not sure how they sold this as a comedy. still good though
Not sure how they sold this as a comedy. still good though
Other urls found in this thread:
Okay retard
German here.
Why does Prussia win wars but Germany can't? ;_;
Germany always seemed more ambitious in the wars they fought. not exactly Yea Forums related haha
surprisingly good movie. not what I was expecting
the eternal austrian
> you can't kill me
Germans are cucks
Legit can't believe this shit made it onto tv.
I love how they show this to say 'look how alluring Hitler was, it could happen again!' when the real redpill is that g*rmans are just Orcish henchmen incapable of freewill or rational thought and thirst for authority in their lives
we must eradicate the german hordes for the good of the Urth
yeah okay shlomo
As you can see from in the end they frame it as trying to show how people could still "fall for" Hitler, as well as putting responsibility and guilt for his actions on modern Germans in the standard kosher fashion, but you have to wonder if maybe someone knew the only way to get this out there would be to frame it as an anti-Hitler satire. In times of censorship in the past works would often be disguised in similar ways, and it would be tempting for the rare German in the industry who knows this is the only way to get these ideas out there, by framing them as satire and condemnation. I guess you'd have to look into whether the names of those behind it were German or (((German))) to find out.
Do you ever sleep?
God, this movie was so based.
Post the scene where he is talking to the qt about racemixing using dogs as a metaphor
Bohemia and Austria
stop painting hitler as a hero or martyr or villain. he was a broken shell of a man addicted to pain medication who spouted off some speeches which were supposed to get him elected in order to destroy the german manufacturing base.
he was a puppet of international zionists, british-jewish bankers and american socialist interests, which wanted to test out nationalism vs internationalism and see which one captured the people's imagination more, they settled on consumerism built around the german-soviet propaganda model fine tuned during the war. they tried the same thing in america and england earlier in the previous century but failed largely because they lacked the technology of radio and planes (to drop leaflets on towns). only the germans were autistic enough to fall for it.
the largest problem here is there are three sides.
>one side, pro-zionist jew controlled media lying about nazis and ww2 (demonification) this includes exaggerating about the camps and labelling everything antisemitism and denier
>one side, pro-zionist jew controlled alt-media lying about jews and ww2 (demonification), this includes retarded shit like the nazis practiced occult rituals and had ufos
>the real side of history, which explains the conditions of the european continent before the two world wars and after, and shows you how the people who benefited the most (americans and russians) are conveniently considered blameless in the entire affair and left out of the history books dealing with the years of the inter-war period - germany received massive american loans to fund their war machine- and the pre war period - russia was systematically destroyed by american controlled opposition to create the conditions necessary for a good vs evil fight to the death.
I see they opted for the kosher ending
Whatever happened to prussia
Was Hitler really trans? I've been seeing a lot of evidence that he was
Regardless of your angle he was an extraordinary man by any measure
this movie is everything wrong with german political culture
first point out a bunch of legitimate issues concerning apathetic empty consumerism, immigrant crime etc. that some reasonable people will agree with
you know what alse hitler thought and did?
you don't want to murder jewish babies do you? because that's the slippery slope you're on once you believe ANYTHING that hitler would also have agreed with
so make sure to keep hating your country, thinking in black and white, and vote refugees welcome next election, thanks for watching
Stop losing wars tranny
I'm assuming you mean Bavaria, since I can't see what the Czechs have to do with this. But really, as says, the two wars fought by Germany were too ambitious, if you look at maps of the Entente or Allied powers both times it was literally them and a few allies against most of the world. What's really impressive is that they got as far as they did both times, but overextended and inevitably collapsed once their resources ran out.
it's made for a german audience
foreign audiences will not get what's so bad about him
hence the inclusion of kicking a dog and old jewish lady throwing a tantrum
german audience controls itself.
think of a child being scared of something and loudly talking out that it isn't scared to be self-assured but deep down the fear is still there
that's how germans for the most part perceive this film
they laugh and joke and comment on all the oh so funny things he does as a coping mechanism
germans simply cannot allow any thought that would agree with hitler no matter how right it is
you know this site is archived right
Hitler killed his dog IRL it wasn't inaccurate
yeah that's where I first saw the evidence he was trans
I did mean Bavaria lol
Wtf was wrong with him. I have a severely autistic cousin who acts like this.
>Hitler was trans
>killed himself
see? it all fits
funny cause that exact image seems to be posted around the clock. not a copy. that exact one
>invade poland and have UK/France declare war on you
>can't beat UK
>Invade USSR
>troops fleeing Moscow
>declare war on US
yeah I saw it in another thread, it's good and informative. Also triggers /pol/ trannys
seethe more plz
He was an autist. How else do you go from a vegan hobo to the most powerful man in the world?
Was Hitler a homosexual or even transexual? Most evidence seems to point to "yes".
Thoughts? How do you think this influenced his behavior in the Second World War?
Yeah because otherwise she would have been tortured by the Russians. Not the same as just gunning down a dog for biting your ankle.
sped up video
My High School English teacher kicked a dog to death and he was one of the smartest men I ever met, how is this slander?
by making everyone as effeminate as you are?
There's a 30% chance that Hitler was a closet homo, but there's a 100% chance you are one.
*fat hands rubbing furiously*
nah that makes no sense.
First off, the Russians captured Ionescu's dog and treated it fine.
Second, he used supposedly sabotaged cyanide capsules to kill her. Hitler was afraid that Himmler messed with the pills and he would die in agony, so he tested it out on the dog. If he wanted her to have a painless mercy death he would have used a more reliable method
What do Germans think of Hitler? Is state propaganda all they're familiar with?
churchill was a drunk with massive debts
lenin was a closet fag
stalin had half a dozen wives and beat them all
roosevelt was a known cuck who didn't father any of his children
what exactly do you want to say? go back and talk to any man alive during the turn of the last century- they had likely:
>lived through famine, disease
>fought in multiple wars which were bloody and cruel
>fathered illegitimate children which they abandoned
>controlled alcoholic
>spoke multiple languages and at a minimum could discuss with you something about philosophy, history, art, religion, politics, science since that was part of the first 6 grades of education
>had double the test of the avg man alive today, would've come across as more aggressive, intimidating, masculine, fashionable, fit/healthy
people were different back then because in order to survive the shitty conditions you toughened up real quick or died as a child beggar raped and murdered by a wandering hobo.
no point romaticising the past, suffice to say mistakes were made by people, you should look at the early 20th century as an IQ test for the people and an indirect test of democracy as a ruling system, and boy did it fucking fail.
for example, had america nuked and liberated russia in the post-war period, imagine the different world we would have.
>Hitler was trans
Lmfao, we should start a betting pool on what shit they will make up next, beastiality? Necrophilia?
>pointing out hitler was gay makes you JIDF
wut? It's literally common knowledge in Singapore where I grew up.
Aside from the JIDF, who would even bother making that?
s&c,t (seethe & cope, tranny)
what does this even mean? What does it have to do with the fact that hitler was a fairy
Every board should get forced country flags, no memeflags either.
>it's a /pol/ can't handle the bantz thread
There's really no way we can truly know what is going on in other countries. Our media is shit propaganda. Their media is shit propaganda. Erryone on Yea Forums is a troll. Other forums are heavily moderated. The only way to truly know is to go to the country and as random ass people yourself.
The point stands mr jewberg
back to safespace sweetie
the common form of onions literally does not make you effeminate
Americans are so fucking stupid you don't see the hysteria
before this it was sugar being replaced with Splenda instead of just learning self-control, before that it was the dangers of salt which is literally a required nutrient, and before that was fat and thinking all fat is bad, and that's just relating to food
learn some nuance, you fucks
dumb frogposters
someone who finds it funny that you trannys yell the same thing whenever someone triggers you
wouldn't be surprised by either, he was a huge degenerate
s o y*
fucking filter bullshit
German here. Like 40% of youth is LGBT like he was and it's his fault that half of all germans today are half-slavic.
He's not well liked for what he did to us all and we'll never recover.
excellent post.
No. But his personal fake doctor gave him ton of drugs. That poor fella was high as kite in last years of his life.
>common knowledge
Legit wouldn't surprise me, he was a colossal fag
yeah, it's common knowledge. Literally everyone besides dumb mutts knows hitler was queer
Anyone watched the Italian remake version?
Is it as good? Mussolini seems to be more bombastic than Hitler so it might be more comedic.
so let's see, Hitler was
>taking hormones
>had one nut
>leftist think these are all bad things now
Literally all the guys at my uni say stuff like "x is gayer than hitler" etc. now. It seems pretty common knowledge to me
Do you guys hate Britain and Russia as well?
Do you trannys have any rebuttal to the facts presented besides screaming about jews?
I never those things were bad, it's up for you to decide if being gay is bad or not. But he certainly was gay.
he was
G is the first step to becoming T, google it
>taking hormones
Comes with being a tranny
>had one nut
Effeminate men often go gay
Because he was in a homophobic society
>leftist think these are all bad things now
never said they were bad
Its actual Hasbara counterpart. JIDF is a private org.
>the common form of onions literally does not make you effeminate
>when you make hitler so likeable and his rhetoric so relatable that you have to make him uncharacteristically shoot a dog to try to get the audience to dislike him
>getting this paranoid over memes
I looked it up and he seems to have actually killed a dog IRL, so doesn't seem far from the truth.
If Hitler wasn't gay, why did he never have children or marry? Why did he kill himself a few hours after being pressured into a marriage with a woman?
>They call people trannies as an insult on Yea Forums! If we do that too we'll fit in!
Hilarious that you don't even see the original context for that insult or what kind of post it was used against (hint: it wasn't /pol/posters). The more you misuse site language the more you prove you're not from around here, Chaim.
>tfw no personal Hitler to talk about things that makes you upset
Why do you think everything is a big conspiracy? It seems to be that people are just pointing out hitler was gay based on evidence as opposed to some convoluted plan
so no, you don't have any rebuttal for hitler being gay besides screaming about jews
>all opposing opinions are a jewish conspiracy
>muh """"site language""""
Hitler wasn't even German, he was born in Australia.
>site language
It's true I don't spend a lot of time here. I have a job and girlfriend and etc.. I don't live here like you seem to. plz accept me anyway.
>"With regards to women, he is awkward and indifferent"
What did Hitler's WW1 Colonel mean by this?
wow, he's just like me
Nah it was just bad political comedy. It didnt really had good jokes, it didnt went balls deep like borat did and pretty much was saying that every german citizen hides a nazi inside them and it only takes a hitler guy to bring that thing out. It was pretty much made by germans for germans as an inside joke about their current state of their country
Haha yeah and to imply the Israeli Army has personnel editing wiki pages around the clock to "control the narrative" would be totally paranoid ha. No one could be that controlling or neurotic
Looks like you hit a nerve desu.
why are mean israeli wiki editors living in your head rent free? Get a hobby friendo
0.06 shekels have been deposited in your account.
cope plz
Why are you guys so obsessed with these jews? Do they bully you that badly IRL? We're just trying to discuss Hitler, who is the topic of OP's film. Why so defensive?
So do /pol/ NPCs have any response to anything anymore besides "reee jidf"????
You've spammed this post word for word 10 times in a week. 4plebs archive exists you newfaggot rabbi.
Quints of truth.
>not naming jpg 'Gas who's back'
One job
God /pol/ is being assraped ITT it's painful to watch
Are you saying the Jews forced Hitler to be gay? Interesting theory, care to explain it?
Why did you edit that quote? This is the original version IIRC
TL;DR, but why does this guy look like a rodent
So do they actually do that or not?
>it's afraid
see boys? just name them and watch them recoil and squeal
Why did the Russians show Hitler in High Heels? Did they know something we didn't?
oh yeah they seem real scared lmao
who hurt you?
shekel masters btfo
Why are you trannys so obsessed with jews? Just because Hitler was a tranny and didn't like jews doesn't mean all trannys have to be hostile to them
Incels can't profit or swindle over anything though, nice try. It's literally an antithesis to inceldom.
This Jewish bakery refused to bake a cake for a trans nazi couple. True fact, that's why they got so mad
ugh...the wrong side lost...
The Goebbels is a pretty well-known caricature by David Low from New Zealand. I imagine he did the others as well.
Incels profit from welfare and swindle from their parents
I came into this thinking Hitler was alright, maybe a bit unfairly demonized to a degree. I still think that but it seems pretty likely he was gay. Thanks user, even though I disagree with some of what you say
Kikes need to be gassed
That's just jewish propaganda man. They're trying to demonize the nazi's and make them look bigoted.
Germany was the first open LGBTQ+ nation
isn't tel aviv the gayest city on the planet? cnn tells me that it is a bastion of liberty and tolerance in a sea of hate and that it must be protected at all costs up to and including the life of my firstborn goyishe son
Holy shit lol
/pol/ trannys need to stop getting so worked up over memes & shitposting
Hitler trying to protect his secrets.
Is it? Idk I don't know much about isreal. You seem awfully obsessed with it tho, why's that?
It's possible that jews are less homophobic than they used to be, that's pretty good. Maybe Hitler didn't die for nothing.
Jews are the most overrepresented group in the trans community. There's something about Jewishness that makes them all into sodomites.
Oh cool I didn't notice that post until you showed that pic of it.
Do you have any rebuttals to it?
Well I heard that Israel is a modern nazi state, so it's possible by becoming nazis they became trannys by proxy
Why does /pol/ get so angry if you try to discuss Nazism & Homosexualism?
it turned into germany and then poland
gonna save that pasta and post it myself now. Thanks based user.
Not many know this, but initiation into the higher echelons of the Thule society involved cutting your dick off. They believed that in order to find Agartha, you had to become Agartha. For this reason, they would drill a hole in their genitals to create a passage to their own "inner earth", i.e. their prostate.
That's not the ending. The guy goes insane with guilt at reviving Hitler and goes insane.
nazis only made the pious ones go into the camps that's why all the commie ones and the 6 million other survivors in boca are either a friend to the gays or more likely gay/trans themselves
why do you care if somebody is a homosexual? so you secretly want to suck dicks or something? it's ok dude it's 2019.
Quick, everyone ITT prove you're not jewish. Take a screenshot proving which post (You) are and type YHWH. I'll start: YHWH.
If Hitler being gay is just a crazy lie, why is /pol/ so desperate to shut down any discussion of it?
Why'd they cast a dude that's like 30 cm over what Hitler was? It's so distracting seeing him tower over everyone when Hitler was a short man.
wut? OP's film is about hitler, who was the first openly trans man ever. Why can't we discuss the defining aspect of his life?
Kek for once you make a based post
Prussia fought local wars, Germany fought the world
also that one time Prussia got lucky when the prussiaboo tsar came to power and stopped the Russian invasion
Hitler was tranny
Not jewish just a dirty phoneposter here. YHWH
Serious opinion: While it's conclusive Hitler was gay, that doesn't hinder our judgement for him in history. You can still be pro or anti hitler even though he was gay
YHWH. I also believe Hitler was a homosexual man
Yeah, so buck up lads. You can still defend Hitler even though he took it up the bum.
>guy who wanted to unite the world under one banner
>he was a broken shell of a man
Hitler was a gay asexual with one nut and also had incest sex and drank the piss of his niece... or so the all butthurt claim
angry sarcasm doesn't disprove something mate
really disappointed that nobody has called this post "based". Personally, I think it's the best post ITT.
>one banner
pic related?
your david star is glowing
One of the primary shitposters ITT. I figured it was a reference to something and didn't know what it was so I just ignored it.
Im just listing all the "facts" ive heard about uncle Adolf, not even a little angry(projecting maybe?)
Cool, I'll pass on that info in future threads then. Thanks for the education man.
>if any university guys would know all about gays it would be the israeli ones
>Only Jews go to university
oh come on man don't be like that. Sure they have higher IQs but it's a racist stereotype that only jews are smart enough to go on to higher education. There are lots of blacks, whites, etc I'm sure.
np pham
dont be, im not your enemy, im your friend :)
Hitler was a member of a German secret society along with other aristocrats. They were associated with some of the earliest attempts at human flight, as well as a belief in hollow earth theory. Hitler send an expedition into Central Asia in an attempt to locate the portal to inner Earth.
tough, but fair
How did they pass the time on their earth drills?
If Hitler wasn't gay, why do you guys get so angry when someone suggests he was? It seems a bit suspicious.
I can’t wait til Yea Forums unironically supports trans rights just to dab on r/the_donald. God I wish Hiro would just run out of money.
>be intelligent
>over analyze shit
He sure knew how to party
The insinuation that Israel controls the American goyim is an ages old anti-Semitic canard.
Or something anyone could observe if they paid even the slightest attention to every election cycle
It was actually a relatively quick and safe procedure thanks to the research of Magnus Hirschfeld. However, once they had secured power over Germany, they sacked his facility and destroyed everything, setting back trans science nearly a century.
Nigger Epstein is a confirmed mossad agent. This shit isn't a conspiracy theory anymore.
It's called transhumanism and it's the final frontier of autism.
When the fuck is this world going to exact vengeance and kill ever fucking filthy nigger/Muslim/beaners
When the fuck is this world going to exact vengeance and kill ever fucking filthy nigger/Muslim/beaners
When the fuck is this world going to exact vengeance and kill ever fucking filthy nigger/Muslim/beaners
The mod/jannie must be a nigger and keeps banning me. Fuck off faggot
Your death would only make the world a better place you fucking bluepilled redditeur
Kek I like the way that even though the American media is 99 percent Jewish its Chris McGoy who happens to be the only one who will even touch something like that
You've gone from denigrating Hilter (which one could conceive of leftists or other minorities doing) to backhandedly praising Jews and denigrating non-Jews. You're not very good at that hiding your identity thing, are you? Apply yourself.
>aren't you ready to die in Iran now goy?
Finally unmasked. Fuck off, frenchie.
>stalin had half a dozen wives and beat them all
Absolutely based.
We should meme haters into being homophobic.
Every year the media create something about Hitler. Live long enough and you'll see the same thing.
Why is the tranny crowd always so angry about Israel
I don't know nothing about no jews but if hitler pisses off the redditers and onions guild he can only be a force for good.
Trump isn't it late? Shouldn't you be sleeping and thinking of Tweets to post?
theres nothing gay about hugs
They constantly lie about him.
I've heard he's an alcoholic, a heroin junkie, a homosexual, a tranny, had one ball, was schizophrenic, was addicted to opiates, etc.
I'm in my early 20's, will probably hear more shit by the time I'm older also. They literally just make shit up so when people support him they go "Heh you like a homosexual, what are you, gay?"
The fact he gets so much shit made up about him tells me nothing was wrong with him whatsoever.
Made me realise Hitler wasn't a bad guy.
This. When I grew up the thing everyone said was that he was a quarter Jewish, which studies of geaneological records have thouroughly debunked. These kikes will say anything, just ignore them and report for spamming/flooding.
What's next? Stalin?
Why is it a lie? You offer no rebuttal besides calling everyone jewish
Why are Israelis pro-tranny?
>report it
holy shit the /pol/cels are crying to jannies now
I learned Hitler was gay in school (korea here) and it never seemed unlikely, you guys just get really defensive about it
They feel bad for all the nazi trannys that their soviet proxys persecuted
Here's a pic of Soviet soldiers rounding up german soldiers who were trans...just for the crime of being trans.
A dark chapter in our history
National communism with a socially conservative outlook is the best ideology that will prevail in the end.
/pol/cel here. He doesn't represents me or the rest of us virgins.
Hitler’s germany ever declared war only on Poland, then Britain and France declared a war on Germany. So i guess the answer is that because the world always declares a war on germany for (((some))) reason.
desu it will be harder for them to force the message with this, since the history books don't even claim he genocided anyone. At least Hitler has the popular image of evil, Mussolini was for all intents and purposes just another dictator.
based nazis
You can't just invade countries for no reason or a made up reason you fucking incel. READ A BOOK.
Hitler's real goals:
>Kill all Jews (Demon YHWH's slaves who will oppose his so called """satanic""" goals)
>Destroy everything the Jewish God desired from humanity
>That includes killing all women, invention of artificial wombs and creation of all-male society
>Love between men is encouraged like it was in Greece and Roman empire
>Improvement of human form with drugs and ultimately implants
Anything to add?
Destroy any National pride the west are allowed to have ever.
>National pride
A spook that allowed the western nations to improve and be feasted upon by the G*d's chosen parasitical children. Imagine if only Asia and Americas existed. Chinamen would bring smallpox to Judea in their steel boats
Sounds pretty fucking based to me desu
>You can't just invade countries for no reason or a made up reason
Of course you can
You really have to try harder than that.
Gay shaming kike homophobes fear the faggo-fascist empire
Hitler literally set up camps to turn everyone trans. Google it. He was the first LGBT pioneer
Glad America is following in his footsteps.
They don't call Trump the next hitler for nothing. He's pro-Israel and waves the gay flag proud
Allying Austria instead of chipping out their empire once and for all
Bery Brue
you speak the truth
Good I hate this mentality. He just said that Hitler was an extraordinary man, not that he was perfect or good/bad. Everyone has flaws (some greater than other, especially in Hitler's case), but by your standard, we haven't had any extraordinary individuals in history since nobody is perfect. Hitler, Churchill, Gandhi, Alexander, Genghis Khan ect ect all had virtues and vices, but they have one thing in common - they were extraordinary in their own way.
Besides that most of your greentexted is just wrong
I remember thinking when the final shot was of Hitler riding in the car that the screen would suddenly cut to black and we would hear like audio of a car crash or something, presumably killing Hitler. Still don't understand how they got away with this movie.
I bet this guy had sex
Wrong, Hitler was a monster who killed Jews. No one else in your list did that.
Memeing aside, the main Nazi cadre looked pretty goofy, as well as being full of brown eyed and black haired individuals
Goebbels is one big nose away from looking like a jewish stereotype, and Himmler looks borderline Mongolian
Prussians are actually Baltic.
German militarism is a meme.
hitler was a retarded leader/commander and was the main reason why germany lost the war
>This was somebody's son
Oh you mean like the USSR?
>t. manstein
You'd think Germany would eventually learn and leave the eternal Austrian to be devoured by slavs
Why is the left so obsessed with this word? Nevermind it's ridiculous projection, but it turned into a seething and neurotic cult at this point.
I was talking about America who are apparently the good guys invading and bombing and fucking up countries for decades you stupid cunts. READ A BOOK.
You get it
14/88 brothers
Who could be behind this post. I wonder.
shit too early
imagine trying to defend your country from a globalist takeover but instead fail and be slandered as an evil genociding tyrant
Sorry Franz, the eternal hun reduces civilization to ruin wherever he goes
Imagine getting German lands handed to you on a platter, but decide to autistically wage war against the whole world anyway, legitimizing communism and ruining Europe in the process
Why won't they just let him rest in peace?
Because he has work to do.
A dead dog is a good dog
Movies with this feel?
extraordinary in his hate of the jews
extraordinary in his love for his own people
Like a broken record
I hate it when anons take this at face value and not just Hitler coating his ideology with kernels of truth to make them all the more alluring.
>like a broken record
I agree, the pattern of germans ruining everything repeats itself way too often
This movie is a masterpiece
N-no! N-newfags out!
Why are idiots so dumb
>extraordinary in his love for his own people
So basically he's literally Hitler
Why are you repeating yourself user? I dont understand
Annex AUS and CZE and wonders why they can't win with those losers
Imagine if the exact same film was made today. The actor would get assaulted and killed the second they'd go out to film an unscripted scene.
People are so fucking tense and angry nowadays.
was hitler body recovered?
how do people know he killed himself?
pretty sure none knows what happened to him
Hitler’s still alright in my book. Even if he was a tranny or gay, he still hated kikes lol. And he proved it by masturbating/killing/roller-coaster-into-ovens 15 gorillion bajillion of those filthy fucks. And that’s a good thing ;)
99% of the shit you hear about Hitler is made up.
Good morning, oven dodgers :)
i wonder if they killed hitler at the end just so the movie could be made, because if you watch it, you end up just siding with hitler
He wasn't even German he grew up in Kentucky
>JIDF tries to discredit hitler by saying he is trans or gay
is this a bad thing???? it's 2019 don't be a bigot
>child poverty
thatd be spain, italy, poland or any other EU country but germany
High as fuck.
>admitting that there were ovens
Is German TV as shite as this movie made it appear?
Yeah pretty much this. Movie did nothing to make me dislike him.
Fuck yeah. 6 million more, bitch.
nice try shlomo
This unironically
more like the eternal autism
Yeah nah
>literally admitted to believing in the hollacost
Reminder that Hitler was a big homo and trans woman and if you have ideas similar to his you are too
>literally doesn't understand humor
I'm too what?
You're repeating yourself. Everything okay, bud?
Mel Gibson believes in the Holohoax too, sad!
The US always wins its wars why? Because they're jewish in their thinking, only join WW1 and WW2 when it was obvious who was going to win, then only wage war against poor third world countries like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc...
Germany leroys jenkins its way in war, no you can't fight Russia in the east and the allies in the west, plus Germans are honorable enough they can't start to imagine how the jews think, so they didn't expect the US to join with the allies.
>plus Germans are honorable enough
>Molotov-Ribbentrop pact
far worse actually.
History repeats itself
literally the entire world vs a nation who barely even had an army a decade prior. I think he did pretty fucking good
Why are lefties so shit at propaganda?