This is Swedish commercial
It's actually Finnish but I get your point
this is SWEDISH company, okay? This is not Finnish!
Just selling juice goy, no other purpose
I am too frustrated by this commercial to watch it multiple times, can someone explain what is the link between the birth and the product being sodl?
"So how will this help us sell juice?"
What's wrong with a biracial gay couple? Are you a bigot?
There will be people in this thread who believe that the webm is about a swedish white husband hugging the black guy who impregnated his wife and not that its a surrogate mother for the two gay guys
it's a beautiful new day in svenska land, filled with only the best juice.
Don't ruin my juice
Literally nothing. Anything is game for pushing their propaganda, doesn't even have to be relevant. You could have a laundry detergent ad with interracial gay boning, and just tie it in at the end with "happy thoughts and tolerance! buy schlomoclean!"
Swede here, it's weird enough seeing these commercials when black people make up roughly 2% of the population. That's 1/7th of America's black population.
You don't want to be like that BORING, OLD FASHIONED family, do you, consumer?
gays buy almost as much as women, capitalists love them
What a fucking rollercoaster
>white woman giving birth!
>but the child is black!
>and the husband is white!
>but he's happy about it!
>here's the biological father!
>but he's gay and married to the other guy!
>it's a fucking juice commercial!
Honestly props to whoever made this, 10/10
Wow, promoting interracial gay couples who recruit white women to rent their wombs for black babies! So much better, you had me worried for a bit
Wow I was legitimately confused looking for the punchline.
then explain why the baby is black if she's a surrogate (best case scenario is the black got to reproduce and the white will not)
Good thing I will use my fine tuned racial proclivities to create a white family with a white spouse, and not continue to rot in a relationshipless hell of an existence in my room until I die ahahaha
How can I stop my undying hatred for negros? I can't help It, when I see one I just wanna fucking kill every single one of them.
>How can I stop my undying hatred for negros?
have sex
get into basketball
It's a good morning when your baby is born healthy. Seems like a pretty simple message.
Iktfb. Christ is the answer. I have no other solution to present.
how the fuck was texas so white. did they just kick all the spics out?
Maybe see a shrink and find out where that built up hate really comes from and how to fix it.
fought a war of secession from mexico
reminder that this counts mixed race (white and non-white) as completely not white, therefore its white people's fault that America is becoming less white
>daughter is lighter than her parents
What is it? Are black families a recent thing?
It's a combination of several factors. A lot of "tejanos" left texas during/after the independence war. Racial discrimination was a factor in this. There were also forced repatriations after texas became a state.
Consider the fact that texas was sparsely populated in the 1830's (not going to google this, but somewhere around 40,000 people white or not). Large populations of whites moved in for cheap farm land or later for industrial work.
that makes sense. i forgot about population differences over time
Of all the women, they had to choose one with a broken reproductive system.
Oh I figured out the punchline.
>Blacks can finally afford air travel
The obvious thought process was:
>We need to imply our juice makes your mornings better. What's an example of a great morning?
>Becoming a Father?
>Excellent. Let's do that.
>Wait, there's more! Becoming a Father, for the first time with your gay husband.
>A bit left field, but okay.
>And he's black.
>Fuck it. Whatever.
Nah African women fuck chinamen now
When civilization collapses the market share for juice might increase
>not taking it as given that every kid in a black family has a different father
Have you been in a coma the last few years? It's all fucked.
Where's the harm in accurately reflecting your customer base? Gay guys drink orange juice too.
nonwhite here wtf is wrong with whites this days?
>given birth to her own granddaughter
Shouldn't it be her daughter? Also did her son's husband impregnate her?
jews and traitors in positions of power
>implying christians aren't responsible for banning contraception in the third world and importing thousands of them so they can get presents in heaven from their cuck god
no. fuck this. violence is the answer.
DA JOOS. have sex incel
It's very hard for me to disagree with you
Have nose surgery, kike
guessing they fertilized a donor egg and implanted it in her
Still shouldn't that be her daughter since she gave birth to the baby?
Nah, gays are mentally ill, he probably fucked his mom
Men generally have darker skin than women.
You white people tried to genocide us, but we won, now your countries belong to us, this is revenge
>he probably fucked his mom
Actually it wouldn't be her biological child as it doesn't have her direct DNA but instead her indirect DNA in her son.
Israel is literally less than 36 percent ash jew
your country isn't even yours, let alone ours
>your country isn't even yours, let alone ours
how this make you feel faggot?
>how this make you feel faggot?
this is sweden
this is your culture scum
its surreal that euros call americans mutts
your both are scums just like all white people
When the fuck is this world going to exact vengeance and kill ever fucking filthy nigger/Muslim/beaners
This is an American commercial.
nice english you esl mongo
>tfw no kinky black gf
Thank god.
not video games
report, sage and hide thread if you're not a glowing niggerfaggot
How is still thread not deleted?
Fuck sake Svenne leave Funland alone.
Gay men are literally less than 1.5% of the total population of most western countries.
Meanwhile, do you you honestly think the majority of the other 98.5% of people that drink orange juice react positively, or even neutrally, to commercials like this?
No they don't. They feel alienated by it.
>girl is visibly lighter with lighter hair
>how the fuck was texas so white.
In 1940 the border was actually fucking enforced.
Treasonous shitlib cuckolds weren't constantly ensuring that the border was massively porous for the sake of low wages and loyal Democrat voters.
Of course the juice are behind this commercial.
The juice did this.
That's cute.
Obviously the baby is freshly squeezed out of her pusy, made with the finest fruit extract.
>how will this advertisement help us sell juice?
wtf is he marrying a 5yo?
The joke is even though he got cuckolded he is still happy because the orange juice made him feel positive.
Stuning and brave
he's not a cuck, dude. It's even worse. It's a gay interracial couple using their friends womb.
>Be gay couple
>Want to have a child together
>Choose to have the black member of the couple to have a child therefor subjecting your son to more racism and less opportunities in life
It's completely unrealistic interracial gay couples always choose to have the white partner have a child.
gay monogamy is the real myth
Oh look, its another episode of
>I am mad at private companies doing business
How about you fuck off, commie cucks?
>short hair women
Have sex
you dont
>short hair women
Oh, hell. That is what's happening, isn't it? I thought it was a cuck and his bull having his wife's baby. Granted, the black dude looks a bit scrawny to be a bull.
i can't tell if this is parody or not at this point
Date a cute nerdy black girl. It changed my whole perspective.
Don't you just looove halloween?
Is Sweden the biggest circus in this clown world?
I dated a black girl and started hating niggers even more. Not her, she was really sweet and there were couple of respectable individuals, but by large they were complete garbage and actively sabotaged anyone of their kin who tried to leave that bullshit nigger life behind. I have zero faith they will ever civilize as a whole since they don't even want to
No, America is.
This is a US ad...
Stop peddling garbage you retard
Nigger women smell like shit, sweat constantly and are fucking hideous
This. Blacks have an incredibly high homosexual rate. And they’re always cheating. Gays are truly degenerates but more tolerable than trannys and dykes
Can say same for german women.
No you fucking can't, stop being a disingenuous shit
Yes i can, german women are fucking atrocious, thanks god there are plenty of slav women to save me from being gay.
No I'm just someone who likes things to be normal
ngl that was funny
You know what nigga
I disagree on one hand, but on the other you're perfectly right. Slav women are a Goddamn treasure and there need to be more of them on this planet
The ad worked. We're literally talking about a juice
>live in Berlin
>not even 1% of the population is black
>but about 60% of ads in public spaces show blacks and mixed couples
imagine you wake up one day and see pictures of eskimos everywhere, eskimos enjoying the product, eskimos making cute little mixed babies with white women, just eskimos everywhere. and if you think that is the slightest bit weird and dare ask why wou are being bombarded with these images, people look at you like you just said "I rape babies". this is Germany in 2019, comedy kino.
I live in Russia and I wasn't racist towards black people until I fucking met them.
I had to work with a black "woman" who played basketball here.
She was the most entitled, selfish, whiny, cheap loud-like-in-the-movies piece of shit person I've known and she kept saying that "she cute". She hated Trump and loved Obama of course, although being 10k a month(and that's a low end of the spectrum) basketball player, she pretended to suffer the hardships of black people in US...
She's pretends to be religious and "the big guy in the sky is looking our for her", but whatever God she's praying should not be okay with her...
Sorry, had to vent
Ironically that would make the whole thing better and not worse.
Is this on youtube? I want to see the comments.
>Gay men are literally less than 1.5% of the total population of most western countries.
>Meanwhile, do you you honestly think the majority of the other 98.5% of people that drink orange juice react positively, or even neutrally, to commercials like this?
>No they don't. They feel alienated by it.
But because they face social ostracision for admitting their feelings of alienation, the corps will continue to believe that twitter accurately reflects reality.
I have mixed experience with blacks while living in slav shithole too. Few niggers i met that were studying in med uni were quite based and chill, but my second encounter with nigger happened when motherfucker tried to break into my house.
Having groped enough girls why they do their make up, her's is fucking horrible. Darkies can have her.
It's fake you dumb retard.
Full story? You did kick that niggy's ass, right?
Swedish football team on the last WC was by far the most white of the Old Europe. What gives?
>Poe's Law
I think it has less to do with general approval that comes from the heart and more to do with mob-mentality. It's the brainwashing of society that has let to people not caring about things that don't affect them directly. I don't think most of the people you are talking about actually believe what they're saying. Instead they are just repating something they heard their friends or even general citiziens say. If you push something for a long time you'll naturally win people for your cause. However, most of that comes out of a "I go to work in the morning and don't think much about it" vibe. I'm surprised how many people I've interacted with that randomly, during a job or general conversation, told me that they don't like the way things are right now. Germans aren't very open about a lot of these things, especially our most honest thoughts, so I think we're kind of moving into a good direction with that. You shouldn't assume that everyone who does not say anything about the ads is showing approval. There are definitely a lot of people that disagree with this stuff and the people that question you voicing your doubts about them are often ignorant and driven by the mentality of wanting to fit in, or not stand out.
>white boys seething about race
What else is new?
Dilate that axewound lad lmao
Didn't that guy cry heaps. What kind of leader cries of any race.
Look up The Power of the Powerless by Havel.
fucking lmao all that for goddamn JUICE
i've seen worse in reality
>Those blue spots in the red parts
I don't really want to know what happens there.
Reported to the FBI
Hrs asking his gf’s son’s permission to marry her
It’s actually a good commercial
>One woman makes you hate her whole ethnicity
Some retards browse this site
It’s a surrogate birth for two fags innit? Kinda f’ed that the guy was black but what does this have to do with juice?
Hm. Makes ya think.
I need to see this with sound to determine whether it's played as heartwarming or as something played for laughs
Stunning, brave and powerful!
There doesn't need to be any link. Remember the Gillette ad?
>you men are shit and need to do better. now buy our razors
Another example is an ad that the German supermarket chain Edeka ran.
>fathers are horrible and children everywhere are thankful for having their mothers who, unlike their fathers, are perfect. now buy at our store
If it makes your day any brighter, I hate one black woman and anyone who acts like her.
>kinky now means getting fucked in the ass
>europistanis still think their continent is white
El Em A O
juice should be Jaffa desu
Jesus cried you dumbass retard.
Jesus wasn't a leader. Are you gonna cry or refute what I said. Leaders don't cry.
>Jesus wasn't a leader
What the fuck are you talking about?
juice did this
>he still watches tv and ads in 2019.
why? it's all trash anyway.
>Those blue spots in the red parts
>I don't really want to know what happens there.
Those are Indian reservations.
>white boys seething about race
Yeah, remember those white boys that literally turned cities into war-zones because someone who attacked a cop got shot?
It's called fucking Nepotism. If he was a leader tell me how he was. You're fucking simple and give us Christians (old testament) a bad name.
Have you ever seen a black tourist? They just don't do that.
>Yeah, remember those white boys that literally turned cities into war-zones because someone who attacked a cop got shot?
You mean the riots in Memphis last month that started when a man of color stole a car, shot the owner five times, got in a police chase, came out of the stolen car with his gun drawn, and got shot by the police?
>*ear shattering rap music*
Liberia is basically real life Wakanda. It has the same constitution as the USA, too.
if they gay, who was sperm?
It's when we told the native Americans to fuck off and sent them some hooch and blankets for their troubles.
Maaaan, he jus' anotha brotha who's been subjugated, humiliated, and finna be eradicated by the white man
>In 1940 the border was actually fucking enforced.
No it wasn't
What they actually did was send the wetbacks back
Swedish people aren't human
Wtf, two men found a way to have a child? How awful.
This is finnish you spergs
The Greens will put an end to this. At least here in EU.
They jizzed into blender and eyedroppered that shit
finland is cucked lmao
This company is SWEDISH, and this commercial mady by SWEDE for Finland
>being in the EU
>ever seeing an end to the SJW shit
It's not going to happen, loyalists.
This shit is pushed from the top-down by the EU elites. It won't stop till after you leave.
The family on the right looks like they start fights at Disneyland.
those look like finns to you?
wtf they just stole that woman's baby.
>This shit is pushed from the top-down by the EU elites.
>dutch government
>the EU
Stop projecting, burger. You know perfectly well (((who))) is behind this.
>here's a thing I don't like
>time to blame the jews
How can discrimination be positive?
>"people with different skin color bad!!! Me no like!! me cope by spamming threads"
2 Shekels have been deposited to your hasbara account
>be a faggot
>be a (rightful) genetic dead-end, just as nature intended
>get your semen sucked-out so it can be implanted in an actual woman's womb (i.e. the thing you despise) so she can fart out a halfling baby that you and your "partner" (who has zero genetic input in "your" baby) can then take home and play house with and pretend you're a "normal family" with in between molestation sessions
Gays really are mentally warped.
They so desperately want to ape at being the very thing they openly hate: A normal, healthy nuclear family.
Yeah, I'm totally gonna read all that.
Not him and far from being /pol/ but is not completely wrong.
Worthy a read as something cautionary in the very least.
Hey, did you know the African slavers were actually Arab muslims and those who sold the slaves were Jews?
Remember to donate to Dr. Goldstein to fight white supremacy.
>"We're not 'discriminating against' white applicants! We're just 'actively encouraging and giving preferential consideration to' non-white applicants!"
Basically like that.
It's a fucking lie, and if the exact same thing was done by whites to hire only whites it would be a fucking hate-crime. But so long as it benefits shitskins it's A-OK.
It's literally just a rephrasing of "it's not 'discrimination' if you do it to white people!".
You're right. Only an idiot would blame everything on them. Shabbos goy are far, far worse. From the antifa protestor, baby boomers to the rich politicians selling our home for profits, they all deserve the rope for treason.
>2000 characters, counting spaces and linebreaks?
>gimme the cliffnotes brahh
>call out user for shitposting about jews
>get a wall of text "redpill" image in response
Every single time.
The link is it was memorable enough to get you talking about it and asking about the product online.
they used to breed them spics but kill the males