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Other urls found in this thread:


I can only get rid of one?

how about the entire top row for starters and then the other two a bit later?
if we could also gas the fans that'd be neat.

pretty easy choice

>Including a masterpiece with all those other soulless corporate trash

Messy Comic Urine

MCU. Literally ruined the film industry indefinitely.


Definitely MCU though I'd be happy if they all disappeared.

Fast and the Normalfagiest.
I can't think of a worse film franchise.


>only one
Might as well not even bother. Cut one head, and another two take its place. Have to cut them all at once.

harry potter

its for children unlike the other ones

Harry Potter just to see what retarded fiction millennial women latch onto next.

This guy gets it

MCU, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and then GoT.

LOTR can stay.

what about only one has to remain?



Star Wars.

The only correct answer

MCU is neither dead or ruined, so I will go with that.

Already gone, it's over and people hated the last season
>Star Wars
Already dead, Solo bombed, the theme parks bombed, it won't recover from TLJ
Endless stream of shit that should be destroyed at all cost, unironically evil
The movies were great and the books are classics, it'll stay forever and that's a good thing
>Harry Potter
Will slowly fade into irrelevancy where it belongs

3 of those are already gone.

all of them

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>No one's ever really gone.

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Huh, I picked Doctor Who before the pic even fully loaded.

GoT and Harry Potter. This one crazy feminist bitch I know kept making references to them in between her insane bitching.


GOT-the most consumer and plebbit product ever. It was never good in the first place. RIP the HBO projects that were killed in favour of this crock of shit.

>unlike the other ones

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aside from LOTR i want all of them to be gone

MCU, obviously.

Harry Potter doesn’t deserve that

>star wars and marvel aren't for kids
kek, you disagree with those who created them?

MCU is the biggest cancer on there, so that. I actually wouldn't get rid of Star Wars since it wouldn't be worth getting rid of the originals, and watching all the car crashes that have come out of it since has been entertaining also clone wars is kino- both versions

Superb bait

How do we kill it.

GoT and HP. Fuck you, I don't follow your rules.


MCU. Star Wars is already self-destructing and the others have already faded from relevance.

harry potter just because women like it

Is this a rhetorical question?
The MCU.



game of thrones, marvel or harry potter could all vanish and I wouldn't give a shit, and it's only the vidya that makes star wars worth saving.

Only one that damaged the industry is MCU. Even shitty GoT made more fantasy / dark fantasy possible.

>Harry Potter
>Will slowly fade into irrelevancy where it belongs
Hasn't it already, for the most part?

Kind of. Second Fantastic Beasts did a huge drop from the first one.


Delete everything except for the Star Wars OT and the actual LotR books written by Tolkien.

Geek culture is ass.

This is actually easy. If Star Wars didn't exist, the whole model of a CGI-laden blockbuster wouldn't. Without it, New Hollywood's life might've been extended for a few years, since the suits wouldn't have any other compelling options. And if SW was removed, that would mean all other cinamatic series in that pic wouldn't exist (except for GoT). Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

Well, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings are already done, so those are out. I guess MCU, since Endgame was a nice clean cutoff point, and it's diversity central from here on. There's always the chance that someone might be able to do something interesting with the Star Wars universe once Kathleen Kennedy is gone.

Harry Potter obviously. It is the only one that isn't even original. She copped the main character mostly from Gaiman's Books of Magic. So not as much lost.


Wow, she's so rebellious!

delete it all

Even Harry Potter had its moments
The MCU is pure garbage though


Harry Potter, even though the films are finished.

Grown Adults whose personalities are 100% Harry Potter shit are the absolute fucking worst.

Star Wars.

There are 10 films in the Star Wars catalogue. 2 of them are good. The two that are good are nearly 50 years old. Its time to let the series die.

Kill MCU as it started the cinematic universe meme. Anyone who hates capeshit should go back and watch Blade or Sam Raimi Spider-Man and realize its the "universe" shit that makes all those movies seem so soulless and cookie cutter.

all will be owned by disney soon

capeshit is the furryfag/mlp of the 2010s

Marvel. Just fuck off.

Goodbye Game of Thrones

GOT easily, then we can go back to pure ASOIAF book nerfs discussing theories instead of the retardation seen on tv



Imagine if anyone who self-identified as a fan of any of these properties vanished off the face of the earth.
Would the world be better off or without its scientists and artists?

This. Remove the MCU, open up the arteries of local kinoplex for another decade or more. Tbqh be surprised if MCU hegemony doesn't inspire NEET bombers after Phase 4, even if it's just DCucks.

Harry Potter, only 2 good movies and the worst fan base overall.

Twilight, hunger games....? there talk of making a hunger games theme park and prequals/spinoffs at one point

I don't see many liberal retards or women talking about Harry Potter anymore since JK got exposed as a TERF. In fact the place I've seen it be discussed the most is Yea Forums

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The only one still kicking is MCU anyway.
Ran it's course, even normies hated the final season. Books will never be finished anyway and now that the show relieved to everyone GRRM doesn't have some sort of clever master plan on how to end everything neatly with all his moving parts falling into place like a master craftsman's pocket watch no one cares anymore

>Star Wars
TFA and TLJ utterly destroyed any future this franchise had, SOLO proved audience already lost faith in the franchise

Jackson made his Trilogy almost two decades ago, they came out they were a mixed bag of awful hokey garbage mixed with some really heartwarming and satisfying filmmaking. They're highly overrated and most ignore all the garbage Jackson packed into them but some of Tolkien's craft shines through and that's the parts people remember. Then he made those Hobbit movies which were fucking abortions crashgrabbing at something that was never even there. As a film franchise it died right there. Amazon's rape child of a series will be stillborn.

No one give a shit leading up to the last three movies. It died before it reach the end road. Even GoT didn't shit the bed this badly. Normies turned on GoT in the last season. Normies stopped caring about HP like halfway through.

So really MCU is the only choice because the others already died.

All of them except LotR

GoT for sure, anyone who says otherwise is retarded

You want Amazon's LotR series that badly?

You're trying way too hard, man.

what didn't you like about the LOTR trilogy?

mcu because i dislike them more than star wars and the other ones are already over


Star Wars because why not

Only one? Star Wars.

literally any of them except lotr


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Potter. Makes kids fagets

Are you a HPfag or a Jacksonfag?

Pretty much every OC scene is trash, Elves at the Hornburg, Ghosts at Pelennor Fields, Gimli the comic relief.

You can easily plot all the terrible decisions that made it through in that first trilogy and find their resultant exit wound on the second hobbit trilogy all the signs were there. We were dangerously close to getting Arwen warrior princess saving the day in TT and Aragorn fighting Sauron in RotK, they filmed that shit and it wasn't until post-production and some very longwinded arguments from fans explaining in detail why this completely missed the point that Jackson was convinced and swapped Sauron out for an Troll but that's the kind of shit no one told him was a bad idea when The Hobbit trilogy came around. Those movies are good, but they're not great and they were a elvish cunt hair away from being terrible.

Lord of the Rings.

I... cannot choose one of my babies. You have bested me, Sir OP.

based imagine thinking a genre is killing an industry

this. although we'll all be regretting this by next year...

>they filmed that shit
lmao, what the fuck are you smoking?

whats that?

all of them hopefully

this is a good post.

All of them.

Star Wars since that was killed the most by Pop Culture

They all have to go except LOTR

If it erases it from ever having existed then probably Star Wars
I like the OT and the old EU stuff but Star Wars ruined mainstream sci-fi and helped to create the franchise culture that spawned the other series in the pic, which might not have come to pass without Star Wars
Hopefully we keep lotr though

Game of Thrones or Star Wars

The dullest series and the MCU work as lightning rods to avoid multiple sequels to LOTR

>star wars
>not damaging to the industry
It created the conditions for the other and ruined the science fiction genre

As a true fan... Star Wars

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I would sacrifice LotR if it meant killing the other four.

Already dead and gone. Last season killed any shot of the show entering the long term zeitgeist.

>Star Wars
TLJ killed the franchise and Solo was just a sign of it. Episode 9 is going to collapse compared to the first two. No hype at all among normies.

>Harry Potter
The Fantastic Beasts movies aren't doing well and Rowling keeps making sjw retcons in a desperate attempt to stay revelant.

Will likely still power ahead but Phase 4 seems to be really experimental and scrapping the bottom of the barrel. The Fantastic Four and x-men are likely their "break in case of emergency" stuff.

Will always be remembered fondly for the books and the Peter Jackson adaptation. The upcoming new series adaptation is 50/50 until we get major casting news and set photos.


A L L of them

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This shit is already eight years old now urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TERF

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Harry Potter eazy peezy

Game of Thrones.
>duuuude he said "cock" and "fuck" and "pussy!" This show is definitely adult!

Harry Potter. The other ones aren't NEARLY as corporate brainwashing as Rowling's trash is.
The leftist echochamber draws kids in and easily indoctrinates them into a collective culture where if you aren't exactly like they are, you're Voldemort.


Harry Potter is the only answer
we already had D&D we didn't need a dumbed down babies version
At least GoT is a retelling of the War of the Roses

LOTR has to go
It doesn't deserve to be on the list with shitcunt series

you couldn't just paste the definition instead of the link you fucking faggot?

Star Wars is the biggest offender by far, no saga has done more harm than Star Wars. Harry Potter is shit but harmless, GoT can be salvaged still, the MCU is well made garbage that works. LOTR is perfect and has no place in that image, you fag.


LotR, if only to snipe it before the remake show can be finished and released.


Bunch of gay characters in a gay setting with no tax policies

>GOT, HP, and LOTR all over
>Star Wars dying
>MCU still releasing 3-4 movies a year
MCU has to go.

Only cinema illiterates would think they killed something that was already long dead.

MCU is easily the biggest capeshit stain on Hollywood. Good thing the Raimi films are outside of it.


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Purge them all except LotR

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Game of Thrones and its not even a hard choice.

Noice, noice.

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That's not even on the list, learn to read Cletus.

Plus it's fun and knows exactly what it is. I'd much rather that than the MCU having pretentions of being intellectual

MCU, not even the slightest dilemma.

I came here to post this


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I would eliminate in this order: Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, MCU, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings

HP and GoT are trash for women, through and through.

MCU is bad but overstated as a destructive force when all it did is redefine blockbuster cinema which is inherently mostly trash anyways. There are some halfway decent movies within the franchise, not entirely shit like the above two.

Star Wars is (was) good and Lucas succeeded in establishing it as a “modern myth” but it really overstated its welcome. It’s best to pretend the franchise was laid to rest after 2012, or 1999, or 1983, whichever year works best for you.

LotR has seen the least damage done to it so far and is more quality entertainment than any of the above franchises by far.


The reason MCU is the biggest evil out of all of them is that it fills The Mouse's pockets. Without it Disney would still be big but nowhere near the level they're at now.

Who is she?

Also his porn is shit, don't bother

Star Wars as it ruined cinema as an art form in American(as well as Jaws)
and also HP as it created an entire generation of adult children who now consume game of thrones and mcu

Throw em all into the bin except LotR. Harry Potter is alright too, I guess. But only the original movies. No idea what's going on with it now.

I like the ASOIAF books, LOTR books and movies, Star Wars OT and games. Harry Potter books were also fun as a kid.
MCU is the most worthless thing here.

Lord of the Rings definitely. Those movies have not aged well at all, like every single protagonist is a white male.

If I had to pick I'd choose LOTR

bait done well
bait done wrong, too obvious

>Star wars
>Harry Potter
All died already
Phase 4 will make it or break it.
Endgame in many ways was the end of the MCU.

Lord of the Rings, that shit puts me to sleep.

MCU without any doubt

>Phase 4
>Make it
It's going to go down in flames. The era of capeshit will soon end. Put up with it for a decade now. There has to be salvation

All of them.


I don't really hate it, but it's never made me think or feel very much. The others did at least a little, or are just inherently more interesting worlds. If I could only save one it'd be LOTR of course.

Star wars used to have some merit. I would drop the rest except maybe lotr, just because I know a lot of people who like them

Based and shirepilled.

thanks user, I appreciate it

Lotr,s1 of got and SW OT can stay

mcu but it's a tough choice between harry potter

Harry Potter.

GoT can easily be thrown away with no consequences. The only "franchise" to have never actually branched out from a TV series and books. Meanwhile everything else in the picture has made video games, board games, thousands of fan material, thousands of licensed material, and has actually affected people's lives

Harry Potter.

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It depends, would killing it remove it from history or just from the present.
If it would change history? I'd kill Shit Wars.
If it only changes the present? I'd kill the MCUck.

Hard choice All suck but LotRs

Every puzzle has an answer

All of them. Fuck them all

I'll do it since that user is a faggot
>Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. That group of feminists that claims that trans women aren't really women, as biological determinism is only a fallacy when it used against them, not when they use it against others.
Basically JK is retarded enough to change up her story to the point where everyone is multi-colored and multi-ethnic, but because the name of the progressive game has changed to the point where now you have to include absolutely everything including .0001% of the population, Rowling is not progressive enough


Marvel. The rest are dead or LOTR

GoT. That shit just sucks.
Star Wars is fun. Marvel is fun.
LoTR is kino.
Harry Potter is comfy.

I don't care about GoT.

Marvel. That way 99% of this board hangs themselves and Yea Forums can finally enter a new golden age

GoT easily. It's not even remotely good and it's normie shit.

This trash has a wikipedia page where the first use is described on a blog in 2008.

delet this

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marvel easy

Harry Potter specifically to piss off tumblr

GoT is already dead. You just wasted your choice, dipshit!

>not even on the list
>implying it has to be on the list to be a shit movie series
Look at this dollar store ranger newfagot

How about all of them

That's a funny way to spell MCU

This is objectively correct.

Marvel because most of the others have finished and its the most cancerous franchise around today by a long shot

Harry Potter

Everything besides GoT produced at least 3 enjoyable movies so GoT for me


all of them except lord of the rings but only the trilogy by peter jackson, amazon's show can fuck of with the rest

MCU since it's still putting out garbage films.

The others have already done their damage.

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tough choice between mcu and star wars. I guess id have to go with mcu

Marvel shit


MCU going away would be a net gain

Star wars really easy choice.
Anyone born after 80s won't like ep4-6 at all and anyone who says is a hipster trying to fit in.
After 80s we had so many good action and sci-fi movies so the original star wars looks really outdated and boring.


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yes, it´s very clunky, i was bored af when i watched a new hope


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But mlp first aired in 2010


I don't get it

Star wars. The whole success of the movies is only due to boomer nerds.

>I want to kill everyone except other joyless loners like myself

Fun world

Kill Harry Potter and Marvel. I still love the OT and PT too much to want them gone

Agreed. It’s whole selling point was merely “main characters sometimes die”. Other than that the writing was meh. If you want a good series, check out Malazan.

Jesus Christ star wars and it's not even close

>the theme parks bombed
you what

It's a medieval Wire. It was great while there were books to adapt.

>Normies stopped caring about HP like halfway through.
Lol wrong. Normies care to this day.


user I autistically stared at it for 2 minutes as well, the word "one" is missing


Marvel or Harry Potter
Both fanbases are annoying manchildren though Harry Potter is full of women which is even worse

Marvel, very easy answer.

All of them

wtf I love JK Rowling now.

FUCK trannies.

MCU obviously.

LOTR Harry Potter and Star Wars are the only ones I enjoy

You're the reason why men have shit taste in movies and why you're a virgin lol
this board is full of the same underaged meme tards ontwitter and reddit that hate on based hp

Cringe, have relations with women.

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Mcu for sure, pure evil that's fucked the film industry

100% this I will eradicate every star wars movie it was overrated and aged so poorly.

compared the quality of the 8 harry potter movies to the 8 star wars saga movies so far and potter wins by so much it isn't even funny

Star wars, but is a mercykill

GoT easily.

Harry Potter.

It's absolutely worthless trash with nothing redeemable.


It's the only good franchise in the OP since the hobbit movies do exist, get some taste


Shitskin Marvelfags love to hate on Harry Potter because it isn't ADHD enough for them.

All of them

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have sex and stop being so boring and tasteless

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Why wouldn't you just choose MCU or Star Wars?

Pretty much all other franchise have already had their time in the lime-light and will never be as big as they were, and even if nu-Wars is on shaky ground and MCU's bubble could burst, they are still the only two that have some momentum left and has the potential to continue ruining TV and film.

Marvel or HP

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Thankfully Game of Thrones is already dead to normies because of it's trash last season, but the show was trash for at least 3 seasons at the end.

Marvel obviously since those retards that gobble up those shit, instantly forgettable movies actually think they are
1) really good movies
2) artistic

the bottom two are the good ones

>have sex and stop being so boring and tasteless
you have shit taste

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Nothing is this cringe ever

Including GoT makes this too easy. But otherwise, Harry Potter, and that would suck in itself, even though I'm not even a fan.
Star Wars ain't what it used to be, but that doesn't mean it was good at one point.

Star Wars.

>posts cuckime
>calls others tastelets
>can't objectively eliminate anything because you're under 24 years old and a fucking iQlet

wasn't good*
P.S. the Matrix is a better franchise then half of those, unironically.

Marvel has about 20 actually terrible movies, why does anyone defend them?

From best to worst:

Star Wars = Lord of the Rings > Game of Thrones = Harry Potter > Marvel

Therefore, Marvel should go.

>matrix is a better franchise than harry potter
I like the matrix and that made me roll my eyes. Stop commenting anytime.
It's better than Marvel for sure but that's it.

came to post this

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That was never the appeal. The appeal was characters with depth in a fantasy setting with political intrigue. It's only when it becomes came mainstream that HBO started marketing as that and normies like you ate it up

>star wars and lotr are best
>half of lotr is the shitty hobbit movies
>most of the star wars movies are hot garbage especially the modern ones
Yea Forums never once

>doesn't deny it
You're too easy to disregard.

>t. Doug Walker

Not that user, I hate Doug Walker but ROTK is the weakest lotr film and entirely either capeshit tier or boring retread of The Two Towers tier. it's the shittiest lotr movie by a mile and a half

the first two were kino return of the king was barely passable, mostly only good for gollum and shelob. hackson showed his true colors that would later become worse

>got above marvel
Objectively wrong. Only reason you dislike the MCU so much is because there's like a quintillion movies with a quintillion more already in production, and it's pretty much a pop culture stamp at this point, owned by one of the biggest, arguably most soulless companies in the world.
That doesn't mean some comic book storylines aren't better than 90% of the shit in OP's image, sans Lotr.

This is why Yea Forums is shit, it's full of actual underaged zoomers

Marvel is trash user, endgame was instantly forgotton, nobody fucking forgets the hp movies, lord of the rings movies or the original star wars movies they are forever classics.

Stop being a comicbookcuck already

So, better question, what’s going to be the new pop culture staple of the new decade? We’re going into the 2020’s with SW, GoT, the MCU and HP, which have stayed relevant for so long, dying out and losing relevancy. What’s going to replace them?

Actually, I'm Aryalad, but Emilia had the best facial expression for OP's question.

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It makes way more sense, given the context of the question, to consider the best entries rather than the worst, regardless of your thoughts on the overall quality of the franchise. The original Star Wars and Lord of the Rings films are so far above anything else on that list it's laughable.

> The original Star Wars and Lord of the Rings films are so far above anything else on that list it's laughable.
No user it's laughable that you actually think that, Cuaron's single film is better than most entries in those series alone. OT star wars has always been overrated flicks that were saved by their editing.

You're either a lotr snob or under 25 yourself

Game of Thrones. It's only decent for half its run.

I will agree that, when you take into consideration the sheer scope of the Marvel franchise, even just pre-Disney, it's very hard to put Marvel last. In my opinion, it depends on whether we're talking about ONLY the films / shows, or the franchise in its totality. For me, that's the difference between putting Marvel above or below Game of Thrones and Harry Potter.

Why does everyone overrated the star wars movies?

>Cuaron's single film is better than most entries in those series alone.
>Prisoner of Azkaban better than Fellowship of the Ring
>Prisoner of Azaban better than A New Hope

you have problems lmao

Game of Thrones assuming the books stay.

They can all go. Fuck that nerd shit.

Harry Potter

LoTR gave us tax posting and daughter posting
Game of Thrones is over
Star Wars is cinema history
Not all MCU films are equally trash some are enjoyable like Infinity War

Potter is second best in this list. The 8 movies unironically are better than the star wars "Saga" by a very far margin and I've always liked star wars.

Most early-mid 00 franchises aren't forgotten in general. Pirates of the Caribbean, Matrix, etc.
Doesn't mean all of those are great. Also, all of those franchises got stained by sup-bar sequels/prequels like the Hobbit series, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and obviously TLJ.
The situation with the MCU isn't much different. But capeshit isn't something you can simply "forget". Try forgetting Batman.

In order or needs to go:

0. Nu-SW
1. Harry Potter
2. GoT
3. Mahvel
4. SW
5. LotR

>muh muh muh fellowship of the ring is the only blockbuster than can be kino
user fellowship and prisoner of azkaban are both amazing films and yes the latter is better than a new hope objectively.

You have actual problems and don't have an eye.

Hard disagree. On average, maybe, but not at all when you compare their best entries.

All the MCU films are equally 0/10 trash
>liking marvel above anything

>cuaron isn't a better director than the director of attack of the clones or the hobbit movies
Lmao try watching it on a big screen.

Pirates and matrix are all better than MCU.
Even as sub par as fantasitc beasts and where to find them is compared to harry potter it was still more enjoyable than the MCU films released since

>>liking marvel above anything
What's wrong with that? It's easily the most versatile one in the list. That they aren't using this to their advantage is a different matter.
But you can have Star Wars + HP + Lotr in a capeshit setting. That's probably why it's such a popular thing to begin with. But of course,
>popular = bad

Potter has the most underrated and actual kino entries if I'm being completely honest
Lotr has 2 or 3 since the hobbit movies aren't counting
Potter has more than that.
Star Wars has 2 or 3 at best as well.
And the most offensive are surely the hobbit movies and the nuwars

You get one last reply, thanks for the laugh. They are the same poorly done movie over and over again

Yes... Prisoner of Azkaban... such stunning cinematography...

Attached: prisonerofazkaban.jpg (1407x599, 110K)

To each their own I guess. I'd rather watch any MCU film over any of the nuSequels/Prequels.
But then again I value horror franchises more than everything in OP's pic, so I'm an unique case.

Reminder the marvel movies are so bad that Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi was better than every single MCU movie combined. And this fact really upsets normalfags, they hate Johnson and love MCUshit.

>posts a shitty pixelated screencap to prove his non argument
You're sad and a snob the film looks great.

My favorite franchises are

Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Harry Potter
Jurassic Park - although spielbergs are the only "good" ones

What I'm saying is that the setting itself is versatile. Whether they use this to their advantage is a different matter, but they could. There's nearly no limits in a capeshit setting.
Part of what makes Star Wars appealing is that blend of fantasy + sci fi.

Star Wars and its not even close.
It breaks my heart what they did to it.

>There's nearly no limits in a capeshit setting
Capeshit movies are constantly limiting their tone and style to that of shit. It's why the franchise has no memorable music. The composers aren't inspired at all to make anything memorable.

I think we can all agree Star Wars got the short end of the stick more than any other franchise.
I literally stopped caring about it which I never thought would be possible.

Even Kylo Ren's theme composed by John Williams in the nuwars movies is more memorable than anything in the MCU, think about it for one second.

Attached: kylo reaction.png (316x513, 98K)

The Last Jedi was unironically kino and Rian Johnson's trilogy is all I'm looking forward to as far as Star Wars goes now.

>Capeshit movies are constantly limiting their tone
That's the main issue. Squandered potential for literally every fictional trope/thing you would wanna see. But they mostly follow a safe cookie cutter formula.
That being said, this might change in the future. One example is the Joker movie which seems like it'll be a different type of film. That's the versatility the setting brings, which is why I wouldn't get rid of capeshit culture.
Also, the fanbases being largely asinine didn't stop me from liking Star Wars. The people who made the latter films did.

>one example is the Joker movie which seems like it'll be a different type of film
From the director of "The Hangover"
I will give you some advice it will be shit and don't pay for it.

While I didn't think it was quite as bad or irredeemable as a lot of people do, the divide in opinions alone, and the surrouding controvery was enough to leave a sour taste in my mouth.
This is Star Wars we're talking about. It should be the holy grail of fictional cinema. Instead, you had a situation that was mediocre at best, with lots of variable opinions.
Far better to leave a franchise be, instead of parading it's corpse with over exploitation.
Take the Terminator franchise for example. It didn't need any sequels past T2.

>From the director of "The Hangover"
That means nothing to me until I see the movie.
Ridley Scott is a great director, yet you saw what happened to Covenant.
The opposite could be true as well.
Anthony & Joe Russo were literal nobodies who directed some piece of shit rom coms and "pet" movies and yet they did Winter Soldier, which while not a great film, was far more than I would expect from someone with their resume.

t2 was the mcdonalds sequel to the terminator movie that wasn't needed in the first place

same shit as aliens
cameron is a hack

truth be told the skywalker saga needs to end so they finally do something different but i liked the last jedi it was prequel tier in pissing off normies too which is a plus


Star wars
Got and Hp are dead already and the MCU produces serviceable movies

Covenant was one of the 10 or 12 only good movies from 2017.

Pro tip: don't go comparing Ridley Scott to the director of the Hangover

The joker movie is going to be abysmally bad filmmaking, try hard scorsese taxi driver joker edition mixed with try hard hangover comedy

anthony and joe russo are television directors who can't do anything but halmark channel drama and fast cutting action

LOTR's trilogy is over so it's dead, you're getting black elves now

>t2 was the mcdonalds sequel to the terminator movie that wasn't needed in the first place
Yes, and Aliens demystified the Xenomorph and followed up an eerie space horror with a popcorn action sequel. Nevertheless, if you NEED to have a sequel, those two are good examples of one.
Still miles ahead of what came after. Similarly, you if NEED to have a sequel to Predator, Part 2 is about as good as it gets, at least in terms of concept.
Blade Runner din't technically need a sequel either, but BR2049 turned out to be better than expected. So it isn't always a disaster to make a sequel. Just not necessary in a lot of cases.

I'm glad you agree that Terminator and Alien are patrician.

I was thinking about that but this question isn't clear does it remove the movies from existence or just stop future productions?
I'd like to atleast keep the old lord of the rings

>don't go comparing Ridley Scott to the director of the Hangover
I wasn't really. Just giving an example of how an otherwise good director can deliver something (most) people will consider sub-par. I don't think Covenant is shit, but one could definitely expect more from Scott. I didn't think the Martian was particularly good either.
>anthony and joe russo are television directors
Yes, which is exactly why it's impressive that they could deliver a non-halmark channel movie. I'm not saying they're great directors, but they've surpassed themselves in terms of what you can expect them to bring to the table. You can shit on their MCU flicks, but they're above Hallmark level.
As for the Joker, all we can do now is speculate, which is meaningless. We'll talk when it comes out. Might be shit, might be kino in disguise. We'll see.

The first hang over was kinda fun in that it's relatable

Sure. If you like the Terminator, try pic related. Not nearly as good, but imo a worthwhile watch. More so than Genisys or the upcoming Dark Fate garbage.

Attached: The-Guest-Poster.jpg (1490x1080, 622K)

mcu and its not even close


Option a) the director of the hangover who did two trash hangover movies afterwards and other bad comedies is secretly a kino director and this is going to be his magnus opus

option b) the jewish director of the hangover is a for hire dude trying to make as little money as he can directing flicks, he has no artistry and is doing an edgy capeshit movie to try and capitalize on the type of people who would even watch the trailer

this is so obviously the correct answer idk why this thread even exists

>and this is going to be his magnus opus
It will probably be his magnum opus even if it's shit lol

And yes the martian was shit, but Covenant was fine

>the reddit answer is the obviously correct one
This is so obviously a shit post idk why this even exists

Marvel, how is this even a contest? even if none had to go, I'd fucking pick marvel.

star wars

MCU has fans. nobody complains. the movies are not being changed in ways that piss people off. they are more popular than ever. its fans enjoy it.

harry potter is the same. its fans enjoy it. leave it alone.

GOT was good until the show ended, and its fans liked it until then. but it's over and not coming back. let it be dead.

lord of the rings is also gone forever, even though its second half (hobbit films) were bad the same way GOT and star wars became bad and hated by their fans in the end. but, it is dead and never coming back. leave it in the ground.

that leaves star wars. the movies are bad, copies, awful, and have insulted fans of all ages. the movies are being used as political liberal pandering on top of all the glib facsimile and bad storytelling that goes in. its fans hate it, and for good reason. it has changed and become something awful which people only hate. look at it - barely six months before this final star wars movie, there is next to no news.

kill star wars. let its first three movies live on in the memories of its fans. this is the one that is causing the most harm currently.

I prefer Prometheus and Covenant to Aliens but don't tell anyone.

good bait you truly are the master shitposter of Yea Forums

>muh lotrrrr omg

Attached: holy.png (999x2499, 1.67M)

I prefer them too they are the best ones besides the original by far.

>thinking im going to read that retard reddit infographic
truly, you have become, the master shitposter of 4channel

>being so new you don't know you're NPC

Whichever way you look at it, Lotr is either the best or at least the most preserved franchise up there. But Hobbit is a different story.
Also, MCU > GoT.

im an npc because i like lotr? get a grip

You're NPC because you like all redditors act like it's above every single movie ever made, aka you're elitist

Harry Potter for sure
trash like Game of Thrones(the show) and MCU and maybe also nu star wars would have never made it if it wasn't for manchildren(and womenchildren) that grew up with that anti-art shit infecting their brains

Lotr is shit because of the hobbit movies which you can see Hackson doing hobbit tier shit in the two towers and return of the king, hell even fellowship of the ring has capeshit tier fucking quips all over the place. Every time merry and pippin talk it's cringe.

i literally never said that. why are you so upset? why are you putting words in my mouth? holy fuck get a grip

Harry Potter is the only good franchise on the list. The proof is Yea Forums hating on it still after all these years.

Hobbit is shit, Lotr is kino. One of the most insufferable cunts I know IRL is a huge Lotr fan, and even he couldn't make me dislike the OT.
It's always annoying when something good is popular, but it is what it is. I'm not a fan for the meme.

The truth is, whichever franchise is your favorite, that's the best.
Out of all those I care the least about Harry Potter, but I can appreciate the fact that it has a huge fanbase. Outright terrible products rarely get popular, so all of the franchises in OP's pic have/had something going for them, even if it's surface level.
The popular = bad meme needs to die.

>lotr is kino
Blanket statement made by someone born after 1998

How can you enjoy HP less than Game of Thrones lmao.
You're right that the popular = bad meme needs to die but it's correct about MCU

this dude is seething

>Harry Potter is the only good franchise on the list

Attached: 1558809802570.jpg (984x850, 114K)

ITT: anyone who doesn't say Star Wars or Marvel is a confirmed retard

>GOT is done
>Pottershit barely relevant
>Stah Wahz can be revived by someone competent in the future
>Lotr isn't even a thing anymore but it was based at the time

>_X_ is barely relevant with the woke society of 2019
So it's good?

Most of my favorite movies are circa 1960's though. Lotr is a good trilogy, get over it. Star Wars is a good trilogy too.

And HP is a good series. Those three franchises all have the types movies which will never be made again, sadly.

RIP Blockbusters
Jaws - 2012