>dude socialism
The latest joe rogan has cemented for me that he does nothing but promote people who are like-minded with him.
this pseudo-intellectual was constantly trying to shill his politics on a podcast meant for intellectualism, and the only way I could in the end figure out how how and why in any way shape or form understand how Joe would OKAY this brainlet is if he himself wanted to promote socialist teachings.
Sorry, but he's lost my support.
Dude socialism
Other urls found in this thread:
>just now giving up on JRE
yeah your one view when Jordan Peterson shows up every few months is really going to hurt Joe. LOL
Impotence signaling is much funnier than virtue signaling
remember when joe agreed that africans had colonized north america first and built a great civilization here before the age of explorers and columbus?
I listened to the Hotep episode, that’s not what he said. It was much more based and redpilled. He was saying that the Atlantic slave trade is largely a myth and that slaves were taken from the Caribbean/native tribes.
didn’t happen
hotep Jesus is based
>unironically being a conservacuck
please cite to me a socialist, communist, or fascist country that has worked.
I'll wait
>making fun of conservatives means you’re commie scum
This is your mind on retard juice
i'm kind of curious to see joe attempt to interact with this picaninny, i bet joe gets really frustrated.
Joe will shill anything unless it's pro-trannies or anti-weed.
>a podcast meant for intellectualism
It's his podcast, bro.
>having discussions is shilling
holy fuck you're stupid. Like, legit brainlet.
since when has he ever attacked transpeople?
he hasn't. he's simply skeptical of transwomen in women's sports and giving your children hormone blockers. like any sane person.
please cite to me a socialist/communist country that wasn't overthrown by outside forces.
I'll wait
the soviet union???? the dprk??????
The ones that were overthrown by their own people or simply collapsed because the Soviet Union was no longer forcing them to exist(E. Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland) or subsidizing them(Angola, Congo, Ethiopia, Yemen).
joe "give me one example of socialism inside working country" rogan
This is new to you? Watch the one with that dumb cunt NYT writer Bari Weiss. They both talk about wanting gun control and give false information.
You'd think fags who browse this board would have thick skin but ya'll are just as fragile as redditor snowflakes. AH-BOO-HOO.
I said socialist not state capitalist but I'll answer anyways. So you are telling me the US wasn't involved in the Soviet Union?
... people here actually take the JRE seriously? you faggot reactionaries are like soccer moms against video games. walk into traffic.
None of those are socialist countries.
Its a blueboard now, we have to forge the new blood, Op is a feg tho
>So you are telling me the US wasn't involved in the Soviet Union?
No, their collapse was their own fault. Anyway it paled in comparison to Soviet subversion to overthrow America.
>self declared socialist states governed by socialist or communist parties
>nah it was a goof
What do you personally consider a "legitimatize" socialist stat?
Yes but my argument was there wasn't a single country where some bigger capitalist country wasn't involved in the overthrow in some way either by actually sending large amounts of bombs or trying to destroy their economy through other means.
My dad was this guy's (Cornell West) Jew Lawyer. He calls him "Brother Earl" and is very respectful of jews which is rare in the far-left black community. He came to our house a few times for dinner and is quite funny/pro. I played Diddy Kong Racing with him in the 90s.
I remember when I saw him in the matrix movies unexpectedly and thought I was going crazy
North Korea calls themselves the Democratic Peoples Republic. We shouldn't take what people call themselves literally.
Any place where workers own the means of production is socialism. The most famous being Revolutionary Spain.
>capitalist country wasn't involved in the overthrow in some way either by actually sending large amounts of bombs or trying to destroy their economy through other means.
Cope, they failed because socialism doesn't work. No amount of rationalization or excuse making can cover this.
>they weren't even really socialist
>but also it was America's fault anyway
>Yes but my argument was there wasn't a single country where some bigger capitalist country wasn't involved in the overthrow in some way either by actually sending large amounts of bombs or trying to destroy their economy through other means.
Lad . . .
>Perhaps as much as 90% to 95% of Soviet technology came directly or indirectly from the United States and its allies. Now this may sound incredible, but the facts substantiate the claim. Soviet aggression is dependent upon American-made and Western-made technology. In effect, the United States and the NATO countries have built the Soviet Union its industrial and military capabilities. This massive construction job has taken fifty years. Since the Russian Revolution in 1917, this job has been carried out through trade and the sale of plants, equipment and technical assistance.
Just look at modern Marxist China(also Vietnam), it is a total project of American investment, technology, Wall St. and Western market access.
It's like me shooting a baby in the face and then calling it a failure.
>they weren't even really socialist
they werent
>but also it was America's fault anyway
it was
>muh Yuri Bezmenov
You are a literal retard.
>Revolutioary Spain
>barely lasts three years
>various factions backed by Stalin
>economy subsidized by the state
>20 different "people's revolutionary fronts" that can't agree on anything
>no major inventions or breakthroughs in science
>disenfranchises socialists the world over
None of these countries are socialist. I'm strictly arguing about US involvement in them. The US sent troops to overthrow the Soviet Union in 1917. They put heavy sanctions on the Soviet Union and in measures ways meddled with the other countries that the Soviet Union was involved in.
Revolutionary socialist Spain wasn't revolutionary or socialist.
>Yea Forums still hasn't taken their baudrillardpill or debordpill
>muh state capitalism
Fuck off leftcom faggot.
They were financed by wall street Jews. Not the United States.
Here’s the thing. I don’t deny the holocaust, but I do recognize a common pattern with people who commit mass genocide.
>The German populace formed together as the Nazi’s during WW2 because they all wanted revenge against the Jews.
>The Russian populace became Communist because they all collectively wanted revenge against the rich.
>The modern American left is currently forming together to get revenge over white Americans and the rich.
You're such an asshole but you made a point
>>Revolutioary Spain
>>barely lasts three years
Because it was overthrown by outside forces. Hence my original argument.
>>various factions backed by Stalin
Those were not the factions with the people who did worker ownership of the means of production obviously.
>>economy subsidized by the state
>>no major inventions or breakthroughs in science
Hard to breakthrough in the middle of a war.
>capitalism has not been around 300 years
>literally dynasties have had longer lifespans
>it’s the be-all-end-all of government
I’ve watched Joe grill Candace Owens on basic shit, then watching Joe flip out on Crowder, then lie about Jones and Gavin. Then I’ve watched him let literal retards spew complete nonsense and shill it, is what made me drop him a long time ago.
>The US sent troops to overthrow the Soviet Union in 1917
Which didn't even work lmao
>They put heavy sanctions on the Soviet Union
Fake news. Without American tech and aid they would have been nothing. >meddled with the other countries that the Soviet Union was involved in.
lmao. Fake countries the Soviet Union created that never even wanted to be socialist and by all rights would have never existed had Stalin's armies just left(E. Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary).
Socialism is just a boogieman word. 4gag users have no idea what it means, other than that guy from /r/The_Donald told them it's bad. Arguing with them is pointless since they argue in bad faith, so let me simulate it for you.
I like socialism
>Socialism doesn't work, just look at Venezuela
What about Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway?
>Those aren't socialist countries, they're capitalists
Alright, I looked it up and they follow something called the Nordic model. I want something like that
>Because that's socialism. Just look at Venezuela
You might as well convince Patrick that the wallet is his.
The workers owned the means of production? The society changed the economic system that was in place? How is this not revolutionary or socialism?
It's funny that if you ask reddit about Joe Rogan they call him an alt-right hate preacher, and if you ask Yea Forums about Joe he's a marxist pig.
>sorry, he’s lost my support
Like Joe Rogan cares cunt. Like we care.
Before I read this article is it gonna take one faction or one city in the revolution and act like it was the singular economic system in the entire country?
>ask opinion about someone
>they think negatively of them
based NPC
>execute/not real communism/print
You're a massive retard
>>execute/not real communism/print
nice argument
>who are like-minded with him
chill dudes who largely want stupid government done away with and people taken care of? dope
Kys subhuman, helicopter ride 4 u
>state capitalist
Why can't you guys ever argue. It's always straight to helicopters. If you guys were right you could easily argue against my position.
its okay dude, the soviet union wasn't really communism, 4 sho, but just kill yourself.
the negro on the right is a fraud
youre living in america right?
successful fascist nation built on native genocide "camps" called reservations. literally funded khmer rouge with chinas help, started a false war in vietnam, afghanistan, kuwait, drug war in south america, installed countless fascist puppets all over the world.
>socialist country
cuba, the USSR both of which have lasted better part of a century
the marxist and anarchistic conception of communism has never existed on earth. nevertheless primitive communism was common in ancient times and existed among tribal/aboriginal ethnic groups up until modern times
he repeated the "little kids are getting their dicks cut off" and "8 year olds on hormones" line to adam conover, that faggot from adam ruins his own shitter
the USSR was thrown into a coup by yeltsin in 93 against democratic vote in 91' that voted against the dissolution
yeltsin was corrupt and hated in russia and he began the capitalist, lynching and hanging gays in supermarkets and endless independent former satellite genocide wars nightmare that russia is today
do you sincerely believe everything western media says
retard. go eat some roses you fuckwit. are you a trot? what are you, yeah? ill shit in your cheerios you bourgeois fuck
dude if you cant tell the difference between different old black men youre racist
stalin got his industrial machinery from ford collaborating with the soviets, so? it doesnt change what marxism actually is. it doesnt change that western democracies feared socialism and opposed in many empire building wars.
socialism isnt "the government gives people stuff and does things" its the workers owning the means of production, dictatorship of the proletariat or not
china is marxist, just a very distorted version of it. read yourself some mao and some deng and youll realize this whole argument is flawed at its core
venezuela is social democrat not socialist
am i an intellectual dork webber now?
kys traitor
No one respond to the tankie. It's not worth it. It's the same as holocaust deniers.
my comrade
Allow me to undo your brainwashing sir.
You are very much correct in saying that countries aren’t socialist at all, because the Prime Minister of Denmark has publicly stated that they are a Market Economy. But you also need to understand that those Scandinavian countries are about the same as economic freedom goes. They have robust welfare systems, but this is only because they have been trimming down their social programs and levels of taxation since the nineties. Once the people realized that their economies were suffering from the expanding tax-and-spend social democracy policies that were being implemented. All four countries also have higher individual and family tax burdens than the United States with Sweden and Finland being significantly higher.
Let me explain it this way:
>Say you earn $54,000 at your hypothetical job.
>Once your employer has paid the necessary taxes for hiring you and you’ve paid off your income taxes you’re left with $39,000 in the United States.
>If you were in Sweden you would be left with 20 or 25,000 dollars.
not a tankie
dont believe in dictatorship of proles because ive actually read marxs critique of the gotha program
i believe in a growing, evolving dialectic not an ideologically pure one that can never adapt to new
egalite et liberte, mon ami
If a country gets overthrown by outside forces, then it did not "work". It failed to protect itself and was therefore a failure.
>podcast meant for intellectualism
lmao kys
it will work this time guys tho! we just need to try in america!
not too many of us swimming in the chud ocean.
nah we just need to kill the violent sewer dwelling tiki torch faggots, force the rich to actually labor for once in their lives, and reeducate habitually lazy and moronic smoothbrains
which one are you?
typical pseudo intellectual, perfect for 21st century superficiality
>1. just be a christian
>2. white people hated themselves in the 19th century too
>3. racism is bad
>4. everyone is equal
>5. democratic socialism is the solution
>6. socrates and jesus my man!
1. how do you deal with muslims and jews and the 4 other billion people on the planet? oh you mean, be superficially christian and ignore the actual teachings, gotcha.
2. the sense of identity has been subverted since the beginning of time, if you atomize people you can quickly destroy their power base which is culture, language, family, tradition. we're all equal means nothing and there is always a caveat- all equal under god, whose god? who are the priests? some are always more equal than others
3. racism is normal, without it you would never have risen above basic hunter gatherer, since life is about competition and cooperation, are you going to cooperate with those dissimilar to you and compete with your own family? good luck, that strategy will surely work in the long run, thats why black people have white babies and asians often give birth to latinos.
4. nothing is equal, human beings have capacities which rapidly delineate them from each other. if you treat them all as if this wasn't true, this just builds up a system in which the superior people climb to the top. this is the story of america, individual supremacy destroying social cohesion and group identity.
5. democracy is rule by the stupid majority, socialism is political theocracy with immediate stagnation and without a strong ruling body fracturing and civil war. democratic socialism reverts into monarchy almost by default.
6. socrates is a mystery, all his writings are platos interpretations. the guy was probably a composite of people plato didn't like and the irony was lost over time. jesus was a jew doing jew things, his legacy is a trail of bloodshed and human sacrifice for global hedgemony built around human tragedy.
the fire rises
So let's say every single country in the world was socialist. Every once in a while people got together in a country and had a capitalist revolution. Every single time this happened a neighboring large socialist country nuked everyone in the city. Does this mean capitalism is a failure and will never work?
You realize Cornell West is a Harvard professor, right? He's not just some guy off the street.
>racism started agriculture
Full retard.
for the people
Since we're on the subject..
>kill the dissident, put the rich into labor camps, put the low information units into reeducation comrades!
Helicopter ride 4 u
>what did slaves do
>all of recorded human history considers the outgroup of humans as subhuman beasts of burden to be conquered, trained, used in order to advanced the in group prosperity.
why don't the greek philosophers or the jewish writers of the bible mention that slavery is bad? because to say that slavery is bad prior to the 1400s is the equivalent of saying genders don't exist today, and they weren't about to torpedo their project with stupidity.
That's a terrible analogy. The socialist countries cannot have a good national defense because their economy stifles the type of innovative defense industrial base that is required for national security. The one real exception to this currently is China and that's because they are so fucking flush with money for other reasons that they can just throw money at shit.
he got that position because he's black. and you know it.
>The socialist countries cannot have a good national defense because their economy stifles the type of innovative defense industrial base that is required for national security.
wealth disparity is bad dude, it's the fault of capitalism!
>in china right now some guy is driving a lamborghini next to a homeless orphan shitting on the pavement
If Cornel was white and said half the pants-shittingly stupid things he's said he'd be laughed out of every room he enters. Same with Michael Eric Dyson and the entire Congressional Black Congress. Seriously, just read a transcript and picture a white person saying those words
I think you are jealous that you aren't Harvard tier
Virgin USA vs the Chad Cuba.
>imagine getting your imperialist coup yeeted back to the sea when they're literally next door.
we're not trying to spread it moron...
No he ran over the orphan and all the people walking by left the corpse there for days.
a true tibetan burial. respect their culture wtf.
do you believe in private property
>jordan peterson, ben shapiro, candace owens, dave ruben, steven crowder go on
>wow joe rogan podcast is the market place of ideas
>cornel west goes on
>wahhhhh wahhhh wahhhhh
>he actually thinks zionist puppets are the 'right wing'
mate. this is why you got gassed last time. you're sleeping at the wheel there.
>cuba, the USSR both of which have lasted better part of a century
Lasted? More like suffered. Bitch, my grandparents and other relatives grew up and lived (read: existed) for 35 years in ussr. The collapse was inevitable right from the get go. Cronies getting special treatment, stealing stuff etc. Empty stores because of broken supply lines which was caused by special treatment for ‘priority’ states etc. Weird wage policies - a factory worker making more than a fucking doctor and so on. Basically everything that the uneducated shills hate about capitalism just on steroids.
And don’t start the ‘but it wasn’t real socialism and this time it will be different’ bullshit. If you believe this bs than maybe you should see a doctor to check your chromosome count.
Also, don’t start blabbering about Scandinavia, those countries are only a bit socialist, already feeling the damage of their policies and starting to reform.
>heh r.. returd
are you saying right wing people are antisemetic? identity politics cuck
incels getting btfo here
>complaining about Joe being a brainlet
Mothafucka of course. Jre is basically a less annoying version of Oprah. It just some time passing activity to listen while you are at the gym or working in a garage. Its meant to be taken with a HUGE grain of salt.
name a fascist country that wasn't overthrown by outside forces
China and soviet union
dude my wife's daughter lmao
>successful fascist nation built on native genocide "camps" called reservations
Every single conquest in recorded history ended in the loser getting 300% btfo. Quit whining about it fag, no one cares.
I watched this podcast. I was surprised by how well Cornel West speaks
Agreed but Sowell couldn't touch Chomsky.
Communist fags can’t even see that it never worked every time it was ever tried ever. They cherry pick semi socialist smaller more secluded countries that don’t have nearly the amount of issues that places like America and Canada have. Nor do they have half the freedom that America and Canada have.
And in the US it costs more to live and eat than it does in Scandinavia, and that doesn't take into account how goddamn much you have to pay every month for things like healthcare atop of that, when everything is already handled by the taxes you pay in Scandinavia (and you pay nowhere near as much as you do in the US for private insurance). And if you've got kids, you have to pay for their school lunches (free in Scandinavia), have to pay for summer camp because you don't have much vacation time (you get like five weeks paid vacation a year in Scandinavia, guaranteed, although the exact amount of days might vary a little from country to country and one week at least has to be used in the fall/winter), have a very limited sick days every year, etc.
>costs more to live and eat than it does in Scandinavia
are you fucking retarded? i spend 3k euro on rent and food a month.
mostly only fascist by technicality after ww2 desu
But communism doesn't even work in theory; it goes against human nature.
>Unless it's pro trannies
He had Eddie Izzard on a few months ago. He only dislikes trannies in sport and Eddie agreed with him
>on a podcast meant for intellectualism
Even if the results are real it doesn’t mean jack. I’m 100% sure that the voters in countries outside of Russia are poor senior RESIDENTS (not citizens) who never bothered to learn the local language and sow their retarded ideology to their kids who grew up to be deadbeats who cant even support them.
Do you now how many russians were imported to satellite states maintain control? Do you know how many of them stayed and now feel not really russian and not really local? They are the real people without a country.
people that benefit from a system that has only existed for a few centuries that rewards selfishness and sociopathy believe common goals and communal behavior and altruism goes against human nature, shocking
No youre behind. Get with it, people care now.
>I want all your shit and families legacy and not have to work or risk anything.
These lowlifes deserve the bullet. Is it any coincidence that they all look like scum?
Commies ITT: How will you stop me from creating and implementing a currency within my locale?
grrr we hate em dont we bro day of the rope when
why do all communiggers look like they shower once a month and can't drive
Maybe don't live in downtown of a large city and eat out every day, bruh. I spend maybe one grand, or little more on rent and food combine, and 2/3 of that is directly for rent, which is pretty high simply due to the nice and convenient location.
>rewards selfishness and sociopathy
then why are rates of charity highest amongst those most successful under capitalism?
honest question, are you allowed to do this in the usa? i think the fbi would be on your ass
You are aware tons of universities and franchises have their own unique currency, yes?
Those are not pro commie movies. At least not all.
Healthcare, parental leave and education are the only things that re cheap in scandinavia and not because of socialism. Everything else will fuck you in the ass. How much for a pack of cigarettes in Norway? - 21$
In nyc 2 slices of pizza and a soda cost 3$, good luck finding a deal like that sweden
The pizza tastes god awful.
I like how you guys like to dismiss our anger as not legitimate. I see you people as the equivalent of a home invader. I'll beat your flimsy ass.
If your system cant withstand foreign interference it never should have been tried and was a failure from the start.
nope, closest thing ive heard of is stuff like store credit
Newsflash you chapocel,
[spoilers]Communism is still exploited, with rampant unchecked cronyism. Every major communist country is wildly corrupt and horribly anti-empathetic. Throwing words around like that just makes you look like a total idiot with no grasp of history. [/spoilers]
>and not because of socialism
Those are directly due to socialist programs.
>How much for a pack of cigarettes in Norway?
I don't smoke, so I have no idea. Maybe ten euros, so like eleven dollars? It's increasingly expensive specifically to encourage people to stop, because it will help lower healthcare costs when people get less sick due to smoking related diseases.
the fact you need charity at all in a supposedly successful country is all the evidence needed that the system doesn't work.
And? The post is so out of context and retarded that I believe you just googled ‘people want communism’ and posted the first thing that popped up.
Selfishness works because the feedback loop is self rewarding. Please explain any how any communist system would reward the individual for charity.
People are pidgeons; they like to peck the capitalist button, not the communist one. Even marx knew this. That's why he wanted to remold the population into a new socialist man.
This is not a logical statement in any way whatsoever.
And? The post is so out of context and retarded that I believe you just googled ‘people want communism’ and posted the first thing that popped up.
Right, like how the USSR, China, and North Korea were/are bastions of human rights and totally shining beacons of altruism, right?
Gulags were just fun little vacation homes, right? Stop watching Hassan Abi, user. He rots your brain
guess that goes for the US now
This is why commies are retarded scum
If I switched my brain off you'd almost have a cute meme there, tranny.
so many spooked and ill read children, question your world kids, stop assuming things are the way they are because they are the best they can be, we choose to make the world as we wish
The vaguely socialist things only work in white countries. We'll see how long before the swedes get tired of paying for Tyrone's magical fees.
>normie memes
>spook posting
No wonder it's lame, the discord trannies are just unfunny souls
US is still sustaining as far as im concerned and I dont fucking support them so this point means absolutely dogshit. typical commie "i may be a failure but so is your assumed system"
stirner wasnt a commie
Human life has no inherent value. People who cost the system more than they generate in resources are a burden. Their dying is the system correcting itself.
You don't need to ready a book to find the idea of a system that doesn't allow you to win or innovate ridiculously annoying.
And don't give me that horseshit about artists having time to produce great works.
i detect a vague sense of landian in this statement
Is Yea Forums the new /pol/?
this unironically.
Had to google that. It sounds retarded. The acceleration of capitalism is chinks making my shoes for 3 cents an hour. No one gets mad in a voluntary exchange of goods.
you realise most academics are frauds, right?
But a guy with a political Youtube channel is totally legit, broseph!
>If your system cant withstand foreign interference it never should have been tried and was a failure from the start.
no, but they're no worse
Its more that capitalism is a sentient being in itself
Every country has its flaws, but no country works well with those dichotomies. All countries following a Keynesian economic model have to some degree been "socialist" which include the Nordic welfare states, Nazi-Germany in the 1930s, USA in the 1930s (New Deal). The whole idea of "socialism bad, capitalism good" belongs in the cemetery, because reality is full of nuances
They're actually better, because their ideas actually receive some semblance of resistance and criticism.
>Harvard tier
Oh. I suppose in the living being analogy, resource drains would be parasites. This wouldn't be exclusive to capitalism though. A communist society populated entirely by parasites would also cease to function.
>and that slaves were taken from the Caribbean/native tribes.
But that isn't true, at least not in the way you're thinking. The Europeans initially tried to enslave the natives of the Caribbean, but they kept dying of smallpox, which is why the Europeans turned to Africa as a source of slave labor very early on (like late 1500s/early 1600s, less than a century after the colonization of the region got going).
Every professor can tell you about the clique bullshit that goes down in every university in America. Where you have to play high school level politics to get beyond adjunct professor. You have to teach certain things that the academic clique demands, factual or not. If you don't, and they catch wind of it, you'll be quickly fired due to "sexual harassment" or "sleeping with students." Or racism. Or whatever really. You have to suck up to the right people, because it's about who you know rather than your teaching abilities.
Part of the reason why universities are considered indoctrination centers, is that the professors are told to teach complete bullshit or else they don't get tenure. You got dumb college kids who think the professors are infallible gods, so they accept the bullshit without thinking on it. The professors by and large know they're teaching bullshit. If you see a teacher GREATLY emphasizing office hours, use them. Because that's when you'll learn the real shit. Pushing office hours is code for "Yeah a lot of this is just bullshit. Textbooks are garbage. I can teach you the real shit but you need to come to me."
You'd think "oh these are professors who have been doing this for decades, they wouldn't be that petty." Yes, they are that petty, vindictive and manipulative.
>The modern American left
>The ones, contrary to the modern right, who still wants Holocaust as a part of school curriculum
>While the modern right denies it ever happened, but still believe in conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the world
>The modern left are the first to commit genocide
>Your brain on Alex Jones
>the modern right denies it ever happened
this is the most retarded thing in this thread.
>white genocide
>(((alex jonestein)))
Man you chapocels always reveal yourselves
>The ones, contrary to the modern right, who still wants Holocaust as a part of school curriculum
Because you actually can't holocaust someone without justification. Worry about the people who cry for reparations against past grievances, not the people who want to live separately.
Germany, Chile, Argentina
Good b8
Apparently this triggered some alt-rights. Truth hurts?
>Denmark, Iceland, Finland, Norway
Social Democracies you retarded faggot
>This is what capitalism working looks like
t. Retarded tankie who has absolutely no idea what fascism is and uses it as a snarl word on countries he doesn’t like
Oh and the Khmer Rhouge was lead by an ardent socialist and the Vietnam war was the fault of commies chomping our and invading the South. ;)
The correct term is welfare state. The conservative government in Norway wouldn't label their policies the same as a Labour government would, although they in reality wouldn't be much of a difference
I think you don't understand how the real world works.
literally and unironically Nazi Germany
Fuck off back to your tranny Plebbit shithole Crappo Brap House
>anarchistic communism
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you either haven't read The Capital or know what it is about.
Fucking intellectual posers.
>This is what socialism working looks like
>a podcast meant for intellectualism
The guy is a dude weed lmao former comedian mostly interviewing conspiracy morons like Graham Hancock.
Not him but Communism is anarchist. Communism is stateless.
>he actually thinks zionist puppets are the 'right wing'
Zionism is pretty right wing, and the Christians that support it have pretty culturally conservative reasons to do so.
Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Soviet Union
no, it's just absolutely retarded. majority of right wing people are pro israel and preach judeo-christian values.
>judeo-christian values
We already went over that. Read the thread first retard
I just don't know how this guy teaches at Harvard. Maybe he was brilliant in his younger years but there was nothing spectacular or particularly insightful on display here no matter what the YouTube commenters might think.
jesus was staked through the wrists, the hands wouldn't hold the human body
Crucifixion's not a Jewish mode of execution, buddy.
Israel exists for 70 years. That is enough time to have a unique shared heritage making them different people to international jewdom. Israelites are far right as fuck, while American Jews whine about muh Palestinians.
Biggest flaw of neocons and libtards is that they think we live the end of history.
i'm not saying i'm preaching it.
You're angry that this guest isn't like-minded with you
israelis are not "far right" actually. they're comparable to european social democracies. they're just very aggressive, militaristic and megalomaniacal
>while American Jews whine about muh Palestinians
yeah how stupid of jews to care about the behaviour and future of a self-declared jewish state that claims to represent all jews therein and worldwide
Yeah that's pretty obnoxious. I remember within a few episodes of Alex Jones that he had some woman on that kept going on about conspiracy theories regarding Trump and he questioned none of it. Same with Ben Shapiro doing all sorts of mind reading about what Trump is thinking and wanting to do and so on.
Makes some sense if you consider that he's basically questioning anyone that goes against what the MSM says. The idea that talking heads on CNN may be dishonest, consciously or not, is too unbelievable for Joe.
1/10 guests are lefties the rest are nonpolitical or closet conservatives
>Candace Owens
nigger mouthpiece
gay faggot in closet
jew shill
infact all of them are grifters for dumb fucks
Joe is pretty stupid in most ways and is a complete pseud but I watch him anyway since I'm probably about on the same level as him
>judeo-christian values
Joe should just stick to talking about how fucking crazy the animal kingdom is while stoned out of his mind
You'll all eventually grow out of it and look back and cringe on the way you used to be....but for now.
This thread.
Big Yiker.
His show? kinda dull.
Joe is this weird thing where he's too lefty for right wingers and too righty for the left so everyone hates him
i thought the majority of the site was right wing don't know why you'd watch rogan since he doesn't rep your stance
pretty based imo
I didn't know Questlove was a socialist
How did every single dumb fuck end up on /teevee/?
He lets his guests present their views no matter what they are, it's good.
Television and film are mediums for brainlets.
joe is degenerate
If communism actually worked then capitalism would never have defeated it
>Thomas Sowell
HS Dropout
U of Chicago
Author of 30 books
Professor at UCLA, Stanford, Cornell
Awarded the National Humanities Medal
Regularly debates and destroys guests on news shows.
Ad hominem attack