Sansa no!
Sansa no!
I, for one, am glad that Yea Forums is finally open about being tabloid central.
What a matronly body. Red heads do not age well. Those tits are shit. That Jonas dude must be gay and she must be bearding. Must be for both of there careers.
Holy fuck what a disaster.
Take it as a PSA: bong genes, teen years and cocaine parties DO NOT MIX
pic is too big
Is there a better version available? Asking for my cock.
How many people ITT saying 'gross' and 'yikes' have actually had sex? Just curious.
>expecting honest answers from anons
by the way i'm a megachad
where's the full pic
>slapping that shit on the cover of a magazine
Unethical and downright mean
i haven't had sex
>the magazine Sansa, it was beautiful
i'm a wizard
why? these seem to be pretty nice tiddies
I'm 30 with a 14/yo child and plow his mom a few times a week still. Sohpie's body's Mr. Burns tier.
seems fine to me.
She didnt knowingly pose for it
>teen dad has shit taste
expected tbqh
That's hot. What a babe
Her body is literally Mr. Burns's body.
And I wouldnt want my dick on the cover of a magazine because I took a piss somewhere I thought was private
Disgusting pancake tits.
Where are the Henry Chadvill threads when you need them.
I don't watch the sneedsons but I can tell that in addition to all your issues you apparently have severe visual impairment
unless you are on property you own there is no such thing as privacy
>waaah, tabloids do tabloid shit
no one cares about your dick so you're pretty safe i guess
Stop low quality posting.
says low quality poster
also sneed
get glasses
You first. She Burns with tits and a receding hairline.
sure thing dad
Absolutely zero. They've never even seen a nude woman
You must be 18 to post on this site.
>implying talking about how you fuck your wife and have a 14 yo son is not low quality posting
retard. nobody gives a shit
Imagine shitposting along with your dad unknowingly
Okay bro. I bet your dick so small you pee on your ballsack
You seem to, incel.
sure thing dad
It's probably all a scheme and she's in on it for the publicity and some money.
Yeah? And?
oooh cannibal! reaction image, nice
imagine coming home from highschool and finding your dad furiously shitposting about sansa's tits on Yea Forums lel
would leave the house forever out of embarassment tbqh
Say what you will, Sophie is objectively pretty ugly but I'd still love her to harshly bully my penis for only being 7".
So you always smell like pissy balls
unrelated user here, mine is and I sometimes do if it's particularly shriveled up
I'm also married and have regular sex and my dicks normal sized when hard so it's all good :)
those are some disappointing tits. no wonder she didnt want to do a nude scene on GoT.
sophie is objectively pretty cute, too bad she's aging 10 years every 3 months
Okay? And?
Do you always smell like piss?
Better one
why do brits love ibiza so much?
Pissy balls got you down? I'll clean them for ya ;)
Thank you so much!
God damn it, why couldn't we get them when they were perkier?
>small perky nips
>small boob already sagging
She so ordinary it hurts bros. A real 7/10
varies, but sometimes yes, especially if I've been wearing the same shorts for a few days
27 year old here
everyday is suffering
Is that a pierced nipple?
Early sagging boobs can be caused by a number of things:
Weight gain
Loose bra
Sleeping on your belly
And hormonal issues
With her I am guessing she packed on weight after being thin so long.
She's one of those people who look better dressed. I mean she looks good but she's an absolute knockout dressed (sometimes).
Tanning will make her age even faster, stupid women God I hate them.
If she can just lay off the hgh or whatever is giving her the moon face
Huh ?
>career crashing and burning
>quick get tits out
I'm gonna be sick
why do women feel the need to pierce they nipples.
I don't any man who wants that.
God men are so self absorbed
They're sexy af to see through a top.
what's the point then?
Gonna need a high res version. Get on it Euroanons.
What's the point of earrings? Women just fall for all the fads
What the fuck is a Sansa?Some kind of blowup doll?
I've been waiting for this for 8 fucking years, someone get the high res
that would look a million times better without the piercing.
Easy way to spot a roastie.
Literal diamonds
Today OP was not a fag
earrings look shit as well
Have sex
Sansa YES!
>nipple piercing
Proof that God is real, checkmate atheists!
I have a thing for great tits with inverted nipples.
End blog.
Check out Tinkissa on chaturbate. She's a stpeachy lookalike with great big milky udders with inverted nips.
>small, young and already starting to sag
That's a no no. The only redeeming feature is the pinkness
They don't seem to be inverted.