Why don't he love me man?

Why don't he love me man?

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The feed price of BelSneed

Are these shitposts grounds for a ban?

Because, Will, unlike myself who is a proud black man who has made something out of himself despite of, not due to my upbringing, the man who is your father is nothing but a low-class, hoodrat nigger.

different time

The episode where Carlton gets a gun > The episode with Will's dad

based Uncle Phil desu

Imagine that you raised a child for three years and then found out he wasn't yours. Your wife settled down with you because she thought you would be a good father.
Upon learning this, would you step up to the plate or would you l eave like a coward

Divorce wife, keep kid.

Obviously not.

Divorce wive and never see the kid anymore. It's only three years.

>it's only three years
the kid loves you and it's gonna traumatize him

This. By age 3, that bond is already there. Get rid of the thot but raise the kid as your own. It's not their fault their mother was a conniving whore.

Imagine all the prime retarded females you could get playing the caring single father angle

Why should I have to raise a kid that's not mine?
this isn't my problem

They should be grounds for two behind the ear, USSR style.

He's not supposed to be here for you, he's supposed to be here for Geoffrey

This is so true, you wouldn't even believe how accurate this is. ESPECIALLY if they find out you have custody of the child. Otherwise it's like oh hey look, dad's here to be like the cool guy every other weekend to pal around with but never actually discipline you. If other women know you're the caretaker of the child, they flock to you like they start ovulating almost instantly. Also, they will ask how you got custody of the kid and you could just outright say how horrible of a human the mother is, or you can play it as a sob story for an extra bonus to the point where they have to prop themselves up from sliding off their chair.

They should, but unfortunately they aren’t

Did you love the kid? If yes, you should raise it. If no, then you were always a piece of shit anyway

>spend three years pouring your heart and soul into raising a child
>in the matter of an instant through no fault of the child's, you're able to break off any parental relationship and tell the kid to fuck off for the rest of eternity
That's pretty heartless, user.

this is a black thing isn't it?

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Of course she wanted a good father. Kids should be raised with both parents.

Look at the bright side - you are not related to the child by blood. Have you never wanted a daughtergf?

>try to do the right thing
>realize that you were fooled into doing so

Fucking autist, it's not about "trying to do the right thing". Either you loved the child, or you did not. If you were only there because you were "trying to do the right thing", then you're literally too autistic to ever have meaningful human relationships anyway.

I’m not raising some other fucker’s kid. Deal with it.

lmao ok roastie

did this become an /adv/ thread all of the sudden?

>I can't do this. I can’t give up my favorite foods cold turkey. Oh my god, turkey… with pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes… butter drenched dressing… tiny onions… swimming in a sea of cream sauce.

What Uncle Phil mean by this?

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It amazes me that you two probably think writing this shit makes you manly

Wasn't Will' dad a trucker? I think he could have taken care of Will but just didn't want to.


have sex

Women are incapable of empathy.

What's a woman?


When reddit invaded years ago.

Yes I would step up to the plate and smash her head with a bat

A miserable pile of expectations.

Yes, Will was excited to go on a cross country haul with him.


so what, not my kid

Kill wife, cook the kid.


I just don't want spend time and money on a kid that isn't mine. Not my fault you're mad at my opinions.

Throw the wife out, if the kid is a girl wait until she gets her period and impregnate her, if it's a boy do my best to raise him into a chad and if I fail turn him into a sissy trap and fuck the shit out of him.