>Bladerunner 2049
What does it mean to be human? What is humanity? Can a robot feel love? Compassion? Does an aritifial being have a soul?
>Bladerunner 2049
What does it mean to be human? What is humanity? Can a robot feel love? Compassion? Does an aritifial being have a soul?
Both Blade Runner films are extremely good and if you think either one of them is bad you're a certified pleb mental midget. Fact.
>Blade Runner 2049
Ripping off everything from Blade Runner that was already done before and done better
>Blade Runner
ugh ugh I want have sex with girl I just met
>Blade Runner 2049
ugh ugh I want have sex but she not real
>story comes first
Seriously nothing wrong with that. Doesn’t have to always be the case but there’s nothing wrong with that at all.
>descriptive vs dreams
Dreaming is kind of better, but I don’t think there the change in style of 2049 is a fault.
>derivative and familiar
No. Not enough to be a glaring problem and certainly nothing like most of the shit you see in theaters today.
>kitsch; often tawdry
Not at all. Posturing hard here.
>familiar imagery/boring
Sounds like the complaint of a retarded contrarian child while also being untrue. Anything that looked like the previous Blade Runner, and there were a few things of course, come as an homage.
>narrative dependent
Holy shit stop repeating yourself to make a longer list you retard, this shit doesn’t fly outside of high school and undergrad which is like high school 2.0
Moreso than the original Blade Runner. I can understand that. Still nothing was done in an overtly bad way regarding these things in 2049.
>left/right brain
Both right brain
>Looks like work
No. Not in the slightest.
>Done for money
Holy shit no dude holy fuck, you think the average person even gives a shit about something as commonly regarded as blade runner, wrong. Audiences are literally less receptive than ever to anything like this. The people who made 2049 wanted to.
>understood vs challenging and memorable
Both are very memorable, but yes the original Blade Runner is a little more challenging
Your whole fucking argument and even the inclusion of it is retarded
>technical argument
Fucking retarded. They really are hardly different here.
You wish, zoomer. Blade Runner 2049 is a soulless sequel.
>Video Game Iconography
>Dishonest Cinematography
>Proto-Slysoy Disenfranchisement peddled as Incel entertainment/Beta Powerplay
>Barking indefinite hipster score
>Neo Yea Forumseddit hangups: camera schizophrenia and meme dialogue
>Meta-Quip syndrome (refusing to quip is just as problematic as indulging in See: Nolan)
>Post-Capeshit inversions
>Stoicism as social currency inverted through solipsistic imdb fetish
These are the eight cancers of neo-capeshit, 2049 indulges all of them repeatedly, its fans are proof of its disease. Watch better movies than post-marvel junk, IMDB.
>What does it mean to be human? What is humanity? Can a robot feel love? Compassion? Does an aritifial being have a soul?
Babby's first AI existential questions! So deep and interesting! Wow!
emma watson is still utterly ugly and talentless zach, no buzzword salad can change that fact
>tells observer
This really annoyed me about Blade Runner 2049. There are a few examples where flashbacks are used to link certain parts of the movies, and it's just patronising. An example is where K towards the end thinks about his memories and realizes they may be implanted after all, and we already suspect the dream maker is the one who is the miracle baby after all, but the movie then spells it out by having a flashback.
I agree, and I love the film. It takes up only maybe 25 seconds of the near 3 hour long runtime though
Replicants aren't robots.
Is it true 2049 had a committee specifically meant to figure out how to make K as pandering a protag as possible to the /r9k/ demographic (for lack of a better term)?
Here's another one? By the standards of Gen X at the time it was released, was Deckard considered to be a pandering protag?
>Bladerunner 2049
wahh my gf in a stick gone!!!
>Blade Runner
Identity, philosophy of mind, classism, religion - all explored in a creative and beautifully realized world through the lens of interesting and morally ambigious characters. A movie whos influence *runs* to the core of modern sci-fi, with a profound legacy that was unfortunately besmirched by a soulless cashgrab.
Yes user that's exactly how it went. they spent about 150 million dollars on the film and then talked about how they could market that 150 million dollar film to a dying taiwanese sweater knitting imageboard forum to make the money back and Ridley Scott himself approved it all while giving base ideas for it.
JOI is.
>Identity, philosophy of mind, classism, religion - all explored in a creative and beautifully realized world through the lens of interesting and morally ambigious characters
Are you talking about Blade Runner 2049 here?
Villenueve has no subtly
Wrong again, JOI is AI, a program, not a robot.
>soulless cashgrab
No I was talking about it here.
JOI isn't a Replicant you colossal mong.
>an almost 3 hour long R rated visually focused slow neo-noir sci fi film that deals with the human condition released in 2017
>"soulless cashgrab"
sure thing buddy
OP said
>can a robot feel love
>an almost weewoo beepbeep weeewooo!!!
^ you
< also you
oh no how will I ever recover
yes they're in the making of featurette
Still like the original more but this guy is just taking the piss. Hopefully he just kills himself soon.
Why do Yea Forumsedditors think this looks good?
why do you think it doesn't?
>posting just the trailer wide shot
dishonest tranny tactics
It looks good on the big screen.
pweddy cowuhs pweddy bwue an wed wahhh :O
what's wrong with pretty colors?
I already knew that you're braindead tranny, you don't have to also post a weeb picture to confirm it.
they're anti-truth
This, but the real question is which cut of the original Blade Runner. For me, it's the Final Cut.
Because it's just a mash of bland of try-hard framing and coloring
>piss orange and yellow
eat fewer carrots
you have to be on the brink of dying dehydrated if this is the hue of your piss
Can someone explain to me what the fuck 'Dishonest Cinematography' is supposed to be?
Surely all cinematography with effects is dishonest and considering 2049 had giant studios with practical effects built for it I'd say it's more 'honest' than something like the Star Wars Prequels or The Hobbit.
You're right, its even worse than piss.
Its like some kind of piss/poop mixture.
Well I would be watching blade runner 2049 for almost 3 hours
so the piss color yellow makes sense in a meta way
brava villieneuve
Your poop is the color of deep irradiated orange? Seek help.
A clear judgment concerning the relation of honest cinematography to dishonest cinematography can be arrived at only by strict attention to the fundamental characteristic of dishonest cinematography: standardization. The whole structure of dishonest cinematography is standardized, even where the attempt is made to circumvent standardization. Standardization extends from the most general features to the most specific ones. Most important of all, the chromatic cornerstones of each shot— must beat out the standard scheme. This scheme emphasizes the most primitive chromatic facts no matter what has chromatically intervened. Complications have no consequences. This inexorable device guarantees that regardless of what aberrations occur, the shot will lead back to the same familiar experience, and nothing fundamentally novel will be introduced.
A tranny buzzword like any other.
It's really moreso about the direction being stale and predictable and look at me artsy rather than just honest filmmaking
thesaurus won't delete your mental illness zach
>cinematography is about direction
is everyone ITT a retard
The visuals were the biggest let down for me. Most of these shots just look too perfect, they don't feel organic at all.
I don't know if you know this or not but many directors are low key cinematographers ie Ridley Scott and Denis Villenueve, they tell the cinematographer not only what look they want but where to put the camera a vast majority of the time for every single shot, it's either storyboarded or not.
You have that backwards. Blade Runner 2049's only point toward those questions was "dude sacrifice lmao" and then beat the audience with it for 2 hours. Blade Runner (original) fleshes it out in a more complex manner. The entire "tears in rain" monologue is proof of that (one of many examples in the film).
The storyboard for BR2049 was made by Deakins and Villeneuve together for months before the actual production. Ofcourse the director has a say, but to explain cinematography by talking about only direction is absurd
High IQ post
Replicants are not robots, just genetically engineered humans. It's a god damn stupid premise to begin with, of course they are fucking humans
It's moreso the final output of film stock, the editing and the film in it's entirety is due to the director. So with a different director and the same DP or sets the shots would look different because of the directing.
Yes, and? Cinematography is 90% about lighting.
This. I'm gonna make my gf watch them with me soon. The results of which I'm unsure of, she might get the films or she might not.
There's no dark orange or orange of any kind in any of those colors my dear tranny friend.
Yes and blade runner 2049 looks like this more often than not
jesus, you have a lot of freetime user
And? A film having a set color pallette is bad?
Blade Runner has a pallete not BR2049
But you literally posted the color palette of BR2049? Do you even know what the word palette means?
No i posted a parody that actually reminds of of the blade runner 2049 color pallete because it's pallete is so shitty
It's spelled palette my dear tranny friend. And make up your mind does BR2049 have a palette or not.
BR2049 is barely a film, it's that bad. It's on the level of Transformers
Sóyboys are the only ones getting mad about the usage of the word "soulless", sóyboy
>What does it mean to be human? What is humanity? Can a robot feel love? Compassion? Does an aritifial being have a soul?
boring and trite questions
Tranniues fucking love BR2049. Hell, the movie even has a tranny playing JOI
t. soiphoneposting tranny
Holy fuck. Kill yourself now
>What does it mean to be human? What is humanity? Can a robot feel love? Compassion? Does an aritifial being have a soul?
except those are all questions the original posed as well you shitposting retard
They're both great films. Anyone trying to create some kind of console war between them is a braindead retard who should off themselves for the good of the gene pool.