A feelgood movie about Hitler's Germany?
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>Aided only by his idiotic imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler (Taika Waititi), Jojo must confront his blind nationalism.
>Blind Nationalism
wtf did Hitler do to New Zealand
This is going to be as insufferable as BlacKkKlansman and also win the same RT score and Oscar praise, isn't it?
His birth name is Taika Cohen..
>lol it's hitler but what if he acted nice?
Nigga wrote his script in crayon.
Movie will end with a flashforward to present day where imaginary friend (who now looks like Trump get it) has a new kid.
Jews are based
Killed their troops on Crete
WTF I thought it is a Boll movie tiill the end.
Tried to save them.
how dare they make fun of nazis
>its ok to make fun of nazis
>No movies making fun of jews
nazis are more oppressed than Jews
>>No movies making fun of jews
have you ever seen a woody allen film lol
Alternately the ending will be Imaginary Hitler with a young Donald Trump who is like at a private boarding school.
Jews will literally never stop seething.
self-loathing is a jewish comedy quirk so that doesn't count
Neck yourself instafag
>remember WWII goy
>remember nationalism = bad, goy
>He doesn't know any movies that mock jews
>Implying this isn't propagandist brainwashing.
I'm sure we'll be seeing something satirizing Socialism, Communism and/or Marx any day now.
I'm ready for kino bros
>from visionary director Taika Waititi
Starring in what we do in the shadows makes you a visionary director? what am i missing here folks?
user there are thousands of great recent films satirizing communism.
Check out 'Detective Comrade' or 'Death of Stalin'
omg soo visionary look how trippy he izz lol
Isn't the director Maori?
Shouldn't he be more mad at the british, not the germans, for genociding his people?
Taika is shooting Akira right now.
he is based
Mel Brook's history of the world.
>Heimdall, also known as the fairest god, securing the gates of valhalla and making decisions on who can enter
>cast as a black guy
Pure coincidence
Maori weren't genocideable. They were real hardcunt warriors.
It's funny because Jews have made more movies about Nazi Germany than anybody. Hitler lives in their heads rent-free.
alright, i can put myself enough into the shoes of a redditor to see that modern capeshit is "important" as it's trendy and has gathered a large crowd. alright, phase 1 understood.
And well the likability of capeshit runs on it's "the office" type of character-chemistry and personality types that groups of friends like to relate to. these movies are overacted as that's part of the movies' "style" and experimenting with any new kinds of filmmaking is out of the window, these movies are just to create a franchise and sell. phase 2 understood
But what would define visionary to the redditor? by a google search, visionary is defined as someone who sees to the future. sexhavers, enlighten me, what makes this guy visionary?
They only oppose communism in the sense that it's a threat to Zionism. They're seething that Stalin kicked-out the (((Trotskyists))) and China only allows ethnic Han to be government leaders.
>Hitler lives in their heads rent-free.
Is Jojo Rabbit a JEWJEW Rabbit?
>open borders for everyone
>except Israel
What did Taiki Waikistein mean by this?
He's an auteur. He has his own distinct style. You can tell that one of his films is made by him when you watch it. Because his films are from himself. They aren't just generic and the director as a replaceable cog, like normally.
Similar to Wes Anderson. Whether you like their style or not is another question, but filmmakers like that deserve respect.
Watch Boy, Eagle vs Shark, or Flight of the Conchords if you're more curious. Also Taika's style was good for marveltrash. Because he didn't put quips in his films, he put stupid improvised jokes instead that felt much looser rather than overly witty zingers written in boardrooms.
>user there are thousands of great recent films satirizing communism.
>Check out 'Detective Comrade' or 'Death of Stalin'
>names two
>neither gets anywhere as ridiculous as what the media does to Hitler and the Nazis.
(But the opposite)
Kek movie
>Watch Boy, Eagle vs Shark, or Flight of the Conchords
not in a million years, but thanks for that response that can be said about any director. doesn't tick the visionary box to me
>[jews] only oppose communism in the sense that it's a threat to Zionism.
So let me get this straight. Just so we're clear.
>jews control the worlds banks and corporations
>jews are hyper wealthy
>jews lead lavish livestyles with yachts and mansions and pedo rings
>jews profit off the suffering and labour of ordinary good white folk
>jews want to abolish capitalism and private property/ wealth
Speaking of "Death of Stalin" en.wikipedia.org
>antisemitic conspiracy theory
lmao you literally got brainwashed by stormfront memes
>if you're familiar with a director's work, you could watch any of their films, and tell that it is made by them.
You really think that's true for all directors?
>A another (((tribesman))) makes another (((movie))) about the (((world's))) biggest tyrant.
>>antisemitic conspiracy theory
Yeah, Stalin was such an antisemite he had a sexual relationship with a Jewess.
>jews want to abolish capitalism and private property/ wealth
Not really. 85% of the first generation of NKVD and the leadership in the Bolshevik revolution were Jewish. And the elite caste leads privileged lives of almost absolute power.
You can also see the overlap between socialist ideology and neo-liberal capitalism in the neocons who are former trotzkites rebranded. Prime example are Bill Kristol and his father.
Have you seen either of those?
>lmao you literally got brainwashed by stormfront memes
"hurr that's bad!"
>brainwashed by the media and the political parties
"hurr that's good!"
>Yeah, Stalin was such an antisemite he had a sexual relationship with a Jewess.
So did Heidegger, or should I say HEILdegger
>You can also see the overlap between socialist ideology and neo-liberal capitalism in the neocons who are former trotzkites rebranded. Prime example are Bill Kristol and his father.
You do also see how they are in many ways diametrically opposite right?
>jews want to abolish capitalism and private property/ wealth
The (((Trotskyist))) faction doesn't really give a shit about abolishing poverty; they just want to use working-class butthurt in order to get into power and rule over goyim with an iron-fisted bureaucracy. (((Bela Kun))) almost had control over Hungary, but based Horthy kicked him out, and later on Stalin had him executed.
>A feelgood movie about the holocaust?
>lmao you literally got brainwashed by stormfront memes
"hurr that's good!"
>brainwashed by the media and the political parties
"hurr that's bad!"
Not at all. It fits perfectly with the new left where minorities and all kinds of perceived oppressed groups are weaponized against civil society, the old elite and white majority, while wall street, the billionair class and the big banks, nevermind the FED remain untouched.
>Taika is shooting Akira right now.
user i do not give a fuck about your autism i am merely pointing out that jews=communism is absurd. Atleast if you're going to represent 'jews' as some kind of singular conspiracy. Which you are doing when you say
>They only oppose communism in the sense that it's a threat to Zionism.
Just utter nonsense.
It's hard to find anything negative about Jews on (((Wikipedia))). There are Jewish NGOs like the (((ADL))) that literally spend all day camping on Wikipedia and editing articles critical of Jews.
There's not much difference between an ethnocentric corporatist and an ethnocentric politburo official.
I know you're a genius at finding ways to make your narrative make sense.
But are there really no ways which you can see in which it does not make sense? That doesn't even necessery make it wrong. You cannot think of any points on which neo-liberalism and socialism are ideologically opposite?
This is pure cognitive dissonance if that's so. It doesn't even necessarily make you wrong if you can think of reasons why what you're saying doesn't make sense. It mostly would just make you rational.
I love jews
>A feelgood movie about Hitler's Germany?
You dont think nazis are bad? I dont mean the fat faggots who larp online and have deluded themselves in to believing they really are nazis when theyd be first in to the oven for being retarded subhums but actual nazis? You know, the ones who destroyed Europe?
What ethnicity are you again?
>brainwashed by stormfront memes
The "stormfront" boogeyman is something shitlibs/kikes say to cope. /pol/ is just a result of absolute free speech.
I was "radicalized" by actually being around niggers, not seeing idealized fantasy versions of them on Jewish TV shows.
I'm a jew but that has nothing to do with you sounding like a paranoid schizophrenic
he is bro
>You cannot think of any points on which neo-liberalism and socialism are ideologically opposite?
Both are "anti-racist" open border ideologies that highly value internationalism and statism. They are two side of the same Jewish coin.
>I'm a jew
Not surprising. And it does answer why you sound like a heeb high on pilpul refusing to address a single fact you were confronted with and instead accuse the person you are talking to of paranoia and shizophrenia. - Interestingly enough Ashkenazi Jews have a massive genetic disposition to both.
You're not answering the question
how old are you user?
are you a neet incel?
I was honest about who I am, answer these simple personal questions.
you mean their british imperial overlords killed them by ordering them there in the first place
I still don't understand what this movie is about. So there's this kid at a camp? And his imaginary friend is Adolf Hitler. What's up with all the war scenes?
>A feelgood movie about Hitler's Germany?
this unironically
>hurr you neet incel
Jews literally using Reddit lingo.
a hitler youth kid is bullied and has hitler as his imaginary friend and then he discovers his mother is hiding a qt jew girl in the attic and is conflicted about it
Are you seriously this much of a political imbecile?
It's a "HITLER YOUTH BAD" flick.
In case you're a common core zoomer, the Hitler Youth were basically Nazi boy scouts.
24, 6'5", fat 8 inch dick, 300k a year, hot blonde girlfriend (she just blew me, shit was so cash)
>are you a neet incel?
>y-you're reddit
New Zealand has Hitler Youth?
They always control both sides as much as possible and ALWAYS hedge their bets so they are never completely on the losing side. It makes perfect sense.
The economic system itself they really have no preference for. They aren't blind ideologues. They will do whatever it takes to remain in power.
Plenty of jewish-made movies make fun of jews. But goyim can't or else they're antisemitic
But blackkklansm was alright movie outside of the BLM ending which by the way was not 10 minutes or 5 minutes like some people said it was.
They both had the goal of putting Jews into positions of power.
The Cold War was an "A-B test" to see which goyim empire would rise to the top; and Jews had their feet in both camps to see which one would become the victor.
Neocons were literally created by (((Trotskyist))) think tanks. Their goal was to remove the nationalist elements of the Anglosphere right, and allow Jews to worm their way into the public and private sector. It worked.
>raaaahh the jews the commies
another great third by /tvpol/
Mel brooks made tons of jokes about jews and so does Larry David.
>shitlib has no argument
>It's a "HITLER YOUTH BAD" flick.
>In case you're a common core zoomer, the Hitler Youth were basically Nazi boy scouts.
I highly doubt it. It's a comedy. There's literally nothing in the trailer that is sinister or 'evil' about hitler youth. I suspect they will be depicted, including sam rockwell's character, much as you say, like a boy scout troop. Because that's funny.
It's like how in What we do in the Shadows he shows 'evil' vampires as a bunch of normal dorks.
>movie called BlacKKKlansman with a black guy in a KKK hood on the poster
>think it's going to be comedy kino similar to Clayton Biggsby where a black guy has to stealthily climb the KKK ranks in uniform
>it's actually boring "satire" and the black guy just sits around and lets the white guy do all the disguising
Spike Lee is a fucking hack, as if I needed more reasons to detest him after Oldboy
maybe instead of an elaborate multi sided singular conspiracy, jews are not all united and some of them have different goals and ideas?
It's obviously gonna be a sarcastic deconstruction of the Hiltler Youth and nationalism. IDK why you think it would be otherwise.
The director is a kike, and the current zeitgeist forbids anything pro-white from getting much funding.
It's a quirky Holocaust WW2 movie.
It's literally about WW2 era Nazis though
>article literally admits that neoconism comes from (((Trotskyists))))
>lol it's just a conspiracy goy
Jews consistently test high when it comes to ethnocentrism. They go about it in different ways, but the vast majority of Jews keep trying to put Jews in power over goyim.
That has nothing to do with what I said, or what I was replying to.
It's not absurd user. Churchill himself wrote an article about the overwhelming presence of Jews involved in the October Revolution.
Hell, some of the major backers of the Bolsheviks were big Wall Street bankers like Jacob Schiff. Trotsky was actually in NYC just prior to the October Revolution.
As for the USSR and anti-Zionism, Stalin got burnt by the Zionists after the establishment of Israel and he was gearing up for a purge. See: Doctor's Plot. "rootless cosmopolitans"
The Soviet Union was thereafter Anti-Zionist, if not explicitly anti-Jewish, until its collapse.
How can nazis be pro-white when they murdered more whites than any other group in history?
where are they going to fit the holocaust into it?
you sound like a nigger crying about white people
Not Muslim and not a neet incel. It also confirms another time what I said earlier.
> a heeb high on pilpul refusing to address a single fact you were confronted with and instead accuse the person you are talking to of
neet incel this time around. We still have Neo-Nazi, loser on the list. Give it a try.
Unfortunately those also do not apply.
I would tell you just to read the culture of critique by Kevin Mc Donald and maybe the books of Louis Farrakhan, if the lobby hadn't banned them already on amazon. Maybe you can still find a pdf though. :^)
it's about
>white people bad
>open borders now
>remember the six million
He directed WWDITS. Also, Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Both well received.
it was based on a true story and advertised as exactly that
>if you're going to represent 'jews' as some kind of singular conspiracy
I just tell it like it is. Our current zeitgeist (propagated by Jews) is preventing whites from organizing ethnocentricly on a mass scale. If we were united and race-conscious, we would deport you hooknoses just like the multiple European kingdoms did for centuries.
Ah yes, forgot that one on the pilpul list. My bad.
Well the true story was fucking boring.
How old are you and what do you do for work?
so commies good?
Except that nothing in it was true, had many factual errors and depicted David Duke as a terrorist which he isn't at all.
>sell lies as true story
>y u mad?
Why bring up niggers suddenly? We are talking about jews here.I can say that i lived 5 years in ghetto and i still don't hate all of blacks only hoodrat types.
>based on a true story
literally false
David Duke or the klan was never involved in some terrorist plot
the only part that is real is the black guy talking to klansmen through the phone, everything else is made up
David Duke explains it in great detail
You are asking a lot of personal questions in here, Monsieur and so far have not addressed a single point or actual argument.
>You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
Stalin technically killed more whites than Hitler.
Also keep in mind that the Soviets invaded the Baltic States, Romania, Finland, and Poland without being provoked. They also invaded Poland in 1919, and funded communist rebels in Germany, Spain, and other countries which led to civil wars. The Soviets also funded the nigger communists in Rhodesia and South Africa, which killed tons of whites and turned those countries into shitholes.
The decision to declare war on Germany was made by France and the UK after the invasion of Poland. Hitler literally offered them peace 5 times and they denied it all the way up until the battle of Dunkirk.
30. Self-employed on farm/ranch.
I have clearly established that you are not a rational person.
You have claimed that socialism and neo-liberalism have literally nothing in common.
It's not worth arguing anything with you about anything. You wouldn't admit the ground was beneath your feet if it didn't fit your narrative.
>Tommy Sotomayor considers David Duke a friend of his
Mind status officially blown
>17 million
>pol pot only 1,7 million
this is so false
Every. Single. Time.
>I have clearly established that you are not a rational person.
You haven't. You just pretended your ad hominem constitutes for an argument.
>You have claimed that socialism and neo-liberalism have literally nothing in common.
I actually did the exact opposite. Thank your for participating.
>You wouldn't admit the ground was beneath your feet if it didn't fit your narrative.
More of that good old projection. So fresh.
david duke has plenty of non white friends user
fucking based
Even non-religious Jews recognize themselves as being part of something larger. It's just in-group preference.
They are flawed because their economic system isn't as efficient as a market system. But yes, commies good. Never thought I'd say that.
Just look at the Chinks now. They are beating America at their own game through mercantilism.
Why does nu-Yea Forums white knight for Nazis?
I am not saying it could not been better but people here like always overreacted to premise of the movie. And i think Spike Lee is decent director that goes sometimes bit too far to get attention but when you are known as pro-black you kinda have to keep that status-quo.
shut up jew
post height and jaw
post ur name and adress
name one
Rocco Siffredi
6 Parvis Notre-Dame - Pl. Jean-Paul II, 75004 Paris, France
But is David Duke really the man you can trust for telling the truth? Because if i remember right a lot his KKK supporters also stopped being his supporters when he started fucking things up.
post dimensions of your cranium and the genetic history of your family for the past 200 years.
post seed and feed
amazing that in your very post you seem to have missed that the jews are nationalistic to Israel.
Harold and Kumar
looks cute, I'll watch it
lmao didnt know this was real
it's just a LARP.
First day here, eh?
>But is David Duke really the man you can trust for telling the truth? Because if i remember right a lot his KKK supporters also stopped being his supporters when he started fucking things up.
100% of that movie was shit, you shill
No it's not.
it really is.
1. The Bolshevik Revolution wasn't entirely funded by Jews, Lenin was also given support from Imperial Germany in 1917. They gave him safe passage out of Switzerland through German territory to Russia. Makes sense too given Imperial Russia was part of the Allies.
2. Germany defeats Russia and signs a treaty for hostilities to end on the Eastern front.
3. Germany obviously loses the Great War.
4. The Russians aren't actually at the Paris Peace Conference. They don't get invited to Versailles. They are a pariah state.
5. The British and the Americans actually send troops to try to help the White Russians in the Civil War. I actually think this is the old Anglo ruling class in each respective nation realizing what a threat a Bolshevik Russia could be.
6. As the Russian Empire tears itself apart, the Western victors draw up the maps of Eastern Europe.
7. Obviously Poland is drawn up with land that was previously part of the German and Russian Empires. The Polish get a huge amount of aide from France/Britain in the Russo-Polish War.
8. Hitler cuts a deal with Stalin in 1939 to divide up Eastern Europe. This completely bypasses Britain/France/America's ability to exert influence on Germany via trade blockade.
The bombing in the film was fictional but inspired by the 1963 KKK bombing in Alabama. The KKK was formed in 1866 to harass blacks and Republicans pushing for reconstruction. It has been responsible for thousands of acts of terrorism, and was first declared a terrorist organization by a federal grand jury in 1870.
Just because today the KKK is filled with larping dorks with gay secret passwords doesn't mean they haven't explicitly been a terrorist group since the very beginning.
Anyways BlacKKKlansmen wasn't a great movie but it was pretty funny.
how does duke manage to look so good at his age
>7. Obviously Poland is drawn up with land that was previously part of the German and Russian Empires. The Polish get a huge amount of aide from France/Britain in the Russo-Polish War.
You're forgetting that the Bolsheviks literally occupied Ukraine by force, and Ukrainian nationalists and democrats didn't want to join the Soviet Union and be buttslaves to Moscow. Symon Petlyura actually went to Poland and asked for military aid in defeating the reds.
huwite genes
Lifting and broccoli.
this looks fucking great lmao
Because "anti-Nazi" shit is so cringey and condescending that it makes people want to shit on it
s-should I eat my greens?
>the ones who destroyed Europe?
I think you mean russians and more recently islamists/apefricans
I agree films with dumb ass one dimensional messages like "mmm Nazis are bad sweetie ok?" are cringe but there are tons of people on this site who unironically defend NEETSoc in every WW2 thread on this board. It seems like every thread even slightly related to Nazis on this board devolves into larpers claiming Nazis dindu nuffin
>I think you mean russians
Germany surprise invaded Russia and launched the biggest war in history. It was Germans who destroyed Russia
Because whites have been cut a shitty deal and Yea Forums has free speech (when jannies aren't around) so we can express how we actually feel about it.
Curb Your Enthusiasm
>Because whites have been cut a shitty deal
nah we're fine, you're just a fucking pussy
What makes you think NatSoc was a pro-white ideology? Nazis killed millions of white people. NatSoc was very specifically a pro-German expansionist movement. Just seems like a dumb ideology to cling onto considering their track record
No it was not. It was 6/10 movie that only got popular because of its subject matter.
Yeah well, you expand your influence as far as you can until you can't.
What the victors of WW1 did was support all these Eastern European countries as a buffer system for Central and Western Europe.
It was to limit the territorial expansion of both Russia and Germany. Obviously Germany was thought of the bigger threat, but once Germany was dispatched then Russia was in the firing line.
Who won in the end? It wasn't Russia or Germany.
Can we all agree that Hitler was right but he went about it the wrong way?
Well that is what i read.
>Can we all agree that Hitler was right
No he was a tribal minded and expansionist faggot.
>NatSoc was very specifically a pro-German expansionist movement.
There were German chauvinist strains, but there were also Pan-European strains too. The Germans mobilized the French, Norwegians, Finnish and even slavs to fight in the SS.
why dont you care about your race pussy
national socialism can be molded for every nation
He has a podcast called "Liftwaffe" which is about health and fitness.
The biggest sin Hitler committed was that he lost. The war was decided by the end of 1942.
Not yet.
>but there were also Pan-European strains too
Of NatSoc? Like what? Can you give any examples?
>The Germans mobilized the French, Norwegians, Finnish and even slavs to fight in the SS.
Using foreign troops as canon fodder hardly means that the Germans supported nationalist strains in those respective countries, Take for example what Hitler had to say about the French:
>Hitler pondered the (French) question in the first volume,written mostly when he was in prison in 1924, returning to it at greater length in Volume Two, which was finished in 1926. In the first place, there must be a reckoning with France, ”the inexorable mortal enemy of the German people.” The French aim, he said, would always be to achieve a ”dismembered and shattered Germany . . . a hodgepodge of little states.” This was so self-evident, Hitler added, that ”. . . if I were a Frenchman. . . I could not and would not act any differently from Clemenceau,” Therefore,there must be ”a final active reckoning with France . . . a last decisive struggle. . . only then will we be able to end the eternal and essentially so fruitless struggle between ourselves and France; presupposing, of course, that Germany actually regards the destruction of France as only a means which will afterward enable her finally to give our people the expansion made possible elsewhere.”
(((Theodor Herzl))) and his Zionism was just a pro-Israel expansionist movement. He killed millions of Palestinian Semites.
Do you see how we don't fall for your memes now, kike?
NatSoc wasn't pro-white you dumb fucking mutt
>(((Theodor Herzl))) and his Zionism was just a pro-Israel expansionist movement. He killed millions of Palestinian Semites.
I agree zionists are cancer and Israel is an illegitimate state
>Do you see how we don't fall for your memes now, kike?
What makes you think everyone who thinks NatSoc is retarded is a kike you fucking retard?
imagine being this dumb
because "muh race" and "da joos" is incel cope
Will this be "Look who's back" tier? Or just another shit show?
Oh so you're just a leftist traitor then?
Line up against the wall for your free bullet.
>Hitler played by a Polynesian Jew
Please inject the Stormcuck tears right into my veins
>No argument
Why do you mutts accept this bullshit sugar-coated version of NatSoc? Go actually read Mein Kampf you retard NatSoc was very specifically a ethnic German nationalist movement I don't know where the fuck you mutts got this idea it was pro-white
So Israel is a country of incels then
>Oh so you're just a leftist traitor then?
>"you don't like NatSoc? YOU MUST BE ON BAD TEAM"
imagine being this much of a brainwashed tribalist retard.
>where the fuck you mutts got this idea it was pro-white
Confirmed for kike/nigger being disingenuous in order to undermine whites.
>no argument
Well you're either a neocon brainlet or a neoliberal brainlet. Which is it?
that won't cure your hiv, sweetie
your monthly propaganda is here boys
He tried to micromanage the war and attacked the Soviet Union at a terrible time. He should have stopped when he had annexed predominantly German speaking places and just focused on removing Jews from Germany, not killing them.
>da joos
nope. dutch. my great-grandma used to deliver protest flyers in rotterdam during nazi occupation, even though there was a german soldier posted in the house.
Americans and their shit politics truly are a cancer on this board.
>and just focused on removing Jews from Germany, not killing them.
that is what he did tho
then he lost and propaganda was made
>He should have stopped when he had annexed predominantly German speaking places and just focused on removing Jews from Germany
Germany had to go to war due to the nature of its economy which was primary driven by rearmament. Had it not gone to war it would've faced a cataclysmic economic crash since all the arms it made would've been for nothing. Wages of destruction is an excellent book on this matter.
>hey goyim, stop being pro-white
>attack those dumb Americans and call them mutts instead
How many Oscars will this win?
I'm a North African Arab and I hate Jews aswel.
It's not just white people who hate jews. Arabs hate them aswel. A lot of blacks do so too, especially the Muslim ones. Asians do aswel, Chinese and Japanese for example. Infact, virtually everyone hates Jews.
People hate Jews on every continent.
t. schlomo goldstein
>stop being pro-white
No one said that retard. I said:
>NatSoc wasn't a pro-white ideology Nazis killed millions of white people. NatSoc was very specifically a pro-German expansionist movement.
You brainwashed NEETSoc mutts are legitimately low IQ
It's a good thing they put the word "satire" in big red letters in the trailer otherwise I might've taken this seriously.
absolutley seething
lmfaoooo look at this larping faggot
fucking pathetic
NatSoc is an ideology that can apply to any nation. Hitler being the founder of it in Germany doesn't make him the sole owner of it.
There were Indian NatSocs that fought against the British.
>y-you're just seething
damn.......so this.........is the power..........of NEETSOC.........damn
>thinks I'm joking
Anders Breivik, Brenton Tarrant, Timothy McVeigh, etc.
>Although Rosenberg regarded all the Soviet peoples as subhumans for their communist beliefs,[42] such suggestions were intended to encourage certain non-Russian nationalism and to promote German interests for the benefit of future Aryan generations, in accord with geopolitical "Lebensraum im Osten" plans. They would provide a buffer against Soviet expansion in preparation for the total eradication of Communism and Bolshevism by decisive pre-emptive military action.
>Following these plans, when Wehrmacht forces invaded Soviet-controlled territory, they immediately implemented the first of the proposed Reichskommissariats of Ostland and Ukraine, under the leadership of Hinrich Lohse and Erich Koch, respectively. The organization of these administrative territories led to conflict between Rosenberg and the SS over the treatment of Slavs under German occupation. As Nazi Germany's chief racial theorist, Rosenberg considered Slavs, though lesser than Germans, to be Aryan. Rosenberg often complained to Hitler and Himmler about the treatment of non-Jewish occupied peoples.[43] He proposed creation of buffer satellite states made out of Greater Finland, Baltica, Ukraine, and Caucasus.
As for the French, some of the last holdouts in Berlin were French SS units.
I've literally only seen a handful of Jews on Yea Forums and Yea Forums use the term "NEETSoc". You used to post tons of Jewish superiority memes along with it, but you can't do it now because it's bad optics and you already pretended to be anti-Zionist.
>NatSoc is an ideology that can apply to any nation
That's called Fascism retard. NatSoc is specifically German due to a number of tenants within it. Take for example their view of Russians or Poles. Take their obsession with race which separated it from other movements like Mussolini or Franco Fascism. Changing it to fit your country would change its very essence and the Prussian nature of the movement.
NatSoc isn't fascism.
Fascism is just civnat corporatism.
fascism has nothing to do with race
got your ar-15 strapped huh
>He proposed creation of buffer satellite states made out of Greater Finland, Baltica, Ukraine, and Caucasus.
Yes satellite states just like what the Germans made of France post invasion, do you really think they would respect the sovereignty of these nations? They certainly didn't respect France's
>As for the French, some of the last holdouts in Berlin were French SS units.
>Using foreign troops as canon fodder hardly means that the Germans supported nationalist strains in those respective countries
Refer to the quote I posted from Mein Kampf. Hitler had no regard for the French
>NatSoc isn't fascism.
Yes it is retard:
>Fascism was a major influence on Nazism. The seizure of power by Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini in the March on Rome in 1922 drew admiration by Hitler, who less than a month later had begun to model himself and the Nazi Party upon Mussolini and the Fascists.[122] Hitler presented the Nazis as a form of German fascism
Yes Fascism doesn't, NatSoc does.
>No argument
Gonna free those beaners by throwing molotovs at their building and getting shot?
>no argument
Until they shoehorn in bullshit about DRAUMPF
Italian Fascism's influence on NatSoc is well noted. The source from the wiki article is Stanley G. Payne. A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 pp. 463–464.
>Hitler’s approach, at least vis-à-vis Italy, was more firm, practical, and consistent. He clearly became convinced, at least from the time of the March on Rome, that Fascism and National Socialism shared a common destiny.Though not considered identical in the sense of point-by-point similarity, they were deemed historical equivalents in their respective countries.
>unironically linking wikipedia
This jidf isn't even trying
This is literally 90 percent of jewish comedy.
>provide source
>provide corroborating source
>still cry
Unironically go read a back. Italian Fascism very directly inspired NatSoc according to Hitler himself
Germany could have done a few things to prolong the war, or even outright win it.
1. Either keep the Soviet Union as a neutral party, or invite them into the Axis in 1940 after the Battle of France, and proceed to dismember the British Empire in the Middle East (capturing Egypt, the Suez Canal and the Iraqi/Persian oil fields in the process).
2. Changed the Barbarossa plan for mechanized units to prioritize the capture of the Ukraine and the Caucasus region by the end of 1941. Regroup over the Winter and then have another offensive to eliminate Stalingrad, Moscow and Leningrad in a series of successive envelopments in 1942. No urban fighting, just sieges.
3. Appoint Albert Speer as armaments minister earlier in the war. Simplify tank production to two tank chassis, Panzer III and IV. Never develop the V-1, V-2 or the Me 262.
German armaments output was at it's highest in 1944 when it was under intense bombing by the Allies. If that had been achieved in 1940 or 1941 we'd be speaking German.
you laugh and mock now but if the left keeps pushing their agenda and making people feel cornered and desperate, there is a real possibility that they will get violent, and that won't go well for the side that has no guns and considers masculinity "toxic." you should really hope and pray that those you ridicule don't strap their ar-15s, if only for your own sake
post height and jaw
Hitler killed at least 40 million people between just his biggest 3 victim states if you rightly count deaths in wars he started. If you start trying to add up deaths of minor victims like the British it climbs further.
I don't know about Mao but even if you count people who starved in accidental famines you'd be lucky to hit 10 million for Stalin, of which somewhere from 2-4 million actually died due to direct repression and executions.
>and that won't go well for the side that has no guns
google "john brown gun club" or look at any leftist uprising in latin america. Extremists on both sides use guns faggot
>Hitler killed at least 40 million people between just his biggest 3 victim states if you rightly count deaths in wars he started.
Hm, I wonder (((who))) might blow up Hitler's victims and minimize the people communism killed. Truly a mystery.
>>if you rightly count deaths in wars he started
>France and UK declare war on Hitler
>get rekt
>hurr this is your fault!
>give Poland to Stalin for free when it's over
height means nothing to a .223 traveling at 3100 ft/s
sure thing honey
Hillary Clinton supporters aren't leftist yank.
It was a symbiotic relationship. At first, Italian fascism wasn't at odds with France or Britain at all. In fact, Mussolini was on the British payroll in the 1910s and early 1920s.
As British and French power waned through the 1930s though, and the German power increased, Mussolini backed the strong horse in Germany as the 30s progressed.
>"National pride has no need of the delirium of race. Anti-Semitism does not exist in Italy… Whenever things go awry in Germany, the Jews are blamed for it."
Well okay retard I was being nice and counting deaths the Winter War in Stalin's death toll but lets just remove those.
i'm not a yank, retard. and the left in america is defined by the democratic party. and that side clearly has no guns. but continue being a pedant since you have no argument
>i larp as a terrorist
>so you must too
I think that deep within the back of their minds, within what little real conscience they have left, elite Jews know they are supposed to be dead. They know that they only survive due to their parasitic behavior and that maybe another crusade against them can happen at any point in history when certain groups see them for what they really are.
So they cope with that making these sorts of films and fucking children in their occult rituals. They just wanna forget that people are still on to them and that they are still hated, because they've done everything in their power to remain hated and unwanted from the moment they existed on this planet.
Reminder that poltards unironically thought that jews were spamming blacked on pol so they started photoshopping scat porn to apparently "own da jooz"
>t. triggered blacked spammer
No retard, the only people on both sides who would be grabbing guns are the most extreme sliver. These people on the left, i.e. actual leftists ,tend towards being armed, even if the ridiculous masses of the democratic """""left"""""" are neoliberal stooges.
Americans aren't gonna do shit anyway. They literally have the lowest psychological potential for insurrection of any population on the planet even with the guns, and believe it or not the federal government isn't going to back people who are being that chaotic a threat to the flow of capital.
What's the date of that quote?
You literally, literally, aren't gonna do shit. You're just trying to make yourself feel better about the palpable powerlessness of your situation with empty fantasies in which you secretly hold the final say over what happens in a society that increasingly rejects you.
Americans won't even refuse to do the Walmart Shuffle. You think they've got revolutionary potential?
lol @ the unhinged american copers who literally cum at the thought of the collapse of their own society so they have an excuse to shoot strangers
im sorry that your life didn't turn out the way you hoped it would champ i truly am
I'm sick of ww2 era themed shit in general
blacked spam was stormfront
>the only people on both sides who would be grabbing guns are the most extreme sliver
it only takes a minority of extremists to cause chaos. historically most violent revolutions have been cases of a small group of armed people fighting while the apathetic masses watch from the sidelines and wait for an outcome
>people on the left, i.e. actual leftists ,tend towards being armed
yeah, there are millions of hardcore leftists in america carrying a gun in one hand and a copy of kapital in the other. that's definitely what's happening
>Americans aren't gonna do shit anyway
some will, if the circumstances are right
>believe it or not the federal government isn't going to back people who are being that chaotic a threat to the flow of capital
believe it or not the federal gov't is not equipped to stop a major insurrection in urban centres. america's electricity grids aren't even adequately guarded
I fucking hate that nz gets another success only to have it amount to Jewish nepotism again
>You're just trying to make yourself feel better about the palpable powerlessness of your situation
>in a society that increasingly rejects you
guess what happens when people feel powerless and rejected and betrayed by their society. guess what happens when people understand there's no peaceful or political solution to their concerns, and that they don't matter. guess what happens when people feel there's no justice for them
enjoy your africans/muslims/gooks, racetraitor
>Jewish comedians have been making fun of themselves for years
>Little baby nazi faggot cant take a harmless joke
confirmed manlet
>t. disarmed racetraitor pussy
enjoy your africans/muslims/gooks
I can smell the virginity from here
You're not gunna do shit faggot all you're going to do is keep larping and making empty threats on an anime image board
>He's taking the joke seriously
Missing Churchill.
>"from visionary director takiki"
.....someone kill me already.
post nose, hand and foreskin
keep pushing. keep mocking. see what happens
>Americans EVER thinking theyre white
this entire thread is americans jerking off about the third reich
you unbelievable fucking faggot lmfao go polish your katana
If America actually didn't give a shit about the world the last 60 or so years would have gone so much better.
This turbo fatty thinks hes going strap guns to the front of his mobility scooter and rove around like some gelatinous Humvee and star in an upcoming racewar
Naw man, the other half is Jews getting triggered and pretending they are alpha males and not cowardly little bagmen with tiny hats and snipped dicks constantly cucked by their psychotic women
rent free
I’ll keep calling you a faggot and you won’t do shit about it. Go jerk off to some parade photos dumb larper
>Posted by an american wishing he was European
This thread is pure laughs
go polish your guns. oh wait. you don't have any
oh okay only HALF the thread is americans literally obsessed with europe gotcha
hey half of this entire thread is americans jerking off about the third reich
>So butthurt he starts spouting out catch phrases
womp womp
Well, I mean the Amerijews are more obsessed with one European than anyone else in this thread, so...
>american wishing he was European
that doesn't exist
Looks like comfy nazi kino is back on the menu boys
Who /nazi/ here?
Height and jaw. Post it
is that the sound the sirens make when the cops come to arrest you for "hate speech"?
truly a majestic people
zoomer “banter”
>European wishing was a burger
actually that does not exist
nose and foreskin. Post it.
The absolute irony of posting that
is that what you and your cellmates do to pass the time?
182 cm, jaw is kinda weak but I trimmed my beard to make it look sharper than it is
You have to be 18+ to post here
its the white mans battle cry
No. Your pic isn't one.
You sound cute user UwU
They're the only ones allowed to do it huh. Wow, makes sense!
inb4 someone starts crying about discord trannies
more good movies in last 5 years than any other director, prove me wrong I welcome it
t. discord tranny
>Americans larp about being some warlord during social collapse
>Cant tell their boomer boss to fuck off
I love Taika. Guy truly gives no fucks.