I didn't understand a single thing that happened in Blade Runner 2049.
I didn't understand a single thing that happened in Blade Runner 2049
Why are zoomutts such brainlets lol
Its just something women will never understand.
Are you female? This is important.
it's hard to get if your're not lonely and don't have a waifu.
It's kinda sillyyyyyyyy like lmao. I saw it once ages ago but I'll try to rember. here goes.....
uh, so like, there's a new model replicant and he's hunting the old model replicunts. while doing this he finds some box with bones init and it belongs to another replicunt. there's some number on it n shiet (a birthday? i forget lol). so he takes the bones to his boss and they analyse it, and i think they find out that she was preggors or summat. apparently if a replicunt is preggors it changes errything!!! so they have to find the kid init. btw the preggo replicunt was rachel from the first movie lmao.
so like, he tries to find the kid n shiet. he thinks he is the kid 'cuz he got the memoriez n shiet. in looking for her he finds deckard. deckard is actually the dad init (cuz he fugged rachel :DDDDDD). but ackchuaaly the kid was that ho that makes memories in that room she cant get out cuz her immune system fugged (lmao replicunts suck at making kids). he had the memories cuz she made his memories of the horse n shiet, n the memories she gave him were his own, thats why he had the memories of the horse being in that oven or summat.
so like, when other replicunts learned that they could have kids, they wanna go to war n shiet cuz apparently thsi means theyre REAL n maybe they have soulz. they needed to find the kid so they were lookin. the cops want to find the kid to kill him and berry dis shit. that jared actor wanted to find the kid so he cud study him init, cuz he amazed that that dude with glasses from the first movie cud make a replicunt that cud have kids so he send joy after him. he wud have dissected the kid n shiet n experiment. this is all the reasons why deckard hid the kid (actually the grill in the room n shiet). drive guy thot he was the kid but he wasnt lmao
hope this helps!!!!!!! :DDD
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Blade Runner. The themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of existential philosophy. Most of the ideas explored will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also the angst of the replicants, which is deftly woven into their characterization - the films philosophy draws heavily from Cartesian concepts, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these ideas, to realize that they're not just interesting- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Blade Runner truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, Roy Batty's monologue "Tears in rain," which itself is a cryptic reference to materialist thought and the concept of ''eternal oblivion.'' I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Phillip K. Dick's genius unfolds itself on the cinema screen. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a blaster prop. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
It's okay, females tend to have problems comprehending the concept of isolation/alienation. The concept of finding purpose. The concept of selfless morality and self-sacrifice for the greater good.
All strictly male themes.
it was really ghey how bladerunner 2 ripped off Her lmao
cringe as u nerds say lol xD
Absolutely based. Are you single, love?
You either:
>like capeshit and have had your brain permanently fried
>are a woman
>are a normie
>are chad.
I'm a heterosexual male and I'm shitposting just 'cause.
It's funny how BR2049 made a ten times more genuinely emotionally investing romantic story in just a side story of the film compared to Her where that's the entire film.
For most people the actual physical "love" part falls apart completely in Her, especially in any scene where the love part wants to be materialised (the prostitute sex scene, that sex scene where Joaquin just lays and talks to her) which come off as extremely cheesy and "quirky" which in result end up falling completely flat. Funny how there is the exact same concept of the threesome between an AI, a prostitute and a man in Her and literally no one ever talks about it because the execution of the scene is like any standard rom com flick, the AI part is completely secondary. Not to mention that in Her the prostitute is entirely meaningless in the act itself, while in BR2049 all it's a very character involving scene for all three characters, not just literally but in narrative terms also.
It's a physical manifestation of K's character development.
In short, Spike Jonze didn't know how to approach the concept of a man falling in love with a computer in a serious way so he had to make it extremely quirky to have an excuse for most scenes, while in BR2049 it's executed completely direct and tasteful with zero pretense at all.
I'm a male and I unironically didn't really understand it and got a little bored but the set design and visual aesthetic was incredible. Would watch and not understand again.
That goes without saying, friend.
What the fuck was that part about. Please help.
It's a new version of the Voight-Kampff test from the original, the difference is in the original they tested to see non human responses while here they are testing to see if the replicant is showing any human emotional responses by asking him highly personal emotional questions, while he has to just reply unphased by the previous question. The phrases repeated like a mantra at the end are there in order to invoke the subject into assigning patterns and specific meanings to the words -- if they don't, then they've passed. Keeps the new replicants in check, at their emotional "baseline"
K's full baseline is an excerpt from the third canto of Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire.
When he first reads it in its entirety at the beginning of the test it establishes a baseline to innocuous stimulation, like a lie detector test first asking you banal questions like your name and favorite food. He's then made to recite excerpts of that excerpt after emotionally stimulating questions that may exasperate him, and the response is compared to that of the baseline. The clever part is that sometimes the otherwise innocuous excerpts of excerpts segue into meta questions that would throw the test subject for a loop and make it difficult to cheat. Before having to recite 'cells', they'd ask "when you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box" in direct relation to the word 'cells'. Before having to recite 'interlinked', they'd ask "what's it like to hold the hand of someone you love" in direct relation to the word 'interlinked'. He eventually fails when he's so overwhelmed by everything happening on top of him feeling trapped in his miserable life and dubious romantic situation.
Hope that helps.
Fuck, that's actually pretty damn good. Gonna have to give this a proper rewatch tonight.
The irresponsible Captain Tylor
I get why it's in the movie and how it's relevant to Blade Runner's existentialist themes but I really wish they didn't include it. They should have done something -- anything -- else. It's way too cringey to the extent that it just about ruins the film for me. I can't relate to anyone, "real" or not, falling in love with computer AI. Sure it was executed better than Her but that movie was absolutely awful regardless. I would have liked BR2049 a whole lot more if it wasn't for this irl waifu faggotry.
you can't comprehend anything beyond your favourite fortnite streamer zoomershit
In 2009 everybody was a COD babby. Now everyone is a zoomer Fortnite babby. Wondering, were you a COD babby in 2009? Same difference.
Joi was a physical extension of K's character development. What K yearned for, she expressed.
This was not used as a mere love story, but to further explore the nature of programming and the replicant condition, extending the relation from human-replicant from the first one to replicant-AI in the sequel.