Why didn’t you pay to see MIB, Yea Forums?
Why didn’t you pay to see MIB, Yea Forums?
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you know damn well why nobody watched it.
Because they didn't make one.
kek if it was a hit they would give all credit to WoC character and that audience so loves diversity.
I haven't paid to see a movie in 10 years
Does tessa Thompson really have star power?
Sony and Fox are the only studios I actually hate.
Didn't they blame the relative failure (didn't bomb, but didn't do as well as hoped) of MIB2 on the same sort of thing? I remember seeing some bullshit excuse about its quality not living up to the standard of the franchise. Considering it was only the 2nd movie, that WAS the franchise!
Why do they keep OK-ing weak scripts?
i watched the asia rip and aside from unique aliens the plot was garbage and the alien tessa saved at the beginning should not have been a plot point
same but with media in general
Because I don't like seeing ugly black people
Will Smith sold the first one. We've already seen this problem several times in the last few years alone with Solo and something else I can't remember now.
I bet even 90% of the people who paid to see it don't know her name.
the midnights edge video on this was pretty great.
pretty much came down to sony wouldnt have made much money even if it had did well and they woudnt lose much money if it flopped because they were not the people putting the money up for it also there were no sony executives looking over the project during filming for the most part also there was no agreement on what version of the movie they were going to choose either long time MIB producer or the Directors version they went with they producers version.
Sony always loves making excuses whenever a movie of their's flops.
The most important aspect of a movie, the script, gets pennies dedicated to it compared to everything else. It's sickening.
Tessa "who?" Thompson has star power?
I think they get tired of seeing Hemsworth in everything
What I don't get is why the Sony boss quoted in the article signed off on the project if they thought the story sucked.
It had to have bombed because of the icky white man.
It can't be any other reason because niggers are selling like hotcakes these days.
I don't even care about the female lead, nobody wanted another Men in Black movie.
Because it's not the same without Smith and Jones.
It didn't look good.
Tessa Thompson sucks assholes and I’m tired of her being forced on audiences.
>what kinda dirt does she have on movie execs?
I mean, is there really a way to make a good Men in Black spin-off/sequel/prequel/reboot?
It's like Ghostbusters, they work as novelty one-shot stories and even though they were successful and people have fond memories of the original works, there really isn't that much to do with those IPs for multiple instances. Maybe I can't see it because I'm dead tired of studios gambling on nostalgia for a quick buck.
It looked unfunny
If the trailer was funny, it would have made money
There's like 5 niggers in the world with star power and she sure as hell isn't one of them.
Mary Sue in Black.
>tessa thompson
>star power
So this is your brain on ideology.
Ghostbusters 2 is great though
I will never watch a movie with Tessa Thompson ever again.
The Sony formula.
Bad writing, bad casting, bad timing, bad advertising.
>I mean, is there really a way to make a good Men in Black spin-off/sequel/prequel/reboot?
Considering how basic but expansive the core idea is, you easily can but people just keep writing shit ideas for it.
Kinda like Star Wars.
Because I hate womyn, duh.
It looked like it sucked
I don't know how Men in Black survives on a series when everything is based on a single movie that was entirely carried by the dynamic between Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith, as well as some nice special effects. The actual world of MiB with the agency always felt like the barest amount of world building you needed to make you believe that there's an agency that covers up and takes care of alien affairs, I've never gotten the feeling that there's anything there worth exploring
Yes it's called Will Smith.
>Tessa Thompson
because fuck you, you'll watch it
looked like just another lame feminist reboot. just like ghostbusters
>star power
>Tessa Thompson before Hemsworth
>implying she's the bigger star
Sony Pictures has been a hole to throw money into since inception.
Ghostbusters was a film written specifically for certain comedians and actors. People love Ghostbusters because of Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson. Not because of the core idea of a bunch of schmucks fighting ghosts.
But despite that Extreme Ghostbusters was made focusing an entirely new cast and managed to be decent. Any idea has the potential for expansion if you have the talent to back it up.
I don't understand how this works. On wiki, it says it cost $110 and made $250. How is that a loss or is it just Sony being greedy?
Didn't look funny and I think Tessa is an awful actor
does chris hemsworth? only know him from his shitty thor role.
They should have green lit the 21 Jump Street crossover instead. That would have been a bigger hit no doubt.
They whited up Tessa on all the foreign marketing material but still couldn't save it.
Advertising is always more than the cost of production
shut up and like the movie, bigot
Didn't the Chinese like Black Panther and have consistently shown a disinterest in sci-fi in general?
Neither are A-List material
the 3-arm girl was hot
I downloaded it just to see the freak-show. I turned it off after 22 minutes in sheer fucking horror
Distribution, advertising, etc.
need big willie to carrie the franchise.
It only did good it's first week in China then fell behind Tomb Raider and the rest.
Movie cost probably $220 Million to make with marketing. Film only made $78 million Domestically. Studios receive less than 50% of foreign box office which was $168 million. They also receive less money each week it's out because theaters start taking a bigger cut.
So Sony spent $220 and has probably only received $162 max so far. Total flop.
MIB was never good outside the first. Why reboot such a weak franchise?
>Does tessa Thompson really have star power?
She has twitter power, which is like the illusion of star power
No. People know her as that ugly black girl that's being unnaturally shoehorned into everything.
>They whited up Tessa on all the foreign marketing material but still couldn't save it.
Fucking LOL
Yeah it was all the story and not because nobody wanted a fucking MIB reboot without Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith. Especially not with Tessa Thompson.
Funny enough the trailer made the movie look good. It wasn’t until she attacked the title of her own movie that I knew it was going to be trash.
The chinks love sci fi. Their highest budget and most popular home0grown movie is sci fi. That shitty Wandering Earth movie. What a joke. They love it though. Tells you a lot. It says "half of the entire population of the Earth is below average intelligence"
>Maybe in the future we can call it People in Black
Woops there is no future for you in this franchise
>The chinks love sci fi.
Really? Huh, maybe I'm confusing them with Japan.
Based. NEVER give money to Hollywood - only support independently produced movies.
>"half of the entire population of the Earth is below average intelligence"
When was this never not true? The majority of humanity is expendable, retarded, and weak. This will always be true.
That’s okay, she gets to dyke up Thor now and they have to tell everyone at a panel before we even know the plot and its not even coming out soon.
Remakes sucks
hmmm I wonder why noone watched it....... if only I could put my finger on it....
>half of the entire population of the Earth is below average
A bit paradoxical no?
I would've watched it is if the leads were Jessica Chastain & Zoe Saldana.
Jessica is the stoic and uptight one, and Zoe is basically female Will Smith from the first movie.
>Men in Black International
>bombs domestically
like pottery
Tessa Thompson said she didn't need white people seeing her movies, so I obliged and told everyone that they should not undermine this afreecan kween by seeing her movie.
mib2 was complete ass though
besides Westworld and Thor (she appeared out of nowhere in both) im not sure what they mean, she's midly famous but not as much as Will Smith or even Cuba Golding Jr
They're also pushing the gay blackman from Greenmile into everything
>star power
>Tessa Thompson
Some muthafuckas always trying to ice skate uphill
Tessa Thompson isn't black enough. And Hemsworth is too white. He can only play "white male only" roles like Thor. And "Men in Black" is clearly racist and sexist. It should be "Xersons in Clothing"
What's the point watching if Will Smith is not in movie?
Literally didn't know it existed.
Literal who Sheboon
Chris Hemsworth ain't worth shit
And most of all, it's another shitty Sony reboot.
Tessa played a huge bitch in Westworld, and a huge bitch in Thor. I guess they're trying to go for the sassy, powerful, independent black woman shtick but that's not the kind of lead that brings the big box office dollars.
>retcon the founding of the men in black
>reference first movie tho
sony: all class
Three still stands out for me. Was it great? No, but someone working on it had enough heart to make it interesting, at least way more interesting than guy and girl with shades and cg weaponry.
People went to see Lupita Nyongo’s Us movie
Tessa just isn’t a good actor or likable. Only Twitter normies think she has appeal or star power.
Based Chinsectoid
Tessa looks like those nigresses at Walmart that smell like wet dog.
they need a gritty reboot of this movie.
literally have never heard of her before
I think statistically she does, but correlation doesn't imply causation. So some insect number cruncher shows on an excel spreadsheet that she's a common thread across all these successful movies. Since everything is designed by algorithms or there's at least an attempt to these days, they assume Tessa Thompson is some magical negro that makes a movie more successful because of her presence. When this is finally tested to its limit, it blows up in their face because if anything, the productions she was a part of succeeded in spite of her. No one gets fired though. It's just one more data point for the algorithm, that naughty naughty algorithm that we need to hire more people to modify!
Tessa isnt a star.
She's bnot good.
Why sony so incompetent at making movies?
Is it the language barrier?
It´s direct to DVD tier. I am not even pirating this shit.
lol that movie came out already?
This is what I wanna know
Has Hemsworth done anything outside Marvel that wasn't a dud?
Because it's garbage.
Not even hemsworth does.
>not strong story idea
let me guess... the writer or the original idea was a white male, right?
Why does Hemsworth keep picking such shitty movies like this and Ghostbusters?
>Tessa Thompson star power
I'm sure bad marketing can be attributed to it, I never knew it existed until now
Quiet, goy.
Is this some sort of gay euphemism?
>Why didn’t you pay to see MIB, Yea Forums?
I did! That's the weird part. I fucking went to the movies, buy a ticket for this fucking shit and I regretted it like 15-20 minutes into it.
What was I thinking? I don't know.
havent watched nor ever will, but whats the plot exactly?
Because of that disgusting nigger cunt.
By definition, half of any population must be below average.
mutts are grotesque
no, she just (((their))) current token nigger
Were you on drugs? How could this have happened?
Samuel Jackson
Morgan Freeman
who else?
The cast + special effects would cost too much, too much risk compared to international. you could have Smith and Jones be cameos at the beginning and end. for MIB3 jones appears for a few minutes, not just because of the plot point to go back in time with younger K, but to pay him less. Probably written that way.
Will Smith
Halle Berry
this precisely.
>world building
is the biggest meme ever and a total joke in film. it's only really a worthwhile concept in a long form show or like a tabletop rpg. movies are short and about other things, like tone, pace, visual flair, performance and soundtrack.
No, Sony Boss, your shit failed because YOU cast a NIGGER APE the color of shit in your movie.
Rush was alright but he was a bit miscast as an Australian playing a brit
No she doesn't shes a literal fucking who
the best scene was this one
based. I’ve gone to see a few movies because they’re really easy for date nights, but usually I’m the same.
I was looking forward to watch some fantastic sci-fi alien creatures and great villains like Vincent D'onofrio in the first MIB.
Based and german pilled
Jesus man, you know when someone tells a kid to stop swearing because they sound violent, crude and dumb? Just cut it out, man. Relax.
Nobody liked this fucking movie anyway.
They litterally dont have a culture. What are they celebrating here? Wakandas not real. These niggers are so stupid. I want to shoot them.
When will they get no one likes Tessa?
Morgan freeman
Samuel l jackson
Denzel washington
That new blade nigger
Lip nigger from creed
The rock altho hes asian
>American without past nor culture says some minority doesn't have any culture
Actually, and this might be hurtful to you, American culture is now, after all these years, Afroamerican culture
I'm not shilling for Hollywood, tho. Make no mistake. That idea that "all diversity must be represented" is bullshit to me.
>"white male only" roles like Thor
MIB never really had franchise potential. The first one was great because it had an interesting premise, its leads were household names and had great chemistry, not to mention the effects still look solid even by today's standards.
The new one bombed because nobody gives two flying fucks about Chris Hemsworth when he's not playing Thor and nobody gives a shit about his ugly nog sidekick.
Imagining you standing up in a boardroom meeting and shouting this at the actual executive gave me an excellent chortle.
So this is what "top tier" actresses look like these days, top fucking kek
Imagine posting this unironically on forthchan of all places
That or the marketing. I literally had no idea that the movie was out until I saw the OP.
>Does tessa Thompson really have star power?
The only thing most people might know her from is Thor: Ragnarok.
She is in Westworld, but TV shows aren’t going to be a major draw for movie audiences, unless the TV character is ultra popular, and/or the movie character is similar enough.
Ed Harris might have problems pulling movie audiences from his Westworld TV audience, and he chews the scenery really well in the show.
Evan Rachel Wood and Thandie Newton would likely also have issues pulling audiences, and they are also much better actors on the show.
MiB basically ditched a large chunk of its former audience which is the reason it didn’t do well.
Good for them for embracing the traditions and culture of their ancestors, atleast they're not role playing as egyptians
(They) want you to think shes popular same with that hideous girl boy from stranger things.
Blackhat was good.
>Why didn’t you pay to see MIB, Yea Forums?
Because I hate Tessa Thompson. She can't act. She's terrible and ruins something she's in.
She also looks like a goblina MtF tranny but that's getting into aesthetics.
Why hasn’t anybody fucking stated what the retcon is?
Because nobody saw the movie
There was a really good mib cartoon for a while. It can definitely be done.
I don't think anyone here saw it. I mean I don't even know anyone who saw it.
MiB 3 was Kino.
Taraji P. Henson would have been a better choice.
I’m actually serious about this.
>no jokes in a comedy movie trailer is death
>people don't want to see Hemsworth being flat and soft and boring
>tessa thompson has fans, but not enough for a giant close up of her doing her smug face to be a net positive
sometimes gets tiresome, even here
>That guy with the glasses at the right that looks like he was dragged in there.
He was dragged there so you don’t have to
>>star power
what could make someone think either of them have any of that?
But why tho? Isn't it kinda retarded to spend that much monies into advertising? I mean where does it all go to?
>perpetually smug 56% face diversity princess is not a box office draw
Quelle surprise.
>the star power wasn't enough
They are fucking anti-draws, those two are obvious reddit meme bait, you know just from their casting that the film will lack any depth and focus on meme line delivery and stale jokes
Only the first Men in Black is a solid movie. The second one already felt like a lazy rehash and I personally thought the third one was more like a rough cut than a finished film.
Wanted Will
>niggers are selling like hotcakes these days
But I thought they got rid of slavery?
>same but with media in general
me too, I stream everything. from movies to series.
is super comfy watching movies in bed.
fuck all this jews.
>Men in Black
>has women in it
They should've known better.
>Chris Hemsworth
>star power
they guy is a pure flop machine outside of capeshit
Go dilate that gaping wound of yours you call a vagina.
Imagine if they'd hadn't needed to cast an ethnic woman, and just put Liam Neeson in the jaded veteran role and had Chris Hemsworth as his eager rookie sidekick.
Cabin in the woods
woke eggheads remake confirmed
based mask poster
fuck niggers
>Watching Tessa Thompson
That bitch is everything wrong with modern women and Hollywood
>let's push femthor with Tessa Thompson as co-lead with Hershlag
What could possibly go wrong
I appreciate that this image exists
I legit forgot her name while I was writing this reply after reading it from your post.
>I will never watch a movie with Tessa Thompson ever again.
I agree, neither will I.
the first scene shes super young and MIB come to her house searching for this alien and her parents get flashed but she doesnt, and she also encounters the alien theyre looking for. she helps him get away and then at the end of the second act as theyre fighting a minor villain and her croneys she says what the alien said to her when she helped him escape as a kid and he changes sides
I swear Chris is a magnet for shit movies.
>Why didn’t you pay to see MIB, Yea Forums?
I always hated MiB.
He actually does
probably cos they don't want to spend tons on something that can easily get binned
3 was good
>I will never watch a movie with Tessa Thompson ever again.
Well I might, but only if she pays, and only as friends. Oh, and it better be a good movie too, not something she 'stars' in.
Sony Pictures is just made up of American studios that Sony purchased, and that would probably have gone out of business by now if Sony didn't own them. It's not so much that Japan makes them make bad movies, but that Japan makes sure they still exist so they can make bad movies.
Do you guys think Chris is mad he star in the female Ghostbusters and then 3 gets announced?
I fell for this meme and ended up very disappointed. Michael Mann has Ridley Scott syndrome.
Its because they don't look cool with black glasses. Tessa Thompson specially looks retarded.
>Liam Hemsworth in Independence Day reboot
>Chris Hemsworth in MiB reboot
Which Hemsworth will be in the Wild Wild West reboot?
Imagine the smell....
That's not how averages work, so I guess you must be on that half.
Imagine being Hemsworth and starring in two (2) failed reboots.
>Why do they keep OK-ing weak scripts?
Writers give them solid scripts, then the executives come in with their "notes" and ruin it.
I like Tessa and somewhat like Hemsworth. However, she was pretty bad in this movie. Hemsworth does his cheese routine and for me that was working more than the chemistry between the other characters, it overall felt really forced and it had none of the charm the first one had with a slow reveal of the aliens and grappling with social problems. It was very formulaic at best and extremely predictable all the time. Tessas backstory was dog shit. Liam Neeson was a total misscast. For one they should have had the two "villains" do some cool shit at the beginning of the movie. Also the ending was "hurr let's appeal to his human side". What the fuck wrote this?
>Tessa Thompson
>star power
These people are delusional.
Literally who (unironically)
Because who the fuck asked for another MIB movie
Nowhere near the first one
Cocoa butter?
I dont even think they did any marketing or advertising where im from. I had no idea it was coming out
>a soulless reboot with extra political correctness bombs
>ugly mutt isn't popular
>ugly mutt only being put in movies because she's mutt
>Halle Berry
What fucking year do you think it is?
>Halle Berry
Maybe 2 decades ago, back when she was still hot
Saw it as a time killer and only the kids who haven't seen the previous MiB movies could theoretically love it. One can only hope they then go and see the first one. MiB International is 100% forgettable and each turn was completely predictable.
>Why didn’t you pay to see MIB, Yea Forums?
>Does tessa Thompson really have star power?
Outside of MCU, Hemsworth is box office poison.
How has someone made this shit already?
Literally the only reason I didn't go see it was the fact she was in it
wasn’t liam neeson supposed to be one of the headliners for this movie? its funny how fast they minimized his role after he told his cosh story.
"Look how woke" isn't a plot.
Is he?
I can't really think of any movie other than this one and Ghostbusters that would have been considered bombs
>Hemsworth having carry another femalecentric movie all by himself while all the women stand around congratulation themselves
The movies I've seen where he starred in outside of Thor and Snow White are box office failures: 12 Strong, Red Dawn, Blackhat, In the Heart of the Sea, and even the Huntsman are the ones I recall.
I thought her name was Michelle Rodgriguez, or is that the character she plays in the Fast and Furious franchise?
I think he's just got a track record of picking shitty movies to be in
None of those had a chance to do well
Yeah, it was "the story". People don't know the story of any film before seeing it, outside of historical movies or biographical pieces.
The movie looked like trash. Men In Black without Will Smith is like Mission Impossible without Tom Cruise.
Hemsworth isn't that good of an actor and nobody fucking likes that bitch whose name I don't even know
At least give him a sexy blonde side piece so we can get some Mr & Mrs Smith vibes ffs
The 21 jump street crossover doesn't seem that bad of an idea
$110 mil is just production budget, not marketing. You have to remember, they bought like 25% of ad time during the entire NBA playoffs and signed players to do commercials with them. That is not cheap. They went balls deep with budget and have nothing to show for it lol
I literally didn't know this was out.
Rush is literally the only good movie he has ever been in.
It bombed because people don't like MIB, they like Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones IN MIB. Noone gives a fuck about the setting they only liked the characters, so what do you expect to happen when you remove those characters
This movie doesn't appeal to old MIB fans and it's not going to appeal to new MIB fans when noone in the newer generations know what the fuck MIB is, so this movie appeals to literally noone
BP did 20x better in Japan than even the most generous estimations. China loves black celebs like Michael Jordan, Kobe, and Shaq, and that's what BP was to them. Now if you tried showing Straight Outta Compton or Beale Street, results would be disappointing
I don't go see movies anymore because they're always meh
Look at where you are. This is Yea Forums.
It's not clear to a newfag like you but back in the day we were the face of chaos... We ruined the lives of other people simply because we could... Hundreds died in a plane crash. We laughed. The nation mourned over school shooting, we laughed.
We were the embodiment of humanity with no remorse, no caring, no love, or no sense of morality.
We did not forgive
We did not forget
And now here you are, sóy bottle in your hand, complaining about people mocking a tragedy, on fucking Yea Forums.
Reddit ruined this site
this. the - for some Sony execs - painful reality is Hemsworth could have been the new face of MIB and the film could have been a massive success. all they had to do was appeal to teenage boys (who like Thor) and men (who saw MIB at some point). boys who like action movies are the target demographic of the franchise so Hemsworth is perfect. but no, can't do the obvious thing that you know for sure would work. this is movies in the 21st century where the studios are racing each other to go bankrupt over obvious terrible ideas.
we have to be grateful on some level that Hollywood is so bad at subtlety. it would be really easy to reboot Ghostbusters or MIB decently, make them huge successes and THEN pozz them in further sequels when people already like the new characters, toys and whatnot. but they always have to lead with the pozz load. it's like Sony's execs are all moles by other companies sent to ruin Sony's movie division and they don't know everyone else is also a mole so hi-jinks ensues. there, that's a better plot than forcing a woman main character in MIB with the origin story "the agents forgot to flash anyone who wasn't standing out on the street". in MIB!!! a series of movies that already had a woman in the main set of characters from the start and later a female villain. MIB is the most ironic target of these penis envy reboots yet. eventually there will be no feeding hands left to bite for the media jihadis.
You seem to be the only one embarassing yourself with your clear homosexual tendencies you keep secret to your family and friends, but I see through you. You most likely enjoy watching vile disgusting filth like BLACKED and envision yourself as the woman, as you are not just a normal faggot, you are an advanced faggot, you want to be a woman, you think of only your fetish side and cannot rationalize the consequenses. So you chop off your penis and replace it with a delicately decorated wound. As that's the only way you can feel like a woman, but after that wound is there and you need to widen it with a rod every day, for something that only resembles a vagina, you realize that you will never in your life be able to have children ever again. You realize that you let your lust guide you to a path that ruined your life, and that only because you got an erection at the idea of it. Because you are weak, your mind is weak, and you are easily manipulated. You were always going to end up a failure, you let your addiction get the better of you. Even if you didn't become a makeshift "female" you were still going to end up oither overdosed on drugs or have your liver ruptured by alcohol. So eventually, you take an old rope in your garage, make a noose, and end your pathetic life.
I like to think of this as a test of mental strenght, maybe designed by God himself. Who knows. But it's a rather cruel and unforgiving one.
yeah, THAT's the problem.
They only put women like that in “black” movies. Mainstream movies get this
>It's not a pasta
Wow I wish I was as cool as you are
Disney cuck
Who is she, who is she?
Tessa Thompson's face looks like she's melting and Hemsworth is straight-up box office poison. No one wanted this movie.
Bruh MiB 2 was rushed as fuck, every party except the studio wanted (needed really) more time to make the script work. The first movie made so much money Sony thought a sequel would make more. When its only came in at JUST a little above $400 Million worldwide, it was considered a failure considering its huge budget. A decade later MiB 3 was supposed to be a soft reboot with the time travel element but Sony over rode that thinking they could squeeze out more from the 2 lead actors. MiB 3 did better at the box office than its predecessor, but they had spent so much that it didn’t matter and that too was considered a failure. MiB 4 was SUPPOSED to be directly tied to the previous movies with Barry Sonnenfeld as a creative consultant but Sony threw out the script in favor of a “from bottom up” reboot. The reason why they cast Hemsworth & Thompson as the leads was because their Thor movie cleared over $800 Million worldwide, and because they believed they could piggy back off Endgame since both were in that as well. “international” had a horrendous production, F. Gary Gray did not get final cut and much of his approved script was rewritten on the fly per studio orders. Yes, there were substantial reshoots in post and no Gray was not there, in fact, its not even 100% clear what in the film is actually what Gray shot.
Reminder that Us only grossed a few million more than MIB:International and would have bombed hard if it was made with a hollywood budget instead of a shoestring.
Both Us and get out are not actually that popular and are only successful because he and the producers work with black actors who are prepared to work for half a sandwich and some grape drank, enabling the film to be made for 5 million dollars.
Actually, both Get Out & Us did very good business domestically (both made over $175 Million). Its overseas where they didn't take off like a normal blockbuster would, mainly due to overseas distribution being kept minimal to save money.
Us is an original horror movie. MIB4 was a sequel in a franchise. The fact that they’re even comparable (and Us still made more) is embarrassing.
MIB4 should’ve made 400-500 million WW.
No Will Smith. What the fuck did they think was going to happen? Is Sony run by literal retards?
>Thinks streaming doesn't make him a good goy
>Title: Men in Black
>wait... that's not a man
>or is it?
F. Gary Gray is becoming the go-to guy for shitty sequels. He's like the black Brett Ratner.
Who is Sony Boss?
Holy fuck Yea Forums, we actually did it. I'm proud of you guys for once.
i've watched westworld and i don't even remember her being in it.
>Is Sony run by literal retards?
pretty much
What are they waiting to make a MiB tv show? The whole thing is perfect for tv
It's actually Boss Blames, the CEO of sony.
She's the black executive chick who knows it all and has the charisma and social skills of nails on a chalkboard. Pretty hard to miss.
>Is Sony run by literal retards?
Is this your first week here? Yea Forums used to have entire weeks dedicated to the retardation of Sony execs. Look up Amy Pascal some time lol
There was a tv show.
It'd only be good in a tv format if they made it as a old school, hardboiled cop/detective show with actors who are capable of both drama and comedy and top notch writers who could write something that bordered on serious homage, parody and action, while steering clear of melodrama and political topics. So, pretty much impossible in the current tv climate.
>Sony Pictures
cartoon shows are a niche at this point. kids grow up faster and faster (except certain lovers of japanese cartoons) and watch live action stuff and virtual twitch shit sooner. and you could never make a MIB live action TV series. just look at game of thrones with its three fucking special effects over a dozen seasons and they still looked like trash. and that was the biggest show in town.
>Is Sony run by literal retards
Sony is literally surviving only because PlayStation and people who buy Fifa and gachashit. You tell me.
It's over bro. Yea Forums is just porn and edgetards, while Yea Forums was always reddit.
Of course you wish to be, considering your pathetically low social status, a man like me may seem as one who'd have a higher one. Though that's a given when you are sitting in your room, with a beard and glasses on, a red and blue electronic gaming system and a bottle of a soya leaf drink next to your laptop which most likely concieved by the company of the late Steve Jobs as you sat there, making that post. Even you know your social status is pathetically low, you know you are a social failure and you make up for that by being a white knight on the electronic communications platform known as the world wide web, you try making up for your failed social life by spewing either ideological garbage or try to make this cesspit of a discussion site that resembles a bunch of drunken men yelling profanities at each other a civilized place, because you want to tell people that you browse this site (to which I might add isn't a very good idea, people will look at you with even more disgust than they already do if you told them about anything on this god forsaken website) but don't want to see anything shocking. So you complain about several boogeymen and beg the owner to delete the board with the most disgusting profanities possible.
While I'd say /pol isn't the greatest board (They're pretty much responsible for bringing reddit to this very site in the first place), deleting them because they said mean things is not the way to go, then again, you never knew the way to go in the very first place,
Making MIB without Smith is like making a Mask movie without Carrey. No one cares about the comics, the movies are actor vehicles more than anything
Based. Holllywood doesn't get my money either.
While pornography certainly is a problem, I am rather lost on what the problem is with being edgy on this site. We have always been of the rather hateful of our culture and values, while trying to do anything about that in real life may result in the death of your social life, on the internet: You could basically do anything, and so we went, posting racism, gore, child pornography. You name it, we did it. We raided mainstream websites and polls made by corperate fucks. We were, by all means of the definition: Edgy fucks.
So why would you complain about one of the last bastions of classic chan culture?
Being edgy for egde's sake isn't my cup of tea.
Live action MIB would have a budget no bigger than Warehouse 13. You dont need a million people in the background or exotic locales like Game of Plebs, you just need any city, some basic city building interior sets, and a few dozen good costumes.
It looked like a lame rehash, it seemed like the sort of thing that would be straight to video if it wasn't a blockbuster budget.
Chris Hemsworth has no charisma and isn't funny, its all a blokey put on and mugging for the camera.
>not strong story idea
Almost taking responsibility, but not quite.
In Hollywood the executives always find a way to rationalise why these failures aren't their fault.
I'm very sure of that, but in the end that's just a part of this site. Love it or hate it, it is something that always has to stay. Eradicating it would only make this place more accessable to the hordes of normans.
If you'd like a civilized discussion about a film, I wouldn't reccomend this site, not telling you to leave it but I'm rather asking you to contemplate on whether this site is really a good fit for you. I cannot give you any reccomendations for an alternative as I do not know you and cannot really get a good picture of what you like, you would have to find it yourself. I know you'd like the alternatie to be spoonfed to you, but I cannot allow lazyness so I won't help you with that.
MIB2 had more problems than just a weak script. The editing is all over.
Some moments are so bad it makes the scene-to-scene pacing look like a student film.
Well to be honest you'd think some boards are stuck in a time loop from 2009. There is always the hot Asians thread, cheap chink merch on /g/, tulpa on /x/. For all the retarded shit that's went on, there are some very intelligent people here. Yet the place stagnated and nothing is new, everything is old and it's like the guy that jerks off in his own shit, isn't even using new shit anymore.
Unironically based and truthpilled.
This is the go to place for true edge.
>I mean, is there really a way to make a good Men in Black spin-off/sequel/prequel/reboot?
well they had the perfect lead-in for the sequel to mib1 already
You are my favorite poster in this whole site right now,
I shall sacrifice my ip in your honor.
Keep doing god's work.
Procedural crime dramas are one of the most popular, enduring genres on television. CSI/Law and Order/Criminal Minds with Aliens played in a HHOS manner? Would be fun with a few decent writers and likeable mains.
Because I still haven't seen a single tv ad for it a month and a half after it was released. I imagine that's why a lot of people haven't seen it.
>you'd think some boards are stuck in a time loop from 2009.
I wouldn't really say that. For the general things that have stayed on this site over the years, plenty of the good things went away. The "cheap chink merch threads" on /g/ would have been much more creative in 2009 than now. It's mainly due to how this site's memes have gotten more longevity, while that may be a good thing in alot of other cases, a joke gets old. Now making a new joke shouldn't be hard, but there are two things that hinder it:
Number one: People here are soo preoccupied with if they're "Reddit" or "cringe" that they're too scared of making something new, they do not want to be insulted for their creation. So they take the safest route and make a wojak edit or a sneedpost
Number two: The people who populate this site like sneedposters, wojakposters and all other kinds of repetitive shitposting vermin are extremely lazy, they already are too lazy go excersize and improve their fat and incredibly overweight bodies so expecting them to create an original new joke is like expecting a housewife to win in a wrestling match. It's just not gonna happen. The most ironic thing is that their last counter, the Mask meme is now being used by them. They literally have to steal jokes in order stay fresh.
Sony is japanese owned, i think the jews are trying to sabotage them from within, sony partners should be more careful who they work with.
I don't like whats-her-name from Thor
The poster was too smug.
imagine paying to see a movie and some big fat bitch with a gigantic african headdress sits in front of you
No Will Smith, "strong and smart woman" lead, that fag who played Thor and lots of stupid/awkward humor from what I saw on the trailers. Glad it bombed.
That'd be the porn parody Black Men in Black Men.
Coshing imminent.
On first sight I thought I liked you. Then I opened that Gif which gave me the visage of a disgusting non-human having a white penis inside it, not even wearing a condom, meaning he is going to impregnate this monstrosity, dooming his children to be horrifying mixed abominations. He sacrifices the purity of his own lineage like it's nothing. While I accept you posting this as I view anybody should have the freedom to post what they want, I can't help but hate you for it. I'd rather see a man fucking a dead body than seeing this. Atleast fucking a dead body won't put a burden on your lineage
Now I wouldn't have much of a problem if it didn't seem like you think this picture is arousing, the filename seems to say that this is "beautiful". Now if I misunderstood it then I apologise dearly. But I really think you have the desire to have sexual interactions with a woman who isn't of your race. Which is something that I hate more than anything, whether it's done by man or woman.
Nah I hate them for altogether different reasons.
Sony and Fox are just godamn incompetent.
Emphatic yes.
I won a pink elephant for my girlfriend.
didn't think it was worth my money
It's never been a better time for another Darkman.
Nah, i find her disgusting not only because black but also fat, old and ugly, quite the sight, it burns in your head and replays at innappropriate moments, i enjoy vandalizing people, you don't need to like me, you just need to be celebrated, you improve this place with your presence, quality is a rare candy nowdays.
Hmmm there seems to be something off about the foreign posters but I can't quite put my finger on it.
This is pretty much why I didn’t watch the movie or take notice and I’m pretty sure it was subliminal.
Off the top of my head there was a quote like “I don’t want to make movies for whit men”, so naturally I don’t think her movies are for me.
Also, MiB was awesome, also bought the cd and mesmerised the lyrics, pretty sure that was the first song where I wrote down all the lyrics pressing pause and play lol.
I wonder, why do you do this? Even if you "vanalized people", you still are the one who looked at these images the longest, you still have it worse than whoever is unfortunate to be tricked by it. They will be disgusted and then forget about it.
I just want to tell you that you are wasting your precious time on making these gifs. Try doing something else with your time, this will do nothing. It would be a way better idea to just post the shocking and disgusting images instead. By posting these gifs someone can immediatly click away and forget. By making these posts you basically allow people to essentially hide the post with less effort than doing it normally. Please reconsider your shitposting options.
Anyways, I'll be going now, I'll start the rest of my shitposting rampage in the afternoon. I have things to do. I hope you all a very pleasant morning, except for you.
This is the best explanation I have ever seen for why this site is shit now, thank you user.
I'm racist and sexist.
No really. I am.
Imagine all the yelling and chimp noises from the niggers during the movie.
Then leave.
shit I didn't even know this has been released yet
what's ridely scott syndrome?