What is Nolan's best movie (up to now) ?
Inception vs Interstellar
Low budget Nolan >>>> High budget Nolan
I tip my fedora to you, good sir
Dunkirk but only the Anglo master race truly understand it
Out of those two: Inception
The Prestige is actually his best though
The dark knight honestly
Interstellar was pretty but made no sense. Inception was just a pretentious heist movie.
Chris he doesn't have any good fils under his belt except Dark Knight and this makes me question even that.
Inception is good while Interstellar is just OK.
Well The Prestige is probably his best and most underrated too.
Inception was great.
Interstellar was also underrated but not as good as Inception.
Dark Knight falls apart after the hospital explosion
Dunkirk, Prestige, Interstellar, Inception are all objectively superior
Prestige is the edgy contrarian choice, so it would be popular on Yea Forums
Both mediocre films.
>war movie where 12 year olds are allowed to watch
Yeah no. I know a war movie doesn't need gore to be good but fucking hell a bit of blood wouldn't hurt.
>I want to force my opinions on others
>I'll just say objectively!
1. Interstellar
>hurr durr Im autistic, so I have no concept of love
2. Inception
>hurr durr I didnt get the layers so I hate it
3. Prestige
>hurr durr it cloned him, it didnt teleport in another Angier from another universe
4. The Dark Knight
>hurr durr MCU is better
5. Memento
>hurr durr I didnt get it, was Teddy the bad guy?
This although i like Memento. Nolan is not a very good filmmaker.
Inception was shit. People who think it was fine have never seen Paprika, or maybe they don't dream.
Dunkirk and Memento
The Prestige
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight
It's really tiresome how he uses the same cast over and over. Personally I feel Inception could have been a lot better with different casting.
Tell us what is objectively superior instead of using that word to imply you know what you’re talking about
>It's really tiresome how he uses the same cast over and ove
Then you should love his next film
I’d prefer the term not a good story teller, as far as the technical aspects of making movies he’s above quite a few in in my opinion senpai
I haven’t seen The Prestige though.
I'll give you Prestige but any semblance he had as a director of kino went up in flames the minute that wormhole pencil-through-paper explanation scene happened.
Can't believe people compared him to Kubrick.
You guys are retards.
I'd really love to know why people seem to think TDK is so good. Yeah it's good for capeshit but overall it's just an average crime movie with batman and the joker.
Isn't it something utterly retarded on imdb too? Like in the top 5 movies OF ALL TIME?
>I'd really love to know why people seem to think TDK is so good
Heath Ledger had an extremely good generation defining performance. That itself is enough.
>Myes, Nolan insists upon himself
No its not. You could say that about every role Gary Oldman plays.
Nolan is literally exposition the director. All of his films consist of people explaining the plot because he doesn't trust his audience. His characters are non existent and serve only as mouthpieces to spout exposition and explain the plot. The funniest thing about this is the mechanics the plot has and the rules the film set up are usually broken with few minutes. So the whole exposition was useless because he doesn't even keep his own rules. He can't direct action to save his life. Dialogue is usually very bad, people don't interact like humans. His films use the same colour palette because he is green and red colour blind. He is overreliant on music to conjure any type of emotion and his level of visual storytelling is 0. Show don't tell you fucking hack. He makes films for people who only watch blockbuster garbage and he makes them in a way where they think they are intelligent for getting it. They are not, everything is explained and his films are not that complicated. That being said Dunkirk was a step in right direction.
Top five? No. It holds up though. The Godfather of cape shit.
There's always room for improvement. Like instead of having the blackmail guy go on the news I would've had him get the info about Bruce to the Joker who doesn't act on it because he could not give a fuck less about Bruce Wayne and only cares about Batman.
Would've summed up in five minutes what the movie took 90 minutes to do. Would've deflated the ending monologue a little though.
boring ass stale tranny pasta
I find it highly amusing when intellectual poverty-stricken brainlets use big words to criticize something they dont even have a superficial grasp on. Best exemplified by this sentence:
>Nolan is literally exposition the director.
How can you possibly take anyone seriously, when they make such grievous mistakes in the English language. Im not even talking about Grammar-nazism, Im talking about a blatant lack of mastery of the English language.
Youre a mental midget. Youre a colossal cretin. Youre a imbecile infant. Back to school, then come back and criticize actual artists.
The Dark Knight Rises. It's the epitome of art.
Although Oldman has great performances, almost none of them are generation defining as Heath's performance, to such an extent that when you say "The Joker" most people think of Ledger's Joker
Both severely overrated. Interstellar is absoluely terrible. If you know a thing or two about astrophysics it could be a great comedy and guilty pleasure though.
I love this meme where we all pretend to be fast rotational supermassive black hole experts, so funny hehe
I once made a thread about The Prestige and Yea Forums called me a brainlet for thinking Tesla's machine was real.
Then I made another thread about The Prestige and Yea Forums called me a brainlet for thinking Tesla's machine wasn't real.
Which is it, you cocksuckers
Uhm, no sweetie. My relatives are actual nuclear phycisists and astronomers. And if you think the only problem of that movie was the blackhole you missed A LOT.
I doubt you can dispute it.
>actual artist
Quite funny. It's not eloquently written but he makes good points.
it is real...or is it?
ahhh yes, please do tell me how your relatives know how wormholes operate or if they even exist at all my dear fedora tipping friend
>my relatives
So you also don't know shit about the subject just boasting with your relatives achievements.
For me, it's Interception
I guess I'm alone on this, but Batman Begins is his best movie imo.
No, I do. But my relatives are the ones with the phds. And you sound extremely butthurt.
Not an argument. At all.
oh great its another pseud that hyperexaggerates minor or nonexistent flaws to bruteforce his shitty opinion on everyone
The prestige.
Inception is alrite, but with interstellar/batmans the nolan writing overpowers the visuals and music.
Zimmer can only carry you so much chris
Inception is leagues better than Interstellar.
Well, i wouldn't call his writing, use of music, action scenes and story structure a minor flaw.
The "le argument" part is on you Einstein relative
Maximum bae.
I'm not butthurt, just annoyed with people like you who overanalyze sci-FI movies because they made some attention in physics classes. As long as it doesn't have blatantly impossible bullshit I don't give a shit.
There's men who said no to our bae.
Can anyone explain to me the gravity in Inception? I have seen the film a long time ago but when the van is falling in the river, the gravity changes in the hotel. I think they even said that the gravity changes from one dream layer to another, so if 1st one doesn't have gravity then the 2nd one won't have gravity too. Now why was there gravity in the last level? Why wasn't it changed by the second level? I don't understand.
I see you're also a man of taste.
>hasn't seen the Prestige
Stop what you're doing and go watch it, you will not regret it. Ignore the retards ITT, the movie is amazing.
Memento sucks shit out of all his movies. It is worse than Dunkirk.
Nolan's best movie is The Prestige.
It was the best thing I'd seen in the theatre in forever I'm glad I went opening weekend.
We were snickering because the first scene with Ledger Joker was the pencil trick and the weird voice.
Then the LOOK AT ME shit happened and you could hear a fucking pin drop in that place.
The twist is predictable and the machine stuff feels like a bad plot crutch but it's a fun film. Great performances.
kek, this. with the amount of astrophysicists who pop up in these threads, you'd think at least half the population are experts.
Spoken like a true plot point mental midget
Somebody explain this shit to me
There's men who said no to this.
I post this in every Prestige thread, so here goes:
>Borden infiltrates Angier's show, sees him drown, gets arrested
>Cutter positively identifies the body in the morgue
>Angier (as Caldlow) visits Borden in prison
>Cutter visits Caldlow, sees he's Angier, tells him "I saw you on a slab"
>Cutter and Borden/Fallon plan to kill Caldlow
>Borden is hanged
>his twin confronts Angier in the warehouse where he's keeping the water tanks, shoots him
>as the room burns and the camera pulls back on a dying Angier, we see another dead Angier floating in a tank
>three Angiers - one in the morgue, one dying on the floor, one dead in a tank
None of these scenes were read from a diary or explained by an unreliable narrator - we see three dead Angiers with our own eyes. The machine must work. Inb4 some asshole brings up wax dummies, I swear to fuck on jezebel I will fucking corn on the cob ya.
Ellen Page is a balding liberal nut job
I agree, now explain my question about Inception and we can be friends.
in the book the machine created a lifeless husk of whatever it was trying to teleport.
In the movie, Nolan upped the stakes so that it actually did clone him and whatever it was supposed to teleport.
Also, in the book, Angiere's wife does not die, etc. so in the book he has less reason to not like Borden
It’s not a war movie. It’s a movie about the English spirit. It’s a national mission movie.
why were they so retarded on the water planet?
Throughout the movie, the dream layers are only affected by what's happening in the layer directly above them. It's why they need multiple kicks, one at each level, instead of just one kick in the real world to bring them up out of each layer.
Inception is the best to watch with bros
The Prestige is the best to watch with a girl
Interstellar is the best to watch on a theater
it was a racist movie celebtrating white masculinity, why were there no female characters or black main characters?
I still don't understand. If it's above them why is there no gravity in the second level. If it's the on below them, why is there gravity in third level.
Interstellar was meh but it had the best soundtrack of all his movies
I'm confused, how is the machine not real in the world of the movie?
>we're extremely limited for time, so the first planet we hit should be the one where 1 hour = 20 fuckin years
I love Interstellar, but it's pretty retarded in some spots.
You go by importance and probability of life, and if a planet is literally filled with water that should be the first one you go to yes.
They didn't account giant skyscraper tsunamis wrecking their original plans.
That's kind of another one - how did they not see the enormous waves while they came in from orbit? They're smart enough to surmise that the black hole is distorting time but they don't consider the tidal effects?
cringe and retardpilled
>how did they not see the enormous waves while they came in from orbit?
Because as you said time is precious and they have no time wasting time scanning the entire planet while being in the orbit.
I still feel like, if they were able to calculate the time dilation, one of them probably would've gone "how does this affect the water?" Watching the movie, it was strange to me how they initially landed and hopped out into knee deep water without any character going "oh by the way, it's not a miles-deep ocean, it's knee deep." All this being said, the sequence on the water planet by itself is probably my favorite cinematic moment of the last decade, so I ultimately don't care that much - I was unbelievably entertained when I saw it in theatres, and isn't that the point?
Takes some real seamstress skills to turn a tarp into a dress.
Like when Anne starts heading to "the mountains" what was she planning on doing there?
Or why the beard guy was just standing there as the wave was coming in just waiting to get killed
The prestige
How is that not a valid way to describe that phenomenon?
How would you do it quicker