Are there any films that expose the true nature of dogs?
Are there any films that expose the true nature of dogs?
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t. cat
Movies with scenes like this?
I was dog sitting a family member's dogs once, and one of the dogs freaked out on a walk and managed to get out of her collar and ran away. She ran back to my house and just waited on the porch.
how shitty are you that even your dog hates you?
I wonder who could be behind this post.
They'll always come back though, even if they find an infinite source of food elsewhere. Loyalty and mischieviousness are not mutally exclusive traits.
Dogs are fine animals but the weird obsession with them by cuck millennial has gone way too far. Have kids you fucking weirdos, and stop obsessively gushing about your "doggo" on the internet constantly.
It is well known that dogs are Fags.
he knows he can't take a fucking dinosaur
more like this
Can you really blame the dog for knowing it would be savaged by a dino?
my dog is super sweet unless someone raises their voice to me then he wants to rip their throat out, i love that nigga
What a sweet loving animal you have
god I love it when dogs try to run and the floors just a little too smooth and they have a hard time gaining traction which leads them to comically scooby doo run
first off, that's a samoyed. second off, that dino totally mogs that dog.
animal abuse
Quit speaking like a nigger.
he he smol though and kinda pussy so i doubt he would ever attack. he jsut gets angery
but i'm black??
My dogs dont cross the street until i tell them to.
woah it's almost like he was raised by a single mother just like you, faggot
>dat projection
That's cute to you and only you. Everyone else in existence hates your dog.
There are no black people on the internet
>still no THAT webm
>reward loyal wolves by turning them into thousands of different breeds of la creatura
which one? girl+blowtorch+tied dog or shovel dog?
my pitty IS cute ok
Whaaat? Everyone's been like this since caveman times! It's totally normal! WHY DO YOU HATE DOGGOS YOU SOCIOPATH?!
*blocks your path*
what the hell do you do?
feed him some seed
show him my red card, he shows me his red rocket. we see eye to beady eye
baby vs dog vs bravecat?
young tiger vs dog?
So this is the power of man's best friend......
The absolute state of d*gs
Running straight to the oncoming bus
I mean all the breeds on display here are horrible guard dog breeds.
I'd like to see how a Shepherd or a Chow would handle these situations.
yeah I bet you'd have a lot of loyalty to some bitch that just sits there when the equivalent of an eldritch abomination to your canine brain walks around the corner
Someone post the webm where a cat saves a kid from a dog of peace
>stand up to bears
DOubt that, cat are the most pussy animal.
i don't need the dog to attack the intruder, i just need him to make noise to wake me up so i can grab my gun
I hope they shot that dog
isn't this like a 50 /50 chance if you don't teach your dog how to bite command?
i'm amazed at it's ability to hold on to the bird's neck so firmly without instantly killing it
guns can be so clumsy in home defense, better to use a club or a mace for fighting close up, most people that break in are cowards anyway and don't need to be shot at to run away
>dog pries duck off
>duck goes straight back in
Imagine being this stupid
stop posting nogunz
>not having nippon steel at the ready
normal dog owners hate pitbulls, they're even illegal in my country
sometimes you must protect the ones you love.
>intruder breaks in
>Chow proceeds to maul the nearest child
only incels dislike dogs or cats
why not? they pick up their own babies with their mouths
Good doge, he knows cats are deathly afraid of cucumbers and pickles.
Sure dogs are nice, but can they beat the capibara?
Homeward Bound
My family often joke how our German Shep will likely be all bark and no bite in the event of a break-in. Meanwhile with proper training you get stuff like this.