ITT: Rutger Hauer's greatest roles
ITT: Rutger Hauer's greatest roles
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Mercenary kino
Escape from Sobibor
For me flesh+blood is his greatest role followed by pic related
Is this Flesh + Blood? I planned on watching it soon anyway to fill out my Verhoven.
Rutger in Soldier of Orange
I liked how he was in Batman Begins
the movie has its high points.
He is the best. Blade Runner and Flesh and Blood are kino.
perky ones
He was superb in that film.
Blade Runner is pretty cool.
Lexx: Eating Pattern
Omega Doom
Hobo with a Shotgun
Salute of the Jugger is amazing.
He was in the most kino capeshit, that's rad.
That was a fun flick.
I loved that movie when I was a kid. Another one from when I was a kid is him playing as King Vortigern in the made-for-TV movie, "Merlin," starring Sam Neill, Isabella Rossellini, Martin Short, Helena Bonham Carter, Miranda Richardson, James Earl Jones, and Lena Headey
Can't believe no one has mentioned this.
>Book of Eli
Did he ever have a dutch-speaking role? As a dutchfag I've only seen him in american/english movies
Soldier of Orange and Turks Delight
stop being contrarian. you all know Roy Batty is his actual best role.
best inter-species romance on screen
Definitely one of his best.
It's greatest roles plural not greatest role.
Wouldn't that only be the case if he said "one of his greatest roles" and not just "greatest role?"
This movie is still great.
>ITT: Rutger Hauer's greatest roles
And he said that it was his singular greatest role. This thread is dedicated to his great performances, but his statement only refers to a single role.
Where itt did anyone say greatest role singular?
He did
Based, the fact I can barely remember this makes it even better, they all had parasites in their brain right? And pattern was just turning people into onions green and eating them so they could all feed the main parasite?
One of his creepiest roles.
jfc this movie is just Berserk yet nobody ever mentions it
It isn't Berserk. It's some of the inspiration for Berserk. There are no demons.
> yet nobody ever mentions it
How do you know about it then? You clearly read it somewhere.
I know about because I'm watching it now, obviously
I figured Nolan got him in the film because he's an absolute fan of Blade Runner
I can't believe no one has posted Nighthawks yet
the original cut of this needs to come out
>I knew it would be you
Absolute, unequivocal, positively kino flicola.
Blanca Marsillach in this movie was obviously a big Casca inspiration as well
Not Yea Forums but Observer was pretty great
Just watched this.
Absolutely kino.
Nobody liked split second huh?
My first girl.
I really have to re-watch this. It has been ages I've seen it.
Based choice
ladyhawke is forgotten kino
Great fucking movie. Especially when CTH wakes up in the cell and all the cops are dead. Just a k9 lapping up a puddle of blood
Gonna watch Hobo with a Shotgun tomorrow
Is it good?
It is fun for what it is. Hauer really makes it.
Vamp Hauer with a creepy stache
This was a good one. Used to play on HBO late nights back in late 80's early 90's
Forgot pic
Surviving the Game