to have been ambushed and destroyed by Dominion forces who had crossed Romulan space to attack the Cairo.
Lol, RIP in pepperoni
Plot a course for Kissless IV
>treating our military vessel like a military vessel
The Enterprise wasn't a '''''military''''' vessel, least of all the Galaxy class. It was more like a science vessel with guns. Every Galaxy we saw got btfo by the Jem'Hadar.
Now the Defiant on the other hand, is a warship.
I didnt think was real initially. I hear the show is being cancelled though so that is a happy ending I guess.
Season three is confirmed, friend
What does "another shift" mean on a military vessel?
I work an 8 hour shift as well as sometimes 14, 15 and 24 hour shifts. No sleeping allowed.
is does literally every screenshot of that series have some lamenting bitchface in it?
where is the optimism? where are the happy vibes?
>if someone opposes the main characters in any way, the writers must want me to have nothing but hatred for the guy!
what fucking pleb opinion is this? it's just good writing to have characters be more complex than
Yeah but your 24 hour shift is spent sitting on ass.
No it's not. Its spent walking. I work in a hospital.
>is does literally
imma stop you there, buddy.
Jesus Christ, dude. We're just trying to have a fun thread for once.
hahahaha are you a soiboi """"male"""" nurse? ahahahaha what a fag
Not Data. He was cool with everything.
I'm a technician.
*why does
Damn keyboard and heat.
Was Jellico the transporter officer responsible for the creation of Tom Riker? The mind reels with possibilities!
That's the point, retard.
Anyway, what does "another shift" mean on a military vessel? Since this seems to be the worst thing Jellico did.
Does he have them working 16 hour days every day?
>sweaty keyboard malfunctioning
imagine the smell
being in the fleet is hard, dude
From what I remember he split each shift into three rotating and/or overlapping sub-shifts. I don't think they explain exactly what that means.
>Why am I supposed to hate him again?
You're not. He whipped the crew into shape and blew the Cardassians the fuck out. He was right about everything and Troi never went back on her uniform.
Probably had some overlap in the shifts. Standard 8 hour shifts, but you have 2 crews working at the same time at the start and end of each shift, making the shift turnover faster and simpler.
Or maybe they just worked 6-hour shifts and were complaining about it.
So instead of everyone working 9 to 5 he had then working 8 to 8. With some working early and some working late with an overlap. Just like a hospital.
Lmao military people are so lazy.
Jellico is Stark Trek's Stannis
>Promotes the power of math
>Can't even count calories
No I was told it is failing!