>haha stupid normies enjoying superhero movies and getting exiced for more superhero movies like the dumb cattle they are!
>*unironically enjoys Ghost Stories*
Haha stupid normies enjoying superhero movies and getting exiced for more superhero movies like the dumb cattle they...
>reddit letter media
>haha stupid normies enjoying superhero movies and getting exiced for more superhero movies like the dumb cattle they are
>LMAO SNEED!!!!!!!!
>liking one thing and not liking another unrelated thing
most people are capable of this, it's not a difficult concept.
capeshit is garbage though
Why won't he do a ghost show?
after he loved Dark Phoenix his opinion should be taken with a grain of salt
I’m pretty sure he liked Infinity War
good to see somebody else shitting on this dude. i dont even watch their videos but i hate this guy
He also practically shills every superhero movie that comes out like Dark Pheonix.
And he loves Normie movies like Jurrasic World.
And he shilled STD for the first season.
And he shilled Star Wars TFA.
And he sucked Max Landis’s dick and shilled Me Him Her.
why would you lie on the internet?
reminder that these people shit on bad movies all day but they made space cop
>I didn't listen to anything they actually said
I'm reminded. now what?
You don’t like Ghost Stories?
reminder that Yea Forums shits on bad movies all day but hasn't made a movie themselves
fucking kys op
Mike is a stinky pleb. Jay is the patrician
It is true though.
So many white night mouse defenders! You guys are what makes Disney so special!
>don't let the media you consume define you!
>says the creepy horror film man
>”JJ Abrams is one of the greatest directors of mankind!!! JJ should write and direct the Star Wars movies! He should have total control!!!”
>”I never shilled JJ Abrams! I never said he should be put in charge! It isn’t my fault!!! I still have gud opinions!! REEEEE”
>stop consuming products!
>consumes every single product and makes profit off it
besides the closeted Redditors here who cares about the ecelebs?
W-wow, Daisy Ridley acts like *THAT*!?
Great post!
ghost stories is pure kino
I love spoopy shit.
He never says not to be a fan of things.
He literally says he knows ghost adventures is garbage but still enjoys them. The difference is Marvelcucks think Marvel movies are actually good.
Holy fucking delusional.
white knight
t. SEETHING capecuck
In other words, you don’t have a valid counterpoint.
he's not gonna fuck you
but sneed is based so I don't see the issue with that
I'd unironically be perfectly happy if it was just Mike and Rich, talking about Star Trek and Ghost sightings
Ghost Stories is fucking awesome you fucking shitter, and it has the by the best english dub of all times. Go die.
What is crazy is that he shat on Paranormal Activity back then and yet loves and watches Ghost Stories now.
I am starting to believe that Mike’s brain has rotted from too much alcohol. There is no way Old Mike would have watched Ghost Stories.
I love these idiots.
That is not the triggering part. The triggering part is their complaints about manchildren, when none of the RLM staff could be entrusted with the safety of the country just the same.
JJ was the perfect director though, he wasn't wrong. The movie looked great and had a lot of energy. As far as I know he didn't write that underwhelming script, and if he did he shouldn't have.
He didn't say it was bad to like certain things, ya simp. For instance, I'm not going to judge you if you unironically like the MCU or Disney Wars, that's up to you m8. But what I can't stand is brand loyalty and having your entire life revolve around a fictional universe like the nu-males you see reacting to fucking movie trailers or standing in-line for 16 fucking hours for an advertisement. That's what Mike was talking about.
lmao "Butts"
that clip of people screaming for blade made me cringe so hard I'm so not gonna watch that film
Absolutely false equivalency
>he literally says he knows that murder is wrong but still does it
>the difference is spree shooters actually think they're doing good
who can still stand to listen to these blatant hypocrites anymore?
>what is objective vs subjective
Theres way better things to complain about with rlm
Well they have over a million subscribers so apparently a lot of people
The same people that watch I Hate Everything and YMS.
t. Triggered capeshit retard
I don't, what IS objective vs subjective? Please spell out this metaphysics you've been working on. Should be good for a laugh.
*I don't know
>tfw too autistic to know what people mean when they say guilty pleasure
>tfw want to argue semantics but nobody will indulge me
It's more that Mike constantly asserts himself as some intellectual compared to the unwashed masses, especially in his videos about Star Trek when he discusses Star Wars. How only stupid people prefer dumb fun to scifi drama, but then he also watches retard tier ghost hunting shit.
Shit tier taste
>having fun with your friends bad
Have sex
The difference being that the people the defend Disney Wars think it’s all legitimately great, whereas Mike knows Ghost Adventures is crap.
>what IS objective
The measurable and quantifiable
>vs subjective
Are you Jaden smith?
Mike went full boomer
>How will these children defend or country?
>U2 Rolling stones
>Ghost stories
>"It will die out soon"
What's going on big guy?
Boomers are based desu
RLM is lazy nihilism. They can't handle people genuinely liking and appreciating movies. They always have to pull out some sarcastic quip about the death of cinema no matter what they're talking about. Thinking Mike has anything worth saying about movies is like thinking Nostalgia Critic has valid opinions, or Adum the dogfucker, or Moviebob the shill.
and how does the "[t]he measurable and quantifiable" figure into this discussion?
This is kinda true. His obsession with making theories is going too far. I feel Mike fatigue
I'm amazed at how much people misunderstand Mike. Do you regards even watch the reviews? Half the time he says he likes a movie because its amusingly terrible and then Yea Forums says always dismisses him by missing the point and saying "he liked x"
They criticized people who are autistically obsessed with superhero films, not people who enjoy them. They themselves like the films, they just don't make it part of their identities.
It's a guilty pleasure, he knows it's stupid. Capeshitters praise marvel movies as some kind of cultural achievement in film, so that's the obvious difference.
>they just don't make it part of their identities.
Instead, they make whining about Star Wars their identity. When you make hours and hours of content about nerdshit, you don't get to sit on your high horse and complain that people are obsessed. Autistic obsession over franchises is the reason Mike isn't stuck filming and editing wedding videos for a living.
>Instead, they make whining about Star Wars their identity.
lol no they don’t. Discussing something does not mean you’re making it a part of your personality, moron.
>Discussing something does not mean you’re making it a part of your personality, moron.
A 70 minute review of Phantom Menace isn't just discussing something. It's an obsession.
It literally isn’t though.
Yeah, because Space Cop was totally presented as a deadly serious cinematic masterpiece
cool blog post
even if they thought they were making a masterpiece, it doesn't mean they have to stop talking about other movies, dude is just autistic as fuck.
>making a 5 minute reaction to a trailer is an obsession but a 70 minute review to a movie isn't
have sex
They are not wrong, though. Disney, Marvel, and their fanbase full of manchildren are killing this industry.
I haven't seen a single Marvel or DC movie and even I'm getting tired of them whinging about capeshit fans. It's shooting fish in a barrel at this point. If I can avoid capeshit for all these years and still enjoy movies why do they act like it's exhausting?
His brain has rotted from years of overconsumption of alcohol.
Jurassic World was his fav movie of 2015
It's amazing how the observation that fan culture is lame and autistic still gets reactions, even though everyone should be aware of that by now. It has always been that way. One way or the other, get over it