Was ManBearPig the best episodes of southpark?
Was ManBearPig the best episodes of southpark?
this is a terrible map. i can barely make out the countries.
b ump
>my ancestors were proud hardworking American orangutans
>implying they were Americans and not Asian immigrants
Fun times with weapons.
it's... too... hot
Literally how are you people from actually warm countries even alive?
Our homes come with air conditioners and swimming pools
>tfw American and already have this every summer
>tfw watching everyone squeal like a pig and cry every moment of the day over pussy temps because they’re too dumb to have A/C
>the french have literally one day of the week dedicated to their jew overlords
to be fair, we would need AC two weeks out of a year at most
>it's never been hot in summer before
> « jeudi », prononcé [ʒodi] en français standard, est issu du bas latin Jovis dies, signifiant « jour de Jupiter », à savoir du dieu Jupiter.
>day of Jupiter.
Not now.
said nobody
Global warming is a scam invented by the chinese to cripple manufacturing and a ploy by the UN to institute a one world government through taxation. There is simply 0 evidence the world has ever undergone climate change
This. It's just a coincidence that the average global temperature started increasing at the same time as the beginning of the industrial revolution when it should be decreasing.
You got proof of this? All data was faked (climategate) to get grants so Im not sure why you would trust scientists out to make money
daily reminder that there's no way in hell our world leaders will be able to deal with massive reduction in pollution AND way more climate disasters (floods, tornado etc...) AND 3 billions more africans being born in the next decades AND probably some good ol' wars as always.
It's all over but I'll shitpost until the end.
This scientists only want to make money unlike the businesses giving us the real science behind ""climate change""
Why would a business put out fake data? They have to.live on the planet as well but your average scientist has no problem faking shit if it benefits them
This because scientists don't live on this planet they live on their secret chinese base on the moon. (Look it up sheeple)
My favorite things is when lefties cry about pollution and how 1st world countries (white places) need to lead the way for some reason
Meanwhile india and china are fucking decimating the planet more than we could ever hope to
Aside from being mad for the sake of being mad what point are you attempting to make?
Maybe because india is full of street shitters and china is full of no moral sun worshipping rapists.
Reminder that nobody but the poorest of the dirt poor will be any more than inconvenienced
looks like shitney in the middle of autumn, do eurocucks really call 25 degrees "hot"?
>we did thing for years and know it's bad now but other person is also doing thing so lets keep doing it anyway
>Why would a business put out fake data? They have to.live on the planet as well
They care more about financial profits today than about the state of the planet in 150 years, I suppose.
Whats the point in stopping if India and china will do it anyway? If its inevitable may as well live as comfortably as possible.
Just bringing up something I find funny is all
Its about porportion idiot. We barely leave a mark compared to these places several times beyond their countries carrying capacity. If they brought their emissions and pollution down to ours, ya we could literally keep living how we're living. Whats the alternative? Go out of our way to inconvenience ourselves in order to have a minor impact? I know hella epic bill nye science has conditioned you to think you have to be the savior of the world, but sometimes the hardest thing to admit is that it actually just isnt your job to do so compared to others doing worse
why not just pollute more so we get fucked faster?
I'm not american, I've never seen anything bill nye has done, just turning a blind eye to a problem because someone else is doing it too is really retarded.
>I'm not american, I've never seen anything bill nye has done, just turning a blind eye to a problem because someone else is doing it too is really retarded.
The issue is that it's already too late to fix, and any proposed "solution" only serves to enrich a small group of people who are peddling the "solution".
Why would you want to do that?
>one person pokes someone with a stick
>someone else is literally on a killing spree
Ya makes sense to treat these with the same sense of urgency and it makes sense to also make the person poking think they are stopping murders if they stop their poking
I'm from southern Mexico. Where I live we are at 30-35 °C almost the entire year, except on summer, when my city goes up to 40-45°C. And thanks to the moisture it feels like I'm on a fucking sauna.
I know there are hotter places, and I don't want to imagine how awful it must be.
>Trumptards actually believe this
>AND 3 billions more africans being born in the next decades
Tell me again, why do the world leaders give money to those useless niggers?
Pardon the pleonasm.
and the people currently selling you shit are making massive profits on it too, if a shitty corporration is going to benefit either way, why would you pick the one that's not trying to move things in the right direction?
>Why would a business put out fake data? They have to.live on the planet as well
I hope you´re just trolling and not being this stupid outside Yea Forums.
He's right, the map looks like it was drawn by a child.