
Joker is in competition in Venice. I thought it will be out of competition. There are two options WB is insane or the film is really good. So it's hitting Venice and TIFF two of the biggest fall festivals.

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they risk getting booed
we'll see what happens but they're absolute madlads

Damn, that's actually bold.

Well yes booed and trashed by European critics. If they went straight to TIFF it would be less risky since American critics are more lenient.

joaquin effect will outweigh capeshit effect

to be fair they also give standing ovations to cliched American movies like Hacksaw Ridge so it could go either way

American audiences won't care if a bunch of pretentious rich Europeans boo it, but just imagine the off chance that it's applauded. Imagine what press they could make from a standing ovation for a capeshit film at a proper film festival.

That's true although at this point it seems like every film gets a standing ovation out of courtesy.


>yfw Joker is the best capekino movie

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>in competition
WTF i thought that it will be out of competition too. May be its the power of Joaquin performance because this is very strange. Critics were saying that this movie is trash

Plenty of bad films in competition

>Venice Festival Director said today that it’s ‘darker than The Dark Knight and it’s Phoenix at the height of his powers’.

Critics also say that the MCU is great.

scholars in the film industry =/= retarded blogger "critics" with an agenda

>Tiff and Venice
This just feels wrong. It's like letting a Friedberg and Seltzer movie in

will Joaquin reveal his true power level?

it is trash

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God i hope so

Umm...and what's bad about that? Looks like a great scene for me especially considering Joaquin's acting ability

Trailer hooked me. First time I've ever been looking forward to seeing a movie.


>Critics were saying that this movie is trash
Got a citation on that MCUck?

I wonder if the people who greenlight such projects asked themselves if the world really needs a movie about the Joker's origin story.
Then again, most people who watch and like thid kind of movies are mentally stunted

>you can only make films the world "needs" as if the world needs any film

Calling it now, Phoenix will win their best actor award

I would say him, Brad Pitt, Adam Driver, Mark Rylance and Jean Dujardin have the best chance. The problem for Joker is that Lucrecia Martel is the head of jury and Joker doesn't seem like the film she will like.

The tunnel shot of Joaquin Phoenix running is perfect. Dutch Angle done right.

Just a reminder actors tend to improvise. What you read is not always the one that comes out. Delivery and Acting Ability is everything in midbudget movies. Every nuances are important.

But will Melvin the Brother of the Joker be in competition?

looks like kino. cry more capeshitting marvelcuckold

Number one movie OF ALL TIME DCuck

How many times are you going to see it Yea Forums?

good lord are we up to another cape kino? Since TDKR i am waiting for one good capekino movie but its yet to arrive. Logan was almost doing it until 3rd act with shitty superhero act.

please its 7 years

Prove to me that talking about whether an audience "needs" or "wants" a movie isn't the height of brainlet non-criticism

>Thinking that matters

>what is inflation
goddamn i knew marvlelcucks wouldn't understand basic economics. that's why they're all teenagers and left wingers lmao

I honestly cannot wait to see if joker is actually good or if it's getting into fests just because joaquin phoenix is in it

you already know it's the latter

>seething about a movie that is not even out getting into film festivals
>"I-I'm not a corporate shill"

Then want some awards for Joaquin. He deserves it

Well it has a big studio behind it. WB played A Star is Born in Venice but out of all competition. It's also important to note that Venice is a festival which wants to become an Oscar platform so they like to suck dicks of American studios and directors. I personally think that the film will be decent. Like 6-7/10.

too op
why run a competition if you know who's gonna win

>Jury is 4 women out of 5
Joker has no chance, women won't understand

The hills are alive at the sound of music!!!

may be for the best actor?

Eh Martel is a president of Jury. I doubt that, she was very dissatisfied with experience on Cannes jury in 2006. Her favourite film that year was Colossal Youth which let's say not really an accessible film.

Then why they even consider it as a contender? Why did they include it in a competition program? They could easily play it in a non competition and everyone still would be happy. WTF

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Joaquin legitimizes it

Prestige. Also other jurors may like it, there are many factors. It's not just about winning something.

He 'legitimised' You Were Never Really Here and that film was pretentious trash. Let's not even get started on Mary Magdalene

And he also won Cannes Best Actor Award with that.

This was kino. Nice try cuckold

Will the queen of sjw fli KS reward Phoenix tho

I met Martel when she came to the local shitty art school and fuck me, looks like she'd give you shit when washing the dishes for liking TDK

She has pretty highbrow taste, that's why i think they won't reward Phoenix like i said she was dissatisfied with her experience in Cannes 2006. She was right that Colossal Youth is the best film of the festival but she seemed really dismissive of some other films which won. At least she is not a sellout, she refused to direct some Marvel flick so goof for her.

Hacksaw Ridge is kino though.

It's cheesy and mediocre in lot of the scenes but some scenes are great. So it's kind of average.

It´s gonna be a competent, unoriginal take on the character powered by Phoenix performance.

Based Joaquim

Truly a clown world.

People that normally shill for the MCU were saying this movie would be trash based off the script because it was too disturbing for them. What a shock.