>science fiction has Villeneuve, Garland, and Riley
>horror has Aster, Eggers, and Peele
>fantasy has literally nobody after Peter Jackson went full retard
How do we save fantasy?
>inb4 neckbeards who thought the Warcraft movie was actually good
Science fiction has Villeneuve, Garland, and Riley
Consider the following:
fantasy is too based for the kinoplex desu
Still, I hope to see a film version of the Broken Empire trilogy one day.
fantasy is a faggot genre for escapist losers who have shit lives and rather than deal with it and improve themselves, they whine about it like little faggot girls and then jerk off to anime
Consider the previous:
Wow, you're so fucking cool, dude. I want to be just like you when I grow up.
Del Toro tho
Don't worry sneed will be going strong long after your meme is dead and forgotten. I've seen it happen.
Here is the gun. Do the math, faggot.
Get your corneous lardass the fuck out of here retarded amerifat.
lmao, were you the fag who made a thread about prince of autismos earlier?
Aside from Jackson you have Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy, Shape of Water) and Jim Henson (Dark Crystal, Labyrinth).
There's this very good foreign director who's been interested in making a fantasy movie for a while, his name is sneed. I'm sure fantasy will be saved.
lol Jackson's hobbit trilogy is infinitely better than the steaming pile of shit that is Blade Runner 2049. That's how terrible it is.
Someones criticism of a movie is that "the time travel isn't realistic enough!"
the sneed isn’t realistic enough
>horror has Aster, Eggers, and Peele
Jesus, when you put it like that, I guess the horror genre really is dead
>we will never have a fantasy movie as kino as Conan the Barbarian ever again
It's not fair
Thank fucking Christ we have the 29 year old corpse of Jim Henson to keep fantasy kino fresh
>How do we save fantasy?
We don't.
>How do we save fantasy?
>inb4 neckbeards who thought the Warcraft movie was actually good
You save fantasy by appreciating and supporting fantasy movies you faggot
Well, we have some big Fantasy films coming out in the next couple of years. I'd argue (even if they're stupid fucking hacks) DnD would be on that list.
We'll see when the following comes out.
>His Dark Materials
>LOTR series
>Blood Moon
>Wheel of Time
>Stormlight Archive
>5 Game of Thrones copycat tv shows and a movie that won’t happen
Western fantasy is all trope regurgitation, waste of resources
More or less right.
>come up with movie/screenplay ideas for fun
>have a hard sci-fi story, soft sci-fi movie, horror movie, indie/romance movie, action etc
>cant think of anything “fantasy” that doesn’t seem filled with regurgitated tropes
His stories might not be that good but he executes them very well. I'd say he's on the same level as Aster currently. Eggers a little higher.
This! People with very interesting lives watch shows about good looking doctors, lawyers or other high earning professions which is totally not escapism at all!
Peele makes comedy movies