Why is she disliked by so many people?
Why is she disliked by so many people?
Because she's a know it all 5/10 who has been handed everything in life with no talent to back it up
horrible person. pedestrians or summing.
What's to like?
She a useless fuck who has had everything handed to her and still pretends to lead a hard life. Also the limes.
Insulting americans was funny though.
shes jewish
Just look at her.
goop is great
yikes the wrinkles are getting bad, too much tanning?
7 limes
She looks like a Titan straight out of AoT. The one that killed that kid's mom.
I really REALLY want to fuck her ass
because she has a stupid face
goop and its brand of new-age lifestyle shit is honestly deplorable
I want her to bully me with her feet
I like goop :(
Because people fear intelligence.
why not?
isnt she suing some guy she did a hit-and-run on whilst skiing?
I am reading the Wikipedia page right now and so much of this shit is straight up Facebook mom tier misinformation and balogna.
Goop.com was a mistake
But she's got a horrible pancake ass.
wh*Te people be like "damn she fucking thicc bro"
real white people don't use ebonics
She has never lived like a normal person, she's unrelatable. She's basically what Kim Kardashian's future holds, because they're both rich girls who got richer purely thanks to media attention for being attractive. The biggest example I can think of for Gwyneth is when she was trying to make a point about how expensive it is to eat healthy and she bought 2 avocados and 3 limes and some specialty cheese or some shit because she has no sweet clue how to shop for herself.
7 limes
Anyone else?
Oh shit she really does
she looks like a ghost of Brie's future
>This is rumored to have happened to Winona Ryder with Gwyneth Paltrow. Paltrow was a relatively unknown actress at the time trying to make it and Ryder was at the height of her fame. They were friends. Ryder had the script for Shakespeare In Love laying about in her house. Paltrow got her hands on the script. She then went behind Ryder's back to get the role, doing god knows what to Harvey Weinstein to accomplish this. Paltrow then went on to win an Oscar for her role in the film. They have been shit talking each other in the press ever since.
only poorfags hate her
women have an expiry date
proof of them shit talking each other??
holy shit, gwyneth looks like a fucking ghoul in this one
that's prime goop, you pleb
this is a deceptive use of camera angles, this is how she looks irl
> Why is she disliked by so many people?
She is a woman.
looks good
>that hip to waist ratio
no thanks. She has a decent face tough.
>even in the nude scene they can't hide that weird blonde/white body hair that anorexics get all over their body
gross why don't you just show her kissing shakespeare with rotten bulimia teeth bro
wow, is there an actress other than Biel who fucked up her nose worse? Look at this before vs this after
not really a good comparison, OP has a frontal shot, that pic is a profile one
have you met the kind of person who DOES Like her? if you have you'd understand
>that's prime goop, you pleb
While I love skinny white women you are wrong. Prime Goop is Paltrow in Royal Tennenbaums smoking with raccoon eyes in the tan mink coat. I thought this was obvious to all straight men.
here you go. One when she started out and was natural and one from 2010 where you see her MJ nose and face pulled too tight from facelift.
damn i forgot the pic. stone me to death with her vagina rocks
we were denied prime winona titties
So cute before.
She started her career as a coke head
anyone here seen that Professionals episode.
she seems to have removed that from her IMDB
youngoop is so pure
I want to have my penis inside her asshole and I want to move it back and forth until I cum inside her ass. Then I'll have her squeeze out the creampie into a jar which I'll label "cum from Gwyneth Paltrow's ass" that I'll keep on a shelf.
hah and then wat?
i wanna shoot my goop inside her
Drizzle it over pancakes.
literally because she doesnt check her privilege
does she like to have a drugged whore as a mom>?
Because they're angry that they will never get to kiss her bellybutton.
looks pretty good for a 46 year old
Out of touch hollywood trash, that's why
cute though
she should've reproduced with Brad
spoiler from a guy who works on her sets: she smells really, REALLY bad. no kidding. not sure if it's from the stuff she eats or body odor. but she is infamous for her horrible smell.
she was great in mr ripley
She stuffs dirty shit in her vag and thinks it has healing powers. She probably has a constant killer yeast infection going, wafting all over the place.
You're a genuine faggot
Why? I genuinely don't understand it. She was good looking before she would be good looking in old age with a bit of health consciousness. Baffling.
>bro it's totally gay to dislike feminine features! Why won't you fuck a fridge?
mmm... imagine the smell...
I didn't know she was. If on the other hand your post was "why is she forgotten by so many people"...well...
>feminine features!
Spook. Your standards are merely are merely a lethal mix of autism and insecurity
It's ok user, it's 2019, you can come out already.
>no you're the faggot
buy glasses and a new monitor
Never forget
OP, she's a trust fund baby who skated through life on her looks and nepotism because she's a kike!!!FACT!!!
>Because people fear intelligence.
And that's why no one here fears her!!!FACT!!!
People are just jealous of her erotic feet
her mom is a WASP
>her mom is a WASP
Yet her Dad is Jewish. Scar-jo's half Jew and look how far she got with zero acting ability. If you subscribe to the tribe you'll have life handed to you on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!
goop will always be my top 90s cutie
>tfw no granny gf
poor kid is cross eyed
Have you ever seen a woman up close IRL?
why is her daughter such a bitch
>weird blonde/white body hair
That's called being white you fucking spic. Go shave your unibrow.
>why is her daughter such a bitch
Entitles brat like her mom!!!FACT!!!
she's self conscious because of her fucked up eyes. she's always hiding part of her face/playing with angles to not look so deformed
shut the heck up
Would make sense if this weren't the picture she was talking about
Based desu. Private insta. Hot enough to get millions of views for just a few bikini shots but isn't doing it. Calls out her dumb slut mom for posting private stuff of her for likes. I'm an #applepicker now.
>is there an actress other than Biel who fucked up her nose worse?
oh no, this idiot again
I've met her while I was on vacation in southern France. AMA
She was a dead ringer for Brie in A Perfect Murder.
what did her feet smell like
>ywn skullfuck goops loli daughter in her prime
it's not fair
the virgin noni
the chad goop
a new picture means thousands of comments talking about her looks, even if her face is covered people will ask why she's not showing her face, they will google her and see what she looks like.
>they will google her and see what she looks like.
haha what kind of people would look up a 14 year old
Hollywood Producers.