What did the blip do to global politics, or economy?
Half of the population of the entire planet leaving for five years and coming back has to have some impact.
Were any governments destabilized?
Is the MCU Earth going into a great depression?
What did the blip do to global politics, or economy?
This is a Marvel movie, there are no consequences just witty one liners and snark.
How will the snap affect insurance policies and debt?
This is the perfect time for them to add Dr. Doom in as the savior of the destabilized world.
what were the tax policies of the snap?
Life insurance payouts would have happened earlier, and there's no way they'd be able to get that money back when the poeple come back.
Debts would have been ended or transferred upon being snapped away.
Insurance companies probably won't have been affected much, usually there is a clause preventing claims due to mass events like disasters and terrorism simply because they wouldn't have enough money for that many payouts.
And no this is not a good thing for those holding the debt. Sure student loans disappearing might be nice for some, but not if I'm dead for 5 years and my house goes back to the bank.
Hell, most of the billions of people blipped would come back homeless. The only reason the cast of Spider-Man got away so light is because they all lived with their parents.
Sometimes I wish Marvel wasn't so light hearted. Since they weren't actually going to reverse time I would have liked to see some films inbetween IW and Endgame to show how everything has gone to shit.
Maybe we can get an in-universe documentary on Disney+
How is Spiderman supposed to deal with half of his classmates being like five years older?
Did they address this in the new movie? I didn't see it.
They addressed it in minor ways.
Parker's rival for MJ's love was a fellow student who had been a boy before the blip, and now he's their own age.
That might still happen in a short or something
People that were snapped away on planes, cars, ships, etc reappear and then die again or at least get seriously injured, millions will die, hospitals and morgues will be overloaded for years, millions more will die for lack of treatment/
Global food production, which has adjusted downward in the last 5 years, is suddenly overburdened with billions of people.
Basic utilities from electricity to sewage will be completely overloaded.
Billions find themselves homeless after their houses/apartments/etc have been repossessed or purchased by others.
Hundreds of millions of couples/spouses find that their significant others have moved on.
There will be no jobs for 99% of people returning
Billions lose their faith (if they haven't already since everyone knows superhumans and aliens exist) once they realize that none of the people returning remember an afterlife.
The global economy will crash, expect mass starvation, rampant crime, and millions of mass suicides.
And that's just on Earth.
Basically the effects of undoing the snap will be significantly worse than snap. Tony Stark will be remembered as the man who destroyed the earth and threw the universe into a dark age.
This will be explained in a joke (or implied where fans explain how they answered this question through vague dialogue) in the sequels/ tv shows.
Accoriding to Far from Home none of this matters.They had a perfect opportunity to show how the world has changed through Peter and his friends.
His supporting cast could have been vastly improved by aging up some characters and showing how dynamics change when your friends grow up without you. But instead they wasted it on a Asian Chad subplot that went nowhere.
Hulk did the reverse snap. Tony snapped away everyone affiliated with Thanos. Or did Tony just kill all bad guys/baddies/villains? So he just killed Putin, Old Hitler, Gamora, Galactus, and Dormammu?
Cause I think at least one of the aliens that were fighting for thanos had no other choice (Like some Nazis). Those giant gorilla monsters look like they were forced to fight against their will. So some innocent were dusted away.
How could Tony effortlessly snap when Banner struggled to do it and Half-Celestial Quill nearly died when holding a single stone and Thanos painfully recoils everytime here adds a stone to the guantlet
Mcu fan will say, he was struggling look at the footage again. But one would think he would be twisting in pain because he is human/ but part machine, remember the magic nano tech. I deduct that Tony had to snap relatively less individuals. Unless he killed Dormammu or Galactus. Those two musg have been in touch with thanos right?
The nigga died that's like the opposite of effortless
>What did the blip do to global politics, or economy?
What about nature in general?
The last time we had a movie do something like that people screamed it was too dark
I think he was saying why Tony didn't flinch as much as fucking Thanos when holding all of the stones.
Hulk only reversed the snap in 1st world nations. He left Africa, China, India and Indonesia with half populations.
Based. Saudi Arabia was conveniently left out as well I believe
India & China dropping from 1.4 billion each down to 700 million & the USA going from 330 million to 165 million along with Russia going from 145m to 75m as well as other major nations like Japan, Germany, France, UK & Italy all dropping down to 60 to 30 million would have annihilated the global economy. Throw Brazil in because it's also a huge exporter of food (2nd place in beef behind the USA) and you also have a major agriculture problem because everything will seize up because China, India, USA & Brazil are the top 4 food producers. While you don't have as many people to feed, you now have half the population involved in the creation of said food, which combined with the halved market, just wrecks the supply/demand scale and economies of scale.
Then 5 years later possibly just as everything is going back to some kind of normality, here come another 3.5 billion people back to life that the planet is no longer producing for. If there was massive widespread death & destruction after the first one, the planet may only have been building things for 2 to 3 billion people not the "half" 3.75. So you might now have a planet 'designed' for 2 billion or less people that suddenly has 5.5 billion.
What about people who were dusted while on planes?
? just turn off your brain bro
In Endgame they say something about seeing whales in New York harbor, so I think the snap was overall as helpful as Thanos expected it to be, while it lasted.
Shills are going to say Hulk thought of a proper solution which explains why he was screaming in pain. Which by the way he said later he was trying to get Widow back. So probably the "wish" isn't as simple as we assume. "Snap every people back!" More like, "The event that happened 5 years ago at 17:00 Eastern time 50 degrees by blah de blah, this event destroyed economies but my snap wish will use magic to stabalize the economies and environment for these people, also, the people that were in planes spawn on comfy bouncy houses. But the kids at that high school spiderman goes to, spawn in the basketball court, wouldn't that be funny." Remember Hulk is a Genius.
And yet 90% of this wouldn't matter because you have trillion dollar corporate entities like Stark Industries backed by hyper-geniuses like the Hulk who would easily be able to bioengineer enough resources in a short span of time to make these issues a non-factor.
it was all of the animals and birds and stuff too. I've seen videos of deer with their jaw missing just wandering around waiting to die and shit. did those get snapped and now they have to come back and suffer? hulk unsnapped the entire universe too so it's not just limited to earth. does this also include plankton? wtf does this do to the ocean? what about other planets?
Teah but comic book supergeniuses and trillionaires don't give a shit about actually helping people, they just want to beat up freaks in costumes.
Because Hulk and Thanos snapped HALF THE FUCKING UNIVERSE while Tony just snapped Thanos and his army, You're talking about scales that are literally trillions of times different from one another.
This. Do we have an idea what that number might range? Less than a million right?
Watch The Leftovers. Same concept on a smaller scale.
3 percent of the worlds population disappears. The show follows those that are left and how they deal with it. They neber get an answer as to why it happens and how they have to take that in emotionally.
So no one is starving in Africa in the MCU. How did Tony stark deal with israel? Or King Jong Un? Putin?