post incel Kino
Post incel Kino
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Your life
Bahahahaha he done gooped yo ass OP. He dun gone and gooped you bwahahaha
You already posted it, user.
Incel documentary before incel became a politicized term
>"It is on a day like this one, a little later, a little earlier, that you discover, without surprise, that something is wrong, that you don't know how to live and that you never will. Something has broken. You no longer feel some thing which until then fortified you. The feeling of your existence, the impression of belonging to or being in the world, is starting to slip away from you. Your past, your present and your future merge into one. You are 25 years old, you have 29 teeth, three shirts and eight socks, 500 francs a month to live on, a few books you no longer read, a few records you no longer play. You don't want to remember anything else. Here you sit, and you only want to wait, just to wait until there's nothing left to wait. You go back to your room, you undress, you slip between the sheets, you turn out the light, you close your eyes. Now is the time when dream-women, too quickly undressed, crowd in around you, the time when you reread ad nauseam books you've a read a thousand times before, when you toss and turn for hours without getting to sleep. This is the hour when your eyes wide open in the darkness, you hand groping towards the foot of the narrow bed in search of an ashtray, matches, a last cigarette, you calmly measure the sticky extent of your unhappiness. Unhappiness did not swoop down on you, it insinuated itself almost ingratiatingly. How many times you have repeated the same amputated gesture, the same journey's that lead nowhere? All you have left to fall back on are your tuppeny-halfpenny boltholes, your idiotic patience, the thousand and one detours that always lead you back unfailingly to your starting point. All that counts is your solitude: whatever you do, wherever you go, nothing that you see has any importance, everything you do, you do in vain, nothing that seek is real. Solitude alone exists, every time you are confronted, every time you face yourself"
I have given up on the world
Half Nelson
damn that last frame hit hard
Post your ugly gf, OP.
Avengers: Endgame
he asked you to list some films m8
>your gf
it comes out in 2020
>*chuckle* You're a funny guy user. Tell me about those uh, kinos you love.
Not really incel, but autism kino nonetheless
Is this my government granted gf?
I don't get it?
Based. Everything a 3dpd does is for selfish attention and parasitism. 2d women are pure. All they ask is to exist in your mind. They want only what's best for you and nothing more.
i think since hes a skelly he doesnt have a dick so she left him meaning all she wanted was to fuck
She looks 15, no thanks
Is this how incels feel because of micropeenus?
Born in 1997
>girls born in 1999 are in porn now
>you’re still an incel
>girls born in 2001 are in porn now
Girls born in 2000 are in porn now too.
>in 2 months, girls born after 9/11 will be in porn
>in 50 days girls born after 9/11 will be in porn
it was a joke, friend.
Or that you can't have normal relationship without dicking?
Too old for you?
If you're not having sex it's not a romantic relationship
Yeah, isn't that what I just said?
There hasn't been an incel kino since 1976
He was not an incel. Stop trying to make that movie lame.
>a movie is lame if it's about an incel thematic
lmao how spineless and pathetic are you
you’re the incel though?
The only high school movie I can think of that’s actually kinda relatable to me.
But I can’t find a gf and my penis is 7 inches long
Travis Bickle
>lives alone
>wagecucks as a cabbie
>watches porn all the time
>orbits women
>has hero complex
>goes on a shooting rampage
Ok sure hes definitely not an incel
Fatso is by far the most realistic incel movie ever made. It made me cringe so much because it reminded me of myself.
is the midwest really like napoleon dynamite depicts it?
It’s not Midwest, it’s Idaho
in the early 80's
Apparently the long haired incel (who seems like a tranny in the closet) said to the interviewer she deserved to be raped but they didn't put it in the film
LMS - Looks Money Status. You only need one of these
There isn't.
I'm at the point where I just want to smell a woman's brapper.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women
>tfw none of these and still have a gf
I'll never have any of these
>be good and hardworking and your reward is a single mother
Pretty much the opposite of a incelkino
Exactly, why would I want to date a boomer?
Fat is a choice therefore fatcels are volecels. Skelecels on the other hand have no choice.
It's over for sub-8 men, as all women want Chad and reject their looks-match.
Take the Black Pill and accept that it's over. Use local call girl agencies online, if need be.
>Crooked and what looks to be darkened teeth
Thanks, but I'll pass.
not much of a incelkino but love story, kino nevertheless. will also make you feel pretty hard if you're lonely.
If that's your only goal, you'll never get a girlfriend. It's funny how that works.
>tfw gf broke up with me
It hurts
I really wish I knew, user
oh shit
>no girl will look at you like this
Gosling is nowhere near an incel. He's ugly but he's tall and WASP. And has money and status.
Based conanposter
Don't kill yourself.
Kill your self.
Reminder that if you aren't going to take steps to work on fixing whatever is stopping you from having social connections it's better to focus on your hobbies and mental health instead of venting in these threads. I understand the allure of posting about this shit though.
Fuck off normie no one gives a shit about your self serving psychoanalysis
>Bros why can't I have sex
>He says as he wastes his afternoon on Yea Forums
Actually pissed you say warrior is an incel film
lmao seethe more kid, try to get the high score when all it becomes too much at least
You're right let me just go hang out with my girlfriend that I don't have, thanks.
If you have a semi decent job you should just stop your nonsense and get a gf. As soon as I start working I'm getting one.
You won't believe me but you can, you just don't actually want to.
me on the right
brb going to the girlfriend store
Go back.
dont think of it as normies taking over Yea Forums
its Yea Forums taking over facebook