Other urls found in this thread:
>if you're black and are in a church, she'll scare the f*ck out of you
the Macaulay Culkin we deserve
>assuming Im going to watch this dumpster fire
uhh wtf bros i hate woman
What if you're an open misogynist?
b-but thou must
D*mn.... Terminator is back bros......
Genuine question here. What motivates these people to make statements like that and not recognize how strange it sounds?
Who is legitimately afraid of characters from a movie other than kids who sneak downstairs while their father's watching a horror movie?
Do these people live in a perpetual state of fear themselves and they just assume that's the normal SOP for everyone else?
good thing I'm an open misogynist then
It's marketing
I don't understand this. Does she use a strap-on and rape the male character?
>if you are a demon, my new sermon will scare the fuck out of you!
Literately this same perspective 200 years ago. Just put money in the plate and I will protect you from nebulous ill-defined evil shit.
They are extremely smart because text like this sells because retards believe its true and get upset about it and talk about it online, giving it more publicity.
Why are they making this movie? Did anyone actually think it was going to make money? Salvation was the last hurrah for the franchise and it proved that it has no steam left, and yet here they are trying for the second time in a row to soft reboot it.
Basically this. It creates headlines and that's all they want.
user they did it with plenty of other franchise and will not stop.
Does the franchise have to lose more money than it's made before they give up on it?
That doesn't actually work though. People will mention Marvel films like Blank Panther/Captain Marvel but that's the biggest franchise on the planet and the films connected to the main plot. This doesn't help regular movies.
How many time are they going to use the exact same headline for their shill articles?
>Captain Marvel will terrify incels!
>Black Panther with horrify racists!
>Last Jedi is scaring the h*ck out of basement dwellers!
It's all so tiring. Gradually I came to hate them.
he cute
It's to whip up idiots who live in a nightmare world where every white male is a secret Yea Forums nazi ready to enslave blacks and gas jews at a moment's notice. This is just part of their weird coded language lifted from sassy black women
>look how pc-friendly this movie is goy! you certainly won't be offended by this one!
Is this when the terminator series truly turns to a c grade straight to video shlock?
Creatively bankrupt narcissist retards trying to market fecal matter with built-in flop excuses.
retards are old news, now its all about niggers and women.
Full context:
>An early “Dark Fate” poster received backlash, calling Davis and her co-stars “feminazis” and other chauvinist hate speech. How do you think she’ll be received in the room at Comic-Con?
>If you’re at all enlightened, she’ll play like gangbusters. If you’re a closet misogynist, she’ll scare the f–k out of you, because she’s tough and strong but very feminine. We did not trade certain gender traits for others; she’s just very strong, and that frightens some dudes. You can see online the responses to some of the early s–t that’s out there, trolls on the internet. I don’t give a f–k.
I don't have a problem with it desu, maybe he over did it but eh. The comments in the trailer were kind of uncalled for in the first place. Literally what's wrong with a female Terminator? It's not Ghostbusters tier where they replace the whole original cast for an all female meme, or Ocean # whatever. Or TLJ that had some of the shittiest female characters of all time.
And they bring back Arnold and even Edward "wife-beater" Furlong
pretty based!
how do you know the movies wouldn't otherwise have done worse? publicity correlates with interest which leads to ticket sales.
yellow journalist
>The comments in the trailer were kind of uncalled for in the first place. Literally what's wrong with a female Terminator?
> hey middle age white men that like this material and are the people who are going to pay to watch this on a movie theater and maybe buy some merchandise: F U C K Y O U.
pathetic. this tim miller guy is a joke, 'im directing a fucking terminator movie'. how many hacks have done that?
and the guy uses the same shitty dolls that turn the actors into playstation 2 dolls. LOL
Ahahhaahhahaha oh my hod
Yes. A feature film with a budget of 100 million is a huge investment that needs a solid return for people to keep reinvesting in film.
The only way to make great high budget art films is for the producer to be wealthy and passionate enough to foot the initial cost while he convinces people to join the project.
nice wojak
but try again with an argument
I know it's more difficult but you can do it
Its the same
There is a war underway, and it's starting with dismantling culture.
>I don't give a fuck
kinda sounds like you do. Also their point hardly stands when the movie is part of a franchise who's main character is one of those "strong but feminine" characters. So there's another reason why people are cold to the new chick terminator other than deflecting blame on sexists
It pays to brainwash and tow the line. It is the supreme dream to start glowing.
>closet misogynists
what about us out in the open misogynists?
we aren't going to see it
Are ""internet trolls"" according to the media basically Yea Forums?
Good point actually, now that you mention it I wasn’t even planning on pirating the inevitable a10 v10 yiffy rip
You’re thinking of the hacker known as Yea Forums
Trolls come from twitter
Why would I be scared of Dolph Lundgren's son? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they say, and Dolph seems like a nice guy.
Why does she look like an even more masculine jamie lee curtis?
Good job, user
Oh no! I'm so scared!
Has this marketing strategy ever actually worked? Every movie they've played up confrontational identity politics with has either flopped or underperformed expectations based on the rest of its series.
nice user i chuckled
Who /scared/ here?
wow. im quaking in my boots
They hate Big or strong men, they can beat them so they have fantasies about beating them. Also if you like Big men for non faggy reasons you just want a father figure; shit stuff from their gay community
Don't f**ck with her, or she'll ask to see your manager.
>if you aren't attracted to her mannish face and body, you're a homophobe
>Literally what's wrong with a female Terminator?
we already had one?
I don't get it.
the terminator looks like the white kid who shot up the black church a few years back
Oh. How high was his score?
Finally a movie about an empowered woman!
If you still watch Hollywood movies you should head butt a hollow point.
kekked and checked
>They are extremely smart because text like this sells because retards believe its true and get upset about it and talk about it online, giving it more publicity.
Did not work for Ghostbusters reboot.
how far can jim fall
They have had success pretending past films don't exist before with WW, CM, BP, etc. Probably they figure they can do it again.
Desperate, but hey, worth a shot. Who remembers T3 anyway other than geeks? Normies don't.
>They have had success pretending past films don't exist before with WW, CM, BP,
In general these people seem to remember a different past and then really get hung over it
the store used to be called “Chuck’s Fuck and Suck”
there was already a female terminator in Terminator 3
this is not new , so why is tim miller acting like he's breaking ground?
>Implying the female terminator is the worst thing about this
Fucking spastic
john conner had his very own female terminator on the show. why is this news?
>Who is legitimately afraid of characters from a movie
>extremely smart
No. They are just smart enough. Extremely smart would be making a great movie that doesn't require this bullshit.
It was never about making a profit. Hollywood has made enough hundreds of billions that they aren't afraid of spending a few billion trying to fundamentally re-shape the culture. They figure they will make it back later when people will literally beat up their neighbors for not wearing the ticket stub of the latest SJW-riddled blockbuster on their sleeve.
That's the idea. To pretend like the problem is sexism rather than it looking like shit.
These people pretend like men don't love superpowered hot chicks...
They weren't androgynous enough for the jews to push their fag shit.
Yeah why does he think we are closeted? Fuck these women who want tobe men, it's as much disgusting as drag queens
It's a weird statement because it's buzzword laden bait designed to set off fanatical ideologues and get them frothing at the mouth in fervent promotion of their movie.
Am I an idiot that just got played if I now kind of want to go see it just to see how bad it is now? I mean if it's an even bigger trainwreck than the last one that's gotta be worth seeing right?
>Do these people live in a perpetual state of fear themselves
The two biggest components of people like this are that they lie about absolutely everything and that they're constantly afraid of getting one of the lies wrong and losing everything as all the other liars come to eat them.
All the way down to the Challenger Deep.
Please don't.
Don't be part of the problem. Vote with your wallet.
Why would I pay money to watch this again?
I want to fuck that tomboy twink bitch.
>extremely smart
slow down buddy
they're just roaches who learned tricks in the roach biz (journalism)
how will i be scared if i don't watch it?
What is your honest opinion about dating an older woman?
Getting tired of clickbait and outrage getting anons to follow this bullshit
Maybe is because the film looks like shit
>will have ___ shaking in their boots
What is this, the 19th century? Who the fuck still talks like that.
The only thing that's shaking is my dick in my pants eager to fuck Mackenzie Davis in her pussy and ass.
When exactly did the msm co-opt the term "trolls" to mean literally anything they don't like?
I'm scared someone might force me to go see it and open my wallet. Help me bros.
She was the villain. Women are easily accepted as enemies
ho lee shit
Based read-between-the-lines user
It's an online outlet, they're trying to do clickbait to get people to look at their ads to make them money.
The studios probably think this stuff just makes the women in the movie sound like badasses when the stereotype is more about how pathetic they come across.
Talking about it doesn't mean shit though.
We are talking about it but how many people ITT do you think will actually pay to see it?
What is he basing that on? Did he make a proper peer reviewed study?
>nightmare world
for you
So this is how they promote movies in 2019? Useless amateurs.
>Bad word-of-mouth = Good publicity
Not how it works.
Bad press hurts a movie. It doesn't help it.
You're clearly desperately trying to spin the situation so that lying retard liberals are somehow the "smart" ones and everyone calling them morons are the REAL retards.
imagine being pathetic enough to think you live in a cyberpunk novel
>publicity correlates with interest which leads to ticket sales.
You are provably wrong.
>>If you’re at all enlightened, she’ll play like gangbusters.
More like Ghostbusters.
Hah! Not one fuckable girl in sight! If an attractive girl came they would probably all gang up to boot her. This is what happens when you aren't married with kids past a certain age.
Curious how the female terminator was hot in T3 but ugly as balls here
all male terminators have been gigachads thus far, it's just garbage
They want to sell this movie to retarded teenage Hispanic girls.
I realise this is a demographic but I didnt realise they like sci fi movies.
I'm predicting a flop.
Why? Girls watch shit like twilight. Men have always made for big audiences for proper action movies. The old terminator movies made a shitload of cash. Why not make movies like that, why try to get a different demographic? It's like trying to sell adult diapers to kids or making Playstations for old women, anyone with half a brain can tell you a terminator movie will only work if it's aimed primarily for young males, t1/t2 had muh strong female character but she complemented the movie, didn't make it unwatchable for men
holy fuck
>Do these people live in a perpetual state of fear themselves and they just assume that's the normal SOP for everyone else?
Yes. It 100% defines the existence of the modern Leftist.
It's literally a statement by the director of an upcoming movie.
honestly i wonder if someone involved in the production has brought this up. it's uncanny
Plus it was Arnold Schwarzenegger that has sold the Terminator franchise, not Linda Hamilton.
>she's very feminine
I still don't get it, the old way of making movies for the right demographics worked well, everyone made shitloads of cash. Why try to reinvent the wheel? It's beyond stupid.
wtf I love antagonistic marketing now?
there is no male character
Who gives a shit?
What, she's going to torture someone and steal their bike for flirting with her like Brae?
I don't get it
its conscious stirring up of controversy for free publicity
cant believe you are this fucking stupid desu, its like standard procedure these days
>Why do people care about something inherently related to film/television media on a board called "Yea Forums - Television & Film"?
>What motivates these people to make statements like that and not recognize how strange it sounds?
Leftism is literally a religion.
Actually it's more like a cult.
because online outrage equals news articles which equals good publicity for the movie
all this is is marketing
Just replace words like "racist", "misogynist" etc. with "sinner", and it all comes together.
The difference is that actual religions have had a measurable positive effect on the world. SJW-Nazism has not.
The journo race gets the rope first.
They are extremely smart because text like this sells because retards like to sound smart by pointing out it is clickbait and get upset about it and talk about it online, giving it more publicity.
To "misogynists" rage and to get #woke people to scream slay kween so they click on their site. It makes them money through ad revenue. It works.
OP is doing their job for them (FOR FREE). Or maybe OP is working for them? Who knows?
I'll make sure to wear my shitting pants when I'm not going to the movie to watch this
>she'll scare the f*ck out of you
I see all these vids of people randomly punching someone and I just don't understand what the fuck are they thinking at that moment
Especially when they hit someone who is clearly stronger than them
>scaring your customers away
Pretty fucking scared right now guys holy shit
It's always women doing this because they live in a bubble
or it's niggers or someone else because they just don't care
>Good publicity
Like Ghostbusters?
Funny thing is, we already had a female terminator (two if you count sarah connor chronicles), we all liked that.
So why are they trying to say we have a problem with it now? I am sick and tired of using this blame game as easy PR. Don't make me feel ashamed all of a sudden for liking the terminator movies.
>I just don't understand what the fuck are they thinking at that moment
>Especially when they hit someone who is clearly stronger than them
They're thinking "it's impossible that I will face retaliation for my actions, because I am a woman/non-white/gay/whatever".
Leftist Identitarians are literally raised and educated believing that their identity-status makes them above consequence for their actions, and that they can literally get away with anything.
>calls out misogynists
>everyone takes it personal
really makes you think
Are these posts written by AI? They always use the exact same syntax. Quote of person, followed by the text telling you what to think (on why) with an @tag followed by an insult that sounds like a boomer would make it. Its also build and worded to sound like something you just "want" to know, ensuring people will click it because humans are primed to react to questions immediately.
Or Ocean's 8
Any man with an atom of dignity is a misogynist..
>Are these posts written by AI?
No. But could be in some cases.
>They always use the exact same syntax.
Because of SEO. If a specific list of words or combination brings in more clicks than the other, you can guess which one they choose.
They do it for marketing. Making an all female thing? Just say it'll piss off misogynist men and then when they start saying shit, then you say this movie is under attack by misogynists.
My question is: Since when was Terminator an all male movie series that warranted and all female movie? This is pushing an issue that never existed in this series.
They do it because it feigns an attitude of confidence and implies that they are in some kind of position of power.
Labeling any and all backlash/disagreement as "fear" implies that you're not only morally right but also the one actually calling the shots. It's an argument tactic deliberately designed to frame a narrative in a particular way.
What kind of name is Bartz Yahoo
Ma Man
>Are these posts written by AI?
They get called "NPC's" for a reason.
They literally think like machines instead of people, and that trait comes through even in their writing.
Congratulations, women. Now you too can work together and make a shitty movie like men have always done. Equality has finally come.
Lessons from the 90's Episode 1:
Quality post
It's one of those heat of the moment emotional thinking type of things. Hell, I did that shit in elementary school once when I got angry enough and got my shit pushed in and learned a valuable lesson.
All women are whores
Whoa there bud, your movies are for all people. Their movies are for them.
It worked for Captain Marvel
Deliberate marketing ploy based on everyone saying their promo poster looked like absolute dogshit. When your franchise starts of with an iconic poster like the first terminator movie, something that looks like a promo shot for a new low buget syfy show dosent cut it
Plus when the movie inevitably bombs they can blame the scary misogynists
Being an MCU movie right before Endgame worked for Captain Marvel.
>Plus when the movie inevitably bombs they can blame the scary Russian Hackers
Fixed that for you.
Right, because that’s who they blamed with Ghostbusters.
The future is female, have sex incels