gentlemen, we still have unfinished business to attend to.
previous threads
pt 1
pt 1
>Show name: Revelations
>Cover image: pic related
>episode 1: i dont get it
>episode 2: The Prodigal seed
>episode 3: Sneeders
>episode 4: why are asians so disgusting?
>episode 5: BASEED
>episode 6: Cunny
>episode 7: feed me seed me
>episode 8: Burger King Foot Lettuce
>episode 9: The Hells Angels? Mmmm, Don't Wanna Mess with THem
>episode 10: beachu episodo
>episode 11: Traps Aren't Gay (I Wanna BE the qt gf)
>episode 12: Last Feed
>Actor 1: Michael Richards
>Actor 2: Moe Syzslack
>Actress 3: Lashana Lynch
>Actor 4: Al Capone's mangled corpse
>Actor 5: All of the niggers
It will air on ESPN 8: The Ocho the day that Moe becomes the most reposted image on Yea Forums
Directed by the Russo Brothers
Produced by Adolf Hitler's brain in a robot gorilla
Written by:
Theme song is
next dubs determines who writes this kino