is there anything he can't do?
Is there anything he can't do?
not fuck dogs
He can't give quality film criticism
Critique films
Pay merk
Dogs that outrun him
Someone post the vid from A Quiet Place with him getting rekt(unintentionally?) by RedLetterMedia
this one?
>Old films are bad because of the context in which they came from
Is he a brainlet or is this big brain?
He is a dumb retard.
based dog fucker with wrong opinions
RLM is on the wrong here for being super hypocritical and selective in which movies can and can't be criticized based on plot holes
have kids
Holy shit what an infuriatingly bad take
Make a film, even though he suggested he might try.
I'd fucking love to see him completely fail at making a film
I know this is bait but I actually agree, OP. He's definitely my most-admired individual Youtuber, but RLM/Mega64 as entities surpass him in my book.
My opinions are Reddit-tier bait, aren't they?
How is this dogfucking mongoloid taken seriously by anyone at all?
I don't know, I love the both of them, but RLM feels a little superior here in a way that reflects poorly on them. There are, believe it or not, more than 1 kinds of ways to review a fucking film. Also, it's not like YMS only complained about plot holes in his review. Comparing YMS to Cinemasins is unfair because that is literally ALL the latter does.
He said that Citizen Kane started narrative structures that should be enough for people to realize that he is a dumb cunt. Also this . He is not a film critic at all. Film critics should have a certain knowledge about history of film and film in general. Mark Kermode and Armond White those are film critics.
It's an ok opinion to have if you're younger than, say, 16. As the corpus of films you watch grows, you'll realize what an idiot he is.
>It's an ok opinion to have if
>Okay only if
You're not American, are you?
That would be hilarious.
I think he is right, though. Try and tell me that certain elements of Touch of Evil aren't totally alienating and mystifying to you as a modern viewer with certain expectations for a film to technically pull off a message in a way that's not weird and oblique and outdated. I don't think he's saying you must disregard these films, he's saying that if you rate them without the handicap of accounting for when they were made then you really have little choice but to notice those glaring flaws. Remember that film is an entertainment medium, if a film fails to engage you at any point, for any reason, it's worth pointing out.
I was actually in disbelief as I heard him say that. I don't even watch films for a living and I could have told you that that wasn't true. Confirmed turbobrainlet.
>entertainment medium
pretty good b8. the last sentence gave it away, though
Ok, let's hear the nitpick which doesn't address my core argument at all, because you're choosing to ignore the fact that I was clearly talking about fucking films which come out in theaters.
If you're trying to say that just because opinions are subjective, that all of them are equally acceptable or valid, you're wrong. Some opinions are informed by accurate facts, and others are skewed by limited information and falsehoods. That's another thing you'll learn as you get older.
>as you get older
Do you jack off to the thought that you're mentoring someone?
Are you trying to say that opinions can't be objectively bad? Do you think that a belief or opinion that is acceptable to hold as a child, like thinking Santa is real, can't be ridiculous to hold as an adult?
You're not a retard are you?
Also, I'm not
why does he wear the fursuit?
Actually, I just think you're annoying.
I haven't seen Touch of Evil, try it with another film so i know what are you talking about.
>I was clearly talking about fucking films which come out in theaters.
What are you even blabbering about?
Don't ask rhetorical questions like that, it makes you look like a bitter idiot who can't actually hold his own argument because he has to resort to fallacies.
What defines "acceptable" to you? Because what is the difference between believing in Jesus and believing in Santa? They both are lies we tell ourselves to make it feel like there's actual goodness in the world. The fact is that entertainers like the ones mentioned appeal to all types of people. It's especially a bad idea to assume that because you disagree with someone who trucks in ideas you don't believe, you need to bring in some sense of "objectivity" (which in truth is just all of your friends reinforcing your opinion, echochamber bullshit) to hold down an argument that isn't worth having, and one you certainly cannot win.
What an immature response. How old are you?
anything that isnt a dog
A Quiet Place was genuinely an absolutely awful movie. It requires you to literally “turn your brain off”, and even then, it isn’t enjoyable. More than half of what happens makes absolutely zero sense and is just there to take a jab at people’s emotional responses. Why/how was anyone pissed at YMS review of this fucking shitshow?
Literally Citizen Kane, if you listened to your reviled opinionator.. Nosferatu. Old goofy pointless, plotless films. Anything made with questionable decisions by modern standards before a certain point in time that are otherwise highly-praised films because most people give them the "dated" leeway. I'm not saying that it isn't right to praise those films, it's just that I personally will never get much out of something which doesn't speak to me as a more modernized viewer.
the first thing that I thought of
nice b8
Yes, you are either retarded or baiting.
boy that's one hell of a projection kid.
as per usu, when unable to engage, accuse of trolling
Anyone who thinks art is objective should be laughed at.
I think you're annoying because you're being intentionally obtuse. Opinions can be informed by better context and more facts as you mature. You're clearly trying to argue that one opinion is just as good as another, and that's not true. Not because an opinion is objectively right or not, but because some are just more defensible. If you have the opinion "Adum is an informed, educated reviewer." The fact that he believes Citizen Kane was groundbreaking because it "started narrative structures" is a point against that.
Refute that, then. Prove how other films set the standard. You are the prosecutor of YMS' opinions. Prove your position.
Have sex
Resort to ridicule
when is pointing out a plot hole okay and when does it become nitpicking?
let's use the last jedi as an example, which of its plot holes can and can't be ignored?
It's already in the thread, m8. Tons of pre-Citizen-Kane films had narrative structure, and that's not even what people hold it up as groundbreaking for.
You said Citizen Kane and Nosferatu are plotless films
It's not, though. Not a single film was mentioned in this thread as an example. The prosecution is floundering and resorting to meme opinions about YMS, as usual. Again: GIve me examples.
>mentioned in this thread
Literally just watch the linked video you blind retard.
Wizard of Oz
OK I have a serious question for you, are you the dogfucker or dogfucker adjacent? I'm inclined to think so, given your fervent defense of him, your fedora-tipping digression about god, and your tenuous grasp of argumentation.
summarizing the story, pointing out "plot holes" and then commenting on the elements of a film like acting, directing, cinematography with either good or bad is the lowest form of film criticism
Wait, so you can't parse whether or not what it's saying is true because of the site's supposed political affiliation? Gosh, that never happens here, either..
Why do you feel the need to reply to every single post criticizing you, Adam? I'm sure you'd have more peace of mind if you turned off google alerts.
I ignored quite a few, yours are just particularly juicy for how weak they are. You do know that we're all listed as anonymous, right?
film critics are just people who didn't have enough courage to try and be filmmakers
Yeah, because there definitely exists no need for critics or teachers in this world and no one ever decided to be one of those things because they saw an opportunity to have a job. Critics, and teachers, are both people who are defined only by their failures in life and never are they ever people who actually like their job. I forgot these basic facts.
6/10, in film terms, means "better than average." It does not mean "D," but maybe you forgot that since grade school is not far behind you.
>equating critics with teachers
top kek
shouldn’t you be fucking dogs or something right now adam
I know that. I am just saying that more or less this is what everyone one of his "reviews" are, bland.
The majority of the films he reviews are bland, that's what I blame it on. When he gets a hold of something truly worthwhile it breaks out of that familiar feeling. Not even saying I disagree that a lot of his reviews feel samey, I just don't understand what point that even serves.
You should invite me onto your podcast, we could talk about that dude who fucked a horse and died from a penetrated colon. Want my email?
critics aren't the same as teachers, dipshit. anyone who treats them like teachers is a fucking moron
Maybe when I start my inevitable basedpilled podcast one day, I'll invite you on as a token opposition guest to spitroast like you're that retarded blonde Repub who shows up on CNN.
>rational wiki
and my hat's of to you, scholarly gentleman!
The same criticism is leveled at teachers was my point. It is said that those who teach are too cowardly to do the things they teach about. It's a very popular, very stupid stereotype that makes everyone who ever hated their teachers or the people who made fun of their favorite capeshit films feel like they've disregarded the right lot.
whats the video where he complains about some incident at the cinema for half the review?
>Adam, as usual, scouring those threads, trying new angles of attack to defend his reputation and deflect from the fact that he FUCKS DOGS
too much time on your hands, m8
everyone agrees adam & pals is funny right
It's ironic that you just engaged in the fallacy fallacy. Along with the fact that it's also covered by several orgs and PBS, it's mentioned by RLM, and those are the approved pundits here so you'd think you'd already know what I'm talking about
review movies without nitpicking "logical plot inconsistencies"
make an album
not take drugs
not be a furry
hold a real job
have children
Adam, if you're in this thread, please make a film. Or at least attempt to do so. We would really love to see it
If he was a white girl you hypocrites would be okay with it.
damn, the stories about you are right after all, you do respond to every single shitpost that engages you.
one friendly word of advice: resorting to fallacy accusations at every single opportunity makes you look like an idiot savant that has nothing worthwhile to say.
well he fucks dogs so
You should apply to become a janitor, it pays pretty well for someone with your job experience. Plus, you'll get to delete threads being mean to you. Think on it, Hiro's always hiring.
Well, it's getting pretty late here in sunny Hawaii. I think I'll have a stogie then go to bed. Email me when you're ready for a lashing at [email protected]
the worst movies get the least substantive reviews, because what can be said
4 songs
alcoholic only now
what do you do for work, and does it bring you joy?
he's fucking gay
I don't know who he is
nigga did you just accuse me of being a genius... good one, man, I need some ice for that hot tea you just spilled on my ass
You tryna suck some dick?
do they not have a definiton for idiot savant on the rationalwiki? An idiot savant is someone who is clinically retarded, yet displays an above average intellectual skill in a single field. In this case, it would be your uncanny knowledge of fallacies, a frighteningly useful skill
Nigga just admit you are obliquely confessing that you got bodied in the debate. You couldn't even call me a straight retard, you had to give me concession, and you even describe me as possessing "frighteningly useful skills." Like, c'mon my little niglet, you want this dick or not? I haven't been in a relationship in a long time unless you count the streaming buddies, so I'm ready to whip out the Bad Dragon and ream you a good one. Getting mad sub vibes from you.
let's add coming up with convoluted fantasies to that ever growing list of skills
Make love to a beautiful woman without the use of synthetic drugs in order to maintain an erection and not imagining her as anything but herself
insightful criticism
But what if her real self is a dog, merely trapped in the body of a female human?
Checkmate, nerd.
I agree with this poster. Why in the fuck is the wizard of oz so universally praised? it's narratively a children's movie and aside from the lighting and set nothing really stands out to me as very good
stop fucking dogs adum
Anne frankly, I did nazi that coming. I literally came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly so to the top with you! Lost it at 'This is why we can't have nice things' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'murican, I can confirm this gem has just won the internet and is doing it right. Just sayin', I know that feel, bro, and while that was a risky click, this post was a 9/10, 11/10 with rice, would read again. I see what you did there and it feels good man. You're doing God's work, son. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You - I like you. You magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, a gentleman and a scholar, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. I regret that I only have one upvote to give for this cool story, bro. CTRL+F "about tree fiddy" was not disappointed. Wait, why do I have you tagged as "NOPE NOPE NOPE"? Nice try, you monster. You are now banned from /r/pyongyang What did I just read? Dafuq? I read that as "YOU HAD ONE JOB". I can't fap to this. No true scotsman could see that this relevant XKCD was bad, and you should feel bad. You must be new to reddit, so I'll see your cakeday and raise you a karma train. One does not simply rustle my jimmies, not even once. Jet fuel can't melt dank memes, that stahp gave me cancer for science, so that's enough internet for me today. OP is a fuzzy little man-peach, 2/10, would not bang. What is this I don't even know how is this wtf? Fuck Jenny. Circlejerk must be leaking. This will get buried but brace yourselves, some men want to watch the world burn right in the feels.
Came here to post this
>old good
>new bad
Yea Forums is filled with absolute brainlets
this, they didn't even have capekino back then
Nobody is saying new is bad. Of course the amount of great films made in the past is higher than the amount great films made today. The point is that he is claiming to be a film critic without any knowledge of film and film history. He is not a critic just like the bloggers on rottentomatoes aren't film critics. His insistence on being a film critic is embarrassing.
>Of course the amount of great films made in the past is higher than the amount great films made today
You're embarrassing. I feel like you'd criticize YMS for being too "art house" but then you literally only saw John Wick 3 and some anime films this year because those are true "kino." You watch old films because you're pretentious and you watch fewer new films... because you're pretentious.
[sad puppy noises]
Maybe A-D (10-6) is just a shorthand for the movie having some element making it worth a watch while F is anything below is painfully average to terrible so not worth most people's time.
someone please post the review that he starts off with a couple of minutes of complaining about some incident he had at the theater where he was told to put his legs off the seat or something; cant find it right now this dogfucker makes a lot of fucking quickies
you, yes you, the dogfucker defener, you must know which exact video im talking about
Get the fuck outta here.
I'm just saying I can see how the system works even if it's a bit clumsy. I still prefer it to shitty IGN 8/10 it's ok reviews.
No self-respecting critic would use a "clumsy" system opposed to one that actually makes logical sense.
Yes the projection is real you dumb cunt. I mostly watch art house films so i basically see the films that yms and maybe some more. John Wick 3 i have yet to see and i don't watch anime. I watch about the same of amount of newer and older films. I can pick any year this decade and then any year of 50s and 60s and 50s and 60s will have better films that's just the way it is. There are no directors like Vlacil, Tarkovsky, Bergman, Dreyer, Kieslowski, Wilder, Ford, Fellini, Mizoguchi, Angelopoulos, Tarr etc around anymore. Still some great films are being made but definitely not the same amount as in the past. YMS can suck Haneke off all day long, the fact is that his latest film was okay at best. The same goes for Steve McQueen.
All I could hear was "I am completely unable to cope"
Alright retard.
Why do we have this exact same thread every day?
damn you got rekt
It gets lot of replies
I understand his viewpoint, but by the same stretch of logic all of the newer films he likes would be considered lesser because their cinematography is limited by out technology.
What he should have just said was "i have nothing against these older movies, i just didn't enjoy them as much as XYZ" and that would have been a perfectly fine explanation.
Where does the "fuck dogs" meme come from exactly?
he fucks dogs
when did he say that?
Kill yourself zoomer, the only brainlet is you
this. I don't know why one shouldn't be able to criticize bad writing
He fucks horses though.
Can you be more specific, I'm not sure I understand?
He's a furry, which is never a good sign, but he revealed on a stream of Mass Effect that he thinks sex with animals shouldn't be illegal. I understood his perspective from a purely soulless, legalistic standpoint, but considering I've seen how touchy he gets about people accusing him of wanting to fuck animals (I remember making a joke about it years ago when he streamed Uncharted and he got incredibly defensive); it probably reveals a certain desire from the guy.
You can't be more specific.
>there are more great films made 2010-2019 that there are 1915-2009
a post he made on reddit where he said there's nothing wrong with fucking animals
he doesn't. he said people who fuck dogs shouldn't go to jail because other animals (such as Cows, Pigs for e.g.) are artificially insemenated on an industrial scale (on something known as a rape rack) - usually in inhumane conditions. He personally supports neither but wanted to point out how one was seen as socially acceptable and the other wasn't
Someone else pointed out how he complains about when movies set a location by telling you in text where they are, and the one time they didn't do this (Godzilla, 2014) he just assumed Godzilla was attacking Japan and ranted for like a minute about the lack of Japanese people, when it was actually and quite obviously Hawaii.
>Whatever... *long hesitation*... left wing... opinion I want
Pure cringe. Thanks for that. I bet you're stoked about Johnson m8... in more ways than one
Based Americanized Brit.
Holy fuck, dude, you are one sad, strange little man. Get help. Get medication. Please don't kill your Mom.
I'm fucking dead.
lol what an idiot. I guess we should just wait for animals to fuck naturally and when they don't we'll just go meatless for half a year on a nationwide scale! Not to mention there's a significant difference between artificial insemination and having sex with an animal.