>im the getaway driver for a crew of bank robbers
>when they go in i listen to my eye pod
>i swish my windshield wipers to the beat
>the crew leaves the bank and gets in the car
>cops everywhere
>they think im going forward
>but i go in reverse
Times you were drive
Other urls found in this thread:
>liked a girl
>did nothing about it
>got in a car
>2am Saturday Morning
>Drive Drunk as shit to Taco Bell
>Leaving with my $5 Dollar Chalupa Box & Baja Blast no Ice
>See Cop across street
>We both turn East
>Speed Up and Change 3 Lanes and get In Front of Him
>Use Blinkers every lane I change
>Come to Red Light With Him Behind Me
>All my shit is working and valid
>Tighten both hands on steering wheel
>Eyes in rear view mirror looking at danger
>Waiting for it to happen
>He pulls away into different lane
>Floor it when light turns green and drift through turn
>Feel like Driver eternally and forever
Reposting from an old /fa/ thread
>Two weeks ago, driving home from work at 11:00 PM
>Stopped at light at dead intersection
>Look out passenger side window towards shitty dive bar
>Notice guy being a little too hands on with a girl
>My time to shine, spit my toothpick out the window that's partially rolled down (so homeless people don't touch the selvedge)
>Fresh toothpick in
>Light still red so I pull a quick right into the parking lot of the bar (wasn't in the turn lane but whatever, if a cop saw I could easily lose him under an underpass)
>Stop right in front of the guy and girl so my headlights illuminate them
>Deep breath (almost swallow toothpick)
>Hop out
>"H-hey man, just leave h-her alone"
>"What did you just say to me you fucking faggot"
>Think to how cool and collected the Driver is, gain my composure
>"I said leave her alone"
>She gives me a look, conveying multiple emotions, sadness, pain, reluctance, hope, thankfulness, despair
>The guy walks up to me (bigger than I thought once he was close up)
>"Say that shit to my face faggot"
>"Leave her alo-"
>Wake up in the hospital six hours later
>Nurse says I was assaulted, nose broken in two places and a puncture in my larynx (toothpick)
>Get discharged and walk out the front door as the sun rises
>Sling my jacket over my shoulder and smirk to myself, knowing that's what the Driver would have done
>Get in my 2004 Miata and go home
this hits a little too hard
>like girl
>try to do something about it
>it starts out good but doesn't work out
Real human bean
>liked a girl
>she's 12 years younger than me and has a boyfriend
>made moves and she avoids me like the plague now
how old are you
>neighbor car broke down
>I offer to driver her to work and her son to school
>they always arrive late because I fuck around in a ditch trying tricks
>Love a girl
>She moves away in 10 days
Well it was fun while it lasted bois....I want to die.
How much do you think it would cost to buy and build Driver's car, /o/?
Faggot nigger
>follow my crush home everyday after school
>always pass her car at the same stretch of road
>one day she notices me and tries to wave at me
>roll my windows up and blow a stop sign
>never go home that way again
posting personal favorite
Can you stick this on imgur? I’m on holiday and can’t view images
Thanks for the effort but it’s compressed to fuck
Do you have yellow fever?
jesus christ. I'm crying.