Movies with this feel?
Movies with this feel?
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What the fuck is Ariz and why do they have a body donation cente
>Uh yeah hi I'd like to donate a body
>Yeah I've got a few, just looking to donate them to a good home
>Free dropoff if I bring a needle and some thread? Alright I'll be over in a sec
Daily reminder to take yourself off the organ donation list.
If you have a highly compatible blood type and are healthy, they WILL let you die so some rich jew can take your organs.
Even if they don't let you die, some faggots that chain smoke cigs, abuse drugs, and make $14/hr are going to desecrate your body to sell your tissue to some roastie doing cosmetic surgery or some guy getting a dick implant.
Get off the organ donor list NOW!
Based Dale Gribble
well if your body is normal what are they going to do with it, at best you'll be given to a med student. they really only need material from the exotic cancers ect
I have no idea if this is true, but I don't fucking trust them so I'm not a donor.
house that jack built
>BRC owner Stephen Gore
Can't make this up
>body donation center
>owned by stephen gore
like pottery
It's so scummy, the industry encourages 16 year old kids getting their license to sign up for it, because once you do it automatically renews.
Very very sketchy and immoral.
>body donation facility
It's true user, it's very true. You can find this book's epub on the internet.
Cadavers. Still doesn't make much sense though, kek
Pics of these bodies?
this shit is gruesome and cool. i saw this ep of american greed abt a "body broker" who went to funeral homes, forged donor papers against family wishes, and hacked off all the pieces of the cadaver he could sell to medical supply companies. then he would stuff it w garbage and pvc pipes to make it look normal for viewing. w cremations, he'd cut up and sell almost the whole body and then give the family an urn of leftover ashes and cement mix.
I remember when I worked at a morgue in bumfuck little texas.
It was my 5th job and they didn't ask for much from me.
The guy there asked me, fourth day, if I wanted to see some naked little girls.
I quit after a week. Reported him and moved to a big city.
His name is Steven M. Bearded. Wore glasses, late 20s at the time. This was 2007. I don't know whatever happened of that.
Fucking shithole tiny town.
those people are all going to jail for this misuse of doner bodies
what the absolute fuck were they doing, they don't have souls
Hannibal the show
You did good.
Alien experimentation.
Using us like cattle for their research.
Like legit, I lived in a third world country, use this site to mainly sees porn, so I dont really get it.
What should they be doing with all those bodies normally then? At least with organ donation I know they can use it for transplant or drug test, but what's good with storing human bodyparts? or is it the same building just different function?
it's true, your donated body becomes a tradable commodity
Wow from the headline I thought this was a serial killer thing.
Hopefully this raises awareness about body donation.
human bodies get used in the sciences, whether training medical students, human tissues modelling, testing, etc.
it's all medical sciences focused
>reporting him
You do realize the elites are all pedo-rapists too, right? You probably got that guy a better job.
Usually they get used to be studied for science or given to medical schools for dissection and education.
El infierno
>easily exposed his own shit
>good with the elites
Think once in a while summerfag
Yo dawg what the fuck
who would you even report that to? Do morticians have a trade union?
>police write report
>automatically flagged for review by lackeys of the elites
>they arrange for the charges to not stick and the pedo to be given a low level job as a useful idiot
Conspiracy theory? Yes. Untrue? Maybe not.
this movie was retarded. no way in hell he wouldn't have died of infection
>If you have a highly compatible blood type and are healthy, they WILL let you die
I work in the organ donation field. I hear this all the time. I can assure you that this is ABSOLUTELY the opposite of reality. If doctors don't do everything to save you, your organs wouldn't be any good for transplant. You need a heart beat, good BP, good oxygenation, balanced electrolytes, and an average pH in order for there to be a shot for you to be an organ donor. All of those things are basic medical care that would save your life if it was possible. In order to be an organ donor, your brain has to die (Brain Death), but your body has to be on life support.
I'd gladly give my corpse to help a dicklet beat the system.
Wtf am I doing with it anyway?
>'elites' arent even hiding it anymore, i.e. epst*in
they dont have to hide it when no one is going to do anything about it
ah okay, /reddit/
Often the military uses bodies to test weapons and explosives
reported him for what exactly? do you also report pediatricians for seeing naked kids in the practice of his work?
how do you take yourself off the list
That's not something that happens.
>reported by KOLD
google "military uses cadaverous" they use them to test military equipment and mines.
Never thought Pieces would turn into a true story.
What’s he point of the organ donation list? When I die, I’d rather sell my organs instead of letting stranger niggers have them. Why the fuck would I give about some retards?
>the eternal boomer
You must be a nigger too