Imagine wasting 20 or more years to raise a kid, so he can turn out to be like this
Imagine wasting 20 or more years to raise a kid, so he can turn out to be like this
Is he really only 20?
Turn out like what? A faggot who makes shitty threads on 4channel? Yeah, that must feel awful.
This nigga eatin beans
t. your parents
Someone who takes the time to save images from blacked and edit them into stranger’s instagram pictures?
I'm sure your parents know that feeling, OP.
>Imagine wasting 20 or more years to raise a kid, so he can turn out to be like this
Adult comic book nerds are pathetic, barely a step above incels on the cringe-o-meter. I fuckin hate that the mass appeal of recent capeshit has caused them to come crawling out of the woodwork.
Weebs may be pretty cringe in their larval form, but most adult weebs are pretty based and some like melonpan even transcend cringe.
Many important people in the film industry are closeted weebs and you can tell that they have immense admiration and respect for both Japanese filmmakers and the weeb audience. Contrast with capeshit, where you just know that all the people involved absolutely despise the source material and their audience.
Trips absolutely wasted.
He's right you know.
Such people weren't raised at all.
Based post.
Good point.
I didn't ask for my stunted skinnyfat framecel manlet body with a recessed chin and bug eyes, nor for my autism and inability to connect with my peers, leading to constant bullying. Marvel, comics, Rick and Morty, those are my only copes in this hard world. I was never going to turn out any different.
My friend has basically become this person and its sad to see. He even asked me to 3d print him that stupid gauntlet.
>Imagine wasting 20 or more years to raise a kid
whites are not having kids, not anymore. so that's noit a problem
T. Seething weeb
Why do bugmen and femishits pretend they love science yet never earn any STEM degrees?
They don’t love science they love hyper progressivisim, and science is just their roundabout way of saying fuck religion which is generally the traditional, conservative worldview
you said it yourself, they "pretend" to like science. I think this became a thing because science was seen as the opposite of religion. They hate science when brought up during racial/sexual topics.
I know plenty of people that you would consider to be those things that studied STEM.
50 bucks says he was either raised by a single mother, or was a latchkey kid who was basically raised by his TV.