who the fuck is target audience
Who the fuck is target audience
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children, retards, retarded children
These fill a certain niche - action horror. There are not many other films, Underworld series is the most noticeable one.
>last image is odd one out
Damn, my autism is kicking in.
China. The Resident Evil films are their Star Wars.
mexicans and dudes in the midwest that wear graphic tees
My friend who is a faggot became extremely upset when I showed him RLM laughing at the Wesker fight.
I think he imagines that he's like Alice or something.
Also a furry.
The first two were ok. All downhill after that.
I remember one of them was kino, cant remember which one though. maybe the first one or extinction
cat ladies and goth mall ninjas
That’s just observationalism.
The other covers are probably those hideous Amazon covers
How'd it take 4 years to make the last one though
No joke, my Pakistani coworker said this is the #1 movies series in Pakistan and everyone loves it there
Why is he your friend
Me nigga. I'm target audience
Literally marathoned these yesterday
Young men from second and third world countries.
literally me
those flicks are pure fun, and objectively better than 99% american movies
I thought the movies sucked when I was 16 and liked everything and hadn't even played the games so it's not like they ruined a canon for me or anything. I really don't understand what kind of person can enjoy this trash. I liked the OST though.
meme kings who watch them ironically
He isn't my friend, now.
I knew him through someone else and sometimes there would be gaming parties.
Where yes, resident evil would be played.
That awful 6 party game that wasn't even scary, or survival horror, I'd mention how the story seemed completely alien and reference the original PlayStation titles.
He would draw a blank, I'm guessing it was an age group only familiar with RE4 onward and the films.
My dumb fucking sister who never left her edgy music and horror flick phase
this. also god damn Jill Valentine is boner fuel
I still love Carlos’ 420 BLAZE IT death scene in Extinction.
Idiot zoomers and some boomers. Also incels and WWE fans.
i like them all so i guess me, the animations are fun too. deal with it.
She cute
checked and stunt woman died
The first one was fucking kino, you fucking know what, this weekend is resident evil weekend, with resident evil games and movies
Post pics she sounds hot
money laundering I guess
Apocalypse is the most fun.
i'm dumb will your sister fuck me
NPCs who won't realize the truth when they hear it
>>I propose that we end the world... But on our terms. An orchestrated apocalypse. One that would cleanse the world of its' population but leave its infrastracture and resources intact. It's been done once before. With great success. The chosen few will ride out the storm, not in an ark as in the book of Genesis, but in safety. Underground. And when it's over, We will emerge onto a cleansed Earth. One we can then reboot. In our image.
a better question would be why americans don't love these funny, refreshing, unpretentious, full-of-hot-chicks movies, while they seem to love so much moralistic, bland, formulaic hollywood bullshit?
I do but it’s probably because the jews didn’t take my foreskin.
It made REtards seethe something fierce.
My little brother is 13 and unironically retarded and he don't like those pieces of shit
Retribution was pretty fun. If the three leading up to it weren't so bad I probably wouldn't have liked it as much. I like that it had Leon but I wish they would have thrown a quick scene where he is slashing boxes with his knife or something like that.
As shitty as they were, a girl i knew in college cosplayed Alice from the second or third film and did a decent job; so I guess they weren't completely bad.
no idea but the franchise made literal billions of dollars so apparently there is SOMEONE