>Ms. Bond, I am afraid this casino does not accept food stamps.
Ms. Bond, I am afraid this casino does not accept food stamps
Other urls found in this thread:
>grape drank, on the rocks... with a slice of water mellon and side of chicken wings.
Haha because shes black! Good joke op.
>No Ms. Bond, Beethoven isn't a rapper from the 19th century
>Ms Bond please put your chips backn on the table you are only stealing from yourself
>Yes Yes Mister Sneed i know you run a feed and seed factory you've told me that 10 times since this game started
>Ms. Bond, you are African.
you must be fun at parties
>I can smell her pussy
>Shantelle keeps following up every sentence with "mmmHMMM" and "Guuuuurl"
Fuck back to pol with this racist shit.
>the names bond
>bail bond
The joke, of course, being that Daniel Craig needed a black man to bail him out of this game in Casino Royale by ponying up some cash.
Do you think Ms. Bond will be joining us, M?
No,...no I don't suspect she will be.
What is pol? Poland?
I’m not from Poland, user. Don’t be silly.
Must have triggered you incel.
you stole this from me 5 days ago.
Nice to see someone reposting my OC from a few days ago. Makes me think of giving the open mic stand-up another chance. Thanks user.
>Ms. Bond please do not shout out "yeah we wuz kweens das ryte" whenever you draw a queen card. Letting your opponent know your card ruins the spirit of the game.
>No Ms. Bond, the Cashier doesn't accept your EBT card
He only did that because poker is vastly different to shootin dice and the money wasnt his.
Please quit stealing my joke.
Back to /pol/ as in the board you fucking summerfag. I’m putting you on a 3 month lurking program. Do not post again until you complete your program.
>hahahaha ms bond I have thwarted you with my master plan. The top secret files are mine!
Beta faggot
>Do not post again
>some tabloid prints a rumor that a black woman is going to be in the next james bond movie
>incels on Yea Forums spend all day posting low iq racist jokes
unironically go outside and have sex
lets say 2000 thousand movies have been made since the advent of cinema 100 years ago
95% of them have a white male lead
now the black community gets some screentime and you all throw a shitfit
have sex
Fucking kek. Gonna make that incel mad. What’s funny is this is probably exactly how he looks.
>I'm not sure if the bartender has your "grape drank" but I'll be sure to ask on your behalf Ms. Bond
>Ms. Bond, you are spy.
Dial 8
Thank you I sure am thirsty so I hope they have my drink of choice.
I already did that today
now go have sex incel
CR is the only good, believable Craig Bond film.
>no Ms Bond, you may not keep “axing” questions on the rules, and for the 10nth time all black cards is not a legal hand
You already did what?
Yea Forums always was racist overall, you know
Where do you think we are?
Sorry. I am new to this game and the rules are confusing.
Yea Forums is turning into Reddit that can't even handle entry level bantz anymore
I hope so. Fuck trannies
Fuck off summerfags.
>no Ms Bond you may not ask for reparations from the casino to use as funds.
Good thing we aren’t on Yea Forums.
Oh, okay. Thanks for clearing that up.
>I’m sure you do “got da juice” Mrs Bond, but there’s no need to call me a honkey bitch
Why do you think your opinion is important?
Oh lawd you got me
I didn’t say honkey bitch. I said donkey itch. You are a donkey itch.
fuck back to plebbit with your stupid opinion
Get on back to your moderated faggy reddit you bitch. No downvotes here, pussy.
>Ms. Bond, please stop asking the dealer to "hit you" we aren't playing blackjack
>Ms. Bond as an Englishman I will not refer to you as Queen Bond.
This is 4Channel newfag
We aren’t playing blackjack? What game are we playing?
As a black guy I find this shit unironically hilarious please keep posting. Just ignore the butt-hurt liberals.
kek underrated
because I am a productive member of society who has had sex while the members of this community consist of losers in their mothers basement who never had sex and therefore should have no right to give an opinion on society since they will never produce progeny and their impact on society will only last until they die at 50 from a diet of cheetos and fast food
Why not? It is just a nickname.
do Brits get food stamps or just money?
Food license
>ms bond, I didn't mean your husband jack
so why do you post here then if you're so cool?
I’m unmarried.
>out of beer and Weißwurst
>too hot to go to the store
I'm already dead. This is hell.
>Fuck back to pol with this racist shit.
I will give you a response when you have sex,cretin.
The racist incel meter is off the charts ITT.
Because you’re posting in this thread.
faggot. no (you) 4u
More like mouth breathing s*ycuck numale reddit meter
i lost my virginity at 22 to my fat girlfriend. now you may answer my question
>Ms. Bond, while I'm sure he appreciates the gesture, the waiter can't accept crack rocks as a tip
Sure is pol in here.
Why did you censor yourself?
>Fucking a roastie
Gay imho
Ya, these soulless unfunny faggots are the same pearl clutchers that got the raceswap from faceapp removed
These are pop rocks not crack rocks.
haha its funny because she is black haha so shes ghetto and has no culture haha
fuck off eurocentric retards,africans are a great race and would be even greater if white people didnt invade and subjugate their continent for centuries
have sex.
Because the word s*y triggers mouth breathing numale reddit faggots so much they banned it
>A based black guy
Robert? How have you been my man?
Oh. Thank you for being considerate of your fellow man then.
>Comrade, Ms. Bond appears to be speaking in code. It sounds vaguely like English but none of our top men can crack it.
because it’s actually such a loser that the closest thing it’s ever experienced to “winning” is calling strangers incels on a macedonian elephant breeding forum
Apefricans are barbaric savages that never invented the wheel, slit your wrists you oxygen thieving subhuman
>africans are a great race
>africans are a race
> would be even greater if white people didnt invade and subjugate their continent for centuries
>have sex.
That's a yaiks! from me, Macron youtube.com
Oh, no the horror! Three niggers drinking beer.
Spies speak in codes.
what a lovely group of tan germans
*tips narwhal bacon* *gives gold*
Carry on s*yim
yet they built incredible cities and structures like the great pyramids while white scum was living in wooden huts and eating snow
have SEX
Greece is Macedonian clay
I’m convinced the suburb kids making these threads are scared of black people. Kind of funny but mostly sad.
Only thing they've ever built was dung huts you wide nosed purple lipped brillo headed shit smelling nigger, get AIDS
>40oz, steel reserve.
I like to roleplay, too. *salutes with a smile*
>Ms. Bond, please stop asking the other players if they have any "4"s, we aren't playing go fish
Mads is a based Ork player. I see
Stop projecting your fragility, snowflake nigger
We should play Go Fish. It’s fun!
Three germans* drinking beer.
Wtf Egyptians weren't black you dense fuck ever heard of the Sahara? Arabs and Magrebhi are much closer related to Europeans than sub Saharan Africans
>unironic we wuz kangz posting on Yea Forums
how did it come to this?
Shut the fuck up n*gger
No victimhood, race card baiting, black supremacy or SJW movements can stop any of us from having fun, maintaining our identity and being proud of our identity.
*heils Hitler*
Kill yourself
>waiter bring us a glass of wine for our game
>I'll take a bottle of your finest malt liquor
>No victimhood, race card baiting, black supremacy or SJW movements can stop any of us from having fun, maintaining our identity and being proud of our identity.
Who is Yourself? How many HP does Yourself have? What level is Yourself? What kind of quest reward do I get for killing Yourself?
>all these newfag retards taking the bait
Go into the bathroom, slit your wrists, and find out :^)
Ha they got pranked into replying.
Which bathroom is THE bathroom?
Excuse me, those are Germans.
>Why, Uno, of course.
Ebonics isn't a code
Oh, UNO is fun. Are we playing using the “reverse back to me” rules?
what's Ms Bond's go-to tactical weave?
i want to see her use a grenade weave or perhaps a cheeky flamethrower weave
>another thread ruined by humorless libnazis
Any pc sjw reddit shit should be an immediate ban
How would you weave a grenade or a flamethrower?
You shouldn't
>Any pc sjw reddit shit should be an immediate ban
There are more whites receiving food stamps in the US than blacks. Not more per capital but it's still millions of whites on welfare
Holy mother of all reddit summerfags please leave NOW.
Hey! You are stealing my joke, buster!
this is post happens when incels are trying to be funny
Keep seething, incels. You have no influence :)
>pc sjw reddit shit good!
Memes aside, I think Christoph Waltz is truly an amazing actor
Your argument is based on the idea that groups of people are owed anything. Which is false. So if they want to steal a character and make Bond a female nigress to pander to a minority, the majority of which is too stupid to be offended, that's on them. However If Warner Bros said Batman will always be a straight, strong white man who fucks women, and will never be black or any other race. That's perfectly acceptable as well.
I knew these threads triggered leftypol but this is on another level
We are through the looking glass here people.
America is a White country and Welfare Programs should only be for White people, ie the people actually paying taxes. 1/10 Whites are in some foem of government assistance vs 1/3 blacks
Why cant we just be like plebbit
Why is there a nigger at all? Fucking hideous
No no no please stop (insert buzzword) you guys are so waycis
Wasn’t planning on watching this but once I saw how bad it triggers pol, I simply must see it.
God damn Ana is sexy
So for all intensive purposes she is Bond
>implying niggers tip
Dill ate? Do you mean like "eat a dill pickle?"
Isn't the guy who invented s*ylent a diehard liberal? Isn't that guy your posting from San Francisco?
hmmmm something is not quite adding up here
That may be. But all these "jokes" are based on the wrong assumption that she will play someone called Bond. I bet you she will not be named Bond. They wouldn't dare. Unless she's the lovechild between James and May Day.
You know what? Now that I think of it, that is probably the route they're going with this.
>A pink Cadillac Escalade with 'dem massive donk wheels n shitz'? I'm not sure that would be a terribly practical car, ms Bond
So the new 007 movie won't be about 007?
stop stealing my fucking joke
The Ma'am With The Golden Grillz
Ahem... Fuck trannies
Fuck niggers
Fuck spics
Fuck jannies
Fuck haters
Then have sex
Then join the 43%
Thanks for your attention, have a great day!
>intensive purposes
Holy shit
he cute and based
Bond leaves agency. Black lady is assigned “007” since he gone. He comes back, shenanigans ensue.
That’s it.
>Da name is Bond, O'Gombaba Trisha M'Kumumu Bond
ITT: triggered pol posters
Haha I didn't even see that when I posted
Imagine making OPs joke at a party
ITT: some oversensitive samefag gets upset over a non issue joke.
No, Rob Rhinehart is publicly apolitical for the most part.
Back to pol incel.
>Bond is now a completely unapologetic hardcore bantu warlord
I'd actually pay to see that.
Where is "pol incel"?
It's like making any joke user.
It only works if you are likable.
No. Just no.
>getting offended over words on a secondary/tertiary hobby board of a chinese cartoon website
>posts buzzwords and can't even format their correctly.
Back to fagbook, tumblr, whatever shithole you migrated from. Take your pick.
Go ahead. Try it out some time see how it goes LOL
>Go ahead. Try it out some time see how it goes LOL
"XD"? You're not making any sense.
>Ah here is your new car ms Bond
>The Chevrolet impala
Casino Royale is only Craig bond movie that i like
and Layer Cake if it counts
Cringe incel screeching. Bye lmao.
Sweet! That's a nice car. Thank you.
Mah nigga
Goodbye, I guess.
Anyone else know what that user was going on about?
imagine going to a party
Seemed to have a case of the big gay. Unfortunately it was chronic.
>I am a productive member of society who has had sex
Nice larp, fag. This is Yea Forums, if you don't like the jokes here, just go away. Intolerant sex-obsessed bumptious crybaby.
Imagine going to party filled with hags like those
Hello I am black female Bond I am here to do black female things please watch my movie
RIP in power, Big Gay user
you will never know what it is like to dispense your seed in a willing tight vagina
have sex.
Okay, you sound like a pretty cool guy
>there are legitimate unvirgins in this very thread
>they think they have opinions of worth
It's like watching a retarded child thinking it needs to be heard.
Not him but sounded like he was calling out pol incels.
this thread is hilarious, we should do it more often
>Ms Bond, I've asked you 5 times now to remove your Hennessy bottle from the table.
>This post
>With Hitler dubs
God is smiling on us
why is there one "person" here alternating between posting incel stuff and replying to jokes as if xhe was ms bond? its annoying. not everything has to be a safe space you know.
you know what i did when threads would derail into horrific racist shitposting against my race? i would voice my concern and then leave. now i have simply filtered the slurs.
if you are offended, voice your concern without memes or buzzwords and then leave. some of us will understand, but others will only care about pissing you off more, so its better to leave. people NEED the freedom to express themselves, even if that expression is negative to your perception. you can do the same in other threads.
this applies ONLY if its your race theyre making fun of. if you are offended on behalf of others or virtue signaling, then you can fuck right off and deserve to be upset
While the classic meme used to be funny, its current iteration is just sad. And this is appropriate, as the same is true of the new Bond.
Protip niggy: nonblack people do not like black people, they just put up with you.
Never heard of 'em.
Nice to see someone reposting my OC. Makes me think of finishing my sketch comedy/stand-up. Thanks user.
Pole can't be incels because chicks dig political men.
>Ms Bond there is a an agitated gentleman at the reception complaining about his stolen bike
>The description of the bike matches the one you have arrived on
>Also "hide dat shiet" does not fall under the regular duties of a valet nor do coupons count as a valid tip
Yeah, look at all the pussy the president gets.
>Someone makes fun of something
I hope they find his bike and the person who stole it.
>this thread
These are funny. The rest are the kind of joke only an asocial incel would make.
>Ah, double o seven, glad to see you.
>Where my ride bitch!?
>You mean the Aston?
>Das rite!
>Your new Vantage is ready for your mission.
>He pimped?
>Ummm... I did modify it as you ordered:
>24" rims with titanium spinners
>Bulletproof windows
>Stereo system with built in freqency linked with Chief Kief's studio mic,
>Oh and for your request we have installed a "dank sticky icky" compartment.
>Uh... splendid I gues... 007 I've got a message from M, you're redy to go, remember 007, the Queen is counting on you.
>We wuz queeens bitch, 2Pac rest in peace.
>Cheerio Bond.
>replying to the guy who made an image with "thanks for posting my OC"
fucking 13/10 b8 bruh my blood's boiling over here
As fine a post as one could see
more like wincel
Je suit Spartacus
Fuck you nigger
Who is supposed to be talking in this jumbled mess of a post?
When it is against Whites it is omay for trannies lime you, isn't?
Jesus christ
It's obviously Q conversing with Blacc Kween Bond
>Well well, Ms. Bond. It seems as though you've finally caught me. I'll come quietly but first... would you like to see me preform some street magic?
So you want to be a Yea Forums janitor, huh?
Ahem...let me tell you something about this board, kid:
Which one is supposed to be Q and which one is Bond?
>Anonymous 07/25/19(Thu)16:34:17 No.118587784▶
> (OP)
> Fuck back to pol with this racist shit.
>Anonymous 07/25/19(Thu)16:35:06 No.118587828▶
> >the names bond
> >bail bond
>Anonymous 07/25/19(Thu)16:35:23 No.118587842▶
> Dilate
>Anonymous 07/25/19(Thu)16:36:09 No.118587880▶
> (OP)
> The joke, of course, being that Daniel Craig needed a black man to bail him out of this game in Casino Royale by ponying up some cash.
>Anonymous 07/25/19(Thu)16:36:41 No.118587899▶
>File: 4C17D69E00000578-5718897-(...).jpg (34 KB, 634x553)
>34 KB
> Do you think Ms. Bond will be joining us, M?
> No,...no I don't suspect she will be.
>Anonymous 07/25/19(Thu)16:36:55 No.118587905▶
> What is pol? Poland?
> I’m not from Poland, user. Don’t be silly.
>Anonymous 07/25/19(Thu)16:37:06 No.118587909▶
> Must have triggered you incel.
>Anonymous 07/25/19(Thu)16:37:24 No.118587920▶
> you stole this from me 5 days ago.
Sure. I like street magic.
>being THIS new
go back to plebbit
I don't think I've ever seen this before. Lmao
Want to know how I know you're a white bourgeois?
When are we gonna come out with Sneed 2 bros?
Woke and goy pilled.
You’re new. Pls leave.
I 2nd this. It's only cool to joke about white men and orange man anymore.
Based beyond belief
>Ms Bond we do not carry so called "Newports" but please help yourself to our imported Cigars
these threads used to be about daring syntheses, not pol
Chicken wings are good though I like Lemmon pepper and mild flavored with blue cheese and fries
Hahahahaha niggers
No thanks. Cigars are really unhealthy.
Not everyone is like your Twitter friends user, there's plenty of normal people with normal sense of humour left
We really need threadly post ids on this board
Yeah and let's add upvoting and downvoting too.
Why u so mad whyte boi?
Actually-factually literally-witerally underrated.
post hand.
I'm willing to bet you're white
Because you're responding to it.
Checkmate, Bill Cosby.
>black guy uses US tax payer dollars
Maybe she'll be fucking incompetent, or a villainous double agent, and Bond has to come back and fix her mess.
So will this be the third movie in a row where Daniel Craig is forced to leave MI6 for part of the plot?
Fuck off nigger, get lynched.
t. Discord tranny
No, Ms. Bond, for the hundreth time, it's not because you're black, the Al Kharid guards have been programmed to say that to EVERY player.
a popcorn dropping moment indeed, as audiences leave the theater en masse
wtf i wanna annex cuba now
That picture is making my sperm leave my balls en masse
It seems your excellent stamina has betrayed you Mr. Bond, as it seems you're the last one to ejaculate
Took me a while.
>shit social skills, the post
It would be great if one of her gadgets turned out to be arm floaties.
made me fucking giggle like a little preschool girl
pretty good
Stay seething nigger cuck kike faggot jew
>the people who post here are losers
>i post here
>not me tho
Who orders a box of bones? Are you a dog or something? Theres no meat on wings fool. Birds ain't gonna fly with fat wings.
ITT: Haha we are such racists! Maybe they won't know we are all summer-reddit!
Ms. Bond, for the last time we don't have grape flavored complimentary cigars in the casino. This is the fifth one you've cut open and dumped on the floor.
Traffic doesn't increase that much during summer
yep, i'm thinking this is based.
based schizo poster
yikes, all those dubs
>"Its just a word!"
>"W-who are you?!"
>"It was a m-mistake! I didn't mean it!. You can go to hell!"
look at those hands, jamie do we have that video
this just makes me want to be more racist
>No not that one, the one with the chimps
“Aye mayne free da gang yumsayin, i keep a perc 30 yumsayin, doo doo fuck them other niggas mayne fuck them other niggas cause i ride for my niggas” - james bond 2019
Sup Bubs
>guaranteed (You)s
You clearly have no friends irl if you think people don't make jokes far worse than that irl. Even my gf has made worse jokes than that at parties. You are a total faggot and should not be on Yea Forums if you can't even take such basic banter.
based and fuck pol
>only two