Zombieland 2 Trailer
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Emma hit the wall at the speed of the light. I love some Abigail titkino
First one was trash. Also, exterminate all the jews.
OP here
I think it looks decent enough to go see it
A little late for sure
>nigger "music"
>jab at trump
No thanks
So derivative that they need to remake scenes from the first flick.
The original movie took place when Obama was in office.....relax snowflake
>Luke Wilson
The zombie apocalypse started when Obama was in office/ campaigning you dumb /pol/ cuck
Hmm. Hardly any minorities. The only minority I saw was Rosaria which is acceptable.
Thumbs up from me!
Looks like leftist propaganda shit. Won't be able to capture the spirit of the first one and Breslin got fat.
Yup,it's Reddit alright.
Holy shit this looks terrible
I'm not a /pol/yard but the Trump jokes are tired, the trailer opens with a reused line from the original which is always cringe and it doesn't look like there is any particular plot to this
I hope it bombs and is another reminder to Hollywood that low quality sequels are bad investments
What Trump jokes? I was getting head from my girlfriend while watching the trailer so I must've missed them
>here is another of those rare Hollywood movies you like that weren't total dogshit and came out before the WOKEPOCALYPSE
>yeah, that's what I thought
Is she pre-op or post-op?
Lmao /pol/tards loosing their shit because of one poster
It looks better than the first
There will be an trump zombie, i guarantee it
This is... how many years too late?
The first one might be my favorite apocalypse movie. This one will not be as good to me simply because there are more characters.
Every time I watch a post apoc movie or tv show I am super into it until outside characters are introduced and then I pretty much lose interest. Especially if the outsiders are military because they are the most predictable and boring conflict anyone can come up with.
I can't believe she's been around more than ten years. The wall takes no prisoners.
That's so fucking gay.
Why all ths shilling for this sequel to a decade old movie nobody cared for to begin with?
Fuck you
Exactly 36 years.
Mother nature reclaims all
i guess
You sound like a dumb person.
cant wait bros, also uh do i look like someone who does weed?
yikes those digits there could be some truth into this
God i'm so fucking sick of the mini-trailer before the trailer
It's actually pretty based if you think about it, under the 1st black president America goes to complete shit. The "Hope" poster is ironic.
What were the Trump jabs and leftist propaganda stuff? I missed it
Anybody remember the failed tv show?
The zombie apocalypse took place during the obama era /pol/tard
Wow they did the exact same joke from Hot Fuzz at the end
So the younger girl hit the wall at what, 16?
Do you think Obama actually had a "hope" picture of himself in the white house kek
Literally zero references to trump. "OMG I CANT STAND THIS PROPAGANDA"
But you are an actual faggot though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why would they put up that poster? That never hung in the White House. It's literally so the leftist creators can reminisce
>Shaun of the Dead
What I was thinking
do you think that an obama poster would be lying around in the white house while Trump is in office? also little rock aged and the events of zombieland were in 2009.
>Luke Wilson
It's gonna be kino.
I don't think so but I dunno if Obama would hang a poster of himself in the white house.
Pure fucking cringe. Absolutely nothing in that trailer looks interesting.
they probably hung it up, im not denying that but trump was never elected in that universe
Emma Stone meet WALL.
Holy fuck, you guys are cringy. "MUH POL BOOGEYMAN!!"
Holy shit, thats actually really good attention to detail. Obama was in office when Zombieland started.
Fuck me I might have to go see this now.
Is an Obama poster in the background really that triggering? Did he give you guys PTSD?
there wasnt a trump joke retard
Don't know what all the /pol/ lads are crying about and I'm on /pol/ from time to time as well.
The movie looks dull and feels like a quick cashgrab though
>following the basic premise is good attention to detail
p sure that was sarcasm
Well, yeah. In movies today they can't even get shit right between scenes let alone entire movies. Directors are lazy as fuck and hate detail and following it nowadays because it means they would have to rewatch their god awful movie.
So the idea for the sequel was to add a romantic interest for everyone?
Okay I take that back
>tfw Tallahassee and Columbus get into a gay orgy with their clones while the girl watches and masturbates in the corner
Shit, i'm already pre ordering tickets.
wow they actually stole the doppelganger gag from Shaun of the Dead and made it so dumb that Americans get it by having them say out lout "WOW YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE THAT OTHER GUY"
how the fuck do you have to balls to steal jokes from maybe the most well known zombie comedy of all time, literally everyone has seen that movie and knows that joke is stolen
Obungo's legacy is literally gone, so I just laugh at shit like this now
Will she be peeing? Because I can't get off if there isn't any pee involved.
They're paying homage, retard boi
Now settle down lol
Bringing dignity to the office is
Holy shit, stop being so easily impressed
Looks soulless
The doppelganger bit was funny though
Literally a decade too late
Shaun of the Dead is literally a five-second gag with no impact on the story. These are actual characters, moron
Why can't they just let things be
No, but there will be a scene where she squirts violently on a zombie.
Actually if their timeline means that Obama got ass raped and eaten alive by zombies, I'm definitely seeing this
at least we can be glad that the TV show didn't get picked up
Obama is still alive in a bunker and will do a cameo.
>starts out pretty interesting
>suddenly rap music
Nah. I'm good.
People still post shitty Sam Hyde memes in 2019? Wasn't he exposed for being a kiddy diddler?
its being made by the same writers and the same director. its going to be kino
You're the thinking of Jeffery Epstein, billionaire liberal and best friends of Bill Clinton.
Both wrong. Trump zombie appears
Oh you mean the guy who partied with Trump?
Does Woody Harrelson make fun of his small hands?
No, the guy trump banned from his estate for assaulting a girl while Bill Clinton flew on his private plane over 20 times to his private island where he's accused of having child sex slaves.
Alien Chronicles or whatever that shitshow from a few years ago was called was also by the original director Ridley Scott
Wow, I would have loved this if it wasn't eight years too late, and i was still a reddit-browsing faggot.
go back
No, but Woody makes a crack how even he had a better chance at becoming president than Trump kek
They had a falling out because of what Trump said. Trump banned him after he was already cut off by Epstein to try to save face.
Looks like Columbus and Little Rock are getting shafted to make way for a new cast. Meh
I don't understand how you can make a zombie comedy sequel ten years after the first.
You can't do anything topical at all, for one thing
Where? complete your sentence, faggot
This one is straight from Yea Forums.
>another fucking rescue arc
Dorky white people doing le randumb acts of dumb shit while blasting out of place place music is the sign of a shit movie.
>low brow weed joke, where the "joke" is simply "weed exists, BOOM"
woody is based
guess theyre not short on food in zombie land
I think it'll be pretty kino after a little bit of the ol' dude weed lmao
Literally Soul
It never really good
>both the guys look exactly the same
>Emma Stone looks like shit
Ridley Scott didn't write the original Alien though, he's also literally senile.
I hope she sees this bro
Looks fun, Yea Forums will hate it as usual
What happened with Emma’s face?
Yea Forumseddit
This post is so wholesome.
>The only winner there is Worst Emma.
The Academy is bigger joke than anything they'll have in this movie.
If you're so easy to offend, why do you come to Yea Forums? Reddit bans people for saying mean things. I think you would be more comfortable there.
who are any of those people?
i recognize woody and that dude from idiocracy. then the trailer introduces all the other characters like i'm supposed to know them.
holy shit that's the little girl from the first one? What a fucking chunker, she's on her way ot hog status.
>It's not stealing!!!! Uh, it-it's p-paying h-homage!! Y-yeah th-thats it! Paying homage!
Strong no from me, boss
>first minute in
>making a veiled insult at Trump
>1+ minute in
>stupid white blond girl.
>1, possibly 2 interracial relationships (not counting emma stone with Eisenberg)
Lemme guess, the article was written by RICHard BERNSTEIN
>abigail breslin
>oscar nominee
wasn't she like 12 in the first one wtf
Who the fuck are you? The meme police?
Eh, if there is a Trump joke, it's a surprisingly subtle one, i was expecting an actual Trump zombie or a racist asshole wearing a "Make Zombieland Great Again" cap.
As for the rest of it... Meh, just meh, seems like they're going with about five or six different story ideas all at once, wouldn't surprise me if the movie ends up feeling bloated.
Ok man we get it, you're a Nazi.
The first one was fun, and I'm going to watch this one, but pretty sure it's gonna bomb, they waited way to long, not to mention the whole zombie thing is pretty much dead now
>Luke Wilson
I'm sold.
Because pol is a cancer, every thread in every board that's a little bit controversial will derrail into pol talk in less than 30 posts.
Pol is the reddit board.
>Because pol is a cancer, every thread in every board that's a little bit controversial will derrail into pol talk in less than 30 posts.
>Yea Forums flooded with Son of the Mask threads
Oh no, they are making some shitty meme. How horrible.
>Oh no, they are shitting up the board until it looks like Yea Forums. How horrible.
Yes. Yes it is.
You are right no board has their own memes, they are only for intellectual conversations.
>10 years
>the cast barely aged
>having memes means we should be allowed to derail and shit up the board with dozens of inane threads
bruh those houses just fuckin up and left
We had Baneposting for 7 years, do you really think anything changed?
Looks like a fun movie.
>literally 0 mentions of trump
You /pol/tards are so easily triggered lmao
Uhh breastlin?
Way to many characters. there already is more happening in the trailer than what is happening in the first movie.
Why do they always do this? The first had a really nice balance and chemistry between the four characters. It worked really well.
t. Pol snowflake
>sees an Obama poster
>automatically thinks it's an anti-Trump statement
What level of autism is this?
>not counting emma stone with Eisenberg
Why would you count that when they're both obviously white?
Everything Emma Stone does is trash
She hit the wall years and year ago
Emma Stone is honestly not pretty nor talented
I really want to eat a Twinkie now.
another brick in the wall
Emma's still great tho
>Forced diversity
>copying jokes from Shaun of the Dead
>White House and President themes (Uh oh let's go the orange man references!)
I'll keep with the original, thank you.
>I'll keep with the original
I wouldn't rewatch that shit if you paid me
>barely aged
LMFAO get your eyes checked lad
>Bringing dignity to the office
Some are gonna say this is a jab to Trump, but the joke's on them. I mean, it's based Tallahassee who's sitting in office. After the tragic passing of Bill Murray, he sure deserves it more than anybody in post apocalyptic Murica.
>not even 5 seconds into trailer
>closeup of woody harrelson's haggard grandpa face and dead eyes as he belts off "le epic quip" from last movie
>"it's time to nut up.... or shut up..."
jesus this shit is already sad; like a trained monkey being prodded from behind the curtain with a skewer to dance and hoot, what an empty, color-by-the-numbers movie - zombieland should have stayed as a one time deal to end off the pop-culture zombie craze era - clearly they're now going the walking dead route and "making it about the people" (cringe) by dialing back on the focus on the zombies and bringing in a whole b-movie cast of nameless POC and washed up straight to DVD actor side characters, embarassing
>thread about humoristic zombie movie
>somehow has 22 posts about Trump
what are you talking about only women get wall'd
What does Emma say right at the end after she asks what's going on
ESL here. I want to know too.
how dare you be apathetic or ambivalent about orange man in current year
Just fucking stop it with the sequels
>hog status.
Amerifat brap hogs go to the brap barn
im excited
"Am I hallucinating?"
thanks user
Good post. Everything about this movie is sad.
I like Luke Wilson, but they could've gotten someone better to be Woody's clone. Like Wesley Snipes or Nicholas Cage.
Unironically souless.
Emma Stone is such shit lmao grasping onto the tiniest little fame she has, winning fake awards that are now given to black panther tier movies
>Wesley Snipes
Absolutely BASED
it looks like absolute shit. also the reddit comments read like literal shill comments.
Ok this has me hyped up, this looks fun as fuck
Welp... Sign me the fuck up!
wow, that was hilarious. I can't fucking wait. PLEEEEAAASE be good
The end I laughed out loud for the first time ever in a trailer
Yes, Yes, and more Yes - What a great team to save us all.
I already Love it! Am I Hallucinating?
That last scene was hilarious. Cant wait
Damn this movie looks dope.
>they stole the Shaun of the Dead joke about meeting an identical survival group, but without any of the subtlety
Why do Americans ruin everything?
Well if there's something that someone can try to get triggered at...
I do actually want to see it. I'm surprised at this reaction cause I didn't notice any political shit. But then I remember the spergs that browse this board...
>I do actually want to see it
what about that trailer made you want to see it? i'm not even saying it's gonna be a bad movie, but that's a really really bad trailer
>Zombie genre in 2019
Just stop already.
I like the cast. It looks like a mediocre comedy action film that isn't capeshit. There have been very few films this year to even watch and complain about
>why can't burgers make comedykino like us????
I know reddit has bad taste but this is pretty sad.
This trailer was horrible, I'm hoping that its the trailer and not the movie thats bad
I'm dude and Emma still attractive
I didn't like the first one. I wonder if it'll have to compete with the Hack's vegas zombie movie
>10 years later
why? a bit too late dont you think?
>"Y-you are the one w-who is offended!"
Jesus christ I really hope youre joking
>time capsule of 2008 with zombies: the movie
I'll bite
Do I need to watch the Zombieland Saga spinoff before this sequel?
Seeing Luke Wilson makes me happy
What has he been up to lately?
How many levels of schizophrenia do I need to find the Trump references in this trailer?
>There will be an trump zombie, i guarantee it Dropped
And then there's this guy not even getting triggered by something he saw, but by a hypothetical scenario. You can't make this shit up.
stfu about politics and post Emma.
Doesn't have the magic of the original, I feel like it's gonna be pretty bad. Nothing about it was funny and shit is too campy.
guys i miss the squad michael danny jordan....
emma is an old hag who smells like cat piss now, go back to your worship thread on /hr/ you psycho
What's with you retards? Obongo was the president at the time of the first movie and was probably the last president in this universe.
suck my dick zach
Would zach like this trash if it has a scene where jesse raped his step sister?
Just the mere fact that Yea Forums retards exist to post and shill this movie is grounds for being gay desu
You're all capeshitting assholes
>posting on 4plebs
i'm gonna guess it's zach but not sure.
Comedy sequels almost away suck, and this one has some sucky-looking shit like the girl's boyfriend and a new girl to force a love triangle, but the rest looks pretty good. Talahasse is gonna become a straight-up meme character but based Woody can sell it.
I'm actually looking forward to this
actually it 26 times, probably more though
They're normally very generic and cliched, but very watchable. Rather that than Avengers 54: New Feminism
i like how their fashion sense is up to date with our irl times despite being in the midst of a zombie apocalypse
thats quite the brapper youve got there emma
based footposter
everyone else is very gay.
Based and redpilled
Yea Forums will hate this post
and that's a good thing.
4/10 ass
it's enough ass unless you are a nigger or a faggot.
>LIking big asses=Liking whales
Imagine the smell
Emma hasn't been In a good film since Easy A.
The first one was dogshit that was only funny when Bill Murray had a cameo. Fuck all these oversaturated actors and that fat titty monstercow.
>still no ass
That's sad
/pol/fags aside why would he have that poster framed in the white house when he was in office? i think it's stupid for entirely non political reasons. it's a good shot for the trailer i guess
I agree except Easy A wasn't even a good movie.
>do i look like the kind of person that would have...
>he thinks that's an ass just because she's wearing a dress
Are you actually fucking autistic or just a retard? Stop posting that stick with no tits and an average ass that you keep acting like is anything good at all.
Obama era America was unironically better than Trump era America because people didn't discuss political bullshit everywhere online. Get dabbed on /pol/tards.
objectively correct
numale poltards are actually worse than tumblr was
When I look at Emma Stone I'd say about 40-60.
>*he angered me. Wtf do I do now? I have no arguments. Oh I know*
>You are dumb
Without even reading this thread or watching this trailer I guarantee there is at least one fucking Drumpf reference in the trailer.
Middleditch and Eisenberg having awkward comedy with eachother already looks promising. Rest looks decent. Could be good.
You sound like a based person.
She's got nice plump titties though
That depends how many years ago did Emma Stone stop being hot
>I can't think of a counter point
Log off of Yea Forums faggot
Didn't he get arrested for doing shit to kids?
Not sure but I feel like I heard about that
you're right in regards to this one(singular) aspect of is presidency. but if this is your argument than we can agree that bush was better than obama
Sorry you didn't have friends to go watch it with when it came out in 2009
She hasn't been hot at all this entire decade.
Yeah because le epic wojak reaction is totally not outdated and cringy
i dont see how anything in either poster is particularly more 2012 than the other
there shouldnt be because the movie zombieland took place years before Trump was even political
So is any mention of the white house or past presidents now considered a trump insult?
Is Woody Harrelson balding?
Nah, he just got typecast and now he has to shave it all the time. He only got to grow it out for the Hunger Games movies.
Watashi wa Bestu Emma desu!
>i just want to beat shit out of hippies
>hippy is also a dune coon
She got fat first
looks like TRASH
You are literally a walking pile of shit, nigger.
Dead Rising : The movie
Holy shit /pol/ is the most easily triggered babies in existence
Antifa babies as well
have sex incel
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Trump zombie? Sign me the fuck up.
I'd rather watch the movie about Luke Wilson and Thomas Middleditch.
So all these babies are triggered. Good, let us dismiss them as idiots and move on.
I'd fuck her.
Has he been in any good movie?
The first one wasn't even very good.
Goes to show how deranged and left leaning people are when they can false flag as a MAGA poster and bait people this easily making them seem more unhinged. I'd do it too if it was that easy.
looks good desu
It's honestly pathetic that anybody would have a campaign poster over their fireplace to begin with, regardless of anything else
Blue Streak
I liked the first one because of the characters and sense they are all returning im excited.
holy shit women age like milk, I suppose we already know that but damn
can americans even do this?
i don't fucking get it, why do movies keep doing this fucking bit every time
it's never funny and everyone can see it from a mile away
>Do you have/do XYX? (person clearly looks like they do)
What? Seriously? Do I look like the type of person who has/does XYZ? (visibly frustrated/annoyed)
>oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend...
That's a lot of interracial.
Truly a sign of the times.
Does it still shill this awful, flavorless heart attack bread?
Obongo is never coming back, thank god.
>me whining and bitching every day could be stopped if only you put my candidate in office
Name 3 (three) examples
You have been brainwashed by /pol/
off yourself
>Rosario Dawson
I love this bitch
>one picture of Obama in background
>complete meltdown
Is there anyone more easy to trigger than /pol/tards?
Zombies are out. Stone is busted. No one asked for it. And they're still using their city names 10 years later.
Eh looks alright, but I wouldn't be surprised if it sucks and bombs. Most people have long sinced moved on from the first, younger generations probably aren't even aware of it, the zombie fad came and went since it came out (The Walking Dead started a year after, crazy to think about), its in-universe cultural references are frozen a decade in the past, the cast are all much older, any young characters that grew up in that world will be hard for audiences to connect with, I just don't see it working out very well.
It's gonna be shit because it's 5+ years too late and people will drag me to see this.
I haven't cared about the original movie in several years either, I really forgot it existed
>blonde hair
>blue eyes
>fat tiddies
>tiny drop of khazar blood
10/10 in my book
n-no it's a falseflag!
they won't even acknowledge the age of breastlin further than what was shown in the trailer
these people would've survived for at least 6-8 years together and don't seem to have any bond beyond the events of the first movie
completely retarded
Abigail Breslin looks 40 years old now. The Jew and Woody look the same
why don't they like obama?
he did all the good corporate fascist stuff every other president has done
how is he different from orange man? he even had a muslim country ban in effect shortly after he got into office
This... The really fucked this one up lol
black man baaad
nice one
Yup and partied with all of the elites
It never said that but ok
Dumb fuck, it's not about the poster its about the "Dignity of the office" quote. Its a direct shot at Trump.
Extrajudicial killings of US citizens with drones, handing over guns to Mexican cartels that ended up being used to murder LEOs and as the grand finale his highest appointed officials okayed wiretaps based on paid for opposition research that is confirmed to be entirely fabricated.
Yes Zion Donnie is actually bad
It's a shot at the character, you triggered little baby.
>Dumb fuck, it's not about the poster its about the "Dignity of the office" quote. Its a direct shot at Trump.
this is correct, I would say the finger waggle with both hands seals it. (Hur dur small hands orange man)
>It's a shot at the character, you triggered little baby.
Looks like you have raged more than the previous poster, you lose. Reddit is down the hall and to the left. Faggot.
>no ur the one raging!
How has this shit thread been up almost 12 hours?
Emma Stone = shit btw
Both are soullless