What kind of powerplay was going on here?
What kind of powerplay was going on here?
Other urls found in this thread:
pieceoshit > hi wowee > etsubatsu
reply to this post if you're a real nigga
I wonder what this man beast is up to nowadays
people will support abortion but not euthanization of legit retards and cripples
Why do Americans look like this
Result of a high carb/high sugar diet
fluoride in the water
what the FUCK was his problem
high fructose corn syrup
What do (You) Think
too much feed
one of the better things Yea Forums has done
maybe he just wanna feel them fresh milkers senpai
Dr. Woowie, I'm Etsubatsu.
oh my gosh
I can smell his body odor.
This, Drive, BR 2049, what else is some essential Yea Forumscore literally everyone on this board should be made to watch?
This is like Gus Van Sant's remake of Psycho... self indulgent, subpar, and unnecessary.
What race is that? Looks like a "mom had a free for all that night" mix.
>What race is that?
Is this peak performance
formerly checked
I miss ESTABANTU posting
I still rewatch this master piece time to time. The Welch lad as the mother always gets me
>think you know master pieces
Yea Forums what do if you end up having a severely autistic child?
Drop him in the woods and try again.
>end up
science has progressed enough to tell me way before it gets born if its gonna be a downie or assburgered
No. Autism still cannot be identified prior to birth.
nice, this is some next level shit
its etsubatsu you fucking failure
Leave him alone, you big bully!
Thank you nice user
np, brah
he was sent from god to punish his morher
no screw you!
>ywn see the dragonkino written by that sperg
increase SIDS by one
HEY! Watch how you come across. People can get hurt!
I hope you pick up a weight thats too heavy and it breaks your arm
That's what you get for trying to counter-bully me
Stop hurting other anons with nastiness and hurtful words that sting! This is a blue board
Do Americans look like this?
>comments are disabled for this video
well, yeah
Take your dumb smelly doll and get out of here, don't ever tell me what to do
someone post the autistic guy with the busty milf
watch thomas with him and play with my electric trains all day
really makes you think
and maybe play builder?
sure is reddit in here
b-b-but British women are ugly!!!!
I hope you breaking your arm hardens you into a stronger person who learns not to fear pain, but embrace it as an opportunity to grow.
>can't tell pepeposting from apuposting
nah brah
great cinematography here
what's with his chest?
mutt genes
My aunt and uncle had a kid pretty late in life and it came out with a chromosome missing
>can't walk
>can't talk
>can't communicate in any way shape or form
>Doctors say there's no way it will ever have the mental capacity to do any of those things, ever
>aunt and uncle still refuse to put it in a group home and spend most of their time on forums talking to other people who have kids with this problem trying to convince each other that someday it'll get better
If I ever have kids of my own I'm getting every test imaginable done to make sure there's no issues with the fetus, no way in hell am I going through what they've had to go through the last 15 years
careful, fen
As God intended.
who this
>Watashi wa Nicholas desu