So is this worth watching?
So is this worth watching?
no, extremely boring, the ball weapon is original but theres nothing beyond that
It feels like a nightmare. Very surreal and better than anything Lynch ever made!!!FACT!!!
>It feels like a nightmare. Very surreal and better than anything Lynch ever made!!!FACT!!!
This, the atmosphere it as going for it is probably the best part of it. I think a lot of it has to do with the genuinely unnerving antagonist that's not really explained at all. I'd skip the sequels though, they take away all the mystery surrounding the bizarre shit going on by giving the viewer too much info.
I love Phantasm. So yes, yes you should.
Don's a pretty cool guy tho
That's a lot more than some movies have going for them.
Yeah, if you're into 70's b-horror it's one of the best imo. Angus Scrimm's Tall Man is super iconic, there's a lot really cool set design and surreal imagery, and the soundtrack is fantastic. If you're the kind of person that appreciates people doing a lot with next to nothing, you'll probably really enjoy it. It holds up really well.
The sequels are progressively less good.
The only part I remember was a guy having sex with a girl and she turned into the creepy old guy......which means the creepy old guy got fucked by a dude and he's gay....
trips of truth.
this was shilled as some underrated classic. it's bland and boring as fuck, only has two good scenes in a sea of piss and shit and dull mediocrity where nothng happens.
the idea is fantastic and has so much potential, yet they blew it spectacularly.
kys plebbit
Yeah. It's a pretty twisted movie, and the Tall Man is a great villain.
and whats the deal with the midgets?
I read that the film was originally 3 hours but they cut over an hour of it due to poor reception from early screening. Don wanted to make a character driven epic tragedy.
They were used for slave labor, as they should.
I see you logged out lmao.
what happened when reggie putted his hands on top of those tuning fork dimension gates? did it stop the time travel or did it just close rift to that particular dimension of time? wtf was it with the tall man and cold? i saw the first one in the theater(back in the 70s), was hooked since. I'm glad these films endured.
>guy only referred to as "Tall Man" using midges as slaves
Is he the hero Yea Forums deserves?
Ive watch all the movies but somehow i cannot remember a single thing except for the short hooded people
four someone reason my screech to text program does that.
>>It feels like a nightmare. Very surreal and better than anything Lynch ever made!!!FACT!!!
Lynch only has a few tricks that he uses over and fucking over. He's boring and avant-garde/experimental for normie brianlets like yourself. Funeral Parade of Roses is better than anything that hack ever fucking made!!!FACT!!!
>This, the atmosphere it as going for it is probably the best part of it. I think a lot of it has to do with the genuinely unnerving antagonist that's not really explained at all. I'd skip the sequels though, they take away all the mystery surrounding the bizarre shit going on by giving the viewer too much info.
Phantasm 2 is a genuinely good horror movie. I consider it the Aliens to the first films Alien!!!FACT!!!
Don't you EVER reply to me again!
>implying I like Lynch
>>implying I like Lynch
>Comes running to his defense when I talk shit about him.
a re-quote with a soiboi pic is now very onions, go home
>>Comes running to his defense when I talk shit about him.
>a re-quote with a soiboi pic is now very onions, go home
>be a kid
>see a commercial for this movie
>scared to death
>can't sleep at night
Fuck this movie.