Friendly reminder, Yea Forums!
Friendly reminder, Yea Forums!
I don't think the book featured Pakistanis and niggers.
So what is it that they're adapting? Jewish wet dreams?
Is this pic real?
The book description of Fringilla is literally the opposite of the actress they chose. The only thing she has in common with the character is that they're both women.
>assuming gender
umm... sweaty, you can't just do that in 2019.
They are adaping feminism but using witcher characters.
Makes them look insecure
They should have got this qt to play Sofia
freya a cute.
Damn I meant Ciri lmao
>adaptation = 1:1 copy
This ^, just because they're doing an adaptation, doesn't mean they're doing it well.
They ain't adapting the book either
Name a single way that her physical description in the book impacts the character or the story.
The book is set in fantasy Poland, by your logic they could all be wearing 1980s punk rock outfits and talking with funny Australian accents and nothing would change as long as it was called the Witcher
Ok, but how does the character being black significantly alter anything about the plot or character?
What are they adapting then?
It breaks immersion and suspension of disbelief the same way a 1980s punk rock outfit would
I could ask the same thing about Black Panther. Just because he's in Africa doesn't mean he needs black skin, right? Wakanda isn't a real country so possibilities are endless. His name comes from his armor
fuck off dude
So I hate commies but I'm now believe that we are in this so called late state capitalism. Businesses are now openly mocking there own customers and apparently it's not hurting their business. Soon they are just going to stop making anything but people will still give them money because it's trendy or some shit. People are too stupid for freedom.
If the race of the character is a non-issue, then why is there a want to change it from the original source? It's not a factor, as you would agree.
they're adapting your nightmares /pol/baby
Black fragility.
Wait, they aren't adapting the games? I guess I won't watch...
>breaks immersion
No it doesn't. If the plot and character are otherwise identical there is no reason for an actor with dark skin to shatter your "immersion".
Wakanda is a fictional country. Africa is a very real continent.
The Witcher world is inspired by Poland, but it doesn't take place in Europe.
They're not adapting the books either, shitlord.
There are whites who are native to Africa.
>People are too stupid for freedom.
this guy gets it
look up what adapting means
Actually Earth-616 and by extension Africa-616 are completely fictional places which were only inspired by the real world
neither would it shatter the immersion if they had a german accent, wore sagging jeans and a modern military armor plate carrier
Colonizer children aren't natives
Why do they hate there fans so much?
yea they are.
If the show clearly established that the world was like that and was consistent, then yeah none of that would be immersion breaking.
It looks like the show has established that non-whites exist in its version of the Witcher world.
LOTR was a shit adaptation and got loads of shit 'wrong', still a good movie though. you don't care about that because the wrong things weren't black people.
white people in Africa and the Americas are an invasive species
I hate niggers so much.
Explain why you feel that way
By that logic the 2 or 3 black people that have ever been born in the history of Poland are European
How many generations until you're considered native? Every place in the world was colonized from somewhere
She is literally related by blood to emperor of Nilfgaard and is cousin to Anna Henrietta of Tousaint. I wonder how they are going to explain this without changing her character.
No, but it means they're natives. Derpy doo!
Glad to see that you're accepting of all the new native Europeans you're getting
lmao at whites having to deal with nigs daily hahahahahaha
native definiton
>a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
Shut up you idiot.
LOTR gets shit on here a lot.
I prefer the term "symbiont".
From my own experience and quite a lot of social science literature, niggers are parasitical in nature. White people cleanse diseases, better the lives of the native species, produce goods, create working societies, and all in all are some really great symbiont for a continent
Unfortunately the parasites are killing the symbiont in Africa, but what can you. Like a virus, they're killing their continent and themselves with it.
>An invasive species is a species that is not native to a specific location (an introduced species), and that has a tendency to spread to a degree believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy or human health.
Epic meme image
But they were welcomed and also they improved Africa while they were there. Not their fault what happened after they left.
only by dumb shitposters, moreso since GoT shit the bed completely, most tolkien threads are pretty comfy.
throw in jetpacks and rayguns too, but don't explain it because it's better to have mystery in life
The original man is African, you narrowminded corporate tool. All men who come to Africa are coming home. What you witnessed were regional conflicts between brothers, brothers who have now ceased their wars.
So Yea Forums?
I can tell you what adapting means. It means being faithful to the source material. Race swaps are not faithful to the source material. When you make arbitrary changes like that, it creates the question "why even use the franchise in the first place?" If you want all of this random shit to be different, then just create a new IP and go nuts with that.
in the time it took you to type that you could have looked up the definition of the word
>no asians
>no native americans
>no pacific islanders
>no actual africans
>no fucking slavs
>no dwarves
>no trannies
>no otherkin
>no just american and british blacks and pajeets
Show me a source or GTFO.
based faggot anime drawer
>the show
What about the source material?
>slav piece of fiction based on slav folklore
>zero slav actors
>"shouldn't everyone be represented?"
It's about aesthetics
it's a show with a white setting there should be whites there
it's as simple as that Jesus
lmao he's slowly becoming more and more racist, I fucking love when niggers blackpill themselves
Why did they make him look like Nu Geralt from Witcher 3 then?
that's right, they're adapting a book - the torah
>Yea Forumsirgins seething
You mean the books that are simply serving as the foundation for a completely separate piece of media? You could probably just go read them again.
>let's celebrate and encourage mediocrity and haphazard adaptation
Of course you're correct in the most obtuse, disingenuous way; but there's no true argument for having these characters not be white other than "because I don't want them to be."
Which, hey, if that's truly how much you want to split hairs, I can't really argue against that sort of deconstructivism. As always, we'll just have to let people vote with their wallets.
The trouble I always have with the changing of a fantasy character's race is it tends to project modern demographics into a setting without ever hinting at an explanation or showing any consequences of it. Game of Thrones had a bunch of minority characters but were always from Essos or the Summer Islands, with their differences to the white cast being something the characters see.
Of course, people will defend this casting with "it's a fantasy, not Poland." but given xenophobia and intolerance is such an important theme of the books it's quite absurd that the white people of such shows are seemingly less racist than internet comments, unless the racism is against elves.
>simply serving
You mean the reason the show exists in any capacity at all? Alright, retard.
Doesn't even matter. You lost me at Hissrich.
>but there's no true argument for having these characters not be white other than "because I don't want them to be."
everything in the books revolves around extreme bigotry of the common people, and everyone even slightly different gets lynched sooner or later. there's no reason for blacks to be exempt from this, and it doesn't make sense for strategically placed token minorities to participate in lynchings.
Fictional characters do not represent real people, no.
If you need arbitrary things about yourself represented in fiction then maybe write it yourself.
It's actually quite absurd how much things have shifted in a decade that Game of Thrones was a vast majority white cast and that was totally fine then.
Go read the books if all you want is an exact copy of them, dipshit
I just came into this thread and boy are you getting rekt.
I'm over this stuff, I don't even watch movies anymore. But the reason I don't like it is because it's forced. It's an unnatural choice coming from a a political point of view that has nothing to do with the work. This is a horrible way to make anything. It's like if you were working on a sculpture but then someone who knows nothing about sculpting came in and told you to change something for a non artistic reason. The artist can create a masterpiece because he has a vision and a passion to create it. This is why sequels almost always suck. You can't make something good if you are making decisions about it based on non-artistic reasons. That rant probably didn't make much sense but that's it. Stop interfering with the artist's vision.
the witcher has a majority white cast too, videogame waifu faggots are blowing it out of proportion.
Translation: I'm insecure and people with different colored skin make me uncomfortable
butchering the source material because you want to make a shitty statement is never good
forced diversity is fucking cancer
>forced diversity
>chink pandering
Will the 2010s/2020s be looked at as one of the worst periods in film history?
>want white character to be white
>"wtf stop expecting an exact copy of the books?!"
You're dumb.
Not adapting the books either, cunt :^)
>want white character to be white
Why is this so important to you?
It’s literally forced. They sent out casting calls for BAME actresses.
Nice, so you don't want the characters to be white and there's basically no real reason for that. Got it.
Why wouldn't it be? If, by chance, some writer some day decides to write a fantasy series based on the exploits of the Zulu kingdom, and some TV company decided to adapt it, I wouldn't expect the Shaka Zulu facsimile to be played by a Chinese man, and I'd rightly understand if that upset Africans.
>they believed the fake BAME casting call notice posted for geralt and ciri
those threads were hilarious
you aren't adapting the books either and whatever you are doing looks bad
what's your point again?
Yeah, sure.
What did she mean by this?
>a real life person who actually existed
>a make believe wizard
Spot the difference
Well, Geralt wanting to actually fuck her for starters
>games adapted the books
>surprised people expect the same shit from the show based on the same books
The games didn't adapt the books though.
>crying that we're getting a black geralt
>cavill gets cast
>no but ciri she'll definitely be BAME just you wait
>freya gets cast
>yen and triss actually do get BAME'd
even had some moron then claim geralt and ciri were almost cast black but they saw how angry that made 'us' so they recast last minute we won! it was fake and hilarious.
what book are they even adapting the plot has nothign to do with the last wish (which is the one they said they were going to adapt)
It doesn't matter, they aren't adapting the books or the video game.
Quit raging so hard incel and just have sex
the games were mostly fanfic, some of it actually better written than the books, that in itself should tell you how trash the source material really is. I'm amazed people are crying about it this hard one way or the other.
>games adapted the books
Except they didn't. The games are fanfiction that takes place afterwards. Dumbass.
The games are fanfics with dead main characters.
does anyone that keeps saying ''the show is adapting the books dumbdumb'' actually read the books?
I mean, they are adapting the books though... Why are you so angry?
It seems like a mix of stories from The Last Wish and the Sword of Destiny. "The Lesser Evil" is being done for sure as is "A Question of Price."
Yo wtf has Liechtenstein ever done to Africa you dumb nigger
no there's one where a netflix girl did it and it's real
what part of the last wish tho
from the trailers i havent seen anything from it
Why are all you anons so mad?
They don't need to adapt the books or the games. They are making an original story and can do whatever they want.
sure they should also be able to explain why small villages in a remote place look like multicultural global future city
... I just fucking said, in the post you replied to, the short stories they are doing that are found in the Last Wish.
all of this but unironically
If Africa has been cleared of all resources then what is China doing there?
pls no lewd comments
is she playing ciri?
if yes im glad they didnt fuck up at least one character
i like cavill too, i dont know if he's sassy enough for being geralt
with his sassiness geralt could be played by a fat old black women and i wouldnt be mad
According to what I've read:
>The Lesser Evil
>The Witcher
>A Question of Price
>Bounds of Reason
>A Shard of Ice
>The Edge of The World
>The Last Wish
>Sword of Destiny/Something More.
lucky for netflix most people that watch the show won't be autistic enough to ask these questions, they'll just see actors in a thing and not need a full genetic breakdown and family tree detailing how fictional character came to live in that village.
arent we glad they can do whatever they want and make shitty shallow generic shows now
Lowers her IQ by 30
at least back then people talked shit about those generic d&d movies, now all they have to do is put a blue filter over it
>shitty shallow generic
sounds like the witcher to me
Egyptian pharoahs were white and genetically more similar to europeans than modern africans
Then why are blacks in there?
Breaks the medieval theme, all races were separated back at those times and only in rare ocasions would interact, most always in combat.
WE WUZ EMPERORS obviously. also race mixing
even worse now at least the witcher had a different aesthetic now its just hollywood straight to dvd generic
We all come from DNA earth belongs to us all and we are all native.
Man these netflix shills suck.
I wish they brought the old ones, they were at least funny.
did the other races just pop out from the ground
>Adaptations can't be 100% accurate, so they might as well just be completely inaccurate
Retard logic
She's closely related to the Emperor (Ciri's father) and she looks like Yen which is why Geralt wanted to fuck her in the first place.
You want her all to yourself, Cavill?
>A Shard of Ice
>with black Istredd
That'll be a fun shitstorm
This is actually good, if i want something like the Witcher games ill just replay the games.
I just hope that the show will be interesting and do something different, but i am afraid that they will just play it safe and boring.
I just want my fantasy to be fantastical and different! Isn't that the point?
leaked nudes when?
stop replying you retard, he’s just fucking with you and being obstinate on purpose.
whites came to the cape before bantus did, retarf
Don't talk about her like that, my friend.
In the books she's fuckable. Irl Fringilla is an orc donkey
she's virgin you retard
in the book she's despicted as human non as a monkey