Is this any good? As a black metal fan, I'm interested
Is this any good? As a black metal fan, I'm interested
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Its pretty good yah. They lie alot about Euronymous though making him out to be an actual victim and not a blood thirsty commie who needed to be killed
It paints them in a more realistic light as just teenagers LARPing around like it actually was. It's obviously not totally accurate but still better than what you would hear from people who take Varg's story seriously
>as a black metal fan
If you were bm fan you'd know that this is sensationalist bullshit.
Stick to Sunbather you fag
Get a job Varg
There is no evidence to support any of that stuff about Euronymous is true. Varg is a psychopathic liar who drove 500km to murder someone in "self-defence"
It triggers varg so i'd watch it for that
When's your new youtube channel coming Luis?
Quick Rundown on Louis Cachet
>Varg Vikernes. (Birth name was unironically Christian Vikernes.)
>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
>Joined the larp scene in Norway as a teenager
>killed his best friend because he looked at him wrong.
>burned churches and UNESCO monuments
>gets sentenced to lul norway prison for like 14 years
>meanwhile in America he would have gotten death penalty
>becomes a nazi in prison
>attempts to break out of prison, and robs a car at gun point
>gets caught and sent back to prison, only gets slap on the wrist
>gets out of prison
>Abandons his 13 year old daughter he fathered in a degenerate black metal party. Doesn't even have contact with her, or attempts to have contact with her. Literally caused a single mother
>abandoned by all family, and friends.
>literally marries a diagnosed autist in France
>Takes her last name, and moves to a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere in France. Now legally known as "Louis Cachet"
>Refuses to learn his host country's language, instead abusing their immigration laws. He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn
>Literally lives off welfare, and has 5+ little baby money makers to keep the flow coming in
>Makes shitty youtube videos about how Italians are negroid, and why autism is genetically superior or why blue eyes makes me not go blind in the snow
>worshiped by "le deus vult" magapede larpers on 4chins for some unknown reason
>doesn't even make music anymore because he has to live in a hut and pretend its -3000 BCE to feel like a man
>not accepting the fact he is a complete loser, who knows nothing, and is a maniac LITERAL MURDERER WHO STILL SAYS HE DID THE RIGHT THING BY KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND
>Makes shitty youtube videos about how Italians are negroid
ah, i was wondering why you were so mad
Best post in the entire thread.
>same story already told a billion times
it's shit (no I haven;t seen it)
Here, listen to some urfaust
As a movie, it's fair. As an actual retelling of the story of Mayhem/Euronymous/Varg, it's totally made to flow as a film rather than get everyone account accurately portrayed.
The biggest disappointment was when you actually saw Euronymous's fake girlfriend's tits. What a letdown those were.
Based. Cucks WILL deny this.
>no fenriz
its shit
Fenriz is actually in it. Also if you want Fenriz you got UTLTU. And The Misanthrope but you dirty poseur haven't seen it.
>Fenriz is actually in it
no he isn't
He is and also you don't own a single Raven album you fucking wimp.
>liking metal past age 15
>I only listen to grown up music for grown up people just like myself
>i am so grown up by the way
insecure faggot
>listening to niggers flap their big lips over a sampled beat
>listening to some thot autotune her way through 3 minutes of a pre-written detail of how many miles of dick she takes over the course of a weekend
oh fuck I thought he was hellhammer
the movie is till garbage because the real fenriz wasn't involved
Produced by (()) for your brainwa- I mean viewing pleasure!
About time we got a movie about the death of Brandon Lee!
>who drove 500km to murder someone in "self-defence"
Your statement doesn't make sense. If Euronymous was going to kill him he could just as easily drive 500km too
what's wrong frogboy
It's absolute shit and I'm offended for metal fans.
How is that a reason?
The mayhem people were fine with it and so were Dead's people. Akerlund tried to get VV involved but he sperged (big surprise). Is the movie accurate? No. Is Gladiator accurate? No. The movie is fine. Only "hurr durr 90s" posers lose their shit because "EURO DIDNT HAVE A GIRL!!!". The music was great but fucking 14 year old youtube warriors don't know half of it.
The Misanthrope is better tho. Watch it.
Biopics are almost always terrible but this was worse than usual.
back to negro rap retarded mutts
I've seen misanthrope.
LoC was shit, because no fenriz. I could give a fuck about mayhem, dead and the rest.
Fenriz is in it and you are a dirty fucking poser. I can tell. Go back to your wet dreams about going to Wacken. Wimp.
Albeit a little weird, there is nothing wrong with liking black metal.
Fenriz was not involved it the making of the film, and therefore it is shit.
If you have such a hard on for Fenriz, just watch Until the Light Takes Us. Hell, the dvd extras just have hik talking for like 45 minutes about different bands like his own version of metal evolution.
>watch Until the Light Takes Us
everyone ITT take this advice and ignore lords of chaos
Its worth a watch. Varg is a fucking bitch
but this is a movie taking liberties, it was never set on being a 100% real... it's a fucking movie and it's alright
who the fuck even wants a serious depiction of those events, all you fags seem to think those were not some retarded larpers from norway
name 1 (uno) biopic that is completely accurate, without any artistic embellishments
there hardly is one, that's what I was saying ffs
>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
Stopped reading there. A pathetic lie. But given how you gave it the (((WMD)))) twist, I am pretty sure, it's not a butthurt Christcuck but actual (((coincidence))) copy pasta
The mere fact that you are interested in this movie reveals that you are in fact a poser.
take your schizo meds
>dat reply
Varg is a lying psycho but I'm glad he killed that faggot. Euronymous got what he had coming to him.
Is this the crow?
Ye very good film actually, definitely watch it but take some parts with a grain of salt.
>As a black metal fan
>audibly kek'd
So, what's the consensus on the Batushka situation for you bm anons
that's when it starts to get good user
>Varg is portrayed by a Jew
He must be absolutely seething over that
Hang all frogposters.These kinds of posts are seriously a waste of internet space,pure literal spam that could very easily be mistaken for AI bot
At first, I liked black metal shit like Burzum and Emperor because I thought I was being edgy.
Now I like black metal shit like Xasthur because I'm just depressed and listening to it is like a catharsis of how I physically and mentally feel.
>To think for one microsecond that this wasn't a deliberate move by the director as a way to prod Varg for continually telling them to fuck off.
>"Hey, you know, here's a few reasons for you, listening to this, you might want to look into dying and killing yourself. You might want to look into that."
who gives a fuck? why would i need validation from some retarded incel manchildren
blandthony blandtano pls go
Wait what is Varg lying about exactly?
How he prefers his milk without malted chocolate additives.
It's good if you're not a Varg dick rider.
>It's good if you're not a Varg dick rider
It's ok-ish as a film. Nothing more than a 5/maybe a weak 6. It doesn't know if it wants to portray this as a documentary, a comedy, or a thriller, and because of the shifts in tone it suffers due to its inconsistency.
>honoring women
As a christian and not a black metal fan, the book was better and way .ore informative.
This. /thread. Just go watch UtLTU and be done with it.
>He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn
This can't be true. Surely she knows English.
Rest is pretty much spot on, though.
His wife is really an autist?
>married Varg
if not autist, then definitely something else.
If you would be a BM fan you would already know that this movie is jewish propaganda
She thinks she has powers of prophecy and Varg believes her. You tell me.
How can anyone take this faggot seriously?
>Hang all frogposters.These kinds of posts are seriously a waste of internet space,pure literal spam that could very easily be mistaken for AI bot
>i'm listening whatever i like user
look at this dishonest faggot
In Varg's defense, Euronymous was a giant edgy douchebag. Just watch any old interviews with him. Plus others have said that he was fascinated with murdering someone. Euronymous came off like some r9k sperg about to go on a spree. But obviously Varg is still guilty and giant retard.
if you're a black metal fan you'd think this is gay, jewy, and the story has been told too many times
this, plus earlier bm, and some of the weirder stuff today is more interesting than that Norwegian stuff. There are a few gems there, but it all sounds very similar. Basically Bathory with more tremolo picked chords.
Fun to watch, not very accurate, according to Vikernes at least.
Get a load of this faggot.
I think my gf might be legit autistic.
>need to borrow her laptop for a 1 day conference for work since mine crapped out on me a few days ago
>get on her browser (chrome) and it loads up jewgle as her homepage
>see recent search history
>"exposed female nipple"
>"erect male penis"
>"penis entering lubricated female vagina"
H8ers gonna h8
*dabs while holding Glamdring*
I really liked it. Whether its "accurate or not" its really great and the characters are more likeable than the real people they represent.
t. Kristian Vikernes
This is the unbiased truth, honestly. Even if you agree with things varg spouts you should hopefully have enough humility as a person to see how much of a failure he actually is.
>the only alternative to metal is rap or pop music
You're just proving him right underage.
i hope this is true because its somehow kind of endearing kek
This is now a Metal thread. Post your grooves in any genre.
Mayhem said he was a commie and also said he had it coming
no its terrible
Or... Vikernes could've just called the cops?
Also, what's up with all these Xasthur posts
Have you guys checked the new Death Angel? t. a boomer
its crap , go see málmhaus or mediocre heavy trip
I love this album so fucking much. The artwork reminds me of that snes game primal rage.
You know whenever the dog things are on the cover of a death angel lp its gonna be a good one.
Literally everything. This film, despite its flaws, is without question the most honest depiction of those events.
Black metal is the gayest genre of metal.
my nigga
Yes indeed, it is so authentic Varg is being played by a Jew. Speaking of which, would you mind to post your nose and foreskin.
I just listen to it because it's the only genre of metal with good atmospheric stuff.
I'm not gay bro, go prowl for cock elsewhere.
>it's a real
>vague story
>to per-sea-heeve
>of see-mean-lee
>endless ti-ime
One of my all-time faves, my dude.
Legitimately the greatest Opeth album. Good taste. Godhead's Lament is a goddamn masterpiece.
It's entertaining, and they get the major events right, but it's a silly movie at times. If you're a humorless Varg fan you would probably hate it because they make him out to be an autistic idiot.
He looks just like him with that shitty brown snaggly hair and bitchy scowl.
They made him fat and easily angered, which is not the way Varg sounds most of the time. Just watch any of his archived videos and you'll see that, even if he's a psycho, he's definitely not the "angry" type.
You know well and good Bart is a scummy fucking thief and Hospodi is a testament to that.
Macaulay Culkin's brother is hot.
>spend 3 minutes between stabbing Euro to make a tasty glass of chocolate milk
Varg was always concerned about bone density and calcium intake.
>lubricated “female” vagina
Shes into tranny shit. Why else would you need to lubricate a vagina?
I spent a lot of time watching his videos and talking to him in the comments section and honestly this post seems accurate
This movie is about homosexuality.
Varg falls in love.
if you were a black metal fan you'd already know it's trash
And Euronymous is really attractive.
Ruins of Beverast is my favorite BM band. God he's a machine
That neck and jaw.
kys yourself
Fuck yeah Taake. I've got that shirt but it doesn't fit me anymore after gaining 30 pounds. Stay in shape fellas
>dat pale tummy
This is the thing that Varg killed.
How tall was Euronymous?
Kinda sounds like she wanted you to find it. Maybe you're really bad at sex and she wants you to know signs of (female) arousal.
5ft5 according to google.
She's desperately signaling to you that she wants a baby. Don't be a faggot, inseminate her. Do the big cums.
She's so horny that the mere sight of a dick entering a vagina is enough to make her orgasm.
She needs dick, which you clearly aren't providing.
You should be talking to her about it, not with her, you absolute cocksucker. That's why relationships end, because you don't confront each other about shit and would rather talk to us.
>not with us
My fav band(or artist I guess), his vocals are fucking fantastic
is it weird that I have a hard time listening to BM in the summer? Just feels wrong