Is Bette Midler’s career finished?
Is Bette Midler’s career finished?
>Acknowledging that blacks only vote for whoever gives them free shit
Her career was over 20 years ago. Kvetching about Drumpf is all she has left.
whatever he paid, it was worth it
worked like a charm
Why does she assume that they're African American? Maybe they're just Africans. What a racist cunt.
Don't the half filled school gymnasiums that the Democrats hold their rallies in have any black people?
I love how it is becoming more and more obvious that the democrats are the actual racists in America
Oy gevalt!
Bette finna needa chill fore some niggaz catch wise of what she's sayin and take down her white ass
>women are the niggers of the world
so niggers aren't "of the world"?
>Is Bette Midler’s career finished?
yeah about 20 years ago
>this is said by a rich actress in a first-world country
Dumb cunt.
It's a reference to the John Lennon song you fucking retard.
Literally who?
who tf is John LennoN?
>enduring the pain and danger of childbirth and life(?) IN SILENCE
Macaroni midler
Reminds me of pic related lmao piss off Amber Heard you bed shitter
The main witch if hocus pocus
I hate white people so much
So niggers aren’t of “the world”?
what the fuck is a john lenin