kinos for these temperatures?
Kinos for these temperatures?
Paris is literally turning into Africa
God has a sense of humor after all
Paris is the epicentre of hell apparently.
>France is hotter than Spain
Haha, fuck you France. ¡Arriba España!
Its 21c right now on the east coast of the US so it might be headed your way soon
God I wish that were me.
>tfw you're living in the 1st arrondissement
May frenchies burn
Did you see the top left i age just decided on making fun of OP?
>north france and the rhineland getting lit up like hell on earth
>moscow a nice and habitable 20c
what did God mean by this?
Île-de-France is probably skewed by the urban heat island phenomenon.
>when you're a scandi in the summer of 2019 and not a single house in your entire village has AC
>38 in france
>barely 30°
>whine like a bitch
I make fun of gabachos everytime I could.
anyone have the map pic from a few years back with higher temps but no scary red on it?
either invent central air in your backwards countries or nut up and quit bitching about 90 degree weather. GOD yuropussies are so insufferable
>all these pussified yuros whining about a little heat
top kek that's just an average day
Europeans wouldn't last a day in the southwestern states.
>Paris is hotter than Cairo.
dude just buy a air conditioning unit what are you poor
Basado y Cara al sol con la camisa nueva pildorado
neither would people in those states without ac, we live in some stupid places.
They don't have those in Europe, if they do ACs aren't common.
Its fucking freezing in South Africa and just a lil north its hot as shit. Not fair bros I'm tired of freezing my balls off
I have AC since 2007.
t. Spaniard
Faggot, it was 83° here yesterday.
so move with the seasons
Why have they changed the colors?
8-10 is green, 22-30 is fucking red.
Since when? European summer is average 25, that should be bright yellow. Green should be 18-21, it's the ideal temperature. for being outside.
Oh my god you were not lying
>EU imports niggers
nobody told me they would be importing their climate aswell, i bet the jews did this.
dumb euros
>tfw comfy subarctic climate
le global warming isn't real feac
I'm convinced the only reason people still use Fahrenheit is so it actually sounds impressive when they bitch about the heat.
The US literally just had this heatwave. The currents go from east coast America to Europe, so expect a huge drop off in temps in a couple of days.
>Climate change isn't real
It also gives meaning to the phrase 'sub zero temperature'
No, you don't, Iceland is a primitive country where you can't put toilet paper in the toilet without clogging it.
Also, the country is controlled by a feminist government who doesn't understand the wage gap, so they have laws that prevent men with more work hours from being paid more.
>climate and weather are the same thing
Its like pottery
It was this hot in America a few days ago, we were 38 for a few days but with 70% humidity so it felt more like 42.
Know what we did? Turned on the CENTRAL AIR in our CARDBOARD HOUSES.
Get fucked europoors, I hope a lot of your elderly and vulnerable die of heat stroke.
reminder that everything can always be worse.
Bitch about the imperial system all you want, but Fahrenheit is unironically better than Celsius. It's so much more useful to have normal, ambient temperature on a scale of 0 - 100 than it is to frame it around water which is barely useful in daily life.
>water which is barely useful in daily life.
Excuse me?
this. imagine being such a brainlet you can only understand a system based on the numbers 1 and 0
Do we have fucking cactus people on this board or something?
Meanwhile, it's still freezing in Portugal.
it's literally only useful in scientific contexts where boiling and freezing points matter. In real life you don't need to know these things to boil an egg or make ice cubes.
The Day the Earth caught Fire
>They don't have those in Europe, if they do ACs aren't common.
>I'm convinced the only reason people still use Fahrenheit is so it actually sounds impressive when they bitch about the heat.
Land on the moon.
>Land on the moon.
why, there's nothing there, it's a pointless exercise.
>there's nothing there
how would you know if you haven't been there?
Fuel viscosity, road traction, exposure risk, ratio of ice in proportion to humidity. All useful in increments of ten in relation to the freezing points.
You are retarded or unemployed.
lol when the sun think you should be BLACKED too kek.
wasn't US also in heatwave recently
one day they'll stop being waves
you realize all those are in 10 unit increments for completely arbitrary reasons, right? And on literally any other scale they can still be in 10 unit increments.
In those colors, Europe looks like some sort of wyvern swooping down to devour a blockhead retard horse.
I have, I'm one of the other ten people don't remember the name of after armstrong and aldrin, there's nothing there.
Air conditioning is good for crappy paper and cardboard houses like yours. Most of the time our real stone architecture is enough to handle the heat or the cold.
>YES GOY! global warming is real we need to raise taxes so we can become more enviromental
Imagine falling for this scam.
>Goes to space expecting to find something
>Its literally called space
shut your blinds and curtains and only open your windows at night wow its not too hot at all
>it's never been warm in summer before
>becoming the worlds super power
>it's a pointless exercise.
Except when they finally get hot, they will retain the temperature for a few days.
T. Living in a 110 years old tenement house.
Force májeur
Winters Bone
The Hateful Eight
The Revenant
Poor finns, must be dropping like flies given it's over +14c
>going to the moon is what makes you a superpower
what a retard
Falling Down is the true heatwave kino.
>Land on the moon.
Why, there is nothing here?
Wtf white people get it together and stop ruining the planet!
>chinas emissions embarass ours
>same with india plus a literal torrent of shit off the coast of their country
>africas population expected to quadruple over the next century
Lol. Protip if you goobers actually want to save the planet, the solution isnt recycling your straws, the first step is creating a culture where we buck the myth that for some reason this is all on first world places/white people and start popularizing the fact that developing shitholes need to be held accountable
Honestly OP I tried watching something but after 15 minutes sitting there and dripping in sweat I just went to my basement and lied on the stone floor for like an hour. I've gotten no good sleep the last couple days. Stepping outside my house and it being hotter outside than in is just so oppressive, can literally feel the warm air circling your body. Not normal. Temps should never exceed 15C this is not Australia.
>30 degrees in July
So much for global warming
>Most of the time our real stone architecture is enough to handle the heat or the cold.
I'm sure Mohammed and his family will appreciate how well your house was built.
>live in bongland
>pretty hot on tuesday but bearable
>go to sleep
>woken up at 3am
>gigantic fucking thunderstorm
>raining hard
>lightning constantly lighting my room up
>go back to sleep
>wake up
>it's humid as absolute fuck and even hotter
fuck summer
Oh my god the world is literally on fire! Why isn't the government doing anything about this? Capitalism is evil!
Why are you all complaining and why is it red?
It was 38 in New York recently and it wasn't even that bad. When I lived in Melbourne it would be above 40 some days in Summer and people just got on with life.
How is it warmer in the sea than certain areas of Iceland?
all those records from 2003 are broken
36ºC reporting in
Kill me.
That was based, I've never seen weather like that, before. It was closer to a monsoon than a thunderstorm. I was just as shocked as you, I thought there'd be at least some flooding in the morning.
Maybe if we stopped giving free food to Africans who only use it to produce more Africans?
The Green Revolution was one of the worst technological developments of the 20th century.
Euros are just bitching. Literally everyone in the US has experienced temperatures this hot at least once a year.
I want to wing-wong that firegirl
The terraforming is taking place.
It's becoming more like Africa now.
if you're a nigger in africa maybe
>29 in Scotland
They seriously might die.
I'm dying bros. It's apparently 38 degrees here.
Americans wont even complain when bridges fall down and explosive sewer water is pumped out of your taps, its impressive how much of a slave class you lot are only the chinks are more cucked by the state then you lot.
That's the wrong image.
>bragging about living in a hellhole
Sasuga, Paco.
The only reason Americans can deal with this heat better is because 50% of your genetics comes from Africa.
Which areas on the north coast of Africa are nicest to visit? Ideally somewhere you can actually drink and isn't full of terrorists (blacks are fine).
it's been raining non stop in Moscow all July
Bong here, that picture is not complete, we are actually very comfortable at exactly 15 degrees, rest of it is true tho.
>>>chinas emissions embarass ours
>>same with india plus a literal torrent of shit off the coast of their country
>>africas population expected to quadruple over the next century
this is what i hate the most from leftists who do nothing but tax people who do not pollute much
Sorry mutts, we don’t have nigger temperatures in Europe normally
There are none.
Im in florida and im LAUGHING at how euros cant take the heat
Ruined it
Difficult situation
It would be awesome for africa to just be wakanda and create their own shit and have a nice place so people wouldnt need to flee to first world places
However the road to get there is tricky? Do we give them a lifeline?
Do we roll in and force them to get their shit together?
Or do nothing and let them all kill each other and starve?
Personally I advocate for the second option. Teddy roosevelt style imperialism, just roll in and show them the magic of white society
Nah, the temperature is normally between 20 and 28 during summer. Not sure why when we have such cold winters.
And I'm sure Jamal appreciates how easy your paper house is to break into.
>Im in florida and im LAUGHING
Yeah its the drugs they put into the water, side effect.
What the fuck are you talking about
some kind of western
you're in florida
shut the fuck up
Euros don't have AC, they rely on natural ventilation or some shit.
Why does Europe hate aircon? My sister lived in England for a year and hated the summer since there was nothing to cool you but an open window
what the fuck is a cactus person
Fuck this place, way too hot in the summer way too cold in the winter, just fuck off. Britain here I come
Please lend me your Mexican genes so I can stand this, Burgerbro
12 Angry Men
Do the right thing
Falling down
please stop with this shit
england doesn't represent europe, they are the odd ones
this but unironically
Thats why you tax the rich. You know, the faggots who outsourced your jobs to China and India who're directly responsible for this shit.
Only problem is, the parties who want to tax the rich are open border, gun grabbing, anti-freedom onions cucks.
You know in white countries it drops below 0 celsius every year and the water freezes?
Because the houses aren't made of carboard.
>than it is to frame it around water which is barely useful in daily life.
Fahrenheit scale was initially based on water too. It was developed from a three point scale.
0 degrees Fahrenheit was the temperature of salty water mixed with ice, 32 was the temperature of ice water and 96 (3*32) was the temperature of blood
This isn't where you wanna come right now if you want to escape the heat m8
kek imagine actually having to deal with positive and negative temperature numbers
Paris at 38 must be intolerable
>europeans don't represent europeans
Then who does? Muslims? lol gtfo
It's hot for like 1 or 2 months out of the year in Europe
shitposting on Yea Forums all day makes the heat bearable
>stone architecture
oh so you live in a cave
A/C simply wasn't necessary until very recently for much of central Europe.
Also, at least in Germany, the majority of people live in rental flats where you can't easily install a split system (and monoblocks suck).
>tfw they're saying it's hitting 38C
England was not designed for this shit.
it barely goes above 90 in tampa because the sun is always obscured by an apocalyptic lightning storm
>there was nothing to cool you but an open window
Well you can buy a fan.
God isn't a racist and most immigrants are far more religious than the average European
I want to escape 50 degree differentials between summer and winter
same with canada but we still have AC
>water freezes at 32 degrees
lol murica.
not when there's be cultural differences for thousands of years
Based florida bro
> fake news
Yesterday in Germany was the hottest day (40°+) ever since the wether recording started.
35° is a joke!
Florida is one of the most miserable places on the planet with all that humidity. At least California is so arid all you have to do it stand in the shade and you're fine.
Tell me more about Teddy Roosevelt imperialism.
that's why tens of thousands of people die every year when it gets just barely what we would consider hot. But fuck those Americans and their insulation and temperature control units.
Northerner here
I don't get it is that not normal for south?
it's comfy in Ireland
>but an open window
Opening a window when it's very hot outside is a suicide
wtf, is it winter over there? isnt 32 freezing temp?
>average temperature ranges from -10 to 40
lul urop, prioritizing water over the human experience
0 is
>temperature is over 100F now
retarded scale
White people are not designed for heat.
Third option is ultimately the best outcome (survivors all have the ability to plan for the future).
>And I'm sure Jamal appreciates how easy your paper house is to break into.
No, we're allowed to own guns.
a lot of them were actually old poor people in paper and cardboard houses.
water is consistent, human feels are not
Stray Dog is pretty kino for these temps. Really good jap film based during a heatwave
>American houses blow away when it gets a little windy
>they have the cheek to attempt to banter us about hot weather
>0 is freeszing and 32 is the fires of hell
you guys dont really have much go between, do you?
>No, we're allowed to own guns.
>firing bullets at planes
>burgerland gets a bit flooded
>entire cities destroyed
Is Jamal banned from carrying a firearm?
The last tango in paris
What does aircon have to do with (small) cultural differences?
Excellent choice, it's also one of Kurosawa's best
>global warming isn't real because Stephen Crowder and some oil industry shills told me so
Stay "woke", retard.
the news is bs about weather
I was in osnabroke in 98 and it hit 40c, I got really bad sun burn and had to go to the docs
user, double wides in a trailer park arent real houses. there are plenty of brick and mortar homes in the states
Oh no, it doesn't look hot anymore.
>"B-But muh global warming"
All i got are euro jamican genes
So i can switch from cold and hot
>Be american.
>Own BB gun
>lady next door calls the police
>Police come around and shoot you
>People in the comment section comment that you failed to play Simon says fast enough and the police was right to shoot you.
Many such cases.
Who /naked/ here?
Clickbait. The article itself says 2 people died. One 80 year old who collapsed in the street and a 17 year old who jumped into water and got a shock.
>America, it's hot outside!
>"Get AC, retard."
>But until recently we didn't need AC!
OK retard.
Reporting. Was last night, too.
>getting to the moon was the singular goal of the space race
How did having a big navy work out for you?
>muh fee fees
>yuros dont have the balls to build cities below sea level
fat naked and hairy is the only true way to live
>try to pull your pants up to retain some dignity
>the state now has grounds to murder you
Honestly the only comfy place to stay in summer is Scotland
>He has not heard of the Netherlands.
>fat naked and hairy is the only true way to live
so just like my gf
Sure but then you have to deal with Scots.
You were the one saying England was the odd one out in a presumably highly indigenous, hiveminded Europe. I still don't get what this has to do with Aircon, though.
Haggis is not comfy
>water which is barely useful in daily life.
holy fucking americans
the entire point was that englands way of life is not representative of continental europe
>God isn't a racist
explain niggers then
Mate I'm in the Highlands rn and I'm roasting away in my meager 28 degrees, cannae fucking imagine France rn.
It can get just as hot and sweaty up there tho, and they're even less equipped to deal with it
>global warming is real, and the only way to stop it is to tax the cleanest most environmental people in the world
>also white people can't have babies
Good goy
To be fair most americans have lived under a water shortage for 50 years, right next to the sea too, they have an entire ocean next to them and they redirect a river to evaporate in a desert rather then desalinate.
The American is an odd creature.
Americans replace water with high fructose corn syrup-based liquids whenever possible.
Florida is the future of the world
You think massave flooding by climate change isnt gonna humid the fuck up everywhere. You think the new economics arnt gonna make people act like drugged out criminals?
We're just ahead of the curve
>third is the best
Its the easiest but has some questionable ethics
are all the cuties over there walking around almost naked and sweaty? i want to lick a tittymonster's boob sweat.
>forgetting pajeets
Of course it isn't, but continental Europe's life isn't one entity, and you don't get to pick and choose.
Well all of their tap water is poisoned and they only drink coke so you can't blame them for not understanding water.
>6.4 earthquake hits LA
>0 casualties and almost no structural damage
>6.2 earthquake hits amatrice
>roads and buildings collapse, killing 150
makes ya think
>not fucking around in other peoples lives is not ethical.
It is objectively the most fucking moral you gibbon.
as in they're not designed to increase airflow or insulate? ok.
I live in leafland where the hot months don't last long, but we're sensible enough to still have central air because right in the middle of summer, as in right now, it's unbearable.
Doesn't matter that it only lasts a few weeks.
can't put in a window unit? They also sell floor units where you just run the vent pipe through the window
This is true
We FLORIDA are always in a apocalypse movie
It rains 5 times a day here. It changes in an instant. I dont even flinch at lighting anymore. Even of its next to my house.
Literally a field of jewish tricks
>eating meat is literally racism
>abortion is ok because babies aren't important
>also, you have to give all your money to starving niggers
Actually we drink Bud Light because it's basically water
>Abortion is okay because babies aren't important, goy! All white girls come to Dr Schlomo for their abortions!
>Oy vey the economy can't handle the low birth rates of westerners, our only option is to import Africans and Arabs
Never tried it have you?
I'm English and I will say it has miles more flavour and is less disgusting in its texture and content than the majority of kebabs people in our country gleefuly shovel in to their faces every Friday night.