New Ang Lee flick shot in 60fps. I really like Ang Lee but this looks so fucking bad. At least this trailer is an improvement. The first trailer was even worse.
Trailer 2:
Trailer 1 (the worse one) :
Gemini Man
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It looks like a bad film from the 90s.
So it's Twisted Pair, but with the Fresh Prince.
Will Smith kino confirmed.
His son is so bad at acting they had to CGI another Will Smith?
Will Smith is somehow incapable of making a movie that isn't centered around stroking his dick. The dude's ego is so massive that it's basically a cornerstone of the movie industry by now.
he shot his last movie in 120 fps and it looked even worse
billy flynn's halftime walk or something
war movie
saw a clip of it and it was like watching a soap opera set in iraw
I fucked up. This one was also shot in 120 fps not 60 fps.
His son actually looks older than him most of the time. Hell he had more worry wrinkles than Will did back in After Earth.
nigger vs nigger kino
>It looks like a great film from the 90s.
it's been in development hell since the 90s
>Gemini Man, based on a concept by Darren Lemke, was originally sold to be produced by Walt Disney Pictures along with Don Murphy to produce and Tony Scott to direct in 1997
Jaden looks more like his mom
I know. I guess that explains it.
Jesus fucking christ. Another blue and orange poster.
>complimentary colors are bad
It's fucking lazy when everybody does it.
He's looking like a cancer patient these days.
For me, it's Will Smith (old version)
i'm not racist, but will smith pretty much ruins everything he touches. why do they keep wasting money in this boring, zero charisma, washed up, ex-A lister?
What's that got to do with racism?
I'm racist and I like will smith.
Is this some 20 years old lost movie?
did anyone see Self/less
what a pleb. kinda expected from a brainded redneck moron
Even now he's still among the top box office draws.
plot twist He is the cancer itself
plebs can't into 60FPS what else is new?
Oh sure when Neil Breen does it you all scream hack but the minute it lands in some pretentious washed up fuck's lap now it's bad enough to see.
It's 120 fps
Mexfag here, I really hope they use the voice actor from Fresh Prince for young Will, and normal voice for the old one.
It woulde be damn funny.
But my 23.978fps.
Kek even his sign is Cancer.