>this was 6 years ago
I'm so old bros
This was 6 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
over the feed and seed
>lolrandum surreal dark humor cartoon.
Pig slop specially made for soi chugging millennials and braindead zoomer faggots.
>little over 2 months til October/prime time to binge this
frog scenes were kino
It's literally the only good thing to come out of 2010s CN you contarian
Best time of year.
Imagine caring about a literal children's channel.
kill yourself estrogen fat filled neet virgin incel, you are a subhuman and your parents wish you were never born
This is a retelling of Dantes Inferno
calm the fuck down dude
>watching this shit to get close to that girl back in first year of college
Shit is just Adventure Time with new coat of paint. And no,she ends up dating this geeky dude who is strapped with cash. I guess I dodged a bullet, she really has a high maintenance.
this is the last good show that cartoon network made
nice projection dweeb
You can't get mad at cartoon shit in one thread and then go sneedposting the next
I really like the music and art for the show. Peak comfy.
Nice painting.
>I guess I dodged a bullet, she really has a high maintenance.
Big time cope.
I liked it fine but I didn’t “get it”.
I do say “ain’t that just the way” quite often though
do you guys need a safe space
>pic related its you
I am coping, but she really is. I am still acquinted with the dude because we went to the same club, and I heard stories from him how she threw tantrums because they didnt eat out this day, they didnt go to concert this week, etc. My parttime money can't afford all that.
I really despise this modern trend of fantastical settings mixed with modern day characters who talk like college kids to these wonderous creatures. Like when Wirt is scaring off the big witch monster by shouting, "AND GO AWAY FOREVER AND NEVER COME BACK AGAIN" but it's a really deadpan delivery because that's supposed to be the joke. It's just a fucking atmosphere killer.
how do you feel about isekai lol
Most of its shit because it just panders to the otaku crowd.
The music of the opening and the frog songs are all 11/10.
>cartoon movie about bonding with your brother is soi now
This series reminded me a lot of Spirited Away.
I think it's distinctly culturally 'American' in the same way as Spirited Away is distinctly 'Japanese'
Not just in the content but in the way it just feels.
With Halloween, the music, the entrepreneur, the small towns, the frontier living.
Similiar to the large onsen complex, the clothing they all wear, the spiritualism, the old train
It even gives a direct nod to Miyazaki with the aunt character.
Quite genius really.
Amen. I was born in October which makes it doubly awesome.
One of my most cherished memories from childhood was trick or treating with friends and family.
I think it's the reason I still watch/read/listen to anything spooky and horror related to this day even though I'm frequently let down by them.
I'm just chasing the fun kind of horror from my childhood.
My brothers. Halloween truly is the best holiday, October the best month and Autumn the best season. I have nothing but nostalgia and warm, comfortable feelings there.
No way.
me too user me too
have you seen Peter Jackson's Braindead?
Absolute kino
>One of my most cherished memories from childhood was trick or treating with friends and family.
>tfw my trick or treating never lived up to movies
Same, except mine were the Autumn evening cookouts at school with the other kids, and then the ToT later on. I literally think about Autumn all year long. When it's winter, spring and summer, I'm only thinking how much longer till it's fall again.
Yea Dead Alive right? I watched it 10-12 years ago but it was on a very small divx rip.
I liked it, but I wouldn't call it one of my favourites.
And now I feel like I've outgrown my gore phase.
Mine neither, but I grew up in a really protective family so I essentially never got to have a 'halloween adventure' like they always portray. My parents used to just follow in a car while we went around trick or treating.
Still I count myself lucky to have experienced 'proper' trick or treating albeit briefly (1990 to 1996 Canada). After that I moved to another country which did not celebrate Halloween.
This user gets it. Great atmosphere and texture. Wish there was more animation like this but more likely to find it looking back rather than forward.
>tfw have the soundtrack on vinyl signed by Elijah Wood
Anyone know of any television shows or movies that capture the feeling that OTGW has? I want that prime americana pastoral feel.
I don't have access to my Halloween movie list but I'll just name some off the top of my head.
The Halloween Tree
Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost
It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
Garfield's Halloween
Buncha old Mickey Mouse cartoons (there was a recent one called Mickey's Spooktacular or something that's worth a watch)
Didn't really intend for it all to be cartoons.
Sleepy Hollow I suppose sorta counts
Trick R Treat is not really americana pastoral though
i cant believe this show is old enough to have sex with
I love the fantastical "dark" but comfy setting, cant get enough of it actually. Twin peaks S1 and 2 for example.
I think wirt was suppossed to talk like a college kid as he liked poetry and tried to use big words. I think that was self aware
NICE, I wanna buy the vinyl myself but here it is like $70 which really is a lot for a vinyl
that pic is a beaut
Is there anything more like it? I guess Song of the Sea had a somewhat similar atmosphere.
Good show with a beautiful soundtrack: youtube.com
Yeah so did the Secret of I am yet to find something that is similar as to my knowloedge there isn't anthing like it
Based future suicide statistic.
How is this show not suicide fuel for you guys? Watching stuff like OTGW that's just so insanely comfy makes me want to kill myself because I'll never live in that comfy world.
Try growing up with a family that celebrated Halloween in Australia where no-one acknowledges it.
I'd get some candy and a lot of apples and microwave popcorn.
Still fun tho.
I remember I saw Life of Pi when I was 13 and afterwards just cried for ages because the movie was so beautiful and reality was so dismal...
I never recovered.
>the movie was so beautiful and reality was so dismal
The movie is pretty grounded user, besides the island he goes to. It is beautiful though.
I am a HARD nostalgia fag. Even normie shit like Stranger THings makes me super sad and nostalgic. Stay by Me and every movie about kids that have comfy adventures makae me feel miserable
Yeah, I meant the island and just the idea of such an amazing adventure. I've traveled since, so I've come closer to the idea, but life is so safe and predictable.
I used to tell people this in real life and no one ever seemed to get what I meant.
That geek faggot couldn't set her straight my gf was like that and she's learned to understand to my be so materialistic and appreciate the little things but the dude you're referring to probably is to.
Who is the artist?
Debbie Criswell
Use reverse search you pleb.
Why would I do that when I can get little bitch boys like you to do it for me
Can't wait.
That sounds comfy user.
>The Halloween Tree
skeleton pumpkins and frogboat episodes were the best