>let's all go get some frosty chocolate milkshakes!
Let's all go get some frosty chocolate milkshakes!
>let's all go get some
fuck it not gonna bother adapting the joke
>let's all go fuck and suck the moeposter! Cringe if you agree!
>let's all go get some frosty chuckolate milkshakes!
>lets all go get some feed and seed
Were Simpsons the first cartoon to feature social commentary about shifting sex trends? Let me explain this subtle joke. Sneed's Feed and Seed. Feed is homonym to the word feet. Seed is usually being used as euphemism for sperm. Feed and Seed. Feet and Sperm. They are basically making fan of people with foot fetish. Absolutely based.
If I am a few other select individuals had an IQ as high as you we would be on the moon by now
That is true, user. We would need those moonlanding shots with shade of Kubrick in there.
>Feed is homonym to the word feet.
No, it isn't.
>we will never have a proper simpsons discussion again
absolutely fucking based. fuck city slickers, long live sneed.
>let's all go get some feed and seed at Sneed's
chocolate sneed
I move away from the fuck to suck in
Well, well, Morty *burps*
I fucked and sucked this guy named Chuck *burps*
and Morty *burps* Now I own this comfy agroculture store, Morty.
comfyshitters eternally BTFO. sneed.