>Watchmen‘s original creator Alan Moore is “not thrilled” about HBO’s new adaptation, according to the network’s president of programming Casey Bloys, but showrunner Damon Lindelof says he’s moving full-steam ahead with this message: “F— you, I’m doing it anyway.”
Other urls found in this thread:
it's gonna be shit
>your final message is fuck you comicsgate
>the ideology you defended of the dying industry that fucked over tells you to fuck off yet again
What a twist.
Now that's based.
Rorsach was a nazi hahaa fuck you goy
He followed it up by saying "that's clickbait". And you just took the bait.
>Am I out of touch?
>No, everyone else is wrong.
>no, its donald trump thats wrong
>He then immediately followed up with, “That’s clickbait, guys! Clickbait!”
And still they did it.
Man I trash talk Moore all the time but c'mon man. When you're telling the creator of the work you're poorly appropriating to fuck off you gotta re-evaluate your position in life. Especially when all you're doing is putting out Riverdale w/ Superheroes compared to a comic that like it or not shaped media landscape for decades
The Curse of Superman. This is your burden to pay, old man.
>When you're telling the creator of the work you're poorly appropriating to fuck off you gotta re-evaluate your position in life.
That's basically what he did with his stories, so...
>Implying the tv show won't be a big giant FUCK YOU to the original work.
>Moore is now based
Sick sad world.
He’s always been based.
what?! Alan Moore is not thrilled about an adaptation of his work? wtf, how could this happen noooo
Again I don't read much Moore but I think he highly valued most of the characters he was working with. Even Superman, who I consider his most bastardized character out of what I've read, at the very least has some purpose and heart poured into the character (out of his Supes stories I've read TDKR and Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?), however I wouldn't doubt you're right. I know he worked on League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and other classic icons and was a bit of a hypocrite.
My gripe with Moore is with his philosophy, not his talent. Lindelof seems to have neither to offer.
That bearded retard hasn't been based since he stopped doing Velvet Underground covers about Ditko characters.
Moore and his snake god on suicide watch
That's what he gets for being a racist white man, the original Watchmen was a white supremacist fantasy that systematically kept out PoC from its major roles
That was Frank Miller and it actually wasn't as bad as most people say.
Moore, on the other hand... Ugh. His OC stuff is fine because he's not ruining characters, but the way he uses characters is so disrespectful. Watchmen was saved because the editors forced him to use OCs. All of his non-OC stories feel like "Alan Moore story featuring X character" instead of "X character written by Alan Moore" if you get what I mean. It feels like they could be replaced by any other characters and the stories would stay the same.
>Lindelof, Kurtzman and Orci are still allowed to make shit
I know they're jews but can't they find other jews to make their shit? What dirt are those guys sitting on?
>fuck you i'm doing it anyway
Moore has been hearing this from DC for decades now. That Lindelof thinks Moore would personally object to him is kinda laughable, desu
>the way he uses characters is so disrespectful
If you want a laugh, check out his pitch for Twilight of the Superheroes, his Elseworlds conclusion to the DC Universe. Everyone, except Batman and Constantine get shit on
>That was Frank Miller
You're right what the fuck am I thinking. Otherwise fair assessment.
moore is a talentless hack. no idea abut lindelof, but can't be much worse
The fact that Lindelof thinks that writing an Amazon Video cashgrab of a very famous comic is "punk rock" is just beyond hilarious.
>watchmen is about nazis and drumpf
Moore: no
>Fuck you, antisemite
He thinks he's Dead Kennedys but he's really 5 Seconds of Summer
>no idea abut lindelof, but can't be much worse
LOST went from 23M viewers to roughly half that, so figure it out
Leftovers was great.
Dead Kennedys suck too
It was a complete mess. Like Westworld the soundtrack was full of the most on-the-nose possible choices, and when he ran out of book it took a major nosedive into mistery-box land
You actually don't know who Alan Moore is
It would indeed be funny if it wasn't symptomatic of a generation of safe, sanitized writers who convinced themselves and part of the audience that their boring mainstream PC trash is somehow counter culture. These retards are convinced that the dominant culture is still some elitist WASP thing severely in need of deconstruction, but they already grew up at a time when their favorite target was already dying.
Bunch of oblivious maniacs playing revolutionaries while securing their insipid trash as the new dominant norm. If I wasn't cripplingly depressed I could indeed have a laugh but I just feel dead inside
>the only principled character not willing to kill people and destroy their way of life in order to create global unity was a nazi
really makes you think
Jews can’t into art
>nazis and drumpf are the good guys
i doubt europe and america would be worse if they had won
muh extreme-right-wing locoman ditko
Moore is going to put a hex on him
>And that's a good thing!
>just wait for global nuclear war, it'll be better than dog carcasses and gutters of blood anyway
yeah, fuck nazis
I dont blame him
Moore publicly called Schneider's Watchmen movie a "fucking piece of shit" only to latter admit that he never even watched it
Disregard this opinion of a redditor/woman
Are they gonna explain the hurley bird or the black goo in this?
I think that the show should be about nazis and drumpf being the good guys. (Unironically)
I hope some autistic sperg in a Rorschach Mask beats him to death.
>Leftist cries about his work being destroyed by his ideology
i still wouldnt watch it but it'd be a far funnier 'fuck you' to Moore
dude fed the sharks, now they're on his ass, same leftism as he proposed but coated in neoliberal coporate jewy gayness. Let's see him use his magic on those hollywood jews he cant even say they exist
Fuck Lindelof
Fuck Alan Moore
Fuck The Watchmen
came to post this, niggas dead within the year
Agreed. That asshole relies way to much on the mystery box trope to propel his shoddily written narratives.
Was that the one where the question was investigating Billy Batson being killed in a sex dungeon?
If so then yeah it was pretty laughable, but I'd still want to read a completed version of only for shits and giggles.
>based on a highly rated book
>author was involed in production of the show and writing and made sure they never strayed too far from his vision
>"dude but lindeloff tho"
kek, he's a fraud
>Man I trash talk Moore all the time but c'mon man.
he's a wizard, you know. you're playing a dangerous game if you trash talk him any more.
turbopleb detected
In English please
lindelof is literally the real life version of pic related
>Moore publicly called Schneider's Watchmen movie a "fucking piece of shit" only to latter admit that he never even watched it
Lol, he'd fit right in on Yea Forums
>saying fuck you to a lovecraftian warlock/chaos magician/ whatever the fuck is his puppet god
yeah I think he is fucked
Now I don't believe you.
>an old school progressive getting shat on by the new progressives because he isn't interested in making every aspect of his work a cheap political jab
>taunting a crazy sorcerer
absolute madlad
Alan Moore is not thrilled about an adpation of his work that he lost the rights to?
In other news, water is wet.
Also, Damon Lindelof is a talentless hack who is desperately trying to seem edgy to cover up how his writing skills pale in comparison to Moore.
I take back all the nice things I said defending him for Promethus and L O S T . He's a fucking idiot.
Nice reddit spacing BTW.
>a corporation screwing over an author with a shitty contract's fine print and underhanded publishing methods is somehow leftist
I'm a right of center guy and even I find Warner and DC's treatment of Moore to be bullshit. You can be a capitalist and still find fault with the way certain corporations treat their workers. As someone who has wanted to work in comics since childhood, seeing the shitty practices and cronyism of DC disgusts me.
If you actually followed the history of Watchmen's publication, you'd be as disgusting as Moore.
Fuck's sake. DC is so out of fucking ideas they're basing an entire drawn out mini-series and crossover event based on the idea of Superman punching Dr. Manhattan.
>out of ideas
lol have you read marvel comics recently? Or maybe in the past 20 years?
Maybe Rob Schneider directed Watchmin for the Asylum studio.
I've been posting here since 2004.
If anything those assholes stole it from Yea Forums posters like me.
More like 2014 lol.
Moore hates literally every single adaptation of his work. Snyder's Watchmen and From Hell are decent. I don't get his fucking problem.
The teaser looked like shit though
>comics are full of faggots, trannies and marxists, the rebellion against this shit is dubbed Comicsgate
>Moore told Comicsgate to fuck off
>the faggotry is now going to ruin his masterpiece in the eyes of the mass public
>the same faggots he defended have told Moore to fuck off
Has anyone?
I haven't read Marvel for like a decade, longer than I gave up reading DC. You realize there is more to comics than Marvel and DC right? Just because Marvel is shit, that doesn't make DC good and vice versa. This isn't some Yea Forums console war. The sad thing is that DC and Marvel hold a majority share of sales and will bring down all the small publishers if their sales crash. I can't help but be black pilled and think comics sales are fucking doomed. I've been wanting to get into the industry for years, but I sadly don't see a healthy market at all for comics.
but he did Leftovers and it was pure kino
Azarello's WW was good and you're a gigantic faggot if you think otherwise.
What arrogance
Moore was a piece of shit in taking a stand against comicsgate. Maybe he deserved this then?
>Lindelof: One of the worst writers in human history
>Alan Moore: One of the greatest writers in history
I'm not tirggered, I'm just....whatever... exhausted.
Check the timestamp of that file. I pulled it from my old Yea Forums folder. Back then if you wanted to discuss American comics or movies, you had to go to Yea Forums.
If someone shits on your doorstep and says "haha, I did it to get your attention!" there's still shit on your doorstep.
It was a good story. It was a horrible reboot. If they released it as an Elseworlds or a Vertigo take on Wonder Woman ala Swamp Thing, sure. On its own, it is a good story. As THE Wonder Woman title for the new century? As THE reboot of the character? It was garbage. Chiang's art was great too, but the concept should never have been approved editorial. The entire New52 was a rushed mess. Idiots like Didio and Harras ran editorial with more concern on getting their buddies jobs than who would be a good fit for these characters that have been around longer than they have. The idiots making the New52 reboot are the same morons who painted DC into a corner that they needed one in the first place.
Now DC is so far gone they're making Watchmen vs Justice League.
If someone says something silly and even tells you it's just a silly joke and you go crazy anyway, everyone thinks you are weird.
>batty boy
Is that a deliberate pun? They do know what that means, right?
Which is the worse Watchmen cashgrab sequel? Lindelof's HBO shitshow or John's idiotic crossover?
Here is a lenticular variant collectible cover from the event series and crossover. You know, because DC just hadn't had enough of those shitty plastic covers clogging up back issue bins.
It's not on your doorstep, you are actively seeking this out.
I will never forgives Lindelof for replacing the Alien Engineers kino plot by the shitty Prometheus one.
Alan is an insufferable old cantankerous cunt and Damon is an overrated hack that continues to get work despite a ritualistic habit to ruin established works.
Not fooling anyone, you dumb SJW falseflagger
>Man I trash talk Moore all the time
May God have mercy on your soul.
>Moore was a piece of shit in taking a stand against comicsgate. Maybe he deserved this then?
Moore is right though. You make attention seekers go away by ignoring them. Not with equally gay internet fights.
If you hate HIV in your media just vote with your attention and your wallet. They will give up and go away since its capitalists trying to expand to other demographics. If their core demographic begins to abandon them they will fold instantly.
thanks for correcting the record!
Did he ever liked his adaptation?
>If their core demographic begins to abandon them they will fold instantly.
This happened with Marvel comics and they just doubled down, now they're spreading it to MCU expecting different results
I used to have a Rorschach acrylic cut out a friend made for me as a gift along with the first issue of Watchmen up on my wall in my apartment. I even got a Rorscach wallscroll I put up for my birthday a decade ago when that shitty movie came out. A friend even baked me a bloody smiley faced birthday cake.
This shit is fucking disgusting. Snyder's flick seems well thought out compared to this stupidity.
What do you mean "his adaption"? Is that supposed to be some reference to how more was adapting old Charlton heroes as if that's some big secret that you're throwing out as a gotcha against Moore?
>Kill 20 million people to stop something that never happened anyway.
I watched it. It was a fucking piece of shit.
The world is a joke today
All their big movies are almost exclusively acted out by whites. The comics are a diversion.
>thinking you need to defend EVS against Alan Moore's strawman off-hand comment
Sure smells like casualgate
I'd say the show if only because no one gives a fuck about Doomsday Clock. This is the first Watchmen show and only the second adaptation, it's a much bigger deal then another shitty spin off comic. They did a dozen shitty prequels, what's one more bad crossover comic. But this show is much bigger and for some reason it's about cops and race instead of anything else that Watchmen actually was about. Shit at least the comics tried to be like the source. This show seems like some stupid idea for a cop show Lindelof had and he just slapped Watchmen on the tittle to sell it.
The fuck. They're trying to do a tv show based on LoEG? The shitty LXG movie wasn't bad enough?
Yeah. DC's shitty attempts at giant crisis crossovers and reboots have turned into a quiet yet idiotic white noise.
Oh wait. That linked article was from 2013. Thankfully it didn't happen. It was just an idea Fox had bought but never made.
Alan Moore has good work, but his constant antichristian dogma makes me nauseous.
TDKR is a better Batman story than Killing Joke. And it came first too.
Good. Moore is a kooky, hippy retard who writes base stories in a medium for children then acts like his farts don't smell. Nuke Northampton.
Only non-retarded post ITT
The trailer looked awful
Comicsgate is winning. Unlike video games, comics are piss easy to make so comicsgaters just started making their own comics outside of the industry and sales are absolutely blowing industry comics out of the water. The comics studios are gradually dumping the trannies and going back to basics and SJWs are going absolutely mental.
Based an accurate analysis pilled
Prometheus is such a piece of literal fucking shit, rip-my-eyes and ears off awful.
Lost I haven't seen.
The Leftovers is ultimately superb, all in all.
I just don't know.
Maybe this
moore is a dishonest artist, he automatically distances himself from adaptations of his work in an attempt to preserve his image as the mythical auteur
he is a hypocrite, he spoke against the comic book industry multiple times, describing it as just a way for the mob to launder their money yet continues to create in said industry
he is a hack and his only claim to fame in the last decade or two is burning bridges and faux cynicism
>Leftovers was pure kino
I haven't heard about this at all which is weird. Any links?
>Implying implications
Get out.
>haha I was just pretending to be retarded!
Yep, it’s gonna be kino
The mainstream comics media is still in full ghosting mode. Ya Boi Zack is the biggest success story except for maybe the Earthworm Jim comic:
Lindelof is gonna jew it all up
I only wish the Comicsgaters made better books. It's like the medium is being overrun by shit on both sides, there's no escape, no quality being made anywhere. This is why people read manga instead I guess.
>alienate original fan base even more
Good, lindelof, good, hehehehehe....
90% of anything is shit but literally anything is better than current Marvel. But yeah, manga is the way to go. The American industry has been a zombie since 1954 when protoSJWs killed it the first time, not even a shadow of its former self.
What is it about Jews that makes them so afraid of white people that they constantly have to "tackle" imaginary boogiemen?
I wonder when Jewish supremacists are going to get shows and movies about them made by white people. There's plenty of them.
>this ain't your daddy's watchmen!
I wonder when Jewish supremacists are going to get shows and movies about them made by white people.
So much of American media revolves around Jewish paranoia.
I never get this move... what is the point of use an existing IP if you are going to piss on the original fanbase? I mean, the whole point to choose an existing IP over making an original one it that there is already a market for for the product right? One can build over that to attract normies after.
But doesn´t that strategy kind of become useless if one shits on the original audience? Granted, you still keep the HBO normies or whatever but you could have gotten that audience with original programming anyways.
Heh. I read this in Sheev's voice.
I like Dark Knight Returns and Killing Joke each in their own way. Both are overrated, but still pretty great.
Both are okay, but too many people think that these two works are enough to define who Batman is.
Comicsgaters are just as retarded as the SJWs they keep whining about. Stop being so black and white about this. Most people into comics don't give a shit about either moronic political group.
>Are you talking about comic con or politics?
>I'm talking about both. They've merged.
I've met EVS and gotten shit signed by him. Even I think this "movement" he's involved in is fucking dumb. Comics are already a fucking stagnant shitfarm. We don't need some bullshit political debate with idiots yelling at each other over a black and white view of politics.
Mike is right. We're a bunch of children yelling about shit, be it comic con, a Trump rally, or some AOC meet and greet. We want to see some superhero punching some mustache twirling villain. We can't get beyond whining about either SJWs or Orange Man Bad.
>>Are you talking about comic con or politics?
>>I'm talking about both. They've merged.
Whoops. I forgot this isn't the thread about RLM shitting on Comic Con. That's where I got that quote from: ORANGE BOWSER BAD
Lindelof should be careful. Alan Moore is a self proclaimed wizard. One false word and he will have his ancient snake god Glycon curse you.
My little wizard can't be this cute!
What a fag
Personally, I don't care much about politics one way or the other, which is why I lost interest in comics in recent years, because they're mostly just identity politics propaganda these days. I don't think everything the industry turns out is bad nor do I even like anything comicsgate has turned out so far, but I see the potential. New ideas and solid storytelling rather than a talentless monopoly shitting out "stories" as an excuse to constantly harp on the same handful of idpol talking points is something the medium needs, and I hope that comicsgate represents a depoliticization of what should be a purely entertainment industry rather than merely the introduction of polarization, but even that would be an improvement just for the sake of variety. The industry is changing, opening up. It's either going to decentralize or, failing that, clam up and die for good.
Moore is a stupid old marx-worshipping boomer who is basically tech-illiterate so he hasn't realised that the left he loves has been well and truly co-opted by the corporations he hates and still thinks they're on different sides.
Everything Lindelof touches eventually turns to shit. So i have 0 faith in this. The first few episodes could be strong if it wasnt an already established story its sequeling off of. This dude and JJ are rhe most overrated people in Hollywood ever
>the way he uses characters is so disrespectful.
You're a monstrous faggot manchild crying over little paper people
He's hardline anarchist. I know you didn't read it but did you never watch V For Vendetta?
I love watching Libtards get JEWED.
> It's either going to decentralize or, failing that, clam up and die for good.
I hope small publishers can survive if the big two collapse or fall back to reprints of old material. There are still plenty of bookstores and online outlets for niche comics by smaller publishers. A friend of mine actually got a publishing deal at smaller publisher. It's a shonen ai / gay romance book. Even if you're not into that, and I normally wouldn't be, it does show diversity of genre in the industry instead of all capeshit. The comics code and dominance of superheroes stagnated the industry for decades.
You should watch the documentary "Defamation" if you want to see how psychotic Jews are. They literally think everything and anything is a literal Shoah.
>We want to see some superhero punching some mustache twirling villain.
Speak for yourself brainlet.
based crippingly depressed user
this guy should be the next us president
Lindelof is a talentless kike fag but Moore is such an overrated bitch so whatever
So which of the members would be black and which would be trans/gay in a remake?
Silk Spectre is a no brainer as a stronk black woman. The rest are iffy. Comedian would stay white because they'd never let an ethnicity/lgbt-character shoot a pregnant viernamese woman. Dr. Manhattan would be black for obvious reasons. Rorschach would be a closet gay. Ozymandias no clue.
Either that or they'd highlight Executioner and that lesbian member and work them into the main story.
I meant we as a society. You see, we live in a society.
The first season is the only thing pulled from the book, and it's the most surface level season. It's fine but it's just wanking over the concept of the 2% every episode. Season 2 and 3 are exploring the characters more.
Did you somehow miss the part where the author was involved from start to finish speciffically so he could make sure they never left the purview of what he wanted his story to be about? Weird that you're ignoring this.
This. They haven't even seen Moore's final form yet.
This is not a dream.
Fucking based. How have I never read this? Thanks, user!
It is called Brought To Light. It's full of crazy conspiracy shit about stuff like Iran Contra and other dirty dealings from the NeoCon agenda of the Bush family.
progressive liberals cannot create new ip, they can only remake poor imitations of it that tries to pimp their agenda
It details how Bush's CIA was running guns, drugs, and money throughout the world in illegal shadow operations.
Anything whose screenplay was written by david hayter sucks. Should stick to doing his one shitty voice
>moore tells comicsgate to fuck off
>lindeloff tells moore to fuck off
>user retard: "the anti-comicsgate crowd told moore to fuck off"
so lindeloff is a representative of anti-comicsgate SJW now? how? are you genuienly retarded
I reverse imaged searched it and found it. It's really good so far.
lel underrated
t. Doesn't understand the extent of Lindelof's involvement in Prometheus
>it's gonna be shit
Moore actual genius,.write the undeniable best comic story of all time.
Lind will ruin
>someone says he's "not thrilled" about something
>drop a "fuck you"
Does Lindelof not grasp the concept of proportional responses?
it's not a theory, bro
They are TERRIFIED that the white populations around them are going to snap and try to exterminate them like the Hebrews exterminated the Amalakytes and other tribes in their own religious texts.
Book of Kings/David is one long conquest documentary of Israelites massacring their enemies and taking their lands interrupted with backstabbing between Saul and David.
Since their own history was about conquering and destroying other peoples because Yahweh told them to do it, they figure it’s only a matter of time before another Hitler or Caesar appears and tells the whites to exterminate the Jews.
100% THIS
cunts fucked.
>Does Lindelof not grasp the concept of proportional responses?
I am going to guess... no.
Oh the big nuclear war of the late 80s? Yeah I remember that, shit sucked
And what has that got to do with DC you twit?
>shit tastes bad
>oh well I suppose you must love the taste of vomit then?
never expected to see CG on Yea Forums
He thinks he's Sex Pistols, but really he's Greenday.
Fuck yes.
I'll make a candle circle & help.
Alan Moore's writing is seen on a cosmic scale: it figures on a level with the greatest extra-terrestrial writers.
We gon get Lindelof'ed yet again
The most dishonest storyteller of all the jews
He started his own comics company, retard
I'll join anyone in a witches circle to stop this