I’m so fucking tired of this crap lads. Why do they have to ruin everything?
I’m so fucking tired of this crap lads. Why do they have to ruin everything?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking hell lad, i was looking forward to thia, now not so much.
The trailer was about as subtle as a brick about it
Literal brainlet hack cant think of anything original
The original graphic novel and maybe the film are the only watchmen media worthing paying attention to. I could give a fuck about any of this shit.
I just realized I’ve never seen how Lindelof looks like. Makes so much sense after I have
The motion comic > the film
Leftovers was such kino, why does he have to produce shit now ?
First this and next is David Simon's Plot Against the United States, both HBO. Simon's is literally "Hitler won and America is Hitler lite now." Based on Philip (((Roth)))'s book.
I unironically wish Hitler has won the war. Imagine the kino. Imagine no unemployment or divorced parents. No McFonalds or Walmart. No Blacked, no Starbucks, no e-thots, no Lena Dunham, no abortions for white girls, no Euphoria, no rap or Jay-Z, no MCU, no LeBron James on my phone. Based. Maybe next time. Hope we all live to see it.
>Lindelof was born in Teaneck, New Jersey, the son of Susan Klausner, a teacher, and David Lindelof, a bank manager.[1][2] He attended Teaneck High School, a school whose diverse student body he credits with expanding his horizons as a writer.[3] Lindelof's mother is Jewish
Well that explains that
why are nazis so easily triggered?
why do white supremacists have to ruin everything, is what i think you meant to type
t. brainlet
the jew cries out as he strikes you
based kike, it's past due time people starting to clap back at this pretentious mage (with big F)
>I unironically wish Hitler has won the war
go back to discord ,tranny
The voice acting wasn't great but otherwise it was top-notch.
This episode alone is better than the whole movie
If the current trend is all about acceptance and being who you are on the inside and all that shit , then these Brave men who defied gender stereotypes should be celebrated!
nah, movies Rorschach's death > comics.
And Moore is mad at filmmakers because he is secretly Rorschach-fag.
funny how i get banned for saying "nigger" but this faggot can spam the same pics over and over in multiple threads and nothing happens
Don’t you know? All Jannies are sjws
>but this faggot
(((who))) indeed
>how Lindelof looks like
fucking ESL shitter
Nazis are gone dude. like 50-years-ago-gone. these deranged morons created a boogeyman to fight at the cost of destroying civilization. and before you start with the tiki-torch bullshit, look at whos behind those "movements" and who pushes them
>BLM literally runs around setting cities on fire for months on end and faces no consequences.
>Literal Commie Terrorists have a nation-wide network that commits vandalism, intimidation and assault and faces no consequences.
Thank God the Media and HBO are bringing attention to the REAL problem in America though: """"""White Supremacy"""""".
Please just conveniently ignore the fact that all the supposed crimes supposedly connected to "White Supremacy" were faked.
Shut the fuck up you reward
What movies and TV shows have """"white supremacists"""" ruined recently?
I'd be a tad more worried about Asiatic supremacy if I were them. Basically every Asiatic country is a far right fascist state.
>Basically every Asiatic country is a far right fascist state.
China, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam are literally all far-left Communist shitholes.
If "White Supremacy" is such a huge problem, why do Leftists literally have to fake hate-crimes committed for it?
which is fascism to pampered western liberals. i really doubt the communist party of china will tolerate complaints of "police brutality" and "chinese supremacy" from your average democrat voter
Rorschach wasn't a white supremacist. He wanted white and black to be equal, always moving, always swirling, but never touching, never mixing.
I wonder ((((((((((((((who)))))))))))))) could be behind this post and unironically believes the goyim would be fucking dumb enough to believe this.
Nice boomer take
No one in America has the balls to name the economic divide, so instead they pin everything on racism, even in situations where it makes zero fucking sense.
>all wypipo racis an terrible
>moves into your neighborhood
>demands gibs
>assaults your son
>rapes your daughter
>goes to jail
>this racis! wypipo racis!
> has the balls
*designed by the elite to protect Wall Street, the big banks and the billionaire oligarchs and political puppets.
get the plebs and gentiles fighting each other, while Goldberg and Rockefeller walk laughing to their bank.
"separate but equal" is wrongthink and has been for 60 years. in the eyes of the antiwhite, it's just "white supremacy" worded differently
It doesn't bother me at all that people have differing opinions and freely express them. Why does that upset you?
So he is just butt hurt because Moore doesn't like what he does?
The purpose of all media is to distribute propaganda. If it doesn't, it's not a worthwhile use of media. Thus all media needs to be infiltrated and subverted to the cause of distributing propaganda. If it can't be infiltrated or subverted, it needs to be destroyed. This is the leftists prime imperative regarding art and media.
>the economic divide
Having a high, low or middle income does not force you to go out and start raping women.
"Economic divide" and "income disparity" are literally just Commie newspeak for "I am angry a CEO gets paid more than I do to push carts at MegaMart". Nobody's falling for it, leftoid.
>i really doubt the communist party of china will tolerate complaints of "police brutality" and "chinese supremacy" from your average democrat voter
Authoritarian =/= inherently "right-wing" or "fascist".
>It doesn't bother me at all that people have differing opinions and freely express them.
If you're a leftist it clearly does.
Leftists are so intolerant that legitimately "right-wing" media can't even be fucking made and hasn't been for two decades.
There is no "freedom to express differing opinions" when only one of the two sides is allowed to do it.
You know this but you're pretending not to, because you're a disingenuous shit-heap.
I'm not a leftist, and do you genuinely think leftists are getting mad in this thread about a show having leftist politics?
>Islamic Terror-Attack that kills five to fifteen people every other week in a Western country
>"B-B-But the nazis are the REAL problem!...."
tell that to the left
>do you genuinely think leftists are getting mad in this thread about a show having leftist politics?
No, and I didn't say they were.
I said Leftists are running damage-control for this show and pretending they are OK with "ALL political opinions" being expressed, when even a brief interaction with reality proves this vastly incorrect.
Learn to fucking read.
>"It doesn't bother me at all that people have differing opinions and freely express them."
You claimed the left gets upset with other opinions. True, but so does the right, so why bring up the left at all here when neither I nor the OP (I'm assuming, based on him getting upset over leftist ideas being espoused by a television show you don't have to watch) are leftists?
I voted Trump, and will again soon enough. I don't know what more to tell you other than sorry but you're absolutely wrong.
this is your brain on /pol/
>so does the right
difference is the "right" doesn't ban leftist opinions and commentators
Who did showrunners of The Watchmen ban?
>True, but so does the right
The Right isn't openly censoring and scrubbing social-media for any and all opinions that make them butthurt.
The Right isn't firing teachers for complaining about illegal immigration, i.e. literal crimes.
The Right isn't rescinding the crown of a pageant winner because years later there are photos of her in a MAGA hat.
The Right isn't demolishing Donald Trump's Hollywood Star out of butthurt.
>B-B-B-But muh both sides, though!!! Muh BOTH sides!!!
See Who have Watchmen's writers and so on banned or fired or any of that for expressing a right-wing opinion?
It's all so fucking tiresome.
>now it's limited to Leftists that aren't in a position to censor
Huh? The goalpost hasn't moved at all. And I'm pretty sure they could fire people on their staff.
The whole point that you've missed is that you're holding people accountable for the actions of other human beings. Why should the writers of Watchmen forfeit their expression because another human being that they have no control over censored someone? That's absolute madness.
Here, I'll play that game: I've been banned before by a human being for expressing my opinions. By your logic, you should no longer be able to express your opinions because you're also a human being. You're not the one who banned me, but you're guilty by association.
But seriously, give me a fucking break with this shit.
Private corporations aren't left wing you morons
They think white men have jobs and are too old for comics and retarded TV shows.
These comics, TV shows and movies are meant for young Americans. Non white Americans.
he resets his Israeli IP after every shift
They are progressists though, and progressivism is inherently left-wing.
Alan Moore is a white man.
This is what Leftcucks ACTUALLY believe.
>companies with a vested interest in more people buying their product, no matter what nationality or race, aren't left wing
>If they're not hardcore socialists then they aren't left wing
Pretty sure it's not right wing corporations shoving progressivism down everyone throats my dude
Not exclusive to the left. You can be pro capitalist and still support social equality
TWO DOTS! shut it down
>social equality
Is that luck, I must accept someone? Because I don't accept most people. What a buzzconcept.
this kid spends way too much time on the internet
fuck you, retard. anything "Watchmen" beyond the original comic book is disgusting trash for people who suck the cock of corporate branding. go to hell
No you can't. Capitalism is inherently unequal, and it needs to be in order to survive. You also can't have "social equality" without intervention of the state.
These "social democrats" that use nordic countries as example of socialism done right are nothing more than the burgeoisie they so much despise, except this time with a fake veil of empathy for the unfortunate that they use as a badge for their own sense moral superiority.
>no u
Awww. The best part about this meme is how retards unironically thought it only applied to one specific political spectre
I hate that shit so much and I'm not even a native speaker
>Capitalism is inherently unequal, and it needs to be in order to survive.
Capitalism is founded on equality of opportunity and meritocracy. You're thinking of "equality of outcome", which Capitalism does not guarantee.
if you're tired of it why do you keep going out of your way to read about it, just so you can cry like a bitch every time?
Pretty sure inheritance is the staple that makes capitalism unequal. Socialism doesn't come with inheritance, the state redistributes the wealth.
That's my point. Progressivism is equality of outcome.
>Annalee Newitz
>Arse Technica
Wasn't she the chief editor of io9?
>dude just avoid all reading and play on steam 12 hrs a day like I do
this thread.
>Capitalism is founded on equality
Yeah because everyone has the same starting point right? Idiot.
>Why does most of the country hate us!
>I know, we'll call them all racists! Then they'll have to seek our approval and absolution!
Fuck Pedowood.
>Pretty sure inheritance is the staple that makes capitalism unequal.
There's nothing "unequal" about inheritance.
All people, regardless of circumstance and origin, are allowed to give money to whomever they please.
Saying that is "unequal" is like saying that any job having a different income is "unequal".
if you want to read pick up a book, not a bunch of clickbait articles for adhd retards.
Religion Bad! the TV show.
Why do you call everyone even slightly to the right 'Nazis'?
Again, Equality of Opportunity =/= Equality of Outcome.
The fact that your parents are dumber than mine and couldn't be bothered to provide for their child and their child's future doesn't mean you're being discriminated against.
itt: fragile wh*te "people" lol
It does seem that way given what they choose to ban.
Shut the fuck up
He's just some chapotard from plebbit spouting buzzwords.
>Nazis are gone dude.
How can you say this, on Yea Forums of all places, unironically?
Now if you said “Nazis outside of the internet are gone,” I’d agree with you.
Literally all the media companies are--from social media, to Hollywood, to the press, to the TV networks, to radio stations.
>There's nothing "unequal" about inheritance
There's a massive difference between the death of a Rothschild and the death of bumfuck poverty man to those inheriting. I don't know how that doesn't make sense to you. The children of these two polarizing cases aren't starting or ending at the same conclusion. The was no equal opportunity before they were even born, simply due to their parents having such a crazy difference in wealth. Closing your eyes and ears about that very clear fact is just weird and autistic on your part.
>Saying that is "unequal" is like saying that any job having a different income is "unequal".
You'll have to be more clear. Two different jobs? The same job but different people? Words, bud.
So you're the kind of retard who thinks ignoring problems makes them go away?
Do something about it then pussy
Because the Nazis are gone.
Id I paint my face green, does that make a martian?
that is indeed what they teach you in middle school. the reality, however, is much more complicated.
Cancel HBO
So lefties are better at making money is what you're saying? Rly makes me think
How trite.
>more likely to go to and graduate college
>more likely to live in a wealthy blue state
>blue states outperform red states on almost every level, especially wealth
When people say they hate shows getting political, what they mean is shows commentating on current politics hence ensuring they'll age like milk.
>without grandoise solutions
Of course. Just like socialism and diversity, the people pushing for these things are secretly afraid of actually succeeding, so they champion for this stuff in public but deep down they like things the way they are
Corporations? Surely you dont mean just jews as tons of powerful and exploitative corporations are run by non jews
Gay lefty or catholic preist? You decide!
Its not about discimination dummy, you said its about equal opportunity, a fact is that people do not start with the same opportunities.
Which is odd since many of the prominent black civil rights leaders wanted separation to decrees racial tension. Damn I wish that Liberia thing actually got off the ground.
I just don't get it. Fuckers like Lindelof, Landis, and Abrams can make shit after shit after shit meanwhile Michael Myers gets one flop and you never see him again.
>doesnt mean youmre being disciminated against
Resumes with black sounding names are far less likely to get chosen over a white sounding name
Maybe you're right but this still doesnt make things fait for a black born right this second.
>Resumes with black sounding names are far less likely to get chosen over a white sounding name
Not true, but keep believing it
How many magic curses do you think he has dished out so far?
I think Morrison and Geoff Johns have been most definitely been hexed.
Black names are stupid as fuck, but if I was born some crazy shit like Jamalquana the first shit I'd be doing at 18 is changing my name. Nobody's hiring my ass with that name. It's unfair that I now need to carry around a bunch of papers showing that I changed my name on top of my usual identification, and going through fuckloads of paperwork, but being born with a black name is a curse.
Well eventually they'll win an election again, and then all liberals can go back to not paying attention to anything the US government does or caring about sjw's feelings.
But just put the website in triple parenthesis and get it over witj
So if your can wrap your brain around this slight inconvenience, what about someone born to a crack hoe in a nigged out warzone. They have the same starting line as a white kid from the suburbs right?
>what about someone born to a crack hoe in a nigged out warzone. They have the same starting line as a white kid from the suburbs right
No, and what does this have to do with stupid black names?
This was in response to someone in this thread saying that we can equality of opportunity instead of outcome, seeing as how you agree with me that the opportunities arent exactly equal, you must not be the person I was talking too, next time try looking back in the conversation for context, that way you wont jump midway into a conversation and go "hurr why are you bringing this up"
that we *have equality of opportunity
We agree, but there was literally no reason to (You) my post if you already knew we agreed. That was your bad.
Now thats real bravery, going after white supremacy on 2019, give it up to HBO folks, cmon [audience applauses]
>no u are the tranny
ah yes, the good old lefty strategy, very creative.
That might set the record for the most Jewish 'Early Life' passage I've ever seen.
It must be, if so many brown people want to come to racist shitholes like the US and UK and live as second class citizens.
>gets told people have unequal starting points
>keeps blabbing about "equality of outcome"
Cringe retard
keep calling everyone nazi and eventually you´ll be right fag.
the name didn't give it away?
Catholics are lefties dumbfuck.
>Nazis are gone dude
Imagine being this delusional. I bet you think the concept of nazism is limited to one political party in one country at one time period
it has to do with blacks and browns are inferior at parenting to whites
The idea of liberalism is guaranteeing a basic, universal education and healthcare so everyone has the chance to make it up in life. (guaranteeing basic human rights by the State)
No, there's not equality of opportunities because guaranteeing it would mean infringing upon the right of private propiety, but there's equality of a chance to make it in life independently of your economic background.
Why do racist always have the need to show everyone that they are incapable of nuanced thought with posts like this? Seriously, are you not ashamed?
It has nothing to do with "far right" and everything to do with pathological anti-European sentiments.
>13% committing more than 50% of all crimes
>Lower IQ
>Prone to violent behavior
why do retards think "racist" means anything or comes even remotely close to constituting an argument?
>there's equality of a chance to make it in life independently of your economic background
In practice what we see instead is a literal 1% class. The theory (as well as socialism's theory) never comes to fruition, and we instead get a shitshow. I love capitalism and private property, but let's not pretend for a second that it's actually equal.
The Leftovers was kino so HBO is willing to work with him again
He only pitched shitty mystery shows to tv networks since Lost's success and is hired because of his safety for money making. Those shows he pitched became bad after he left them.
Only sold like, what, 3 scripts? Seems below average for Hollywood. And now he's disgraced by metoo and considered box office poison.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm calling you a racist because that's what you are.
>But just put the website in triple parenthesis and get it over witj
Ironic considering this is exactly what you're going to do for the refutation
what's a racist?
Theory never comes to fruition, anywhere, but it's still miles better than another socialist hellhole.
China is booming right now, precisely because they stopped being retarded and allowed some investment and private capital to flow in.
We should be striving towards having a minimum universal set of services that eradicate poverty, and don't bother with eradicating economic unequality because that'll bring more harm than good.
Thanks for proving my point
Alan Moore is incredibly liberal, feminist etc. He loathes Trump.
Could you possibly source any of theses retarded "facts" you just came up with.
No of course not.
Ahoy onions
>what are yearly FBI crime statistics
It's actually about 3% of the population (young black men) commit over 50% of the homicides in the US, further more, most of these are only in a handful of counties. You're in over your head here
He's a israeli shill. He also spams the same holocaust blog on different boards whenever someone even mentions it
>Imagine no unemployment or divorced parents
This actually made me feel bad for you
this is what it sounds like
when the discord trannies
Correlation does not equal causation.
I will suck your dick right now if you are able to find peer reviewed scientific literature demonstrating a casuatory link between black people and crime.
>Pro tip you can't because black people aren't the problem, poor people are.
>Black people are more often poor
What kind of 5th grade level of comprehension are you at?
Nice source BUDDY
Please tell me you know the difference between a causatory link and a correlating factor because im having a real hard time believing that you are able to type, and breather, at the same time, with the level of retardeation you are showing.
I'm Christian. I really didn't see it as religion bad. If anything it showed how powerful faith is.